Chapter 329 Entering the Laboratory

"It's almost seven o'clock now. In the special forces, I've been running around the playground for several times at this time." Ye Cun muttered and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey, just sit here, I'll prepare breakfast for you." Zhang Haiyan put down the milk in her hand and said to Tan Xiaolin and others with a smile: "You all sit down too, just tell me what you want to eat."

"Auntie, no need, I used to be a chef, leave this kind of thing to me!" Tian Guo patted her chest and said.

"How can this work, you are all guests, how can I let you do it yourself?" Zhang Haiyan was about to go to the kitchen, but Ye Cunxin pressed her hands on the sofa.

"Mom, they are all my sisters, don't be polite to them, Tian Guo's cooking skills are very good, you can just stay here and wait to eat!"

"Yes, yes, auntie will try my craft today to see if it suits your taste." Tian Guo ran to the kitchen excitedly, and Ouyang Qian also followed to help. She had notified her parents last night and asked them to find a new one today. As an excuse to ask for leave, don't go to the mountaintop biological laboratory, and there is no worry in my heart.

At eight o'clock in the morning, after eating Tian Guo's breakfast, Zhang Haiyan got up and said to Ye Cun, "You and your comrades can rest at home in peace. I'll go to the company first."

"Mom, we don't have anything to do right now. Let's go to the company with you. I haven't been there a few times." Ye Cun Xin suggested.

"Okay, I've said it a long time ago, let you learn company management, but what kind of special forces do you want to be." Zhang Haiyan complained a little.

Ye Cun frowned, and without speaking, he picked up the equipment bag and carried it on his back.

"You don't need to bring these things when you go to the company, right?" Zhang Haiyan asked with some doubts.

"Oh, you don't understand, we are still in the exercise stage, and the equipment can't be left."

"That's it." Zhang Haiyan stopped talking and walked directly to the garage. Tan Xiaolin and others quickly followed.

More than half an hour later, the Fire Phoenix Commando entered the company building with Zhang Haiyan and entered the president's office with their equipment.

"Mr. Zhang, are you alright?" Secretary Yao asked with concern.

"It's all right. Did anything happen yesterday afternoon?" Zhang Haiyan asked while turning on the computer.

"Everything is progressing steadily. The contract with President Li has been signed, and the project can be carried out at any time." Secretary Yao reported while looking at Ye Cunxin, Tan Xiaolin and others with some doubts.

Zhang Haiyan seemed to be aware of her eyes, and explained with a trusting smile: "They are all comrades-in-arms, they are participating in military exercises, and they are staying at home temporarily."

"Comrade-in-arms? Exercise?" Secretary Yao seemed very curious, "So you are also special forces?"

Tan Xiaolin and the others nodded politely without much in-depth communication. Their task was to find the trace of the black cat and protect Zhang Haiyan's safety. They should not have too much contact with other people.

"Okay, Xiao Yao, go do your work first." Zhang Haiyan looked at the computer and said casually.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang!"

After Secretary Yao left the office, his eyes instantly became gloomy. After coming to a secret room, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Boss, Zhang Haiyan's daughter Ye Cunxin is back, and she and her comrades are in the office. They should all be special forces. They say they participated in some kind of military exercise, but I always feel something is wrong. After all, they seem to be special forces. We Will the plan…”

After a while, a hoarse voice came out, "Don't worry about them, just a few women, even the special forces are not worth mentioning, and the Southeast Military Region did hold a joint show here."

Secretary Yao's expression softened, and then he asked, "Boss, what should I do next?"

"Time is running out, you can't delay it any longer. Take Zhang Haiyan to the mountaintop laboratory immediately if you find a chance, and I'll be waiting for you there!"


After hanging up the phone, Secretary Yao stood on the spot and thought for a while, then opened the door and strode towards Zhang Haiyan's office.

"Hey, Skylark, was that woman just under the black cat's subordinate? Should we immediately subdue her and force the black cat to appear?" Barbie whispered.

"Don't startle the snake, this person is just a small character. Even if she is caught, the black cat will definitely not appear. It will only expose us in vain." Tan Xiaolin also lowered her voice.

At this moment, the door of the office was opened, and Secretary Yao came directly to Zhang Haiyan's desk, and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, I forgot to mention that the Peak Biological Laboratory has made breakthroughs, and Dr. Ouyang, who is in charge of the experiment, has I want to invite you to visit, you haven’t been there for a long time, why don’t you…”

Zhang Haiyan raised her head, with a look of joy on her face, as if she was very concerned about the results of the experiment, she got up and said, "Okay, let's go over now, Cun Xin, do you want to come with me?"

"Okay, we don't have anything to do anyway, we'll just go with you!" Ye Cun was overjoyed, but he didn't expect to make an excuse, so Mu Qi you brought it up.

Seeing Zhang Haiyan and Secretary Yao leaving the office and walking towards the elevator, Ouyang Qian pouted and whispered, "This woman is really bad, my father has not made any breakthroughs, and is resting at home now. Woolen cloth."

"Okay, hurry up and follow, remember to be careful, since the black cat moves, we are likely to meet him in the laboratory." He Lu Xue whispered.

"By the way, where is the instructor now? Shall we report to him?" Tian Guo suddenly remembered this and looked at Tan Xiaolin.

"Don't worry, I have told the instructor all our progress, and we can't rely too much on the instructor for this mission, we are the Fire Phoenix Commando!"

"Yes, we are the most powerful, this time we must kill the black cat with our own hands!" Shen Lanni clenched her fist and said, suddenly thinking of something, she turned to look at Ye Cunxin.

"Look at what I'm doing, he's not my father. My father died a long time ago. I haven't seen him since I was a child, so I don't care about it for a long time." Ye Cun snorted coldly and wiped his neck.

"Cun Xin, don't you guys want to go to the laboratory together, come here quickly." Zhang Haiyan stood in the elevator, looking at Ye Cun Xin with some doubts.

"I'm coming!"


Downstairs in the office, Qin Yuan sat in a car, looked at the cars that were driving away, and followed.

Through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he has always been by the side of the fire phoenix commando, always ready to deal with the black cat that may attack at any time.

But the whole night, the black cat seemed to have never come, without the slightest movement, and he followed Ye Cunxin's company all the way.

When Qin Yuan heard that Secretary Yao took Zhang Haiyan to the laboratory on the top of the mountain, he already knew that the black cat was ready to take action. After all, in the TV series, the black cat was there to get the medicine that can be converted into biochemical weapons and kill Zhang Haiyan. Finally, he escaped to Centipede Mountain through a secret passage, and perished with Lei Zhan in an abandoned building.

With the help of world-class driving skills, Qin Yuan has been following Zhang Haiyan's car steadily without attracting any attention.

Half an hour later, Qin Yuan parked the car halfway up the mountain, and further ahead was the area of ​​the biological laboratory. There were security guards all around, and it was impossible to enter by car without an invitation letter.

After getting out of the car, Qin Yuan activated his peak-level concealment skills, easily avoiding all patrolling security guards, and following the route detected by the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he soon came to the laboratory.

In the laboratory garage, when Zhang Haiyan got out of the car and was about to close the door, Secretary Yao suddenly pulled out a dagger from her waist and put it directly on her neck.

"Don't move, or I'll kill you!" Secretary Yao's voice was extremely indifferent at this time, as if he would slit Zhang Haiyan's throat at any time.


Ye Cunxin's face changed drastically, and she took out the rifle in her backpack and pointed it forward. Although she knew that Secretary Yao had a problem, she didn't expect that she would take such a decisive shot without giving anyone any time to react.


Tan Xiaolin and others also reacted immediately, and they took out their weapons and pointed at Secretary Yao.

Secretary Yao's face was on the other side. As a member of K2, she also received extremely professional training. She recognized at a glance that the weapons in Ye Cunxin and others' hands were real, and a chill instantly shrouded her.

"Xiao Yao, what are you doing?"

Zhang Haiyan didn't seem to know what happened yet, but her temperament as a strong woman still existed, she said in a deep voice, as if she didn't care about the cold dagger around her neck at all.

"Hehe, Zhang Haiyan, you must have forgotten about K2, Black Cat let me say hello to you!"


Zhang Haiyan's face changed drastically in an instant, and his body trembled uncontrollably. Hearing the man's name again, there was still a feeling of fear in his heart.

"Have you forgotten that all the status and wealth you have are given to you by K2. If you don't have K2, you are nothing!" Secretary Yao became more and more excited as he spoke, and increased the strength in his hands again.

"Stop, or I'll kill you!" Ye Cun took a step forward and pointed the gun at Secretary Yao's head, but since she had always used Zhang Haiyan's body as a barrier, it must have killed two people now.

"Tell me the password of the laboratory, or don't blame me for being rude!" Secretary Yao asked for the password while pulling Zhang Haiyan towards the door.

"Hehe, do you think I'll give it to you? I have nothing to do with K2. I won't participate in all your actions." Zhang Haiyan gradually slowed down and said coldly.

"Don't eat a toast and eat a fine drink!" Secretary Yao's eyes instantly became extremely cold, and he gradually increased the strength in his hands. The sharp dagger easily cut through the skin, and a smear of bright red blood immediately slid down Zhang Haiyan's neck.


Ye Cunxin's eyes became red, and his arms were shaking uncontrollably.

Zhang Haiyan didn't seem to feel the pain, her eyes kept falling on Ye Cunxin, her eyes were full of reluctance.

Seeing that she was unmoved, Secretary Yao stepped up his strength again. Seeing that the sharp dagger was about to cut through Zhang Haiyan's throat, a ghostly figure instantly appeared behind Secretary Yao, and then he threw his fist very lightly and accurately. It landed on Secretary Yao's head.

With a "bang", the red and white splashed all over the ground instantly, and the dagger on Zhang Haiyan's neck also slid to the ground, making a soft sound.

"Teacher... Instructor..." Ye Cunxin's eyes were instantly moist, his tense body completely relaxed, and he almost sat directly on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Are you all right?"

Qin Yuan squatted on the ground with some disgust, wiped his right hand, and said to the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando with a smile.

"You... who are you?" Zhang Haiyan stared blankly at Qin Yuan who suddenly appeared, as if she hadn't reacted.

"Mom, this is my instructor in the special forces team." Ye Cun Xin gradually calmed down and stared at Qin Yuan without blinking, which contained a strong sense of gratitude.

"Hello, Instructor Qin, thank you for saving me!" Zhang Haiyan bowed deeply to Qin Yuan while clutching her **** neck.

"It's easy, don't worry about it." Qin Yuan smiled casually, and then said to Tan Xiaolin and others: "Bring your equipment and guard on the only way down the mountain, don't let one enemy go, leave the rest to me!"

"Instructor, it's too dangerous to be alone, let me go with you." Tan Xiaolin said solemnly.

"Don't waste your time, don't you still know my strength, go and guard below as soon as possible!" After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he took out the assault rifle on his back and strode toward the laboratory.

"Auntie, I'll bandage your wound, let's get out of here quickly." He Lu Xue took out the medical supplies in his backpack and walked towards Zhang Haiyan.

Zhang Haiyan's eyes kept falling on Qin Yuan's back, and after he completely left, he asked worriedly: "Cun Xin, will you be in danger as an instructor, the black cat is very powerful, and his hands are stained with a lot of stripes. human life."

"Mom, don't worry, let alone a black cat, even if all K2s are on, it's not an instructor's opponent!" Ye Cun said proudly, it seems that the more powerful Qin Yuan is, the more proud she is.

Zhang Haiyan nodded and then followed the Fire Phoenix Commando and walked down the mountain.


After entering the laboratory, Qin Yuan immediately released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees to look for the trace of the black cat.

However, the terrain here is a bit complicated, and some places have strict password gates, and the god-level intelligent poisonous bees cannot enter, which brings great inconvenience to the search.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yuan turned on the perfect radar skill, but found that the walls here seemed to be made of special materials, and the radar could not penetrate here, and he couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

"It's just a laboratory, it's like a base in the end of the world, what's the matter!" Qin Yuan muttered speechlessly, and then walked towards the secret room where the new medicines were stored according to his memory.

Not long after he walked out, Qin Yuan stopped abruptly, took out his saber, activated his peak-level concealment skills, and walked quickly towards the left passage.

Soon, a fully armed back appeared in his sight, holding a submachine gun in his hand, as if he was looking for something.

(End of this chapter)

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