Chapter 337

Qin Yuan glanced at the ostrich with a half-smile, then strode towards the dormitory behind him.

Lei Zhan and others wanted to follow, but they didn't get the instructor's order, so they just waited helplessly.

"Ostrich, didn't you clean up your internal affairs?" Geng Jihui said with a frown, wishing to slap this guy who didn't have a long memory.

"Captain, aren't you in a hurry to go to the cafeteria? I forgot about it accidentally. Who knew that the instructor would conduct a sudden inspection!"

"Hehe, you just remember to eat and not to beat. The instructors punished us severely for internal affairs. You are so careless, you deserve it!" The hygienist mocked unceremoniously.

"No, we all live in the same dormitory. It's not that you don't know. Since that time, I have been conscientiously tidying up the internal affairs. I was a little anxious today and forgot it for a while."

The ostrich looked aggrieved, and suddenly he seemed to think of something and couldn't help but said: "No, the instructor never mentioned this before, why did the instructor just want to check the house after I didn't clean up once today? Got a camera?"

Hearing the ostrich's guess, Long Xiaoyun, who was not far away, raised his eyes instantly, but then lowered his eyes quickly, with no expression on his fair face.

"You are so stupid, what are we doing? The dormitory is such a big place. If there is a camera in it, we can find it immediately!" Lao Pao looked at the ostrich like a fool.

"It seems so!" The ostrich reacted instantly, his face was full of bitterness, it seemed that it was just his bad luck, and he could only blame God.

Soon, Qin Yuan's figure appeared in front of the special forces, his face looked very flat, and he couldn't see any emotion.

Looking around at everyone, Qin Yuan said lightly, "There are three beds in dormitory No. 1, and five beds in dormitory No. 4. Come out."

When the ostrich heard Qin Yuan's words, he couldn't help but turn his head to look around, with a surprise on his face, "Haha, I'm not alone. It feels like someone is with me."

In the red blood cell team, Wang Yanbing walked out of the queue awkwardly, and stood with his head bowed in front of Qin Yuan with the ostrich.

Qin Yuan ignored the two of them, raised his head and shouted, "All of them are required, with a weight of 80 kilograms, and a 20-kilometer armed off-road!"

Everyone's faces changed slightly. In the past, their training was only 50 kilograms at most. Today, they have stepped so far and directly carried 80 kilograms of weight. Everyone felt a little unacceptable.

However, they didn't dare to ignore the instructor's order, so they could only grit their teeth and start sorting out the equipment.

"Teacher... Instructor, what about us?" The ostrich's voice stuttered. Normally, they have to carry a weight of 80 kilograms, so they must be punished more than that.

"You two are 100 kilograms!" Qin Yuan's voice seemed extremely flat, as if he was talking about 100 grams.

"One... 100 kilograms!!" The ostrich stumbled on the ground and almost fell. "The instructor is trying to kill us, the labor and capital are going to rebel!"

Wang Yanbing, who was next to him, did not hesitate, and ran directly to the equipment room not far away, and soon enough to carry 100 kilograms on his back.

The ostrich could only helplessly follow.

"Hey, when will this kind of day be a head, and now I have to carry 80 kilograms, so next time it will be 100 kilograms, next time it will be 150 kilograms!"

"There's no way, can't you still make it, besides here, where else can we improve our strength so quickly?"

"That's right, we were all one-of-a-kind. I didn't expect that in the hands of the instructors, it seemed that children would have no resistance at all. I don't want to encounter such perverts in the future when I'm on a mission, but I won't have the chance to fight back."

"Speed ​​up, run so slow, even the old lady walking on the street is faster than you!" Qin Yuan yelled loudly while standing on the military vehicle, "If anyone is dragging their feet, they won't have to eat today!"

However, even so, the special forces did not intend to speed up their steps. There was no way. They were carrying 80 kilograms of weight on their backs, and their legs were pressed like lead, and they couldn't lift them at all.

Even if they really don't eat, they have a solution. The big deal is that the cat goes into the grove to find some bugs to eat. It's not that they did this before when they performed the mission.

Qin Yuan watched this scene with a cruel smile on his mouth, turned his head and shouted at the military vehicle next to him: "Black Emperor!"

"Wang Wang!"

A low roar like a wild beast came from the airtight carriage.

Zang Chong, who was standing in the car, grinned, and then opened the car directly. The next moment, a black shadow rushed out, like a black lightning bolt, rushing towards everyone in front.

When Lei Zhan and the others heard the familiar barking, their expressions changed dramatically. They turned their heads and saw that a bull-like mastiff was rushing towards this side, with white teeth showing in its wide open mouth. .

"Fuck, it's been a long time since I saw this guy, so he has grown so big!" Ostrich ran at the back of the team, his eyes full of horror, because the black emperor rushed towards him with integrity.

"The instructor is a pervert, and the dog raised by the instructor is also a pervert. Whose dog is as strong as a cow!" Wang Yanbing scolded angrily, then tried to suckle and ran forward.

"Then who, why are you waiting for me!" The ostrich looked at Wang Yanbing's back, and was about to come out of pain. Originally, the two of them had the heaviest load, and they were both behind. Now this guy ran away directly. But he was left to feed the Black Emperor himself.

However, Wang Yanbing was like taking a stimulant. The faster he ran, the faster the ostrich cursed, and immediately rushed forward desperately, using all his strength to save his ass, because this **** loves to bite his ass, this is him Previous experience of blood and tears.

Under the impetus of the black emperor, the special forces quickly ran 20 kilometers, and they all collapsed on the ground so tired that they didn't even want to blink.

Qin Yuan stood there and waited for ten minutes before calling them up and continuing to train.


A few days later, Qin Yuan was continuing training with Lei Zhan and others when he suddenly received a call from Commander Su.

"Xiao Qin, there is a new task, do you have any staff there?"

Qin Yuan looked at the five special teams in front of him, pondered for a moment, and said, "Yes!" As far as he knew, the Fire Phoenix Commando and the Recruits of the Sharp Sword had already been dispatched to perform other tasks. The special forces, only the people in front of them are left.

Although there is a special operations brigade in the military region, their strength is only stronger than that of ordinary soldiers. If they are faced with really difficult tasks, those people are basically useless.

"Excellent!" Su Guoqiang's voice seemed a little excited.

"The mission this time is to exterminate a group of militants who illegally traffic in narcotics. The boss of this group is Ma Shichang, and he is also a well-known guy on the international wanted list."

"This person has a large number of subordinates, and he has rich actual combat experience. Most of them are mercenaries. Coupled with the terrain, it is still very difficult to deal with them. You must be careful."

"Our undercover agent has penetrated into Majiazhuang, and we have figured out the layout and manpower inside. The task I give you is to completely eradicate this group of cancers without leaving any hands!"

In a dense forest somewhere in the changing world, Qin Yuan recalled Su Guoqiang's voice, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but look back in the direction of Xiaozhuang.

"Instructor, what's the matter?" Xiaozhuang looked at the instructor's strange expression, and his heart was suddenly confused.

"It's okay!" Qin Yuan coughed lightly, restrained the expression on his face, and said in his heart: "Zhuang, you have to thank me, if I hadn't pulled Lone Wolf Group B to train, you would be the undercover person this time. , when you get mixed up with Ma Qitong, you will definitely be troubled, after all, that girl fell in love with you at first sight, and it is not easy to get away."

"All attention, our task today is to destroy Majiazhuang, but before that, we must first destroy the stockade near Majiazhuang, so as to completely cut off the vitality of Majiazhuang."

Qin Yuan pressed the headset and continued: "Our plan is to use the name of the exercise to eliminate the small forces around us step by step. We must pay attention that these guys are all vicious gangsters. Hesitant, kill him directly."

Because there are still many innocent people around the stockade, the longer the operation lasts, the more likely they will suffer unwarranted disasters.

First of all, our target is the five surrounding villages, all of which are outlaws and mercenaries. Everyone who encounters them, as long as they dare to resist, will be killed directly on the spot.

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he directly led Lei Zhan and others towards the destination.

Due to geographical reasons, there have always been a lot of field training in this place, so even if those gangsters saw them, they would not be too suspicious.

In addition, before coming here, Qin Yuan had everyone put on the clothes of recruits, which really looked like recruits training.

When Qin Yuan led the crowd to the first stockade, the armed men on the periphery immediately discovered them, but when they saw their clothes, their expressions instantly relaxed.

"Longguo Military Region is here for training again. They are a group of recruits, and they don't have much lethality. Don't worry." A seemingly experienced guy whispered and asked them to hide their weapons.

As soon as these words came out, the other new militants who had not seen this kind of battle immediately relaxed, and when Qin Yuan and the others passed by, they twitched the corners of their mouths to reveal a kind smile.

"Instructor, why do these guys look a little silly, are they really empty?" Ostrich looked at the smirks of the guys around him, and was really puzzled.

"You don't care if they are really stupid or fake!" the sanitation staff reprimanded in a low voice.

The ostrich was about to answer when Qin Yuan slapped him on the forehead and said loudly, "Shoot!"

Hearing Qin Yuan's shouts, Lei Zhan and others raised their guns and pulled the trigger towards the militants.

The moment everyone raised their guns, the people in the surrounding stockade immediately reacted, knowing that the target of these guys was them.

Instinctively, this group of people would draw guns to resist, but in the face of a group of powerful special forces, they only reacted at this time, obviously it was too late.

The next moment, a dense soft voice came out,

Figures fell like bananas after the rain, and the strong smell of blood came from the nostrils. If an ordinary person came here, they would definitely vomit violently.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, find a place to take shelter!"

"No, don't resist, run away quickly, these guys are not something we can resist, hurry up and inform Boss Ma and let them lead someone to kill these bastards!"

There are not many people in this stockade, only forty or fifty people, but because their positions are too sparse, a salvo did not kill them all, and many people escaped.

However, Qin Yuan had long anticipated these things. Before entering this stockade, he had already released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and had a clear grasp of the position of each militant.

Taking out the sniper rifle on his back, Qin Yuan climbed to a roof three times, stood straight on it, and pulled the trigger rhythmically.

With the dull sound of gunshots, all the militants in this stockade were wiped out.

In Majiazhai in the distance, a dozen people in suits heard the gunshots, and their faces instantly showed expressions of horror.

"What's going on, why are there gunshots and sniper shots, is it because the Longguo Military Region killed Majiazhai!"

"Don't worry, it's just a routine field practice. This kind of thing is very common. Boss Wang will know it after staying here for a few more days."

"Oh, that's it, then I'm relieved." Some of the new entrants relaxed when they saw that the old members were as stable as Mount Tai.

After Qin Yuan and others cleaned up the stockade, they continued to run towards the next destination. Soon, the other stockades were also cleaned up, and in the end there was only one larger stockade left.

There are probably hundreds of militants in it. The most troublesome thing is that there are also many ordinary people, which brings them great changes.

In the end, Qin Yuan quietly infiltrated with five special teams, harvesting the militants one by one.

Soon almost half of the people were eliminated. At this time, the remaining talents reacted, but they have already fallen into the encirclement of Lei Zhan and others.

"Damn, who are they, why did they kill so many of our brothers quietly!"

"Boss, they can't be the special forces of the Long Kingdom!" A minion screamed, his body shivered, and there was a smell of urine oozing from his pants. Obviously, he was so scared that he urinated his pants.

"I'll go to your horse, so what if it's a special force, it's a big deal to pull them to death together!" The boss's face was full of frantic expressions.

"Hurry up and notify Boss Ma by radio, let him withdraw quickly, and avenge the brothers in the future. When the group of special forces rushes up, they will detonate the bomb directly. Even if we die, we have to pull a few backs!"

"Yes, boss!"

A minion rushed directly to the radio, and after fiddling for a while, his face was instantly dumbfounded.

"Old, boss, the signal has been completely blocked, and the message can't be sent out!"

(End of this chapter)

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