Chapter 324 Tang Xinyi was captured

Ten minutes later, several armed helicopters made a loud hum and quickly approached the freighter.

"Three enemy militants were found on the deck, the enemy killed them, and quickly killed them remotely!"

"no problem!"

Ye Cunxin let out a sigh of relief, his eyes instantly became extremely chilling, he locked the position and pulled the trigger one after another.

"Report Captain, the enemy has been cleaned up!"

"Okay, let's slide down to the deck immediately, and the enemy killing and killing spirits will cover us on the helicopter!" He Lu calmly gave the order, and then slid down quickly along the rope. The rest of the Fire Phoenix Commando also immediately followed.

In the other direction, the sharp knife recruit company also cleared the enemy in sight, and then moved towards the floor below the freighter.

According to information from Tang Xinyi, there were more than 30 militants on the freighter, all of them obeyed Owl's orders and tried to use poison gas bombs as a means of coercion to achieve some goals.

In the compartment at the bottom of the freighter, Qin Yuan stood in front of the passage and had already dealt with a few rushing militants. Obviously, they already knew that something had happened here.

Soon, through the monitoring of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, Qin Yuan saw a group of people in chemical protective suits rushing towards this side cautiously. They carried the logo of the Southeast Military Region, which was obviously sent by Su Guoqiang.

"Hello, Commander Qin, we are the chemical defense unit of the military region. We received instructions from the commander and were ordered to come and take good care of these high-risk gas bombs." A person who looked like a captain saw Qin Yuan, and obviously recognized him quickly. He seemed a little respectful.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here, remember to be careful."

Qin Yuan is about to leave here after finishing speaking. The detonating device of these gas bombs has been destroyed by him, and it is impossible for them to explode, so he doesn't have to stay here. Need to rush there to watch them, to avoid any surprises.

"Sir Qin, this is a chemical-resistant helmet. There may be gas bombs in this freighter that we haven't found yet. For safety's sake, you should wear it."

The captain of the chemical defense team reached out and handed a helmet, and said with some concern.

"No, you take these things out as soon as possible, and then keep them properly, I will clean up the enemies I meet on the road." Qin Yuan finished speaking, picked up his assault rifle and walked towards the deck.

Although this freighter is very large, with the help of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, Qin Yuan can easily grasp the movements of all the armed elements.

Several members of the chemical defense team no longer hesitated, following Qin Yuan's pace, and soon came to the deck.

Seeing a few people with gas bombs go away in a helicopter gunship, Qin Yuan suddenly felt relieved, turned around and walked towards the place where the gunshots were most intense, where there were still many armed men stubbornly resisting.

Before taking a few steps, the entire freighter suddenly sounded a somewhat frantic voice: "Old friends of Longguo, don't move all of them. Your people are in my hands. If you don't want her to die, just be honest with me."

Qin Yuan's brows were slightly wrinkled, and when he was a little confused, Su Guoqiang's solemn voice came from the headset: "Little Qin, the owl sent us a video via radio just now, and Comrade Tang Xinyi accidentally revealed a flaw and was caught by the owl. Now he's going to negotiate with us."

"You must be careful, and then try your best to ensure the safety of Comrade Tang Xinyi, and don't act recklessly."

After bowing his head and thinking for a moment, Qin Yuan said solemnly, "Sir, hold on to the owl first, and leave the rest to me!"

"it is good!"

Su Guoqiang didn't have any doubts, he nodded and agreed, obviously trusting him very much.

After hanging up the headset, Qin Yuan went directly into the freighter along the passage and rushed towards the location where the owl was now.

"Company commander, come with me quickly, the other party is all gathered together now, but they have someone in their hands, so we don't dare to take it lightly."

After Han Xiang, who came up from the bottom of the freighter, found Qin Yuan, his face was full of joy, and he quickly took him down.

Soon, the two of them came to an extremely wide passage, surrounded by the sharp knife recruit company and the members of the Fire Phoenix Commando, tightly surrounding seven or eight armed men, but they seemed very tied.

"Instructor, you are finally here!" Tan Xiaolin breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Qin Yuan, as if she had found the backbone, and no longer had any worries.

"You are Qin Yuan? It doesn't look very good, huh?" The owl hid behind Tang Xinyi to avoid being shot by a sniper.

Before carrying out this mission, the boss of the owl had repeatedly told him that once he met a person named Qin Yuan, he must be careful, and gave him a somewhat blurred photo.

Tang Xinyi's hands were tied behind her back, her expression seemed a little sluggish, and her eyes were full of guilt when she looked at Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan, however, ignored him at all, raised the muzzle of his assault rifle, and pointed it at the front casually.

"You... what are you doing, I have someone in my hands, believe it or not, I will tear up the vote!" The owl shrank all of its body behind Tang Xinyi in a bit of horror, put the pistol to the back of her head, and roared in a frenzy, "This person is Isn't there something wrong? He dares to point a gun at me, doesn't he care about this bitch?"

Tang Xinyi looked at Qin Yuan with a dull gaze, and did not seem to have thought that he would shoot the gun so directly.

But soon, she figured it out, and she felt a little relieved. The owls are all vicious gangsters, and they almost caused widespread damage in the Dragon Kingdom. The military region will definitely not let them leave just like that, even sacrificing her alone Understandable.

But thinking of this, Tang Xinyi stared at Qin Yuan fiercely, as if to engrave him in her soul, so that even if she was reincarnated, she would still remember this guy and find a chance to "revenge"!

Qin Yuan, however, didn't see the reaction of the two at all, he turned his gun sharply, pointed at the metal wall behind him, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

With a "bang", after a bullet hit the metal wall, it bounced back eerily, hitting the owl's head with precision. The latter lost his life instantly, and his entire body fell softly to the ground.

Hao Lian Yaoyao, Han Xiang and the others seemed to have expected it long ago. Following Qin Yuan's actions, they directly pulled the trigger and instantly killed the other militants.

"Report, sir, all the enemy militants have been killed, the mission was successfully completed, and our personnel were not injured." Qin Yuan pressed the headset and reported the progress of the mission to Su Guoqiang in a low voice.

"Okay, hahaha, I knew you would be fine. When you return to the military area, I will award you a medal in person!" Su Guoqiang's excited voice came out, obviously in a good mood.

"These are what we should do!" Qin Yuan hung up the headset and walked towards Tang Xinyi, who was collapsed on the ground.

As he approached, Qin Yuan frowned slightly, approached Tang Xinyi for a sniff, and asked, "Is this ether?"

Seeing Qin Yuan's face in front of her, Tang Xinyi's earlobes suddenly turned red, she leaned back a little awkwardly, and whispered, "I originally planned to steal the remote control detonator in the owl's room, but it turned out that He had already discovered that there was an inner ghost and released ether in the room ahead of time, and I was accidentally recruited."

"Well, I'm sorry, I was reckless. If I evacuated directly according to your instructions, there would be nothing more to do." Tang Xinyi lowered her head, looking a little embarrassed.

Qin Yuan smiled and shook his head, "It's fine, just pay attention in the future."

Seeing that Tang Xinyi was still slumped on the ground, she seemed unable to get up due to the effect of ether. When she was about to reach out to help her up, she reacted abruptly and turned to He Lu behind her and said, "Hurry up and help Director Tang up."

"Yes, Instructor!"

He Lu Xue carried the assault rifle behind his back and carefully walked towards the deck with his help. The latter gave Qin Yuan a deep look with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

"Company commander, that shot just now was so handsome, when can you teach me a hand?" Xiao Pang licked his face and walked towards Qin Yuan, his face full of reverence.

"Come on, chubby, sometimes you can't hit the fixed target on the shooting range. You can't learn this high-end technology!" Han Xiang sarcastically sarcastically.

"Haha, chubby, can you bear this? I definitely can't bear it!" Qin Yang was beside him.

"Okay, you guys occupy all parts of the freighter as soon as possible, and wait for the military region to send someone to take over!" Qin Yuan scolded with a smile.


Hao Lian Yaoyao and the others immediately spread out, controlling the entire freighter to prevent any further emergencies.

Through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, Qin Yuan had already checked the entire freighter, and naturally knew that there was no danger here, but in order to cultivate the combat awareness of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando, he would give this order.

Soon, waves of soldiers from the military region entered the freighter through helicopters and completely mastered the place. Qin Yuan left here with the two special teams and flew towards their respective stations.

After returning to the military area, Qin Yuan returned directly to the training base. At this time, it was six o'clock in the afternoon, and Lei Zhan and others were still pushing tires on the road.

"Company commander, what is the mission this time, has it been completed yet?" Su Xiaoyu immediately greeted Qin Yuan after seeing Qin Yuan, and asked curiously.

"Don't you need to ask, the company commander personally took the shot, no matter what the task is, he will still be able to capture it?" Zang Chong slapped Su Xiaoyu on the back of the head.

"Fuck, savages, why are you beating me? I'm not worried about the company commander!" Su Xiaoyu was full of resentment, and reached out to return the slap, but Zang Chong deftly avoided it.

Qin Yuan ignored the two people, released dozens of god-level intelligent poisonous bees, carefully checked the physical conditions of Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others, and found that there was no problem, he turned the car and walked towards the training base. next sentence.

"As long as one person fails to complete the training task before seven o'clock, everyone's dinner will be cancelled tonight!"

"Ah! Instructor, this is too ruthless. We are dragging tens of kilograms of tires. How can we complete the task so quickly?" It seems that his physical strength has been exhausted, but his eyes are rolling around, it seems that the real situation is different from what is shown.

"Something's wrong, does the instructor have a pair of bright eyes and can see the remaining physical strength of each of us?" The hygienist asked a little puzzled.

They discussed in a low voice before when they were resting, and don't be so anxious when they go back, so most of this tired and dying expression was faked.

"Don't hide it, just use all your strength, or you won't be able to go back before seven o'clock!" Geng Jihui roared loudly, and then violently tilted the tire in front of him. The speed was obviously much faster than before.

Like a signal, the other special teams did the same. They tried their best to rush towards the training base. Although it was still extremely difficult, it was obviously much easier than before.

"Fuck, savages, have we been tricked?" Su Xiaoyu stared at the group of special forces who suddenly became alive and well, and suddenly felt a sense of contempt.

"Hehe, as expected of a special forces team member, none of them are simple, not to mention anything else, all of them have talent as actors." Zhang Shuai said with a tsk tsk, with an intriguing smile on his face.

"Don't talk nonsense, this training is too boring, let's give them more material!" Zang Chong snorted coldly, raised the assault rifle in his hand, and shot all the shots at the feet of the special forces.

"Hurry up for me, everyone is like an old lady, what's the matter with not having a meal!"

The three of Su Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, hey hey, they looked at each other for a moment, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation. The metal bullet hit their feet with incomparable precision.

" The instructors take it easy, this is a real gun, if you miss it, it won't be fun!" Wang Yanbing felt agitated, just now he clearly felt that a bullet posted Flying bare with his feet, if you slow down, he'll get hit.

"Hehe, use all your strength, you didn't arrive at the training base before seven o'clock in the evening, and everyone has nothing to eat!" Zang Chong didn't mean to stop at all, and kept pulling the trigger to hit the ground.

Geng Jihui and Chen Shanming all had bitter expressions on their faces. Although they were elite special forces, they had experienced a lot of bullets, and they had no fear in their hearts, but the feeling of bullets flying past their bodies still made them feel a little surprised. .

More than 40 minutes later, Lei Zhan and the others returned to the training base panting, their clothes were already wet with sweat, their faces were extremely pale, and their bodies were shaking slightly.

"Damn it, I really shot myself in the foot this time. I can't do it like this in the future, or I really can't stand this body!"

Although Qin Yuan gave them an hour, Zang Chong and the four kept firing guns in the back, forcing them to keep their heads down.

(End of this chapter)

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