Chapter 332

"So what if you break the record, you still can't compare to those perverts." Yang Rui said with a bitter face, looking at Han Xiang, Qin Yang and the others, his expressions became more and more dim.

"I don't know how the guys from the Sharp Swords Recruit Company train. They are all so perverted, they are not human." The sniper Gu Shun's face was full of sighs. They are also veteran special forces, but Now compared with the sharp knife recruit company, he was thrown out several streets.

"That's right, look at Lei Zhan, Leng Feng and the others are exhausted. As a result, the sharp sword recruits didn't even have much sweat on their faces, obviously they haven't used all their strength."

As soon as the words fell, Leng Feng and He Chenguang on the horizontal bar couldn't hold on any longer, and jumped to the ground at the same time, their clothes were completely soaked in sweat, and their arms trembled slightly.

"It's over, Leng Feng and He Chenguang's scores are 123. Although they are already very strong, they are still not as good as Han Xiang and the others. We estimate that this round is still gone."

"It's not that there is no chance, Lei Zhan, aren't the two of them still persevering? Maybe a miracle will happen."

"Don't get your hopes up, you look at the perverts of those few sharp-knife recruit companies. Now doing more than 100 pull-ups is still the same as playing. What do you ask Lei Zhan to compare to?"

"Hey, then there's no way, but luckily the instructor said that as long as we win one game, even if we win, we still have a great chance."

When the special forces were whispering, Xiao Zhuang and Lei Zhan couldn't hold on, and helplessly fell off the horizontal bar, looking at Han Xiang and the others with a touch of admiration.

Until this time, the two of them didn't realize how ridiculous their previous pride was. They were beaten by the sharp sword recruits just in terms of marksmanship and physical fitness.

"Give you ten minutes to rest, and then start the fighting competition directly. As long as you can beat the Sharp Sword Recruit Company, you won't need to continue training here in the future." Qin Yuan glanced at the five special teams and said solemnly.

"Yes!" Lei Zhan and the others did not shirk, and sat directly on the ground gasping for breath. In the next fight, they all held their breath. Even if they really couldn't defeat the Sharp Knife Recruit Company, they would still be ruthless. Take a bite, or the faces of these veteran special teams will really be thrown into grandma's house.

Ten minutes later, everyone's eyes fell on Qin Yuan, waiting for him to announce the start of the competition.

Qin Yuan glanced at the people of the Sharp Sword Recruit Company, and after a moment of indifference, he said, "Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, Hua Shanke, Hao Lian Yaoyao, and Xu Kai are out!"

Swish swish!

Zang Chong took a step forward with the five of them, with a touch of excitement in their eyes, as if they couldn't wait.

Qin Yuan nodded, looked at the five special teams such as the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and said with a smile: "All of you, besiege the five of them, as long as you can beat them down, I will admit your strength."


Geng Jihui, Yang Rui and others showed surprises on their faces, as if they did not expect Qin Yuan to propose such a rule.

Originally, they were even a little discouraged about this round of fighting competitions. After all, in the previous shooting and physical fitness competitions, the performance of the sharp knife recruit company was really outstanding.

But now, Qin Yuan actually said that they had five special teams to besiege Zang Chong five people, and there was a strong hope in everyone's heart.

As the saying goes, two fists are invincible to four hands, and three cobblers stand against one Zhuge Liang. The wisdom of our ancestors clearly told everyone that quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes. fist.

There was no change in Zang Chong's five people's faces, as if he didn't care at all even in the face of the siege of the five special teams.


Qin Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly announced the start of the fighting competition, then stepped back a few steps and gave the venue to them.

Su Xiaoyu and others also stepped back, and said with a teasing: "Savage, don't miss out. When you get beaten down, I won't help you."

"Hehe, come here now, and I'll put you down first!" Zang Chong compared his fists to Su Xiaoyu.

"Captain Long, you all deal with Zang Chong, red blood cells deal with Zhang Shuai, Lone Wolf Group B deal with Hao Lian Yaoyao, Jiaolong Special Team deal with Hua Shanke, how about we besiege Xu Kai?"

Lei Zhan looked at Long Xiaoyun and other four captains and asked in a questioning tone.

"No problem!" Geng Jihui, Yang Rui, Long Xiaoyun, and Chen Shanming nodded and said with a hint of victory. If a whole group of people fails to attack one person, they can just find a piece of tofu and kill them.

Seeing that there were no objections, Lei Zhan turned his head and shouted in a deep voice, "Lei and Lightning Commando, come on, get rid of Xu Kai as soon as possible, and then support other teams."

"Yes!" Yan Wang, Chen Yingtian had solemn expressions on their faces, and quickly rushed towards Xu Kai, and in a blink of an eye they surrounded him tightly.

The rest of the teams no longer hesitated, and rushed towards their opponents. In an instant, the entire training ground was filled with the dull sound of **** to the flesh.

"Company commander, the savages won't fall over, right? Although Lei Zhan and the others are definitely not their opponents, they are a whole team of special forces. Together, they are very lethal." Su Xiaoyu said a little asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be a problem, but it doesn't matter if you lose. After all, not everyone has the strength to resist an entire special team." Fang Tian said indifferently.

"I think Hao Lian Yaoyao and the four of them may not be easy to say, but the savage guy should be fine. He is a human-shaped beast." Qin Yang said.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, his eyes kept on the open space in front of him, but there was a strange smile in his eyes. In fact, he didn't know whether it was the Sharp Sword Recruit Company that won this time, or whether the five special teams joined forces to take them down.

In this competition, he just wanted to consider both sides, so he designated special training to make them into real special forces.

On the training ground, the demon queen Hao Lian took a few steps to avoid being surrounded by the Lone Wolf group B, and then smashed Lao Pao heavily with a whip.

Lao Pao's complexion changed greatly, but it was too late to avoid it, and he could only barely raise his arms to block in front of him.

With a loud bang, Hao Lian Yaoyao's whip leg slammed into Lao Pao's arm, the latter's expression changed instantly, and he felt an unimaginable force coming out violently, and his entire body felt like a broken wire. Like a kite, it flew backwards uncontrollably.

"Old Pao, are you alright?" Geng Jihui hurriedly helped Lao Pao up, with a worried look on his face.

"Captain, I'm fine." Lao Pao rubbed his arms that seemed to be broken with a wry smile. He was terrified in his heart. If he hadn't reacted in time, he would have been knocked unconscious and lost his ability to fight.

Hao Lian Yaoyao chuckled lightly, his feet slammed hard, and rushed towards the ostrich like lightning, and he was already in front of him in an instant, and his right fist swept the amazing sound of breaking the air, and fell heavily on his head. .

The ostrich's eyes widened instantly. He didn't seem to have thought that Hao Lian Yaoyao would kill him, but his reaction was extremely fast, and he screamed and rushed in the direction of the hygienist.

"Hygienist, save me!!"

"Don't come here!" The sanitation staff scolded angrily. Originally, he planned to take advantage of Hao Lian Yaoyao's attack and attack directly from behind, so that the battle could be ended as soon as possible.

But he didn't expect that the ostrich guy was so cowardly, and he rushed directly towards this side, which made him want to scold people, but also feel a little want to laugh.

Seeing the expression on the hygienist's face, the ostrich seemed to have thought of something, gritted his teeth and stopped abruptly, then turned around and threw his fist at him.

Behind him, Hao Lian Yaoyao snorted coldly, and directly slammed his fist into the fist of the ostrich.

With a loud noise, the right hand of the ostrich twisted weirdly, and a pained cry came out of his mouth, but without any hesitation, he took a deep leap and directly hugged Hao Lian Yaoyao.

"Fuck, you are sick, you are a big man, why are you holding me!" Hao Lian Yaoyao shuddered, and was about to draw out his arm to knock this guy out, when a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, tight Then there was a harsh cracking sound.

With a bang, Hao Lian Yaoyao was punched heavily on the head, and his consciousness was a little dizzy for a moment, but he was forced to wake up. When he looked up, the face of the hygienist in front of him seemed a little dull. Can withstand his full blow, but it's like a normal person.

"Haha." Hao Lian Yaoyao let out a sneer, as if he was really serious. He used his arms violently to break free of the ostrich's restraint, and then kicked him far away.

"I wipe, it hurts to death, can you be gentle!" The ostrich lay on the ground and cried out in pain.

Hao Lian Yaoyao didn't stop at all, and directly threw his fist at the head of the hygienist at an extremely fast speed.

Before the hygienist could react, a shadow appeared in front of him, and it zoomed in sharply. The next moment, an unimaginable pain came out, and his consciousness instantly became blurred.

Geng Jihui and Zhuang Yan at the back only reacted at this time. After looking at each other, they rushed towards Hao Lian Yaoyao from all around.

"Hao Lian is so good at fighting. I was worried that he would be knocked down." Su Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"I think this hygienist is not bad. He could actually resist Hao Lian's punch without immediately passing out. If it were someone else, he would have fallen to the ground long ago." Fang Tian nodded, seeming to appreciate it.

"Look at the savages. This guy is like an animal. He doesn't avoid the siege of the Wolf Warrior Squadron at all. If you punch me, I will punch you too. It depends on who can resist." Qin Yang The sound seemed a little weird.

The people in the Sharp Knife Recruit Company followed Qin Yang's line of sight, and their faces suddenly showed a ridiculous expression.

This guy relies on his rough skin and thick flesh to be able to fight and resist, and he directly omits the unnecessary dodging movements, and directly confronts the Wolf Warrior Squadron.

On the field where the two sides were fighting, there were a few people with bruised noses and swollen faces. They were members of the Wolf Warrior Squadron. At this time, only Leng Feng and Team Shao were left in the entire special team to fight hard, but it was obvious that defeat was a matter of time.

Although there were a lot of bruises on Zang Chong's face, he didn't care at all.

On the other side, the Lightning Commando, the Red Blood Cell Special Forces, and the Jiaolong Special Forces were basically in the same situation. Even if they had an advantage in numbers, they still seemed a little underwhelming in the face of their absolute strength.

"Company commander, can we announce that it's over, so as not to make them ugly." Chen Cang suggested, looking at Lei Zhan who was being played with like a child, a trace of unbearable flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, they were originally the top special forces in the military region. If they are easily defeated now, I am afraid they will fall into doubt about their own strength, and then completely collapse." Lin Feng also suggested.

"Don't worry, if they can't even pass this level, there is no need for training. Otherwise, even if they enter the real battlefield, sooner or later, they will be held back." Qin Yuan's voice seemed a little cold, and his eyes were fixed. front.

Soon, Zang Chong was the first to end the battle and walked towards this side.

There were a few bruises on his face, but his expression looked unusually comfortable, like the feeling of having diarrhea after finding the toilet and then pouring out a thousand miles.

And behind him, one of the Wolf Warrior Squadron was all lying on the ground and groaning in pain. Obviously, Zang Chong didn't hold back in the battle just now.

"Hey, company commander, it's all settled!" Zang Chong grinned when he came to Qin Yuan.

"Yeah." Qin Yuan said with a smile, "Go to the infirmary to get some bandages."

"Just this little skin injury, don't worry about it at all, you'll be fine after a sleep." Zang Chong said carelessly.

Qin Yuan didn't say anything anymore, and continued to look at the battle group in front of him.

Soon, the remaining four special teams were also dealt with neatly and neatly, but the four members of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company also had minor or serious injuries on their bodies. Obviously, even if they won, it would not be so easy.

Qin Yuan nodded towards them, and then shouted in a deep voice, "Everyone has it, gather!"

The expressions of Lei Zhan and the others Even though they were full of pain, they still did not hesitate, struggling to get up from the ground, standing in a neat queue, their eyes were a little ashamed and dared not look at Qin Yuan eyes.

"Who else thinks that they are already very powerful and don't need to participate in training anymore?" Qin Yuan's voice contained a hint of sarcasm.

"Instructor, it's our fault. There will definitely be no such silly words in the future. We will practice whatever you want us to do!" Chen Shanming's voice was a bit bitter.

"That's right, just train us hard in the future. Anyone who screams bitterness is not a man!" The ostrich's tone was very firm, like a **** who has changed his mind.

Long Xiaoyun, who was beside him, glanced at him, and there was a trace of cold killing intent in his eyes.

"Dead ostrich, don't say it if you can't speak. No one is forcing you to speak."

The ostrich suddenly reacted and said with a smirk: "Slip of the tongue, Captain Long, don't take it to heart, hehe."

(End of this chapter)

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