Chapter 336

More than an hour later, the special forces ran around the playground for a hundred laps, and stopped to gasp for breath. They were all wet with sweat.

After resting for a while, Qin Yuan said loudly: "Everyone has it. You can choose any weapon and besiege me. As long as you can beat me down, I will let you rest for a day today."

"No, what kind of **** is the instructor going to do? He clearly knows that we are not his opponent if we tie a piece, and he seduces us like this." The flesh on Yan Wang's face twitched, and he looked at Qin Yuan helplessly.

"I guess my hands are itchy. I want to practice with us." Daniel pouted. When he was training a rookie in the past, he used to do this often, and he could use a grandiose excuse.

"Hey, what else can I do? I can only endure it. We can't beat him, and we dare not scold him. What else can we do..." Yuanbao said with a bitter face, as if he had already felt the pain of being ravaged in advance.

"Instructor, can any weapon be used?" The ostrich stared at Qin Yuan, with a faint flash of excitement in his eyes.

"Of course." Qin Yuan glanced at him with a half-smile.

The ostrich's eyes lit up, ran directly to the side, and then pulled out a wooden stick the thickness of his arm, his face instantly filled with confidence.

The hygienist, Geng Jihui and the others looked at each other and immediately ran towards the ostrich. They each took out a wooden stick and held it in their hands. Anyway, they were going to be beaten no matter what, and of course they had to find some weapons. If you accidentally overturn the instructor, you still have to have some dreams.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others did not hesitate, each took out a wooden stick, held it behind him, and stared at Qin Yuan, with a touch of excitement and confidence on their faces.

"Let's start." Qin Yuan announced indifferently when he saw that they had found the weapon.

"Brothers, **** him, it's time for revenge!"

"Fuck him, if you can hit him with a stick, it's a stick. If you really mess up the instructor, you can have a day off today!"

"Come on!"

Lei Zhan and others rushed over with wooden sticks in hand, with a very fierce momentum, as if they really saw the **** instructor knocked to the ground by them, kneeling in the corner and singing conquest.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaoyu's face showed a hint of worry: "You said, is the company commander a little too big, these guys are not the time to come, all of them have improved by leaps and bounds, it is not so easy to deal with already."

"If it were me, I would definitely not be able to hold on to the siege of so many people. At most, I would be able to resist one team, and if there were more, I would only be beaten." Zhang Shuai said slowly.

"What are you afraid of, who is the company commander? Just this group of guys, if they train for another year, they will definitely not be the match for the instructor." Zang Chong's face was full of confidence, as if he was not afraid that Qin Yuan would miss.

When several people were talking, Lei Zhan and others had already rushed over, but Qin Yuan's figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant, as if it never existed at all.

However, in the next moment, Qin Yuan had already appeared beside He Chenguang. Before the latter could react, a huge fist appeared in front of him, and it enlarged sharply.

With a bang, He Chenguang's body flew out like a sandbag.

"Fuck!" He Chenguang exclaimed from his mouth. After knocking down several people, he slammed into the ground heavily, his face full of pain.

"Everyone, be careful, the instructor is too perverted!" As soon as Geng Jihui finished speaking, a shadow appeared in front of his eyes. The next moment, his abdomen seemed to be hit by a locomotive, and his entire body flew out like a kite with a broken line, and then slammed into it. He smashed to the ground, feeling like his whole body was falling apart, and he couldn't get up again.

"Fuck, I knew that the instructor didn't have any good intentions, and just wanted to find a reason to beat us up." Wang Yanbing's face was full of bitterness, but he only felt that he was a pure little white rabbit who was tricked by Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan was like a Tyrannosaurus rex breaking into a flock of sheep. With one punch and one kick, the special forces were easily knocked out. They fell to the ground before they even saw where the attack came from.

"Let's all gather here, you can't be defeated by the instructors one by one, hurry up!" Lei Zhan shouted loudly. If he wants to defeat Qin Yuan, he can only use the advantage of numbers to deal with it together, otherwise there is no hope at all.

Yang Rui and the others' faces changed, and they gathered in the direction of Lei Zhan, but before they could get close, they were already caught up by Qin Yuan. If the phantom-like raindrops of fists seemed to fall on them, they would lose their fighting ability for a short time. .

"Fuck, the speed of the instructor seems to be faster. I remember that it wasn't so perverted last time!" Ostrich's face was full of disbelief. He originally thought that after their strength improved by leaps and bounds, even if they could not defeat Qin Yuan, they would not be able to defeat Qin Yuan. It would be so embarrassing to lose, but now it seems that it is just a joke.

"Could it be that when the instructor made his move, he didn't use all his strength?" Xiao Zhuang couldn't help but guess, and the more he thought about it, the more surprised he became.

"Hey, I knew we had to be beaten again. When will this hard life end?"

Lei Zhan watched everyone fall to the ground one by one, and his face suddenly showed a hint of anxiety, "I can't be so passive anymore, only by taking the initiative to attack, using the tactics of the sea of ​​people, and making the instructors tired to deal with it, can there be a chance of victory."

After his suggestion came out, the rest of the special teams agreed, and then took the initiative to rush in the direction of Qin Yuan.

Lei Zhan was the one who rushed forward, and the pressure he was under could be imagined. Sweat oozes from his palms instantly, and his face was full of solemnity.

When facing Qin Yuan head-on, Lei Zhan felt more nervous than the blind bear he met with his bare hands when he was on a mission in a primeval forest, because he could hardly see any chance of victory.

However, even so, he had to rush forward with gritted teeth, without even having the slightest chance to think about it.

The next moment, Lei Zhan rushed in front of Qin Yuan, raised his right fist violently, used all his strength, punched his peak, and smashed it **** Qin Yuan's head.

However, before the fist could fall, he was caught by Qin Yuan extremely lightly, as if he didn't exert any force at all, his face was full of randomness.

"With this little strength, have you not eaten?" Qin Yuan's voice did not have any emotional fluctuations, and seemed very relaxed.

Lei Zhan's face was full of disbelief, as if he had never imagined that the punch he threw with all his strength was caught so easily by Qin Yuan.

Before he could make another move, Qin Yuan had already thrown out his fist and smashed it on his head.

With a bang, Lei Zhan only felt a warmth on his face, as if some liquid was spilled, and then his body fell limply to the ground, unable to get up again.

Soon, the rest of the special forces were knocked to the ground one by one by Qin Yuan. Some of them had lost their ability to fight and fell to the ground limply before they could even react.

"Tsk tsk, the company commander is still so ruthless, these guys are really unlucky." Su Xiaoyu looked at the special forces who were being played with by Qin Yuan like sheep, his face was full of expressions of watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"The company commander is obviously exercising their fighting ability, so don't say anything if you don't know how to speak." Fang Tian seemed to be serious, but his eyes were full of smiles.

"Okay, don't rest, you guys, and drag these guys into the quagmire." Qin Yuan turned his head towards Zang and said to the four people. At this time, no one of the five special teams could stand in place, all of them were lying on their stomachs like dead fish. , with expressions of pain on their faces, and a few of them even fainted directly.

"Okay!" Zang Chong strode forward, bent down and grabbed one ankle with one hand, and then dragged them towards the quagmire not far away like a sack.

Although these quagmire look dirty and smelly, if you smell it carefully, you can smell a very strange smell. This is because Qin Yuan has added a lot of prepared Chinese medicine here, which can help them quickly recover from their injuries, otherwise He wouldn't be so ruthless.

Soon, everyone was thrown into the sewage pool. Originally, they were all dizzy after being beaten by Qin Yuan, but after being thrown, they instantly woke up, and their faces instantly became extremely ugly.

"Damn it, the instructor is too unreasonable, he just threw us into the mud pool." The ostrich quickly reached out to cover his nose and was about to get up, as did many of the others.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said angrily, "I'll lie down for you. If anyone dares to stand up, believe it or not, I'll lay down for you!"

As soon as these words came out, the bodies of the special forces couldn't stop shivering, and it seemed that the pain in their bodies became more intense.

But gradually, everyone felt that the pain in their body seemed to disappear a lot, as if they were being warmed by something, and their physical strength was slowly recovering.

"Hey, Chenguang, do you feel something is wrong?" Li Erniu said in a low voice, a look of surprise on his face.

He Chenguang subconsciously wanted to lean on the sludge and smell it carefully, but he was quickly defeated by the unbearable stench. He endured the river and the sea in his stomach and guessed: "It should be the instructor who put it in it. What, have you forgotten the bowl of traditional Chinese medicine that you don't miss when you eat?"

Wang Yanbing's eyes lit up next to him, he suddenly held his breath, stretched out his hands and feet, and pressed them together with the foul-smelling silt.

"Yan...Yanbing, what are you doing? Li Erniu looked at him with a dull expression, as if looking at a scumbag.

"What else can I do, since the instructor has put some good things in it, naturally I have to absorb some more, or I'll be sorry for the fat beating just now!" Wang Yanbing said solemnly.

Li Erniu couldn't help but stretch out his thumb, "Yanbing, you're a genius!"

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the special forces who were lying in the mud pool and dared not move, and shouted loudly: "All of them, get ready for push-ups!"

Lei Zhan and the others looked at each other, daring not to object, they raised their arms and did push-ups.

"Is this what you do with push-ups? Let me lie down and sink your faces and bodies into the muddy water. If anyone dares to be lazy, don't blame me for being rude!"

Everyone's bodies couldn't help but tremble, and suddenly they no longer had a fluke mentality, and they did push-ups harder.

"Hey, yesterday I thought that the instructor was very kind, but I didn't expect to be so perverted. This is the rhythm of training me to death." Little Bee couldn't help muttering with a bitter face.

"Hehe, don't believe the hunter's kindness, because there must be a hole waiting for you behind." Yuanbao taught the little bee a lesson in the appearance of someone who came over.

"Everyone, hold on, as long as we can survive the training, our strength can be improved, and then we won't have to suffer." Lei Zhan said in a low voice, there was still a trace of blood on his face, then It was just punched by Qin Yuan.

Time passed slowly, all the special forces were doing push-ups in the mud pool, and they didn't know what was going on. If it was before, they would only be doing it for an hour at most, and their bodies would not be able to support it, but today he seems to feel the same. There is also a lot of physical strength.

Qin Yuan glanced at his watch and instructed the four Zang Chong next to him to push the prepared log into the quagmire, and then let Lei Zhan and the others carry it and do a tummy tuck exercise.

After an hour of crunches, Qin Yuan didn't let them rest, got up and carried the log, and started squat training.

This scene made Su Xiaoyu's eyes twitch for a while, and he felt a little sympathy for these guys in his heart.

"What's going on with the company commander today? Why do they keep training at a high intensity? Didn't they have ten minutes of rest before?" Su Xiaoyu looked at Zhang Shuai and asked.

"How do I know, you can just ask the company commander yourself." Zhang Shuai rolled his eyes at him.

"I... I'm afraid the company commander will call me nosy." Su Xiaoyu said helplessly.

"You're a nosy in the first place. How the company commander trains will naturally have his own mind, so let's just fight, we don't have to worry about it at all." Zang Chong said unceremoniously.

"That's right, look at these guys. Although they have been training with high intensity for three hours in a row, they don't seem to be unable to hold on to it. Obviously, they still have spare energy." Fang Tian said, his eyes scanned one by one. A look of admiration flashed in the eyes of the people who passed through the bottom of the pool.

These guys are really old-fashioned special forces Even if ordinary people can support it physically, they certainly cannot carry out high-intensity training for three hours in a row, which requires a high degree of tenacity as support.

Time passed slowly, and Lei Zhan and others stayed in the mud pool all morning, until the sun was hanging in the middle, Qin Yuan asked them to stop training.

"Give you 20 minutes, take a shower first, then go to the cafeteria to eat, 20 minutes later, gather at the training ground!"

"Yes!" The voices of everyone seemed a little weak, they crawled out of the quagmire with great difficulty, and then supported each other and walked towards the dormitory.

Soon, twenty minutes passed, and Qin Yuan stood on the training ground, looking at the people who had become extremely energetic, a strange smile flashed on his face.

"Have you sorted out the housekeeping of the dormitory after you shower?"


Listening to the instructor's voice, the ostrich only felt a thunderbolt, and realized that something was wrong, and his face instantly became a little dull, "Instructor, you are playing your cards out of common sense!"

(End of this chapter)

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