Chapter 346: Latent Training

With a click, the door was opened, and the ostrich, who had changed into women's clothes and a wig, walked in a little awkwardly.

Except for Qin Yuan, everyone's faces showed shocked expressions at the same time, and a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The big fiery red waves, the slightly raised chest, the bumpy figure, and the exposed white collarbone, coupled with the high and cold temperament, can simply fascinate any man with strong blood.

"Fuck, this is really that rough old ostrich? Are you sure it's not the ostrich and his sister?" Lao Pao's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe that the beautiful beauty in front of him was actually made up by an ostrich.

"No, why do you look like you want to eat me?" The ostrich looked at the crowd with a look of horror, and stopped suddenly, subconsciously trying to protect the backyard.

"Ouch!! Ostrich, shut up and don't talk!"

Qiangzi bent down and retched, there was nothing he could do, the voice of such a lively beauty was actually the voice of a rough old man, which made him a little nauseated.

Long Xiaoyun also stared at the ostrich who had changed a lot. Although she was also a first-class beauty, she couldn't take her eyes away at this time.

"Cough, there is a mirror over there." Qin Yuan pointed behind him.

The ostrich reacted immediately, strode towards the mirror, just glanced at it, then opened his mouth wide, and subconsciously slapped his own mouth.

"Is this really me?" The ostrich swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and for the first time in his life he had the urge to kiss himself.

Qin Yuan held back his smile and said to the crowd, "Next, you will work in pairs and do makeup training until lunch. I will check your results. If you can't satisfy me, you don't have to eat."

After speaking, Qin Yuan left the room directly

Soon, everyone moved their hands excitedly, but the results made Zang Chong and Ostrich who were watching this scene couldn't help laughing.

If they were really allowed to go behind enemy lines in this way, they might be swept to death by random guns before they got close.

After a whole morning, Qin Yuan checked everyone's training results and was satisfied overall. Although he couldn't reach the level of falsehood, it was definitely enough. After all, they all had training in this area before. The basics.

After lunch, Qin Yuan led them into the training building and said loudly:

"This building is specially used for actual combat training. There are dozens of rooms in it, and the layout of each room is unnecessary. Some are hospitals, some shopping malls, hotels, etc."

"In the future tasks, no one knows where they will face, so they can only be familiar with most of the scenes in advance during training, so that they can play the biggest role at critical moments."

"This afternoon's task is anti-terrorism training. You are divided into five groups according to the team, and you take turns to play the role of the rule of man. The rescue team needs to complete the steps of breaking into the door and killing the gangster within three seconds."

"In this process, live ammunition is used."

"Ah, live ammunition, what if I accidentally hit a comrade-in-arms?" Li Erniu couldn't help but said.

"Yes, I think it should be replaced by a dummy. This is too unsafe." Little Bee's face was full of worry.

Qin Yuan gave everyone a cold look, and shouted loudly: "On the battlefield, what you encounter is the real rule of man, do you still expect the gangsters to show kindness?"

"Only by using real people in training can we adapt in advance, and in future actions, there will be no missed situations."

"In this way, you can also run in the trust between you, and you can give your back to the other party."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he said solemnly: "Lei Zhan, you take the Thunder Commando to the office room to be the ruler."


Lei Zhan responded loudly, then led the team into the room, sat on the stool, picked up a few dummies beside him, and acted as a gangster.

"Long Xiaoyun, start with you guys, prepare to break down the door and kill the gangsters!"


"Captain, are we really going to be alright? These are all live ammunition. If the special forces entering the team are not careful, we will be hiccups!" Harley looked at the dummy next to him, thinking in his heart. A burst of dizziness.

For this anti-terrorism training, Qin Yuan only gave him three seconds. If the other party was in a hurry for a while, and the muzzle of his gun trembled, his back would feel a chill.

"Don't worry, whether it's the Red Blood Cell Special Team, the Warrior Squadron, the Jiaolong Special Team, or the Lone Wolf Group B, their marksmanship is excellent. As long as we don't move around, everything will be fine."

Lei Zhan's face was full of calmness. As the captain of the special forces team, he was already able to keep his emotions clear. Even if he was really nervous, he wouldn't show it.

Otherwise, as the captain, he is nervous, how can he reassure the players around him.

At the door, Long Xiaoyun stood outside with no expression on his face. He turned his head and glanced at Qin Yuan. After seeing him nod, he took a deep breath and no longer hesitated.

"Three, two, one, act!"

After Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, he directly slammed the door open with his body, and the layout of the room appeared in front of him. On the sofa in front of her, Lei Zhan sat straight on it, with a dummy beside him.

With a "bang", Long Xiaoyun shot directly, the bullet hit the dummy's head with precision, and a hole immediately exploded on it.

The members of the Wolf Warrior Squadron behind him also rushed in at the fastest speed. After quickly determining the target, they shot and killed the gangster.

Long Xiaoyun got up from the ground, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Several members of the Thunder Commando in the room also put their hearts back into their stomachs, with a look of fear on their faces.

"It's really unpleasant to feel a bullet sticking to your body. I almost thought I was going to explain it here." Harley patted his head in fear.

"Yeah, I don't want to try this feeling a second time. It's no different from walking before the gate of hell!" Daniel looked at the hole in the head of the dummy beside him, and was afraid for a while.

"Hehe, you think too much. The instructor's training this time is not only to train our marksmanship, but also to test our temperament. It is estimated that when the bullet can fly close to the body, and there is no feeling in my heart, it will be the end." The old fox laughed and seemed to have guessed Qin Yuan's thoughts.

Sure enough, Qin Yuan's voice came in from outside the door: "The Wolf Squadron comes out, the Thunder Commando continues to rule by humans, and the Red Blood Cell Special Forces is ready."

Without any hesitation, Long Xiaoyun walked directly outside the door with his team members, leaving behind the Thunder Commando with a wry smile.

"Hey, don't stand still, just help the gangster up quickly." Hades said with a wry smile.

Soon, the Lone Wolf Group B and the Jiaolong Special Team also became a rescue team, and then the people from the Warrior Wolf Squadron were the people. And so on.

It was not until all the special teams had played the rescue team and human treatment five times that they entered the next room, and they continued to train again and again until they completely formed muscle memory, and there were no emotional ups and downs in their hearts. Simply put, it was the numbness of the training.

After the anti-terrorism training, Qin Yuan stood on the training ground and said loudly, "The next step is physical training. Everyone carries a weight of 80 kilograms and keeps up with the car in front of you. Just get out of here!"


Everyone shouted in unison, then took their backpacks and went to the side to load stones.

"Everyone, pay attention, this time it might be extreme training again, don't fall behind!" Geng Jihui looked at the players and said in a low voice.

"I'm the most annoying of extreme training. Every time I finish it, it's like losing half my life. I'm so tired that I don't want to move a finger." Lao Pao couldn't help but complain.

"Then what can we do? If you want to improve your strength, you have to be able to endure hardships. Then again, haven't you noticed that our physical fitness has been greatly improved? Let alone 80 kilograms before, even if it is 40 kilograms , I'm too tired to run for a few kilometers." Xiao Zhuang said excitedly, as if he was very happy with the improvement of his strength.

"Hehe, with so much training every day, I can only persevere. Even a pig has to become a pig king." Ostrich stuffed rocks into his backpack viciously, and seemed to be a little resentful.

Soon, everyone loaded up their weights and ran wildly behind the military vehicle driven by Zhang Shuai.

"Fuck, does this guy have a grudge against the accelerator? As for stepping on it all the time!" Wang Yanbing looked at the car in front and couldn't help scolding, but he had to let go of his feet and run wildly, just for a while , he felt that his breathing was a little heavy, and his physical strength was consumed a lot.

"Is there anyone who will form a team? Go and dismantle the accelerators of all the military vehicles in the training base tonight. Let's see how the instructor abuses us!" Song Kaifei gritted his teeth.

"Come on, if you dare to remove the accelerator, the instructor will dare to remove your arm!" Xu Tianlong pouted.

Song Kaifei didn't have time to pay attention to him, so he ran forward with his head down.

After more than an hour, everyone's speed slowed down involuntarily, and the clothes on their bodies were completely soaked, as if they had just been fished out of the lake, and their faces were extremely pale, as if they would fall down at any time. on the ground.

"What's going on today, why didn't the instructor stop calling, do you really want us to run until we fainted?" Yi Mi 5 couldn't help but said. .

"You can be content, anyway, Instructor Zhang Shuai's driving speed has slowed down. If it is like at the beginning, even if we try our best, we will definitely not be able to catch up!" Shi Sanba gasped violently, his footsteps already seeming Somewhat frivolous.

"Everyone hold on a little longer, and you can rest soon." Long Xiaoyun encouraged his team members. As a woman, her physical fitness is relatively poor. If it wasn't for Qin Yuan's improvement of everyone's physical fitness, now I was already tired and fainted.

About half an hour later, everyone's physical strength was almost completely drained. When running, their feet almost dragged on the ground, and they were able to hold it up until now, entirely with tenacious willpower.

"Twenty minutes of rest in place!"

Qin Yuan asked everyone to stop training at the right time.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, then slowly slowed down, walked on the spot for two minutes, let their bodies get used to it, and then lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Yuan gave an order. Although Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others were still extremely tired, they still cheered up and stood in a neat queue.

"The training mission this afternoon is, lurking."

"On the battlefield, many special operations need to sneak behind the enemy. At this time, you need to master the stealth skills, which is a very important subject."

"There is your equipment on the car, go and change it now!" Qin Yuan pointed to the two military vehicles behind him.


Everyone shouted in unison, then took off their backpacks, strode towards the military vehicle, and soon saw something familiar to them, the tribulus terrestris suit.

This kind of thing is in the wild, as long as you find a place to lie down, it is difficult for others to find it, and it is almost standard equipment for special operations in the field.

It's just that in this hot weather, wearing such a thick and airtight thing will feel very hot, plus they have just consumed a lot of physical strength, and the body is hot, and then wearing this kind of thing is simply suffering.

But even so, everyone could only grit their teeth and endure it, and soon put on the tribulus clothing.

"Take your weapons, then spread out and lie down, holding the gun and aiming forward." Qin Yuan said to the special forces.


Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others followed suit one after another, lying in the jungle daring not to move at all, perfectly blending with the environment.

Qin Yuan shook his head towards Zangchong and the four, and the latter immediately understood that they were holding bullets, one by one, on the muzzles of the special forces.

"What does this mean?" Ostrich asked with some doubts. This method of training the bullets on the muzzle had already been used when practicing marksmanship.

"What else do you mean? Didn't the instructor have already said it clearly, sneak training is like growing up here, you can't move at all, if the bullet falls, you will be punished." Lao Pao directly said a lot~www.readwn .com~ Obviously thinks that he has figured out Qin Yuan.

"Ambush in the wild, it is most likely to be disturbed by mosquitoes, snakes and rats. It is estimated that the instructor is training our adaptability in the wild. Otherwise, we can train directly on the cement floor of the base. Why do you come here so hard?" Geng Jihui said. road.

A look of surprise appeared on everyone's faces.

Qin Yuan glanced at them and said with a smile: "lurking in the wild, what you have to do is not only to ambush in place, but also to move to the designated location without being discovered by the enemy, so as to complete the task."

"So your task is to lie on the ground within half an hour and move to the riverside a thousand meters away. During this period, if anyone's bullet falls, start over."

"After the time is over, if you haven't completed the task, go to the river and do a thousand push-ups!"

"Ah? What kind of training method is this, I've never heard of it before!"

"Yes, who can crawl on the ground without letting the bullets on the muzzle fall to the ground?"

(End of this chapter)

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