Chapter 330 Killing as much as possible

Qin Yuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, quietly came behind the man, and then patted him on the shoulder abruptly.


The man was so frightened that he shivered suddenly, the submachine gun in his hand fell directly to the ground, and he turned his head to see an unknown person, his face suddenly full of anger.

"Why are you courting death!" The man cursed angrily, and was about to pick up the weapon on the ground and give Qin Yuan a shuttle, but as soon as he bent down, a stinging pain came from behind him, and he instantly plunged into darkness.

Pulling out his saber, Qin Yuan was about to leave here to continue searching for the black cat, when he suddenly thought of something, bent down and groped for a while on the corpse on the ground, and quickly took out a headset-like communicator.

After putting away the headset, Qin Yuan strode towards the place where the new medicine was stored.

Along the way, he met a few more enemy militants, all of which were quietly resolved without causing any awareness of the enemy.

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan appeared in front of the elevator on the second basement floor of the laboratory. The staff here had already received the news and left here early, and everything seemed a little deserted.

Just as he was about to move on, there was a sudden sound of gunfire in the distance, Qin Yuan frowned slightly, and his consciousness instantly linked to the god-level intelligent poisonous bee that had been following the Fire Phoenix Commando.

Soon, Qin Yuan could see clearly that in front of the road guarded by Tan Xiaolin and others, more than a dozen people in full armor were rushing. These people were the men brought by the black cat.

The girls of the Phoenix Commando used cover to fight these people, and they seemed to be above, and no one was injured.

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the headset that Qin Yuan brought in his hand, "What happened?"

"Boss, a group of female soldiers appeared outside for some unknown reason. They have already killed several of our brothers. We are now killing them with all our strength!" Another voice came from the headset, and there were gunshots all around, apparently fighting fiercely. .

"Female soldier?" A look of doubt appeared on the black cat's face in a room somewhere, and he suddenly remembered what Secretary Yao told him about the "baby daughter" who participated in the military exercise.

Originally, the black cat didn't care about these female soldiers at all, but he didn't expect to cause him such a big trouble now.

After pondering for a moment, the black cat looked at the metal door in front of him, and said solemnly: "Gopher, take your brothers to get rid of them as soon as possible, and then let the cockroaches bring all the explosives and come to the corner of the C2 area of ​​the laboratory."

"Yes, boss!"

Qin Yuan listened to the sound coming from the headset, and without any hesitation, ran directly to the C2 area of ​​the laboratory.

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan turned around the corner and saw two people holding explosives and arranging them on the wall at a glance. Obviously, the secret room behind the wall contained the new type of medicine, which was the biggest goal of the black cat's trip. .

"Who's there!"

The black cat turned around abruptly, the submachine gun in his hand pointed in the direction of Qin Yuan, but no one was seen.

"Boss, what's wrong?" The sturdy cockroach next to him, holding explosives in his hand, asked strangely.

The black cat's muzzle has been pointed at the corner of the wall, his face is full of solemnity, and he said solemnly: "Cockroach, go ahead and take a look!"


Although I don't know why, the cockroach still picked up the submachine gun behind him and walked forward cautiously.

Qin Yuan hid behind the corner and pondered for a while, but he still did not choose to kill the black cat with a god-level intelligent poisonous bee, because he was afraid that someone would dissect the corpse and find that the black cat died of an unknown poison that never happened to him. Suspect.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Qin Yuan pulled out his pistol, leaned out of the corner and pulled the trigger again and again.

With several gunshots, the cockroach's body exploded several blood holes, and the whole body smashed to the ground weakly.

However, when Qin Yuan turned the muzzle, the black cat seemed to have expected it, and had already hid behind the wall after a few jumps.

Qin Yuan was about to throw a hand, thunder, when his face suddenly changed, and he jumped to the left.

Almost at the same time, a loud noise came from behind, and the surrounding buildings seemed to be unable to withstand the destruction, shaking violently, and amazing cracks appeared on the walls like spider webs.

Qin Yuan shook his head, slowed his consciousness from the explosion, and quickly released several god-level intelligent poisonous bees to investigate the situation ahead.

However, due to the dense smoke and dust blocking the light at this time, and the high temperature generated after the explosion made the infrared detection method ineffective, it took Qin Yuan a long time to see the scene in front of him.

At this time, a large hole had been blown out in the secret room where the new medicine was stored, and it seemed like it had been looted, and all the medicines had disappeared.

The black cat did not know when to escape without leaving any traces.

With a curse in his heart, Qin Yuan strode towards the place where the secret passage was located. If he guessed correctly, the black cat was already fleeing there.

Qin Yuan used all his strength, and the speed was extremely fast, and he rushed there quickly. Sure enough, the secret passage had been opened, and it was full of deep darkness without any light.

If it weren't for the lack of explosives on his body, the black cat would definitely blow up the hole, but he would never have imagined that Qin Yuan would find it so quickly.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan jumped in directly. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he smelled a scorched **** smell. Obviously, the black cat was seriously injured in the explosion just now.

Without leaving immediately, Qin Yuan stood on the spot, activated his peak-level hearing, and soon heard a burst of rushing running sounds in front of him, about 500 meters away from here.

"It's quite able to run!" Qin Yuan snorted coldly, strode forward, and at the same time took out his headset and shouted in a deep voice, "Han Xiang, Hua Shanke, pay attention, the black cat is escaping towards you, and the traps are all set up. No?"

"Don't worry, company commander, as long as the black cat dares to appear, he can definitely make him come and go!" Han Xiang's somewhat excited voice came from the headset.

"Be careful, if you are not sure, block him in the abandoned factory and wait for me to arrive!"


After hanging up the communication, Qin Yuan rushed forward. Although if he ran with all his strength, the speed would not be comparable to that of a black cat, but it was dark and there were no lights, and he was not familiar with the situation here, so he could not play at will. out of all strength.

Ten minutes later, there was a sudden burst of gunshots in front of him. It seemed to be very close to here. Qin Yuan's face showed a look of joy, and he clenched his pistol and rushed forward.

"Company commander, the black cat has appeared. We blocked him in the passage with firepower." Hua Shanke's voice came from the headset.

"Okay, you continue to use the fire net to stop him, and leave the rest to me!"

A look of joy appeared on Qin Yuan's face, his footsteps slowed down, and he hurried towards the passageway quietly.

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan saw the black cat hiding behind the dilapidated building. At this time, his face was full of anger. He didn't seem to have thought that there were so many people squatting on him here.

"Bastard, where did these people come from? Why did they stay here in advance? Could it be that woman betrayed me?"

Forced by the hail of bullets, the black cat could only hide in the corner, holding a few cans of new medicines in his left hand, constantly cursing Secretary Yao in his heart.

Since he entered the mountaintop laboratory, he has lost contact with Secretary Yao. In addition to the subordinates he brought, only Secretary Yao knows about this operation.

Looking at the black cat who was already in a desperate situation, Qin Yuan did not hesitate, raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger towards its head.

The black cat seemed to notice something, turned his head suddenly, his face changed greatly, and watched a bullet hit his head.

With a "bang", the black cat's body slammed heavily on the ground, and his face was full of unwillingness.

Qin Yuan first told Han Xiang in the headset that they should not shoot and accidentally injure himself, then strode to the black cat's body and picked up the new medicine that he had been holding tightly in his arms.

"Company commander, this is the goal of our mission this time?" Little Fatty looked at Qin Yuan's hand with some curiosity, and wanted to reach out to touch it, but was slapped by Haolian Yaoyao.

"Little Fatty, this is an extremely dangerous thing. If it is transformed into a biochemical weapon, a jar the size of a palm can easily destroy a city."

"Ah? It's so dangerous!" Fatty stepped back a few steps, as if he was very afraid of those new medicines.

"The mission is over, you can remove the explosives arranged around, and then you can go back."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly into the passage. The Fire Phoenix Commando was still fighting with the men brought by the black cat, and he didn't know what was going on.


After Han Xiang and Hua Shanke saluted, they turned around and walked towards the abandoned building.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan reappeared in the mountaintop laboratory. Through the reconnected god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he realized that all the men of the black cats had been killed, and the Fire Phoenix Commando was still standing there. On the only way down the mountain.

"Instructor, there was such a powerful explosion just now, is it dangerous for the instructor to be inside?" Tian Guo asked worriedly while hiding behind a big tree.

"Yeah, Yunque, should we help the instructor, maybe he is fighting with the black cat now." Tang Xiaoxiao was also a little worried, wishing to rush up with a gun.

"The order given to us by the instructor is to guard this passage down the mountain and not let any gangsters leave." Tan Xiaolin said solemnly, although there was some deep worry in her eyes, but she knew that on the battlefield, the military orders were like mountains and could not be allowed to They act on their own.

"Don't worry, the instructor is so powerful, a mere black cat is nothing at all. Besides, there is no movement inside, maybe the black cat has been killed by the instructor and is coming here." Shen Lanni smiled. Said that she had already reached the level of blind faith in Qin Yuan.

At this moment, Qubi Azhuo suddenly shouted with surprise: "Look, the instructor is out!"

Tan Xiaolin, Lu Xue and the others hurriedly looked forward, their faces suddenly filled with joy, and they quickly got up to meet them.

"Instructor, are you not injured?" He Lu Xue looked at Qin Yuan nervously. She was born in a medical company and was very sensitive to these.

"I'm fine." Qin Yuan shook his head, then looked at the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando and said, "The mission has been completed, let's hurry back to the military area."

"Teacher... Instructor, I think..." Ye Cun said hesitantly, his eyes fell on Zhang Haiyan, with a look of worry on his face.

"Well... I'll give you a day off today, remember to return to the military area on time tomorrow morning!" Qin Yuan thought for a moment, then said to Ye Cun with a smile.

"Really?" Ye Cunxin's eyes widened sharply, his face was suddenly enveloped in a strong joy, and he said hurriedly: "Thank you, instructor, I will be back on time tomorrow."

Qin Yuan nodded and walked directly down the mountain. As an instructor of the Fire Phoenix Commando, he still has this right. When he returns to the military area, he can talk to Su Guoqiang directly. If he comes, the officer will definitely agree.

Tan Xiaolin and others patted Ye Cunxin on the shoulder, then chased in Qin Yuan's direction.

"Cunxin, I..." When there was no one around, Zhang Haiyan's face was full of guilt, as if she felt sorry for her daughter.

"Mom, let it pass. Now let's deal with the wound on your neck first." Ye Cunxin showed a somewhat far-fetched smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."


"Sir, the black cat and his men have all been killed, and now we are rushing to the military area with all the new materials."

Qin Yuan sat in the co-pilot and contacted Su Guoqiang through a dedicated communication device.

"Hahaha, well, I know that as long as you go out, any task can be completed perfectly!" Su Guoqiang's voice came out, and the joy contained in it could hardly be concealed.

"I will inform Lao Wen and ask him to send someone to deal with the scene. Come back as soon as possible, hand over those things to the special laboratory of the military region, and then bring someone to the military region office. This time, I will personally give you the awards."


Qin Yuan responded, then hung up the communicator. Tian Guo, who was sitting in the cab, asked excitedly, " What reward will the military region give us this time?"

"I said Tian Guo, this mission, didn't you just hide in the corner and kill two gangsters, what other rewards do you want?" Tang Xiaoxiao curled his lips, as if dismissive.

"Hey, what are you two gangsters, they're awesome, I've never done something so awesome before!" Tian Guo held her chest out, her face full of pride.

"We're just facing some scoundrels in this mission. The credit is not too big, so we should just give a verbal reward. It was the instructor who killed the black cat." .

"What are you doing here now? When you get back to the military area, you can just ask Chief Su if you are not." Ouyang Qian said indifferently. She originally only worried about her parents, but now that the mission is over, the black cat has been arrested. Killed, she will have no burden.

Qin Yuan sat in the passenger cab and closed his eyes, but did not speak.

More than an hour later, when everyone returned to the military area office, they saw Chief Su standing there with several officers at a glance, as if they had been waiting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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