Chapter 322

"Okay, Captain!" Zang Chong said, turning around to remove boxes of bullets from the military vehicle, and soon a hill was built up on the ground.

"Wow, the instructor really wants to kill us, so many bullets, all of them must be destroyed after hitting the shoulders!"

"That's right, these bullets are thicker than thumbs. Most people have no training, and they can even open their shoulder blades with one shot!"

"Be quiet. If the instructor hears you, we may have to punish us again. I don't want to spend a night on the shooting range!"

After all the ammunition was put into the shooting slots, Qin Yuan said loudly: "All of them, this afternoon, your task is to fire all these bullets, when will you be fired, and when will you be allowed to rest, start now !"


Lei Zhan and the others let out a roar and ran directly to their position. After loading the bullets, they pulled the trigger one after another, and the dull gunshots instantly reverberated on the shooting range.

"As special forces, your marksmanship must reach the top level. On the battlefield, what you rely on most is the gun in your hand, including sniper rifles. Even if you are not a sniper, you must kill the mission at a critical moment. Target."

"And the training of marksmanship, there is no shortcut to take, you can only use bullets to feed, fill, and form muscle memory, so that the enemy can be killed in the shortest time."

Qin Yuan's roar resounded on the shooting range, and even though there were dull gunshots all around, it clearly entered everyone's ears.

After more than two hours, the sound of the gunshots apparently faded away, and everyone felt a tingling pain in their shoulders. Every time the trigger was pulled, it felt as if a hammer fell mercilessly.

"How come I didn't feel it before, how painful it is to have enough ammunition, we have been playing for so long, and there are still more than half of the bullets left!"

"Yes, in the past, there were simply not enough bullets for this kind of high-precision sniper, and I was scrambling to shoot a few more shots. Now it's better. I frowned when I saw these things!"

"I feel like I can't lift my shoulders at all now. I have to use my left hand to eat this afternoon!"

"Are you still thinking about eating now? I think we have to stay up until late at night to get rid of all these bullets. At that time, the cafeteria probably won't even be able to find the iced buns!"

"Probably not. The instructors aren't so ruthless that they don't even prepare dinner for us, right?"

"Hey, the instructor's task for us is to finish these bullets in one afternoon. If it is delayed until the evening, it means that the task has not been completed, and we will definitely not leave food for us!"

"Don't talk nonsense, get rid of these bullets quickly, the instructor didn't give us a rule that we must hit the target, it's already very kind, we can't take an inch any longer!"

Lei Zhan said in a deep voice, the sweat on his body dripped onto his shoulders, making him feel as if he had been cut by a knife, and it was extremely painful.


The sky was getting dark, and there was no lighting on the shooting range. Dozens of gun muzzles kept flashing firelight, coming from a distance, like stars in the sky.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, left a sentence and left, "Before eight o'clock, as long as one person didn't finish the bullet, all of them would not have dinner."


Lei Zhan and the others looked at Qin Yuan and Zang Chong and the others eagerly as they walked towards the cafeteria.

"I heard that today's dinner is Kung Pao chicken and beef noodles. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water."

"Didn't you listen to the instructor, we have to shoot all the bullets before 8 o'clock before we can go to dinner. There are so many left now, and it is estimated that we will starve again today!"

"Hey, now I feel like my shoulders are about to fall apart. If this continues, I don't think it will be better tomorrow."

"Don't worry, it's not that we haven't had similar training before, but it's made it more difficult. Since the instructor uses it, he must have considered our extreme endurance and will not leave any sequelae."

"No, the instructor has already left anyway, why are we still so serious, hurry up and go to dinner, it'll be gone if it's late!" Ostrich said in a low voice, as if he was afraid of being heard by Qin Yuan who had already left.

"Hehe, if you do this, without the instructor's action, the captain will drive you away and go back to your Lu Hang." The sanitation staff mocked in a low voice.

Ostrich's heart tightened, and he looked to the left subconsciously, only to see Geng Jihui staring at him with a smile that was not a smile.

"Hey, captain, don't be nervous, I'm just talking for fun, this task is nothing at all!"

"Humph!" Geng Jihui snorted coldly, stopped looking at the ostrich, turned his head and continued to destroy the bullets beside him.

At 7:30 p.m., the sound of gunfire at the shooting range gradually faded away. In the end, everyone finished shooting naturally within the specified time. After packing up the high-precision snipers, they walked towards the cafeteria with each other's arms.

"Ouch, be careful, Chenguang, don't touch my right shoulder!" Wang Yanbing's face was full of pain, and he gritted his teeth and said to He Chenguang beside him.

"Hehe, this is your attitude of asking for help? Believe it or not, I don't care about you!" He Chenguang raised his brows and gestured to draw out his left hand. As the first sniper of the red blood cell special team, he had done a lot of sniper training, so he was able to bear it. Stronger than most people.

"I was wrong Brother Chen!" Wang Yanbing said without hesitation, without any embarrassment on his face.

"Yanbing, where's your backbone? Where's your arrogance?" Li Erniu was full of disgust.

"Hehe, can this thing be eaten as a meal?"

"You cow, you are amazing!"

"No no no, you are the cow, or two cows, hahaha!"

"Okay, you two, don't you feel tired? Do you want to go to the shooting range to shoot a thousand rounds?" Chen Shanming said helplessly.

"No, no, Captain, let's go to the cafeteria quickly, all the food was robbed!" After Li Erniu finished speaking, he trotted towards the cafeteria.


Four in the morning, outside the dormitory building.

Qin Yuan and Zang Chong stood downstairs with the four of them, with a few tearjerkers Lei at their feet.

"Company commander, is this useful? These guys are all like monkeys, and they have suffered from this thing before. Shouldn't they be fooled again?" Fang Tian asked with some doubts.

"Hey, handsome guy, don't you understand? It's been a few days since the last raid, and they must have relaxed in their hearts. Now that they are shooting, they must be unprepared!" Su Xiaoyu looked determined.

"What are you doing with so much talk, don't care if they are prepared or not, just go straight up!" Zang Chong roared in a low voice, and then looked directly at Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan nodded, and the four immediately bent down and picked up the gas hand Lei from the box, looked at each other and threw them into the dormitory window at the same time.

There were several explosions of "bang bang", and thick and pungent smoke spurted out instantly, completely shrouding all the dormitories.

"Cough, what's the matter, where is so much smoke?"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, hurry up, ahem, hurry up!"

"What kind of enemy attack must have been done by the **** of the instructor. We are not tired of tossing around all day!"

"Don't be in a hurry to leave, internal affairs, organize internal affairs, the instructor only punished us yesterday, why don't you have a long memory!"

"No, these tear jerkers, Lei, are so choking on their noses, I don't want to stay for a moment, and I have to organize some internal affairs. Now it is to test our emergency response, not to inspect internal affairs."

"Hehe, do you want to tell the instructor this? Will he listen? Hurry up, organize your own internal affairs, and gather downstairs in two minutes!"

Two minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the five special teams standing in front of him, and put his watch in front of everyone and swiped it.

"For five full minutes, this time you performed very poorly, almost wiped out the entire army, and wasted too much time on unimportant matters. If this was on the battlefield, you would not know how many times you would have died! "

"In view of your performance this time, I decided to punish you, all of you, target equipment library, run forward!"


Seeing that the figures of everyone were gradually disappearing, Qin Yuan asked Fang Tian who was behind him, "Is everything ready?"

"Don't worry, company commander, yesterday afternoon, we went to several training bases, which is enough to make up enough. This time we will definitely give them an unforgettable training!" Fang Tian's mouth couldn't help evoking an inexplicable smile.

"Okay, let's hurry over there too!"

Outside the equipment warehouse, Lei Zhan and the others looked at the **** tires over one meter high in front of them, and shivered fiercely.

"This... Where did these things come from? I don't seem to have seen them before?"

"These tires must each weigh 70 kilograms. How do I feel that this time, we are going to be killed?"

"The instructor won't let us play these things in the middle of the night!"

"Obviously, you all guessed right, otherwise the instructor will be full, and you have nothing to do with so many big tires!"

In the distance, Qin Yuan strode over and said with a smile: "It seems that you all know the training mission this time, so what are you still doing!"

"Fang Tian, ​​drive ahead to show them the way!"

"Yes!" Fang Tian answered loudly, turning around and walking towards the military vehicle behind him.

"Instructor, can we push the tires?" Harley asked cautiously.

"Hehe, what do you say?"

"Why do you say these are useless, Thunder Commando, act now and follow Instructor Fang Tian in front!" After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he walked directly to a big tire, smashed it on the ground, then pushed it up and smashed it down. Just go forward so fast.

Yan Wang and the others didn't hesitate, they all found a tire and followed behind Lei Zhan.

Seeing that the Thunder Commando had already acted, the other special teams also set off immediately and pushed the tires towards the direction of the military vehicle.

"Company commander, these tires are so heavy, can they really last 20 kilometers?" Su Xiaoyu asked with some doubts.

"Don't worry, which of these people are not veteran special forces. They have gone through countless trainings, and they must have adapted to it. Even if they really can't persist, they will not cause any damage to the body." Zang Chong's face was full of indifference.

"Yes, you should worry about yourself first. Last time you attacked Lei Zhan so ruthlessly, and there will be a confrontation in the future. Be careful that he will come back for revenge!"

"Haha, I'm still afraid of him being a Thunder War? Even if there are ten or eight, I, Su Xiaoyu, won't scare him!" Su Xiaoyu stalked his neck.

"Okay, when their training is over, I will arrange a confrontation between you and Lei Zhan. Then we will see, who is the best between the two of you!" Qin Yuan also said with a smile, and before Su Xiaoyu could speak, he patted Zang. Rush shoulders, motioning him to follow.

With a bang, the car sped forward.

An hour later, Ostrich looked at the military vehicle that was ignoring them and was getting further and further away, and wiped the sweat from his face, "Did the instructor do it on purpose? Driving in such a hurry, I don't know how to step on the brakes!"

"Hehe, if you can't hold on any longer, hurry up and withdraw to Instructor Qin Yuan, so as not to implicate us in the future and have to be punished along with you!" The hygienist said with a look of disgust.

"Hey, dead hygienist, don't think I didn't see it, you are not feeling well now, what a big tail wolf!"

"If the two of you are not too tired, continue arguing. The instructor didn't say where the end point is. Maybe there is still a long way to go. If you can't hold on by then, leave as soon as possible."

"Who can't hold on anymore, why don't you just use a tire? If it wasn't because I was too tired yesterday afternoon, I would carry it on my shoulders without blinking!"

Geng Jihui shook his head and ignored him. He gritted his teeth and pushed the tire in his hand, chasing in the direction the military vehicle was leaving.

Qin Yuan stood on the military vehicle and watched this scene with a faint smile on his face.

It has been more than ten kilometers away from the training base. Everyone is almost exhausted, but they still do not flinch. They grit their teeth and continue to push the tires, leaving a clear sweat trail behind them.

"Fang Tian, ​​tell Zhang Shuai to slow down, otherwise these people won't be able to hold on!" Qin Yuan turned to the other side and said.


Without any hesitation, Fang Tian pressed the headset to contact Zhang Shuai.

Half an hour later, the military vehicle stopped at the foot of the mountain. Lei Zhan and the others suddenly sighed in relief. They used their last strength to put down the tires in their hands, and then fell to the ground, panting violently, not wanting to. No more movement.

"It's finally I don't want to see tires anymore. Whoever tires with me in the future will be my enemy!"

"I feel that my body has been abolished, and my whole body is like falling apart, without any strength."

"I don't know how the instructor came up with it, but torturing us like this, all the special warfare training we did before was not so hard!"

"In the final analysis, we are not good enough, otherwise the instructors will not train us like this!"

"Hey, I used to think that Ye Mo, the first soldier of the Tianfu Military Region, was already powerful enough. I didn't expect to find out after climbing this high mountain that in front of the instructor, he was just a mountain bag, not worth mentioning at all!"

"Hurry up and rest, we only have ten minutes to rest. When the instructor comes up, we will start the next round of training!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the special forces were full of wry smiles.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan walked up slowly and his eyes fell on the mountain in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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