Chapter 331 Rolling

After Qin Yuan got out of the car, he brought everyone from the Fire Phoenix Commando to salute Chief Su.

"Xiao Qin, how is it, is anyone injured this time?" Su Guoqiang greeted him, his face was full of joy, the more he looked, the more he felt that he had found a treasure.

"Sir, we are all fine." Qin Yuan smiled and shook his head.

"That's good, Xiao Li, take care of these new medicines as soon as possible. Xiao Qin, come with me, the military region has prepared the award ceremony for you, and Han Xiang's group of boys are already there."

After Su Guoqiang finished speaking, a man in a researcher's clothes walked behind him and trotted to Qin Yuan, his face full of longing.

Qin Yuan didn't talk nonsense, he directly handed over the new medicine in his hand, and then walked towards the auditorium after Su Guoqiang and several officers.

After entering the auditorium, Qin Yuan saw Han Xiang, Hua Shan and the others at a glance.

This award ceremony didn't publicize much, and only some senior officials participated, so it only took half an hour to end. Among them, Qin Yuan won a personal first-class merit and a personal second-class merit.

The Sharp Sword Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando have all been rewarded with collective second-class merit. For them, this is simply an unimaginable reward. You must know that even some old-fashioned special teams perform tasks that are third-class at most. Gong, as for the second-class Gong, I just don't even dare to think about it.

After the award ceremony, Qin Yuan also received system rewards. Among them, several skills such as radar, listening, swimming, and bomb disposal have been improved again, and he has obtained a new peak-level speeding skill, which can make him run. The speed has been greatly improved, which can sometimes play a key role.

After the award ceremony, the Sharp Sword Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando returned to their respective camps one after another. Qin Yuan also drove the military vehicle towards the training base.


A week passed quickly. Under Qin Yuan's high-pressure training, the five special teams were all suffering, but their strength was improving rapidly.

One morning, after finishing the shooting training, Lei Zhan pondered for a long time, then came to Qin Yuan's side, and said solemnly: "Instructor, we have been training for so long, and our strength has been greatly improved, and now we are facing Tianfu. The Sirius commando in the military region, I also have the confidence to lead the Thunder Commando to defeat it, can all the training be over, after all, we are special forces and need to participate in various tasks in the military region.”

"Instructor, that's what we mean. The training has been going on for half a month. In the past, even if it was a devil training, it would only last for a week at most." Chen Shanming also stepped forward and said solemnly.

As the two spoke, Geng Jihui, Yang Rui and Long Xiaoyun also stepped forward. Although they did not speak, the expressions on their faces clearly told Qin Yuan that they thought so too.

Seeing their captain say this, all the commandos showed a touch of excitement on their faces. Although Qin Yuan's training has indeed brought them a great improvement, they still feel very boring after being trained like this all the time.

What's more, with their strength now, even if they encounter a difficult task, everyone will not back down, and they have full confidence to complete the task.

"Instructor, it's not that we don't want to continue training, but it's really unnecessary now. Looking at the entire military region, there are no special teams that are our opponents now." Lei Zhan said confidently.

"Haha, just like you are now, how dare you say that you are invincible?" Qin Yuan's face was full of disdain.

Behind Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu and the four also grinned, feeling very funny in their hearts.

Geng Jihui looked at the four of Zang Chong, but there was no flinch in his eyes. They were indeed beaten to pieces before, but Shibie treated them with admiration for three days. Now he is confident that even in the face of Zang Chong, he has enough confidence to defeat it.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of Lei Zhan and others, Qin Yuan didn't say much, turned his head to Zhang Shuai behind him and said, "Notify Han Xiang and the others to come to the training base to gather."

"Okay!" Zhang Shuai knew what the company commander was going to do, nodded with a smile, and started to dial the communicator.

Although the Sharp Sword Recruit Company has been split into ten special teams, Qin Yuan is still their company commander, and he can dispatch them at any time no matter what the situation is.

Half an hour later, several military vehicles came in a mighty manner. After Han Xiang, Hua Shanke, Xiao Pang and others got out of the car, they gave Qin Yuan a salute with a smile.

"Company commander, you can think of us as an old man, do you have any other tasks?" Xiao Pang shouted excitedly.

"Yes, on the face, the handsome guy called. We put down everything and came directly here." Hao Lian Yaoyao's face was also a little happy.

"There is no task this time, just play with them." Qin Yuan said with a smile.

Behind Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others were eager to try. They had long wanted to see the sharp knife recruit company trained by Instructor Qin Yuan, but they had no chance before.

"no problem!"

Han Xiang, Qin Yang and the others were full of indifference, as if they didn't care about Lei Zhan and others at all, they really just played with them.

"Okay, as a special forces soldier, the most basic things are marksmanship, physical fitness and fighting. Of these three, as long as you can outperform the recruit company of sharp knives, you don't need to continue training in the future."

"no problem!"

Geng Jihui, Yang Rui and others clenched their fists, their eyes full of war.

"Since there is no problem, let's test the marksmanship first, and go to the shooting range now!" Qin Yuan turned around and walked towards the shooting range after finishing speaking.

The five special teams and the sharp knife recruit company followed, and they soon arrived at their destination.

"Everyone, go get your own equipment, each with a 95 assault rifle, thirty bullets."


After everyone put on the equipment, Qin Yuan said solemnly, "The target, a moving target 1,000 meters away, needs to be fired with thirty rounds of bullets within ten seconds."

"Ah? Instructor, the effective range of the 95 rifle is only 400 meters. Isn't the 1,000-meter requirement too strict. This distance is generally used with sniper rifles?" Ostrich asked with some doubts. The first sniper of Wolf Group B, he really doesn't have much experience in shooting long-range targets with rifles.

"Hehe, if on the battlefield, you only have 95 rifles in your hand, and the mission target appears one thousand meters away, do you have to watch him leave?" Qin Yuan sneered.

The ostrich choked for a moment, lowered his head angrily, and did not dare to speak again.

On the other side, Han Xiang, Hua Shanke and other sharp sword recruits had already walked towards the shooting position, as if they didn't take these difficulties to heart at all.

Looking at this scene, Lei Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "On the Thunder Commando, show your full strength!"


The faces of Yan Wang and the others were full of solemnity, and they strode towards the shooting position. The Warrior Squadron, the Lone Wolf Group B, the Red Blood Cell Special Team, and the Jiaolong Special Team no longer hesitated and walked forward one after another.

"Hey, company commander, do you think they will lose their confidence when they are beaten?" Su Xiaoyu came up with a mean smile, as if he had seen the result of the competition.

Qin Yuan ignored him, and when everyone came to his place, he shouted loudly, "Start!"

"Bang bang bang..."

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of gunfire came out, as if a battle was going on.

Ten seconds later, the gunfire stopped, and everyone got up from the ground.

Han Xiang and other Sharp Sword recruits still had relaxed expressions on their faces, while the expressions on the faces of the five special teams including Lei Zhan were obviously ugly, but they didn't seem to give up.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly: "Han Xiang, report your target number!"

"Yes!" Han Xiang put on the telescope that he had prepared for a long time, and after carefully observing for a while, his voice was very flat: "Report the instructor, three hundred rings!"

"Well, Hua Shan Ke!"

"Three hundred rings!"

"What a monster!"

"Three hundred rings!"


One by one, Qin Yuan went to the Sharp Sword Recruits Company, and all of them scored 300 rings, that is, the full ring score.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others all showed consternation and disbelief on their faces, as if they didn't believe their ears.

"This... This is a distance of 1,000 meters, which is far beyond the effective range of the 95 assault rifle. How could they..." Chen Shanming's face was sluggish, thinking of the number of rings he had shot, he could not wait to find a corner to shrink in. .

"Okay, Lei Zhan, report your target number!"

"I...I admit defeat." Lei Zhan muttered for a long time, and then he admitted defeat in frustration, his face full of frustration.

"Geng Jihui!"

"...admit defeat"

"Yang Rui!"

"...admit defeat"


Qin Yuan named the names of all the members of the five special teams. Not surprisingly, everyone was ashamed to say the word admit defeat, even the Ostrich, He Chenguang, Yan Wang and others who were the first snipers of their respective special teams. The best only scored 250 rings, which is a world of difference from 300 full rings.

"Then move on to the next game, which is physical fitness."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly to the training ground. Everyone followed. The difference was that all the five special teams had their heads lowered, as if they were very depressed.

"I said, we can't go on like this. Didn't the instructor say that as long as one can beat the sharp knife recruit company, we don't need to continue training, we still have a chance!" Wang Yanbing said in a low voice, as if he was about to compete in the next physical fitness test. Very confident.

"However, their marksmanship is so perverted, and other projects are definitely not far behind. We estimate that there is no hope." Li Erniu said in a low voice, as if he had lost his confidence.

"Don't, everyone has two shoulders with one mouth, why can they crush us, everyone must not lose confidence, and you must use all your strength later, let the instructor see, we can definitely do it!" Xu Tianlong said anxiously.

"Yes, since the instructor has given three chances, we must seize it well. We must perform well in the competition later, and we can't let them see jokes anymore." Gong Jian said solemnly, his eyes bursting with fighting intent.

"it is good!"

Qin Yuan walked at the forefront, listening to the whispers of the red blood cell team, shook his head and said nothing.

A few minutes later, everyone came to the training ground, where a lot of training equipment was built.

"This physical training is better than the pull-up. Each of your five special teams will choose a representative, and the sharp knife recruit company will also select five people, and then start at the same time regardless of time. Whoever persists to the end will be the winner. ."

Qin Yuan turned to face the crowd with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Pull-up?" Harley frowned slightly, as if puzzled.

"Don't underestimate this thing, it not only requires the strength of the upper body, but more importantly, the coordination ability of the whole body, using every muscle, even the most powerful soldier in the military area, the maximum record is 100, although the instructor said There is no time limit, but it certainly won't last long." The old fox said solemnly.

Lei Zhan glanced at everyone in the Thunder Commando team, and said solemnly, "I'll take the test this time."

Chen Yingtian and the old fox nodded and did not object. As the captain of the Thunder Commando, Lei Zhan's physical fitness was indeed the best of all.

"Xiao Zhuang, do you have any questions?" Geng Jihui turned around and said solemnly, the Siberian wolf with the strongest overall quality in the Lone Wolf Group B.

"Direction, leave it to me!" Xiao Zhuang said with a smile, throwing his equipment to the ostrich beside him.

"I said, Xiao Zhuang, you must play well, and you can't embarrass our Lone Wolf Group B." Ostrich said worriedly.

"Haha, why don't you come?" The hygienist's tone was somewhat mocking.

"I'll go up, I'll go up, as long as the captain agrees, anyway, if you go up, you will lose!" The ostrich stalked his neck and did not flinch in the slightest.

Geng Jihui ignored the pair of living treasures and patted Xiaozhuang on the shoulder.

Soon, Lei Zhan from the Thunder Commando, Xiao Zhuang from Lone Wolf Group B, Leng Feng from Zhanlang Squadron, He Chenguang from the Red Blood Cell Special Team, and Yang Rui from the Jiaolong Special Team came to the horizontal bar with serious expressions on their faces.

Qin Yuan set his sights on everyone in the Sharp Sword Recruit Company, and after pondering for a moment, he shouted, "Han Xiang, Qin Yang, Xu Kai, Lin Feng, and Xu Xiaodong are out!"


The five of them stood up in unison and strode towards the horizontal bar Company Commander, let me go? "Zang Chong said eagerly, he felt that his body was a little itchy, and he needed a good interaction.

"Come on savages, give them a way to live!" Su Xiaoyu pouted at Zang Chong's covered muscles.

"When you'll take action." Qin Yuan comforted Zang Chong with a smile, looked at the ten people who had already prepared the horizontal bar and said loudly, "Start!"

As soon as the voice fell, the ten people started to do pull-ups, and the speed was very fast, as if there was an explosion of energy in their bodies.

Two minutes later, Yang Rui's speed slowed down significantly. Sweat was oozing from his forehead, his breathing was even heavier, and the veins on his face were bulging. Obviously, he had exhausted his strength.

Five minutes later, Yang Rui trembled uncontrollably, exhausted all his strength, and finished the last pull-up. Then he fell down weakly. With a wry smile on his face, he wiped his sweat and returned to the position of the Jiaolong Special Team.

"Captain, don't be discouraged, you just made 100, which has already broken the previous record of the military region."

(End of this chapter)

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