Chapter 328 Making a Plan

"Sir, these are what I should do!" Qin Yuan straightened his back and his eyes were very solemn.

"Okay!" Su Guoqiang patted Qin Yuan's shoulder, his face full of admiration, he pointed to the table and said, "Here is the information of this mission, you can take a look at it carefully, if you have any requirements, feel free to ask, and I will do my best. Satisfy."

Qin Yuan nodded, and quickly browsed the information about K2 Black Cat and only pharmaceutical company, Su Guoqiang waved his hand, and several clerks in the room immediately saluted and left.

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan roughly read all the information, and after a moment of indifference, he said, "Sir, please inform the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando that their help is needed for this mission."

"Okay, Xiaolin, go and tell them to gather here as soon as possible." Su Guoqiang shouted to the guards at the door.

"Yes, sir!"

A few minutes later, Han Xiang, Hua Shanke, Tan Xiaolin, and Lu Xue came here.

Qin Yuan glanced at Ye Cunxin, who still didn't know anything, and quickly explained the details of this mission to the two commandos.

"Company Commander, if you have any tasks, just leave it to us. The brothers have nothing to do all day, and they are almost sick!" Hao Lian Yaoyao clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"That's right, every day at the base is running and shooting targets. It really doesn't mean anything at all. I can't wait to give myself a few punches!" Qin Yang couldn't help but said, his eyes blazing with hot light.

"Hehe, it seems that you are really busy. After this mission is completed, do you want everyone to come back to the furnace and come to Hell Week a few times?"

Qin Yuan glanced at the people in the Sharp Knife Recruit Company, and said with a smile.

Hua Shanke and Xu Kai froze all over, as if thinking of some sad memory, they shrank their necks and smiled dryly: "Hey, there's no need for this, company commander, you should be very busy recently, so don't waste time on us."

Qin Yuan stopped paying attention to these living treasures, and coughed lightly with a serious expression on his face.

"Han Xiang, Hua Shanke, you guys with the Recruit Company of Sharp Knives, go to the abandoned factory in Centipede Mountain, set up traps around you as much as possible, and then lie in ambush outside waiting for my order."


The sharp knife recruit company shouted in unison, but Xiaopang looked at Qin Yuan with some doubts, and asked a little puzzled: "Company commander, why do you want us to go to Centipede Mountain? There is no information about it there."

"Am I the company commander or are you the company commander?" Qin Yuan squinted at Xiao Pang, "If you want to go, just go, where is there so much nonsense!"

Xiao Pang was stared at by Qin Yuan and felt a little dazed in his heart. He shrank his neck and whispered: "You are the company commander, I will listen to you..."

Qin Yuan was also a little helpless at this time, and he couldn't explain to him that he learned from the TV series that there is a secret passage in the mountaintop research institute, and the black cat escaped from there.

What's more, even if Qin Yuan said that, no one would believe him, and he might even be dragged into a mental hospital to have blood drawn to check his condition.

"Fire Phoenix Commando, your mission is to sneak into the research institute on the top of the mountain, and then wait for my order. According to the information, the research institute of this biopharmaceutical company is the target of the black cat this time." Qin Yuan looked at Tan Xiaolin and others , continue to give orders.

"It's the mountaintop research institute in this city? My parents work there, will they be in danger?" Ouyang Qian's face changed greatly, her eyes were full of worry.

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, and said to Han Xiang, Hua Shanke and other sharp sword recruits: "You go to prepare first, and then you can act!"


After Han Xiang and others saluted Qin Yuan and Su Guoqiang, they left the office and closed the door.

"Instructor, is there anything else you want to tell us?" Tan Xiaolin asked suspiciously.

Qin Yuan's eyes slowly fell on Ye Cunxin, and he coughed softly: "Ye Cunxin, do you know who your biological father is?"

"Instructor, does this have anything to do with this mission?" Ye Cun's heart tightened. She had never seen her father since she was a child, so she was very sensitive to these.

"Well..., in fact, your father is a black cat, and your mother used to be a member of K2. The company and wealth she owns are all behind the shadow of a black cat."

"It's just that your mother came to her senses later, she has always tried to cut off the relationship with the black cat, and she has never done anything that is detrimental to the Dragon Kingdom."

Qin Yuan's voice slowly entered Ye Cunxin's ears, like a thunderbolt, piercing her heart.

"This... It's impossible, my father can't be a black cat, and my mother is just an ordinary businessman, not a member of the court of K2." Ye Cunxin's face was a little dull, as if she didn't believe Qin Yuan's words.

Qin Yuan said solemnly, "These are all facts. I don't have the habit of talking nonsense with you. Now, I want to know what you would do if you met a black cat."

As soon as these words came out, Tan Xiaolin, Lu Xue and others all looked at Ye Cunxin with worried expressions on their faces. Normally, Ye Cunxin needs to avoid this kind of thing, but now Qin Yuan seems to want to give She had a chance, but she didn't know how Ye Cunxin would answer.

After a few breaths of silence, Ye Cun took a deep breath, calmed down and said in a very firm voice, "Report to the instructor, all those who harm the Dragon Kingdom are our enemies, and I will do everything possible to stop or even kill them!"

"Very good!" Qin Yuan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and continued: "Your mother was only blinded by the black cat for a while, and did not commit any act that would cause substantial harm to the Dragon Kingdom. As long as the black cat was killed, she would still be An ordinary successful businessman, no different from before."

"Really?" Ye Cun looked at Qin Yuan with joy, and seemed to think that he had heard it wrong just now.

Tan Xiaolin, Lu Xue and the other girls also breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, they thought that Qin Yuan could not help but take action against Ye Cunxin's mother, which might even endanger Ye Cunxin himself, but now it seems that their instructors are still very humane. .

Su Guoqiang, who has been smiling and watching Qin Yuan giving orders from the rear, has no intention of saying anything to stop it.

He has unconditional trust in Qin Yuan. As long as Qin Yuan approves this kind of thing, he will not say anything.

"Okay, then let's get started. You can use the cover of Ye Cunxin's mother to infiltrate the Peak Biological Research Institute, but you must not protect her and Ouyang Qian's parents."

Qin Yuan gave the order in an orderly manner, but suddenly he thought of something and added: "By the way, Ye Cunxin, the secretary beside your mother is actually a spy sent by the black cat. You must be careful and don't startle the snake."


Tan Xiaolin and Ye Cunxin received the order and immediately turned around and left the office and started to act.

"Sir, there is one more thing I need your help with."

After watching everyone leave the office, Qin Yuan looked at Su Guoqiang with some seriousness.

"Just say it, no matter if you can do it or not, I will definitely support you with all my strength!"

"That's right, you need to notify President Wen of the brother unit, and let him use the name of the exercise to mobilize armed forces to block all passages in and out of the urban area to prevent the black cat from escaping and harming innocent people."

"No problem, I'll inform Lao Wen now." Su Guoqiang agreed immediately. After Qin Yuan said this, he quickly left the office.

Outside the equipment warehouse, after the Fire Phoenix Commando received live ammunition, they gathered together to discuss how to infiltrate the Peak Biological Research Institute.

"Let me tell you, let's bring all the equipment and sneak into the research institute carefully. There should only be some security guards there. It should be very easy to sneak in quietly." Barbie was the first to propose.

"You're almost there, we don't even know where the black cats are hiding now. If they are around the research institute, wouldn't we just enter the wolf's mouth!" Shen Lanni rolled her eyes and directly denied Barbie's proposal.

"Slayer is right, we don't even know where the black cat is hiding, how many men we have brought, and if we break in so rashly, we are likely to encounter danger." He Lu Xue said in a deep voice, his face full of thought. look.

"Well, let's go to my house first, follow my mother, and then take the opportunity to enter the research institute. This should be the safest method and the least likely to attract the attention of the black cat." Ye Cun said while looking at everyone.

Tan Xiaolin looked at each other and seemed to agree with the idea. Tian Guo asked with some doubts: "But what name do we use to contact your mother? There are too many of us. What if the other party becomes suspicious?"

"It doesn't matter, we can use the name of an internship to enter the enemy's home to kill." Tan Xiaoli's face was full of victory, "The instructor has just passed on the action plan, and the Wen general manager in the urban area will launch a large-scale joint exercise. It is normal for a fugitive suspect in our identity to enter the enemy's home to avoid being pursued, and it will never arouse the suspicion of the black cat."

"Okay, let's do it!"

After the women discussed it, they rushed towards the city with their weapons and equipment.

More than an hour later, the girls came to Ye Cunxin's house. This was a luxurious villa. Although it was in the city center, the surrounding area was very clean, and it met the standard of a rich man.

The Fire Phoenix Commando has been here more than once, and all their behaviors are extremely normal.

After opening the door, Ye Cunxin saw her mother sitting on the sofa at a glance, and Zhang Haiyan also found her daughter, a surprise on her face.

Since Ye Cunxin became a special forces soldier, he hadn't seen his daughter for a long time. He quickly got up and asked joyfully, "Cunxin, why are you back? Are you going to rest today?"

"Hello, Auntie." Tian Guo and the others said hello with smiles on their faces.

Ye Cunxin said helplessly: "The military region is conducting a joint performance. Our Fire Phoenix Commando is playing the role of a gangster, evading the roundup of our brother units. Once caught, we will be announced to be eliminated."

"And besides the equipment, we didn't have any supplies on us, so I took the sisters home and waited for a few days."

"Okay, you can stay here with peace of mind, eat and drink as you like. If you have no money, come to me, and don't suffer yourself." Zhang Haiyan got up and was about to take Ye Cunxin's backpack, but the latter kept avoiding it. .

"This is the exercise equipment provided by the military region, which cannot be handled by others."

"By the way, it's only four o'clock in the afternoon, why are you staying at home? Is there nothing in the company?" Ye Cunxin asked Tan Xiaolin and the others to sit down and asked curiously.

"Oh, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I came back early. The company wasn't particularly busy. With Secretary Yao watching, I didn't have to worry too much." Zhang Haiyan retracted her outstretched right hand and explained with a doting face.

Hearing his mother mentioning Secretary Yao, Ye Cun couldn't help thinking of the instructor's words.

"Your father is a black cat, and your mother is a member of K2. The secretary beside her was sent by the black cat to monitor her."

Thinking of this, Ye Cun looked at her mother's back with a complicated expression on her face, and wanted to ask her personally whether her father was a notorious black cat, but in order not to startle the snake, she could only swallow the words that came to her lips.

"Are you sick, have you been to the doctor?"

"It's okay, it's just a headache, it'll be fine to rest for a while."

"Okay then." Ye Cunxin nodded, turned to Tan Xiaolin and the others and shouted, "Let's take a shower first, and then have a good meal. There should be nothing to do today, and we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Okay, I can finally take a shower. I feel sticky all over my body now, I'm sick to death!" Barbie said with joy on her face.

"The enemy is killed, what shall we eat tonight?" Tian Guo, a foodie, wiped the corners of her mouth, feeling that the greedy worms in her stomach had been hooked out. The last time she ate a big family was the last time, and she almost couldn't remember the food. taste.

"Leave this to me, call the most famous hotel in the city now and ask them to make a table of their specialty dishes and deliver it as soon as possible." Zhang Haiyan said and picked up the phone.

After Tan Xiaolin and others thanked them, they followed Ye Cunxin towards the large bathroom in the villa.

Abandoned factories dozens of kilometers away.

Han Xiang and Hua Shanke huddled in a very secret corner, nibbling on the dry compressed biscuits in their hands.

"We have placed explosives in all positions, but we have not found any suspicious personnel. Did the company commander make a mistake in his judgment?" Xiaopang asked with a puzzled Haha, see you Did the company commander make a mistake? Since the old man arranged for us to guard here, it must be useful. We can wait with peace of mind. "Hao Lian Yaoyao smiled and said.

"Hao Lian is right, but there should be no action today. Remember to take turns to watch the night tonight, and be extra careful tomorrow and wait for the commander's order." Qin Yang said solemnly.

"no problem!"


Early the next morning, the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando slowly woke up. When they were resting last night, they all had one eye open, for fear that the black cat would suddenly attack here.

After washing up, Ye Cunxin saw her mother eating breakfast in the living room.

"Aren't you going to sleep a lot? You must be very tired in the military area. Now that you're home, take a good rest, don't be so anxious." Zhang Haiyan looked at Ye Cunxin with some distress.

As a member of K2, she has also participated in extremely demanding training, and naturally knows how hard her daughter is in the special forces.

(End of this chapter)

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