Chapter 323 The Curious Tang Xinyi

"All rise!"

After a few swoops, even though they were still very tired, the special forces still got up from the ground at the fastest speed, staring at Qin Yuan with bright eyes.

"Seeing that there is no mountain bag in front of you, it is only more than 3,000 meters high. Your next task is to push the tire to the top of the mountain, then push it down again, and repeat until 12 noon!"

"What, you call this a mountain bag? Which mountain bag has more than three thousand meters? Isn't this a joke!" The special forces kept scolding in their hearts, but they dared not reveal it, for fear that the **** instructor would punish them again.

"What are you still doing, hurry up, if you feel that you can't hold on, bring it up as soon as possible!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.


Lei Zhan and the others responded loudly, gritted their teeth and braced the tires around them, and used all their strength to push it towards the top of the mountain.

The ostrich pushed the tire hard with his shoulders, and said very fortunately: "Fortunately, the instructor let us use the push, not as hard as when we came, otherwise I really can't hold on to my bones!"

"Please, Mr. Ostrich, use your shallow brain to think about it, we are climbing the mountain now, and the effort is not small at all, let alone the time to go down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, the instructor will not punish us to death!"

"Stay away from me, do you need to remind me, dead hygienist!" Ostrich's face was full of resentment.

At this moment, the old gun next to him suddenly screamed, and his body stumbled directly to the ground. The tire in his hand was like a wild horse, rolling down the mountain frantically.

"Fuck, the people below be careful, don't get hit, this thing is not light!"

As soon as the hygienist gritted his teeth, he first put down the tire in his hand, and then took advantage of the rolled tire to come to his side and rushed towards it.

The ostrich behind him hardly hesitated, but collided directly with the hygienist, screaming in pain.

"Hygienist, how did your head grow? It's so hard that you almost fainted."

Hearing the movement in front, Qin Yuan frowned, strode over, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

Lao Pao hurriedly got up from the ground, lowered his head and said, "Report to the instructor, I accidentally tripped over the straw rope. The two of them did this to help me!"

"Hmph, the three of you, do five hundred push-ups on the spot, hurry up and catch up when you're done!"


Lao Pao, the hygienist, and the ostrich did not dare to have any opinion, they just lay down on the ground and did push-ups.

Qin Yuan glanced at them and continued to walk forward until the figure disappeared, and Lao Pao said apologetically, "I'm sorry, it's all me who has troubled you all."

"What are you talking about, paratroopers are born to be surrounded!" The ostrich's voice squeezed out of his teeth, doing push-ups with great difficulty.

"Stop talking, hurry up and do push-ups, there are 500, and you have to catch up with them, otherwise the instructor will definitely continue to punish us!"

An hour later, Lei Zhan and the others stood on the top of the peak panting, their clothes were already soaked in sweat, their whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and their physical strength was almost exhausted.

Two hundred meters below, the ostrich, the hygienist, and the old gun gritted their teeth and pushed the tires in their hands.

A few minutes later, the hygienist was the first to push the tire to the top of the mountain. He subconsciously wanted to turn around to help the ostrich, but he seemed to have thought of something. He stopped his movements with a wry smile, and then lay down on the damp ground, gasping for breath. gas.

Five minutes later, Qin Yuan glanced at his watch and said with a smile, "Give you half an hour to push the tire down the mountain. If anyone loses his hand in the middle, everyone will be punished!"

"My God, I only rested for two minutes, why should I start training again!" The ostrich smiled wryly, the soil under him was already soaked with thick sweat.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, if you want to improve your strength, you have to suffer what others dare not, otherwise why are you better than others!" After Geng Jihui finished speaking, he pushed the tire in his hand and ran down the mountain.

Qin Yuan looked at the backs of the special forces, and when he was about to follow, a voice suddenly came from the communicator in his hand.

Chao Zang gave the four of them a wink, Qin Yuan turned on the special communicator for the military region with some solemnity, and Su Guoqiang's voice came out immediately.

"Xiao Qin, there is an urgent task, please come to the military region office immediately!"


Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan strode towards the foot of the mountain. It took less than five minutes to get back to the foot of the mountain. Then, he started the car and walked towards the office of the military region at a rapid pace.

More than half an hour later, Qin Yuan got off the car and went directly to Su Guoqiang's office, but he didn't see the other party. There was only a beautiful woman sitting inside, wearing a military uniform, looking extremely sassy.

Qin Yuan looked at the woman on the sofa and felt a little familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Hello, you are Comrade Qin Yuan, right? My name is Tang Xinyi, director of the game office of the military region." The woman quickly found Qin Yuan, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes, she stood up and extended her hand generously.

Qin Yuan reached out and shook her politely, and asked with some doubts, "Director Tang Xinyi, I remember we haven't met before, how did you know me?"

He was indeed a little curious, because in his memory, he did not have any interaction with Tang Xinyi.

"Haha, don't say your name is me. If you find anyone in the military special operations brigade, you must have heard of you." Tang Xinyi smiled brightly, her eyes full of brilliance.

Qin Yuan nodded, and asked with some doubts, "Director Tang, where is Director Su?"

Tang Xinyi's face straightened, she pursed her lips and said, "Comrade Qin Yuan, did you receive an order from the officer that you have an urgent mission!"

"That's right!"

"Well, sir, he went to a meeting for the purpose of this matter. According to the exact information we have, there is a freighter heading towards the Dragon Country in the southern waters at this time, with no less than 20 new types of poison gas bombs reprinted on it. No one can bear the consequences of a leak in the offshore waters."

"Because this new type of poisonous gas is highly toxic and diffusive, and it was found too close to the Dragon Country waters, once it is destroyed remotely, the leaked poisonous gas will also endanger the coastline, so the military region decided to send a special team to infiltrate the freighter. Let's get rid of the gangsters on the freighter while keeping the gas bomb intact."

Qin Yuan did not wrinkle slightly after listening to this, but he heard Tang Xinyi continue: "For this mission, I will enter the freighter as an undercover agent in advance, and then try to find out the exact location of the poison gas bomb, and then you can follow my intelligence. , to formulate a combat plan.”

Hearing this, Qin Yuan's heart was shocked, and the TV series immediately rang out. It was during this mission that Tang Xinyi became a vegetable because of inhaling a small amount of poisonous gas.

However, in the TV series, it was the Red Blood Cell Special Forces who completed this mission, and He Chenguang and Tang Xinyi were still lovers.

But now the Red Blood Cell Special Forces and He Chenguang are still carrying tires, obviously unable to participate in this mission, and hesitant to appear, Tang Xinyi has not served as a special forces instructor, that is to say, the two do not know each other at all, naturally There is no couple relationship.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan asked tentatively, "Director Tang, do you know someone named He Chenguang?"

"He Chenguang?" Tang Xinyi thought for a long time, and then she was a little uncertain: "It seems to be a member of the red blood cell special team? I remember seeing it in the documentation, but I can't remember it, what's wrong? He has something to do with this mission. related?"

"No, no, I'll just ask." Qin Yuan waved his hand with a smile on his face. In this world, Tang Xinyi is just the director of the game office of the military region.

Tang Xinyi looked at the rumored man in the military region with some curiosity, but felt that he was more real than what was described in the document, and her eyes suddenly became a little bit stunned.

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly opened, and Tang Xinyi was so frightened that she suddenly came back to her senses.

"Sir!" Qin Yuan saluted the visitor with a solemn expression on his face.

"Little Qin, you're here!" Su Guoqiang stretched out his hand and patted Qin Yuan's shoulder in fear, his face lost the ease and indifference he used to have. Obviously, this sudden situation made him a little anxious.

"The specific situation, Xiao Tang should have already told you, if you still have any questions, even if you ask them, I will make it clear to you!"

Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "Sir, I have a clear understanding of the situation, and I can start action immediately."

"Okay, this time the battle will be under your command throughout the entire process. When Xiao Tang enters the enemy freighter, he will carefully pass on the situation inside to you."

"I only have one request, that is, do not let the gas bomb explode. This new type of gas bomb can destroy a big city with just one. You must be careful!" Su Guoqiang's face was full of solemnity.


Qin Yuan said in a deep voice.


An hour later, somewhere on the high seas in the southern waters, several helicopters hovered over the sea, causing a circle of ripples.

Qin Yuan stood in the cabin, with the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando standing behind him, and the other helicopters were all from the Sharp Sword Recruit Company, led by Hao Lian Yaoyao, Han Xiang and others, ready to attack at any time.

"Sir, you can let Tang Xinyi evacuate. She has already passed on the news, and the rest will be left to me!"

"Okay!" Even though this task was very arduous, Su Guoqiang did not hesitate, and proceeded according to Qin Yuan's plan, obviously trusting him very much.

"Instructor, if we let the insiders evacuate now, will we startle the snake and let the owl detonate the gas bomb ahead of time?" Tan Xiaolin asked worriedly. The owl was the boss of the militants on the freighter.

"Don't worry, he has no chance to do it!" Qin Yuan chuckled, as if he had grasped all the situation.

Ye Cunxin, Tian Guo and the girls looked at Qin Yuan and felt inexplicably reassured, as if as long as the instructor was there, all the tasks would not be worth mentioning.

"You guys stand by here first and wait for my signal to act!" Qin Yuan said in a deep voice while pressing the headset.

"Yes!" Tan Xiaolin, Han Xiang and others nodded.

Qin Yuan didn't waste any more time, put the headset into the waterproof bag, stuffed it into his pocket, jumped down from the helicopter, and plunged straight into the turbulent sea water.

Relying on peak-level swimming skills, Qin Yuan only took ten minutes to swim ten nautical miles. A huge shadow appeared on the sea in front of him. It was obviously the freighter loaded with poison gas bombs.

After getting out of the sea, Qin Yuan activated his peak-level concealment skills and quietly touched the deck without disturbing anyone. Even if armed men walked past him, he did not take action, because this time, his mission was to To ensure that the gas bomb is not detonated, these gangsters will be handed over to the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando as a test.

With the perfect radar skills, Qin Yuan quickly simulated several floor plans in his mind, which were the topographic maps of several layers of this freighter.

And the world-class danger sensor makes these several floor plans flashing dangerous signals up the mountain. The vast majority of them are only ordinary dangers. The most dangerous of them is in the lowest compartment of the deck, where the poisonous gas is located. bomb position.

Through a keen sense, Qin Yuan easily avoided all the militants and came to the bottom deck compartment, where several guards with guns were standing.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan directly released a few god-level intelligent poisonous bees, approached them silently, and then used the poisonous stinger to easily kill a few people without making any abnormal noise.

Before coming to the compartment, after breaking the iron lock with brute force, Qin Yuan saw at a glance a dozen gas bombs connected in series, with detonating devices linked to them.

Putting the rifle aside, Qin Yuan quickly found out the structure of the gas explosion device through the scanning device carried by the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, and then through the peak-level bomb disposal skills, the danger was easily relieved.

"Report, the danger has been eliminated, and now we can dispatch the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando to act, and then send a few comrades from the explosion-proof force to the bottom compartment of the freighter to keep the gas bombs properly. ."

"Haha, okay, Xiao Qin, this time you have done a great job again. I will tell them to act immediately. You must take a good look at the poison gas bombs, and you can't let them fall into the hands of the enemy!" Su Guoqiang's somewhat excited voice said When he came out, he seemed to let go of the burden in his heart.


Qin Yuan answered in a deep voice, then hung up the communication, leaned on the threshold with an assault rifle, and used radar and a god-level intelligent poisonous bee to guard against all enemies who might rush in.

However, with the means just now, Qin Yuan is almost certain that the owl did not notice the abnormality here. There is not even a camera here, and there is not even a communicator on the guard. Obviously they never thought that someone would quietly touch such a hidden place. , and easily kill the guards.

A few nautical miles away, after receiving the order, the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando immediately flew towards the freighter with a nervous expression on their faces. This was the first time everyone participated in the actual combat of real knives and real guns.

(End of this chapter)

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