Chapter 344 The Boss Behind the Scenes

This kind of extreme pain, almost no one can resist it, even Qin Yuan himself needs a lot of perseverance to barely hold on.

So Natu at this time wanted to tell Qin Yuan all his secrets, so that he could stop it, or even kill him directly, as long as he was no longer suffering from this kind of torture.

Outside the interrogation room, Tan Xiaolin, Ye Cunxin and the others listened to the shrill screams coming from inside, and subconsciously wiped the goose bumps on their bodies.

"I'm going, the instructor actually has such a means. Fortunately, we performed well in the training before, and we didn't really offend the instructor." Tian Guo patted her chest, her face full of fear.

"Yeah, just listening to this makes me feel very intimidating. I might have a nightmare tonight." Ouyang Qian shrank her neck and said.

"It seems that the instructor is really angry. I have never seen him act so ruthlessly, but why do I like the instructor a little bit." Ye Cunxin turned to look at the interrogation room, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

"Wow, the enemy killed, are you a masochist, you still have this hobby, you stay away from me in the future, I'm afraid of contagion!" Tang Xiaoxiao showed an extremely exaggerated expression on her face.

Ye Cunxin pouted, and just as he was about to speak, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly opened, and Qin Yuan's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"How about the company commander, did you get any information from Natu's mouth?" Han Xiang was the first to step forward and couldn't help but ask.

"The company commander goes out in person, this kind of trivial matter is not easy to catch, we just need to prepare to carry out the mission, and strive to annihilate the Nuoka organization in one fell swoop, and avenge the severely injured compatriots in the office.

Qin Yuan nodded at everyone, then looked at Gao Gang and said, "I have already obtained the exact location of the Nuoka base, your task is to bring Natu back to the Dragon Kingdom, and make him pay for the sins he committed, and other things. Just leave it to us!"

"it is good!"

Gao Gang didn't say much. Through this period of contact, he already knew clearly the strength of Qin Yuan, the Swordsman Recruit Company, and the Fire Phoenix Commando, so he walked directly into the interrogation room and quickly left Natu with him. here.

After Gao Gang left, Qin Yuan turned to look at the crowd, and said loudly, "Everyone has it!"


Han Xiang, Hao Lian Yaoyao, Tan Xiaolin, Ye Cunxin and the others quickly stood in a neat line, holding the steel gun in their hands, exuding a sense of iron and blood that people couldn't look directly at.

"This time, our mission is only one, that is to completely destroy the power of Nuoka, let the people in the forbidden triangle know that the dragon country is a forbidden place for them, and anyone who dares to touch the dragon country will be destroyed. strike."

"Did you hear it clearly!"

"Listen clearly!"

Everyone roared in unison, and the killing intent seemed to break through the sky.

"Very well, you have already gone through many missions, and I won't say anything about the extra things. I think you all know it, and start now!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he carried enough weapons and rushed everyone towards Nuoka's base.

In the base, Nuoka was sitting in his room, but he seemed a little restless. Ever since he gave the order to attack Long Guo, he already knew in his heart that those guys would touch here if they were late. He also did a lot in advance. preparation.

However, for some reason, his heart has been a little uneasy, as if he is about to be destroyed.

Taking a deep breath, Nuoka left the room and walked outside.

"Are our people ready to meet the enemy?"

"Don't worry, boss, all the brothers have been called back, and a lot of mines have been laid around the base. Fortunately, the heavy firepower has also been moved out, let alone a few people from the Dragon Kingdom, even if it is a local official organization. , don't even try to call in!"

"Okay, we'll just wait for them here, let this group of Dragon Kingdoms be smashed and never return!" Nuoka looked at the rows of subordinates and heavy firepower in front of him, and the worries in his heart were completely forgotten.

At this time, Qin Yuan brought the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando to the base of Nuoka.

During this period, they encountered hundreds of patrolling guards and secret whistleblowers, all of which were quietly cleaned up without causing any detection.

After entering the inner perimeter of the base, Qin Yuan stopped abruptly and looked at the open field in front of him with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Company commander, is there anything unusual here?" Little Fatty asked strangely.

"Are you stupid, little fat, this terrain is so obvious, there is no one to guard it, there must be a problem, maybe there is a large landmine buried in it, just waiting for a rash guy like you to rush in!" Huashan The guest looked disgusted.

"Ah, the mine array, why are you still standing there, just dismantling it, anyway, with our strength, dismantling these things is not easy." Xiaopang said with some doubts.

"What to dismantle, it's a waste of time, instructor, let's detonate them directly, and then go over, anyway, even if Nuoka finds out, it's fine, otherwise it will change later." Ye Cunxin suggested.

Qin Yuan nodded, waved his hand to signal everyone to step back, then raised the muzzle and shot at a place in front of him.

With the sound of a gunshot, a big hole was blown open in the ground ahead, and then the mines were triggered and detonated, and the rumbling sound of the explosion resounded.

On the other side, after Nuoka heard the sound, she instantly understood that the group of guys from the Dragon Kingdom had already touched it.

"Follow me, go to the minefield and kill those dragon country chops!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed forward first, and his subordinates behind him held their weapons and followed with some excitement. For this group of lunatics, killing people was like a stimulant, which was very exciting.

Soon, Nuoka came to the minefield with his hands, but there was no corpse in front of him, not even one, only craters.

"Boss, aren't those people from Longguo here, otherwise, how could it be that no one was killed?" A subordinate beside Nuoka asked with a puzzled face.

Nuoka suddenly understood something, and squatted down abruptly. The next moment, gunshots came from several directions, and the subordinate who had just opened his mouth did not respond, and was shot into a sieve by a rapid rain of bullets and fell on the ground. in a pool of blood.

"Counterattack, fightback, kill me these **** of the Dragon Kingdom!" Nuoka roared loudly, but his body did not dare to move at all, and shrunk behind several corpses.

Nuoka and his subordinates were caught off guard and dropped dozens of corpses, but there were still a steady stream of people rushing towards them from behind.

After Qin Yuan and others cleared the minefield, they did not move forward, but found a place to hide, waiting for the opponent to take the bait.

Sure enough, Nuoka rushed over with his subordinates, entered their ambush, and was caught off guard.

However, Qin Yuan was going to kill Nuoka directly at the beginning, but who knew that the other party's vigilance was so high that their round of salvos fell into nothing.

However, this can only delay his death a little. Today, Nuoka and his forces will be destroyed here.

"Bastard, kill them for me, bazooka, kill them for me!"

Nuoka scolded loudly, and a few people around reacted immediately, carrying a bazooka to blast Qin Yuan and the others, and then without waiting for him to aim, a few bullets hit them accurately.

But even so, this group of lunatics did not have any fear, and once again a group of people carried the bazooka on the ground.

"Company commander, this can't be done. They have too many people. No matter how good our marksmanship is, there will always be times when we are negligent." Hao Lian Yaoyao just shot and killed a man with a red quiver. Once again, a steady stream of people picked it up.

These Nuoka's subordinates are not only numerous, but they are not afraid of death. Obviously, they have been completely brainwashed, just like the two children who bombed the office.

Qin Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he shouted loudly, "I rushed over and killed Nuoka. As long as he dies, those crowds without a leader will not be so desperate!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuan ran straight ahead, extremely fast, like a bolt of lightning, rushing in the direction of Nuoka.

Nuoka immediately noticed Qin Yuan's movements, and her face changed greatly: "Kill him quickly, don't let him get close!"

He still has a lot of subordinates who didn't arrive here in time. As long as he can drag it out for enough time, he has absolute confidence that he can kill all the **** from the Dragon Kingdom who broke into the base.

Qin Yuan's physique is incomparably strong, and he easily avoided the rain of bullets. At the same time, he raised the rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger one after another. Every time the gun rang, after all, someone fell to the ground.

Soon, Qin Yuan cleaned up the men around Nuoka, then came to him, looked at him condescendingly, and pressed the gun straight to his forehead.

Nuoka looked up and saw the endless coldness in Qin Yuan's eyes, with a very frightened expression on his face, and subconsciously wanted to raise the muzzle.

However, the next moment, Qin Yuan turned the gun directly, then pulled the trigger and hit him directly on the right shoulder.

Nuoka let out a scream, the pistol was thrown uncontrollably on the ground, and his face became extremely pale.

Qin Yuan didn't mean to stop, and stepped on Nuoka's other arm.

With a click, Nuoka's entire body bowed, and a shrill scream came out.

"No no, get around me, spare me, I'll give you money, a lot of money!"

Qin Yuan snorted coldly, raised his right foot violently, and stepped on his right leg.

The cracking sound of broken bones and the shrill screams came out at the same time.

"Just like you, you dare to kill me from the Dragon Kingdom?"

Qin Yuan's voice was extremely cold, as if it contained the ultimate chill, and as soon as he finished speaking, he raised his right foot again.

"No, no, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I will never dare again, please let me go." Nuoka's face was mixed with tears and snot, and she kept begging for mercy.

Qin Yuan was unmoved, and his right foot fell straight down, directly smashing his only remaining leg.

"Crack!", "Ah!!"


Two minutes later, none of the bones on Nuoka's body were complete, even if the whole person was like a soft-footed shrimp, curled up on the ground, his body was covered in blood, his eyes were wide open, and he was also suffering from great pain.

If you can choose again, Nuoka will definitely not provoke Longguo again. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

At this time, the entire base, under the cleaning of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando, almost no one was alive. Only a very small number of people fled after hearing the shrill screams of Nuoka. Luckily, he got his life back.

In the end, apart from Qin Yuan and others, there was no one alive in this base. The air was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood, but the sky became clearer, as if the filth had been completely removed.

"Company commander, we found the warehouse here, which is full of controlled narcotics, and also found the warehouse of Nuoka, what should we do?" Han Xiang ran over and asked.

"Concentrate the weapons, ammunition and raw materials here in the warehouse, blow them all up, and then take the things in the vault. Our mission has been completed and we can go home."


Soon, with a loud explosion, Nuoka's base was completely destroyed.

The news that the Nuoka base was completely wiped out was transmitted to the entire forbidden triangle in a very short period of time.

"Have you heard, Nuoka is finished, his base has been destroyed, and his subordinates are basically dead, and I don't know who did it, it's too powerful!"

"Yeah, I heard that Long Guo did it. It seems that it was because Nuoka killed the crew of their boat not long ago."

"No, Long Kingdom is indeed very powerful, but this is not their territory. No matter how long the hand is stretched, it is impossible to kill Waxka in the forbidden triangle."

"Do you think it was the boss who did it? It wasn't because Nuoka attacked the Longguo Office without authorization, which caused the boss's dissatisfaction."


On the other side, Qin Yuan and the others returned to the secret location and woke up the unconscious Nuoka.

This matter is not over yet. Although it is indeed Nuoka who started the crew, but behind the scenes, it is the big boss in their mouths.

"Where is your Qin Yuan looked at Nuoka, his voice was extremely cold, he has no interest in knowing what the official status of this boss is here, just take him back and accept the proper trial .

"I said, I said." Nuoka was so frightened that she couldn't stop shivering, and she was no longer arrogant and domineering.

After getting the exact news, Qin Yuan brought the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando directly to the manor where the big boss behind the scenes was.

This person's own strength is not strong, but he has an official protective shell, holding power and money in his hands, and mastering a channel for goods, which makes him the behind-the-scenes boss of many forces in the Forbidden Triangle.

When Qin Yuan arrived at the destination, it seemed that martial law was already a lot here, but compared to the desperadoes under Nuoka, it obviously lacked a lot of blood, and the fighting ability also plummeted, and it was quickly cleaned up.

"Who are you!"

The behind-the-scenes boss's face was full of horror, and he subconsciously touched his right hand towards his arms, but Qin Yuan grabbed it, twisted it back a little, and tore it off.

(End of this chapter)

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