Chapter 345


The boss let out a shrill scream, his right arm twisted in a weird posture, his face became extremely pale, and a pea-sized sweat oozes from his forehead.

"You... who are you, you dare to break in here, believe it or not, I will transfer the county team and throw you all to feed the sharks!"

The boss shouted hoarsely. At this time, he already knew that the guards in his manor may have been cleaned up. He has been in the forbidden triangle for many years, and he clearly knows that some people have no reason at all, and can only use coercion and lure. way to save lives.

"As long as you leave now, I can pretend that what happened today never happened, and give you 10 million, how about it?" The boss endured the severe pain from his body and tried his best to put on a pleasant expression.

"Hehe, a mere 10 million, how can it compare to those Dragon Kingdom seamen who died in vain!" Hao Lian Yaoyao cursed angrily, wanting to punch him when he came up.

"Longguo? You are from the Longguo! That matter has nothing to do with me. I didn't order the killing of those seamen, it was all done by that **** of Nuoka." The boss quickly explained, but he suddenly thought that the Nuoka forces were killed overnight. All the things that were destroyed, obviously, that thing was done by these guys, which made him even more terrified.

"Hmph, it has nothing to do with you? It is indeed Nuoka who killed the crew, but who ordered the hijacking of the cargo ship?" Qin Yuan stared at the boss with stern eyes, as if a sharp arrow pierced into his heart.

The boss's face changed suddenly. He didn't know why the group of Dragon Kingdom guys found him so easily.

I, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I be damned, I will never dare again!

"Fifty million, not 100 million, I'll give you 100 million, please let me go!" The boss knelt on the ground with his legs soft, and kept begging for mercy, he was no longer calm.

"The blood debt can only be paid in blood. The life of every citizen of the Dragon Kingdom can't be bought with a mere 100 million yuan. When you return to the Dragon Kingdom, you will be judged by the law!" Qin Yuan said coldly.

"Han Xiang, press him back, I don't want to hear his voice again."


Han Xiang twisted his wrist and came over, with a sneer on his face, and under the terrified eyes of the boss, he punched him.

The boss was beaten to death, and his mouth was stomped on the ground again. He couldn't send out any business, and soon his eyes rolled over and he passed out in pain.

It didn't take long for what happened here to be spread out, and the people in the forbidden triangle finally knew that it was the Dragon Kingdom that destroyed the largest organization, Nuoka.

"I guessed before that it might be because of that ship that Long Guo took action, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"It's so terrifying. It's too ruthless to take away Nuoka and the boss in one day. I heard that not a single living person was left in the organization, and they were all killed."

"It seems that Longguo is not something we can provoke. Let's hurry up and inform our brothers and try not to ship them there in the future, lest one day, like Nuoka, we will die without knowing how to die."

At this moment, the entire forbidden triangle seemed to be in danger, and they were completely shocked. It turned out that when the giant dragon was angry, it could really lift the sky.

Qin Yuan naturally didn't know about this. At this time, he had already taken a transport helicopter and flew towards the Dragon Country, but even if he knew, there would not be any ripples in his heart. I want to completely destroy the cancer of the forbidden triangle.

As soon as they got off the plane, Qin Yuan and the others were warmly received by Gao Gang and other Jing Fang. After all, they should have been responsible for this matter.

However, because he really didn't have much confidence, he turned to Chief Su of the military region for help. He didn't expect that a blind cat would meet a dead mouse, and Nuoka and the behind-the-scenes boss were arrested and brought to justice.

If they were themselves, they would be able to catch Nuoka with their best efforts. It would be impossible to destroy his base and catch the big boss behind the scenes.

As soon as Qin Yuan got off the plane, he was warmly received by Jing Fang. When those respectful eyes were cast, Han Xiang, Ye Cunxin, Tian Guo and others couldn't help but straighten their chests, and their hearts burst into flames.

After handing over Nuoka and the boss, Qin Yuan was about to leave, but a middle-aged man who looked like a leader walked up to him, and everyone around him saluted him.

"Comrade Qin Yuan, I really thank you so much. Otherwise, we really don't know when we can avenge those innocent crew members."

"We have been eyeing Waxka a long time ago. Most of the contraband in Long Kingdom were transported in by his hands. To be honest, we have long wanted to take him away, but we have never had a chance. "

"It's really a loss to you this time. Xiao Gao has already told me your detailed actions. I personally admire your fighting and reconnaissance abilities very much."

"Why don't you stay here for a few more days, let's express our gratitude, and then pass on our experience, how about it? As long as you agree, Lao Su will hand it over to me, and I will apply for a long vacation for you!"

Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced at the Sharp Knife Recruits Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando behind him. Two consecutive days of high-intensity missions made them look very tired. It was time for them to take a good rest.

In the end, Qin Yuan returned to the military area directly on the grounds that he already had a training mission, while the Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando were left here to exchange experiences with them.


It didn't take long for Qin Yuan to return to the military area. After taking a shower and changing into a set of clean clothes, he went directly to the training base. At a glance, he saw five special teams on the training ground who were training in strict accordance with his plan. clan.

"Company commander, is the mission still going well?" Su Xiaoyu saw Qin Yuan's figure and hurried up to meet him, his face full of desire, and it seemed that he must take me with him on the next mission.

"Does it need to be said, the company commander goes out in person, and any task can't be done casually." Zang Chong said in a loud voice, and then hehe smiled: "The company commander, I have a long body all over my body. Hairy, if there is a task next time...hehe."

Qin Yuan rolled his eyes at the two of them and said to Zhang Shuai, "How's the training going in the past two days?"

"Don't worry, company commander, we are all going according to the plan you made before, and there will be no mistakes. Lei Zhan and the others are also very hard when training."

"Well." Qin Yuan nodded and strode forward.

"All assembly!"

Swish swish!

It took less than five seconds for Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others to stand in a neat queue, looking at Qin Yuan with bright eyes.

"Very well, it seems that you are all in good shape. When I went out to perform the mission this time, I accidentally thought of a training method that should quickly improve your reaction ability." Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and said, as if he had thought of it. What a fun thing, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile.

When the special forces saw Qin Yuan's smile, their hearts shuddered at the same time. They were all too familiar with this. Every time the instructor laughed like this, they would enjoy some weird, but very torturous training methods.

Qin Yuan didn't say much, and directly brought everyone to a training building, which is usually used for training indoor rescue breakthroughs.

"Zang Chong, go and bring a box of flash bombs."


"I'm sorry, what is the instructor going to play? Why do I feel like I'm going crazy!" Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said.

"The flash bomb should be to train our adaptability. After all, it is easy to encounter such interference on the battlefield." He Chenguang had an indifferent expression on his face.

"How should we train this? Wouldn't it be for us to squeeze into the house and bombard them one by one?" Li Erniu shrank his neck with a wry smile on his face.

Soon, Zang Chong carried a whole box of flash bombs and placed them beside Qin Yuan.

"The flash bomb can only last for three seconds. The training rules are very simple. During these three seconds, you must do your best to avoid all the attacks that come your way."

"Now, all enter the room!"

Although Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others were a little confused, they still walked towards the big room honestly.

"Hygienist, what did the instructor just say? Why do I feel a little cloudy?" The ostrich said in a low voice, his face full of doubts.

The hygienist seemed to have guessed something. When he was about to speak, the closed door was suddenly kicked open, and then a round thing was thrown in.

"Fuck, dodge!" The ostrich roared loudly, just as he was about to squat down to cover his eyes, there was a sudden explosion in his ears, and then he instantly plunged into a bright ocean.

Before he could get used to the effect of the flash bomb, a strong wind suddenly appeared in front of the ostrich, and then, a fist slammed heavily on his face, giving him no time to react at all.

The ostrich let out a whimper, and his body smashed to the ground uncontrollably, making him fluttering in pain.

Resisting the urge to scold, the ostrich lay on the ground honestly, listening to the dull sound of **** to the flesh and the screams of pain.

Soon, the three-second duration of the flash bomb ended, the ostrich opened his eyes, just glanced at it casually, and a shocked expression instantly appeared on his face.

At this moment, none of the five special teams in the entire room could still stand. All of them were lying on the ground. There was a big bag on their face, which was exactly the same as his face.

In the center of the room, Qin Yuan stood there straight, his face full of disgust.

"The first time, all failed, continue training!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly towards the door.

"Fuck, the instructor is really a god. He can bring all of us down in three seconds. This kind of speed is not something that ordinary people can have!"

Harry's eyes widened, ignoring the pain on his face, he seemed shocked.

"I think what we should worry about most is how to avoid the instructor's attack. I don't want to be beaten into a pig's head." Hades smiled bitterly, his right eye socket was bruised, it looked like Wearing a pair of glasses.

While everyone laughed bitterly, the door was kicked open again. Although they were ready, they still did not avoid Qin Yuan's attack, because when their eyes couldn't see, they couldn't determine the direction of their fists in advance. Only when the fist comes to the front can be judged by the style of the fist, but by that time, it is obviously a bit late.

On this day, Zang Chong and others were outside, listening to the screams coming from the room, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for these guys.

After Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others were beaten for a day, they all turned into pig-headed faces, but their reaction ability was significantly improved. Although they could not avoid Qin Yuan's offensive, on the battlefield, facing other enemies was definitely more than wrong. After all, in this world, no one can be faster than Qin Yuan's god-level speed.

Early the next morning, after the special forces used the plaster provided by Qin Yuan, the bruises on their faces were significantly reduced, which would not affect the subsequent training.

After a hundred laps of warm-up on the playground, Qin Yuan led everyone to a room that had been prepared in advance.

"Today, what I'm going to teach you is makeup penetration."

"Makeup penetration? I remember we seemed to have taken this course before?" Ostrich said in a low voice, his face a little puzzled.

Qin Yuan glanced at him and said lightly: "I know you may have learned this, but what I'm going to give you today is a man who dresses up as a woman."

"Makeup to look like a woman? I'm interested!" The ostrich's face instantly burst into light.

The hygienist coughed lightly and moved the bench silently to stay away from this guy.

"Make-up penetration investigation is a very common subject. When we need to perform tasks behind enemy lines, it will bring us great convenience and even save your life at a critical moment."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he carefully explained the techniques of makeup penetration. Hearing Lei Zhan and the others subconsciously straighten their backs, they thought about it very seriously.

After talking about all the theoretical knowledge, Qin Yuan looked around at everyone and said, "I need someone to demonstrate, have you signed up voluntarily?"

" Are you still going? Hurry up!" Xiao Zhuang shoved him.

"That's right, weren't you very happy just now, hurry up, the opportunity is right in front of you!" Lao Pao also encouraged.

"Hehe, ostrich, you're not a coward, are you?" The hygienist's words were obviously to the point.

The ostrich, who was the most unstimulated in his life, stabbed his neck and said, "Go and go, whoever is afraid of who!" After speaking, he came to the stool in front of Qin Yuan and sat down, then closed his eyes, as if to say, what do you like? What the heck, I was very anxious.

After all, he has lived for more than 20 years, and he has never seen himself in women's clothing.

Qin Yuan held back his smile, picked up the makeup tools beside him, and quickly moved his hands on the ostrich's face.

Soon, Qin Yuan dressed the ostrich, threw him a woman's clothes and a wig, and motioned him to change outside the door.

The ostrich felt the discomfort on his face and knew that a lot of makeup had been applied to it, so he didn't say much, picked up the things and walked towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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