Chapter 348 Thrilling

"Can't do it?" Qin Yuan sneered at the corner of his mouth, "Just like you, how dare you call yourself a special force?"

"Zang Chong!"


"Show them!"

"Yes!" Zang Chong quickly put on a tribulus terrestris suit, then lay down directly on the grass, picked up his assault rifle, and put a bullet on the muzzle.

Zang Chong, who was wearing a tribulus terrestris suit, blended in with the surrounding scenery. Even if he came close, if he didn't check carefully, he would not be able to find his figure.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others stared at Zang Chong unblinkingly, trying to see how he moved to the river a thousand meters away while crawling forward.

However, five minutes later, everyone stared so hard that their eyes hurt, but they didn't see any movement from Zang Chong, as if they had been lying on the ground.

"What, it's been so long, and Instructor Zang Chong hasn't started yet, can't even he do it?"

"That's the way it is. If we just crawl forward, we can do it. It's impossible to let the bullet stand on the muzzle of the gun and prevent it from falling!"

"No, why do I feel something is wrong? Take a closer look. Instructor Zang Chong's current position doesn't seem to be where he started?" He Chenguang said with wide eyes, a look of doubt on his face.

When everyone heard his voice, they also carefully probed, and they were immediately shocked.

"My god, it's actually true. When Instructor Zang Chong first started to hide, there was a stone on the outside of his right thigh. Now the stone's position has reached his bare feet!"

"That's really the case. I remember this detail, that is to say, during the five minutes just now, Instructor Zang Chong was not motionless. He was moving his body in a very small range!"

"Yeah, even though we've been looking at him all the time, we still can't notice this tiny movement, which gives us the illusion that there isn't any movement."

"There really is such a training method, just now I thought the instructor was fooling us!"

Qin Yuan looked at the shocked special forces and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't hurry up and start training, as long as there is one person who hasn't finished before 8 p.m., there is no need to go back today!"


Everyone puffed out their chests, and there was no longer any embarrassed expression on their faces. Since Zang Chong could finish it, they naturally had no reason to back down, but it just took more time.

As the special forces began to train, the passion in their hearts was immediately dissipated, and their gazes at Zang Chong were a little weird, "The soldiers brought out by the perverted subordinates are all perverted!"

Not long after they started training, they already felt how difficult this task was. In order not to let the bullets on the muzzle fall, the speed of everyone's advance was ridiculously slow, and they moved a distance of more than ten centimeters for ten minutes. , is even more tortoise than tortoise.

If it continues at this speed, everyone will definitely not be able to complete Qin Yuan's task before the end of time, and they will still be punished.

Long Xiaoyun, Lei Zhan and others couldn't help but feel anxious and wanted to increase their speed. However, as a result, their bodies shook slightly, and the bullets from the muzzles of several people fell off.

Qin Yuan came behind them expressionlessly, and said indifferently, "Start over!"


Several people sighed helplessly, turned around and returned to the starting point, and then resumed training honestly.

On the other side, the ostrich crawls forward in the grass with a just right speed, with two eyes staring like an egg, staring at the bullet on the muzzle without blinking, for fear that this ancestor will fall.

After advancing for 500 meters, Ostrich couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He had already mastered the skills of this training initially. As long as there were no accidents, he had enough confidence to complete the training task within the specified time.

However, he was afraid of what was coming, and just as he was about to move forward, a hissing sound suddenly sounded in his ear.

With a "hum" sound, the ostrich only felt that his scalp was about to explode, and his body became tense in an instant, and he didn't dare to move at all.

Just looking at it, the ostrich's heart was half cold. He had heard that there were poisonous snakes in this jungle, but he didn't expect that he would actually meet him.

This is a brightly colored snake, only about the thickness of a finger. At this time, it is spitting out letters and slowly wandering towards this side.

Most snakes have degraded eyesight and basically have no effect. When they move, they mainly rely on infrared sensing. As long as they are normal temperature animals, they cannot escape their sensing within a certain range.

Perhaps because the weather was hot, and the tribulus clothing on the ostrich blocked most of the heat, the poisonous snake did not find the ostrich, and swam slowly towards him.

"Fuck you, don't come here!" The ostrich roared inwardly, but he didn't dare to move at all, staring at the poisonous snake from the corner of his eye, expecting it to turn around and leave halfway.

In the distance, Su Xiaoyu saw this scene inadvertently with his extremely sensitive eyesight, and his face could not help but show a touch of nervousness. He raised his hand and raised his rifle to shoot the poisonous snake at a distance. With his strength, he wanted to do something. It's easy to get to this point.

Seeing that Su Xiaoyu was about to pull the trigger, a hand suddenly reached out to stop him.

Su Xiaoyu looked at the owner of the palm with some doubts, and couldn't help saying: "Company commander, that's a poisonous snake, you have to shoot it quickly, otherwise the ostrich will be in danger."

Qin Yuan smiled and shook his head and said, "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

The doubts on Su Xiaoyu's face became more intense, but seeing that the company commander didn't have any worries, he felt relieved.

On the other side, the ostrich saw that the poisonous snake had no intention of changing its direction, and became very nervous. At least fight.

Soon, the poisonous snake wandered to the ostrich, then turned over directly along the tribulus suit on him, and then continued to swim forward as if nothing had happened.

"Huh!" When the poisonous snake disappeared into the jungle, the ostrich breathed a sigh of relief, and a layer of sweat had already seeped on his forehead. He was really scared just now.

After adjusting his breathing, the ostrich continued to crawl forward, trying to complete the task given by the instructor within the specified time.

However, after experiencing the thrilling scene just now, the ostrich did not control the strength for a while, and just climbed forward, the bullet from the muzzle fell to the ground.

Qin Yuan didn't know when he appeared behind him, and said blankly, "The mission failed, start over."

Qin Yuan already knew about the poisonous snake when it appeared, but he did not solve it directly, but allowed it to approach the ostrich, which was regarded as a training of courage and xinxing, but he used a few god-level intelligence Poisonous bee, once the situation is bad, he will immediately shoot, kill the poisonous snake before it can cause damage

The ostrich opened his mouth and wanted to tell Qin Yuan that he had met a poisonous snake just now and almost died, which caused the bullet to fall.

But this thought just flashed in his mind, and the ostrich smiled bitterly in his heart, and walked towards the starting point honestly.

If it was on the battlefield, he might have encountered not only poisonous snakes, but also waves of enemy armed men with guns. At that time, as long as there was a slight negligence, he would lose his life, more likely to implicate his teammates, and lead to the failure of the operation. .

Compared to those, mere punishments are nothing at all.

Time passed slowly, five hours passed quickly, and the sky darkened, but until this time, there was still no one who could crawl to the end, and the farthest only persisted to the last 100 meters. .

"All of them, gather!"

Qin Yuan roared forward, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others showed shame on their faces, then quickly got up from the ground and stood in a queue.

"For five hours, no one has completed the training mission. Just like you, you are still special forces. When you performed the mission before, you were not killed by the enemy. It can only be attributed to your luck!"

Facing Qin Yuan's ridicule, everyone felt a fever on their faces and wanted to find a hole to burrow into.

"Now give you ten minutes to adjust, and then continue training. As long as one person fails to complete the task today, they will all be punished!"

"Report to the instructor, the Wolf Warrior Squadron does not need to rest, please start training immediately!" Long Xiaoyun shouted loudly, his eyes looked very determined.

"Report the instructor, the Thunder Commandos don't need to rest!"

"Report the instructor, the red blood cell special forces..."


Qin Yuan looked at the special forces with fighting intent, and nodded in his heart. To be able to become special forces, their temperament and tenacity are impeccable.

"Then keep training!"


Everyone shouted in unison, then rushed to the starting point and continued to start training.

"Company commander, they are indeed very powerful. After five hours of continuous training and no lunch, most of our physical strength and endurance must have been exhausted long ago, but we can continue to train without rest. If it was us back then , definitely can't do it." Zhang Shuai said with some emotion as he looked at the backs of everyone leaving.

"If it were me, I would have found a place to rest a long time ago. It is impossible to ask for continued training." Zang Chong also nodded in agreement. Suddenly he raised his head and looked into the distance, rubbing his shriveled stomach, wondering. Said: "Why hasn't this guy Xiaoyu come back? I'm so hungry that my chest is on my back."

"Hehe, this guy must have eaten his fill before thinking of us. Otherwise, I'll make a bet, I bet this guy won't be back in an hour." Fang Tianpi said with a smile.

"Don't say it, this is something Xiaoyu can do!" Zhang Shuai's face was full of helplessness.

Qin Yuan raised his head and glanced into the distance, and the other party said with a smile: "I bet you, Su Xiaoyu will be back in ten minutes at most, how about it?"

"Really?" Fang Tian's face was full of joy, and he got up and ran forward. The voice came from behind, "I'll pick him up and be back soon."

"Fang Tian, ​​don't gamble if you can't afford it. It's shameless to use this method to avoid punishment!" Zang Chong snorted and looked at Fang Tian's back with contempt.

Soon, Su Xiaoyu and Fang Tian came back in the car at the same time, then took down several food boxes, and ran towards Qin Yuan.

"Hey, company commander, today the cafeteria comrades have prepared a lot of new dishes, and I have packed all of them for a point. Hurry up and try it, it's still hot!"

Qin Yuan was not polite, and opened the food box directly. A strong fragrance filled the air instantly, causing him to swallow a big mouthful of saliva involuntarily.

Not far away, the special forces smelled the strong fragrance, and their stomachs screamed in disappointment. Since breakfast, they hadn't eaten anything, plus a lot of training, they were already hungry at this time, but Just grit your teeth and hold on.

Soon, the sky became completely dark, and the light from the half-moon hanging in the air could barely see the surrounding terrain.

After several hours of training, the special forces had truly mastered the skills, and finally completed the training mission at 11:30.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said loudly, "I'll give you 20 minutes of rest time. Go around to find something to fill your stomach, and then go back to the training base with armed cross-country."


Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and the others dragged their extremely tired bodies. Relying on the faint moonlight, they touched the dense forest, and soon found something to fill their stomachs, regardless of whether they were cooked or not, and stuffed them directly into their mouths.

Each of them has performed a mission, and they know the things that are edible and poisonous in the wild. Can easily last a month.

Soon, twenty minutes passed, and everyone gathered here. The ostrich and the hygienist hooked up on their Both of them had a skinned snake stuck in their mouths, chewing like hot sticks. on.

"It's about 70 kilometers away from the training base. You can rest after running back. It's all quick and easy. We will gather for early practice at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly to the cab of the military vehicle. Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu threw the load on the vehicle with a smile, then stepped on the accelerator and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Hey, 70 kilometers of mountain road, plus 80 kilograms of load, it will take at least four hours to get back, it's almost twelve o'clock now, and I have to get up at six o'clock tomorrow morning, the instructor is forced Let's explode our potential!" The ostrich smiled wryly, wishing to fall asleep without worrying about any training tasks.

"Okay, don't complain, hurry up and start. How long we can rest depends on our strength." Geng Jihui said, and took up the backpack with great difficulty.


In the end, it only took three and a half hours for everyone to run back to the base, then randomly took a cold shower, and fell asleep directly on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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