Chapter 349 Underwater Operations

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan took everyone directly to a nearby reservoir.

"Today's training mission is underwater, and everyone will get a snorkel and dagger, which will be the only equipment you will have this morning."

"Seeing that the reservoir in front is not there, your task is to dive into the water, then dive to the opposite side within half an hour and then swim back again, as long as one second exceeds the time limit, you will be punished to do 100 push-ups!"

Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and shouted loudly.

The ostrich glanced at the emerald green reservoir that could barely see the edge, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and said in a low voice, "Instructor, there won't be any pythons in it, right?"

"Maybe there is." Qin Yuan said casually, "Even if there is, why don't you go into the water after the mission?"

The ostrich was choked for a moment, and he didn't dare to say anything. He honestly followed behind the captain and walked towards the reservoir.

"Hehe, ostrich, are you afraid? Isn't it just some poisonous snakes and pythons, what's the matter?" The hygienist smiled and said, his face was extremely flat, as if he was not worried about the next training.

"If it's on land, these things are naturally nothing, but this is a library, who knows how much danger there is in it, if it gets entangled by water plants, or encounters a group of water snakes, wouldn't it be properly finished! "The ostrich's face is still a little worried.

"Don't you have a dagger in your hand? If you encounter any danger, you can solve it directly. As a special forces soldier, if you can't even deal with these troubles, it would be too embarrassing." Lao Pao said solemnly.

The ostrich opened its mouth and said nothing, followed the crowd and walked towards the reservoir.

Soon, everyone was standing on the shore, getting ready.

Without any delay, Qin Yuan said loudly, "Start!"


Everyone responded in unison, then strode towards the reservoir, and soon their bodies were all submerged in the water, relying on breathing tubes or fresh air.

As special forces, they all had similar training before, but it was not half as difficult.

Time passed slowly, all the special forces tried their best to swim to the opposite bank after ten minutes, and then without any hesitation, plunged into the water again and swam towards the opposite bank.

Soon, everyone returned one after another. Qin Yuan held the timer and secretly recorded the time everyone spent.

When everyone was standing in front of him neatly, Qin Yuan shouted loudly, "Long Xiaoyun, fifteen seconds overtime, fifteen hundred push-ups."

"Leng Feng, nine seconds overtime, nine hundred push-ups!"

"Geng Jihui, 10 seconds overtime, 1,000 push-ups!"


Qin Yuan announced the punishments for everyone one by one, and there was a wry smile on everyone's faces. They had to do one hundred push-ups in one second over time, which meant that their physical fitness was very good, otherwise just these punishments would be enough. Tired them half to death.

"Er Niu, how long did you overtime?" Wang Yanbing asked curiously.

"I...Yanbing, you know, I've never been good at swimming, so it took 19 seconds to time out." Li Erniu had a wry smile on his face.

"Good guy, 1,900 push-ups!" Wang Yanbing's eyes were full of sympathy.

"Yanbing, how many do you need to do?"

"One thousand one hundred, it's okay..."

"How about you, Morning Light?"

"Nine hundred!" He Chenguang said lightly.

Wang Yanbing's face froze, and he said bitterly, "I just didn't play well, and I will definitely enter the ten-second range next time."

"Hehe, next time my goal is five seconds!"


When everyone was about to do push-ups on the spot, Qin Yuan laughed, with a hint of sarcasm in his laughter, "You... are you going to be punished here?"

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and others had question marks on their foreheads at the same time. The thoughtful Long Xiaoyun couldn't help but looked up at Qin Yuan, then turned his head and walked towards the reservoir behind him, and then lay down in the water very skillfully Do push-ups.

Only then did everyone react, scolding Qin Yuan in their hearts, and then turned around and walked towards the reservoir.

"Give you forty minutes, then go ahead and start training!"


It was not until noon that the special forces reluctantly completed the training task within the time specified by Qin Yuan.

At this time, everyone didn't know how long they had been soaking in the icy water. Even though the sun was hanging in the sky, they felt the coldness in their bodies.

"Twenty minutes to rest the family, and then resume training!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly to the other direction of the reservoir. At this time, Zhang Shuai and Su Xiaoyu were holding a fishing rod and working hard for their lunch.

"Brothers, who can catch fish, hurry up and show your hands." The ostrich opened his eyes wide and swept over everyone with great hope.

"Isn't it easy to catch fish?" Hades chuckled lightly, pulled off the chain of his jacket, and pulled out a plump carp like a conjuration.

"Fuck, brother, where did you come from?" Lao Pao swallowed a big mouthful of saliva and couldn't help but ask.

"Haha, when I was training just now, this thing slammed into it, and I didn't want to let it down, so I knocked it unconscious and stuffed it in my clothes." Hades laughed loudly.

"Don't be cold, hurry up, I'm going crazy with hunger!" Harley took out the dagger, took the fish from the King of Hell, scraped the scales and removed the internal organs very neatly, and then cut into fresh and tender sashimi slices. to a few players.

Some of the other special teams plunged directly into the reservoir, hoping to catch a few plump fish, while others burrowed directly into the jungle not far away, looking for the common insects, mice and earthworms, although they were unpalatable. Wait for the stomach.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan brought Zang Chong and the four back here, each holding a grilled fish in his hand, and his mouth was full of oil.

After swallowing a big mouthful of grilled fish, Qin Yuan's voice was a little vague: "The next task is basically the same as that in the morning. You need to dive into the water and swim back and forth within half an hour."

"But the difference is that everyone gets a bomb model, and this thing is very light, and what you need to do is, when you come back, put it on the bottom of the water."

"If it's not installed, the bomb model will float up. As long as one model emerges from the water, everyone has to do a thousand push-ups. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" The special forces roared in unison, and then each took the bomb model from the military vehicle, and plunged into the reservoir following Qin Yuan's instructions.

Soon, everyone swam halfway back, looked at each other, took a deep breath, and dived directly to the bottom of the water.

After coming to the bottom of the water, everyone took out the bomb model on their bodies and quickly fixed it in the mud. As special forces, they have undergone a lot of training in the installation of explosives, so what they need to worry about is only a matter of time.

After installing the bomb model, everyone did not dare to delay at all, and swam directly upwards. After taking a breath of fresh air with the help of a breathing tube, they immediately swam towards the shore.

Qin Yuan looked at the calm water and was about to give them some interesting toys when the communicator on his body suddenly sounded.

After answering the call, Qin Yuan's face became a little dignified. He glanced at Zang Chong and said, "You guys are here to watch their training, I'll go out."

"Company commander, do you have a new mission? Take me with you, you're almost suffocated!" Su Xiaoyu said quickly, his eyes full of requests.

"That won't work, why can you little fish go out to perform tasks, we have to train them here boringly, and I want to go too!" Zang Chong stubbornly said, as if he had been held back for a long time.

Qin Yuan glanced at the four of them, thought for a moment, and said, "Well, I can only take one person out. You can discuss who to go."

"Hey, there's no need to discuss, just discuss it, whoever wins can go out with the company commander to carry out the mission." Zang Chong twisted his wrist, his face full of confidence.

"No, no, it's too unstyled to do it. We are all civilized people. Naturally, we need to solve disputes in a civilized way." Su Xiaoyu said slowly.

"Then how do you solve it in a civilized way?" Fang Tian looked at Su Xiaoyu and asked.

"It's very simple, rock-paper-scissors!"

"Che, are you naive, how old are you to play this?" Zang Chong mocked unceremoniously.

"I think it's okay, it all depends on my luck, that's all!" Zhang Shuai said, and then directly pulled Zang Chong to gesture, the latter reluctantly agreed.

Soon, the outcome was decided, Su Xiaoyu looked at Zhang Shuai and the three with a smug look on his face, and said with a smile: "Accept, let, hehe, just watch them here, the company commander and I will soon return."

"Humph!" Zang Chong looked at Su Xiaoyu with a smug look on his face, wishing he could smash him with his fist to let him know why the flowers were so red.

Qin Yuan took Su Xiaoyu into a military vehicle and galloped towards the military district office.

More than half an hour later, in Su Guoqiang's office, Qin Yuan sat upright on the sofa and listened to what the other party said.

"Xiao Qin, the militants you captured by the sea last time have decided to abandon the darkness and turn to the light. Through this line, we found the leader of the narcotics trafficking. His codenamed Salmon is the most important transportation channel in H City."

"We asked them to contact the salmon and set the bait. The other party has no doubts and is now going to the virgin forest with a changing path to conduct a large transaction."

"That's why I found you. I hope you can take people there to set up an ambush, capture or kill salmon directly, and completely cut off this narcotics-trafficking network."

Qin Yuan frowned and said, "Will those people be colluding, pretending to surrender, but it's actually a trap?"

Su Guoqiang said solemnly: "I also thought of this possibility, but we currently don't have any accurate information on salmon. If we want to subdue it, we can only bet this time."

"Well... If you think this operation is too dangerous, you can just give up. We will attack from other places, but this method is too time-consuming."

Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, and said firmly: "Please rest assured, sir, and make sure to complete the task!"

"Okay, remember to be careful. Due to the geographical location of this mission, you can only carry one team, otherwise it will cause the other party to be alert. That's why I'm looking for you." Su Guoqiang said with a wry smile. .

Qin Yuan nodded, took the information about this mission, and walked directly outside.

If it was someone else, the mission this time would be very difficult, and it would even cost innocent lives, but for Qin Yuan, it was quite simple.

After walking out of the military area office, Su Xiaoyu immediately greeted him and asked curiously, "Company commander, what is the mission this time?"

Qin Yuan directly threw the information in his hand to him, and then contacted Tan Xiaolin and others. The other party just didn't perform the task and came here soon with the equipment.


More than two hours later, a transport helicopter hovered in the open space more than 50 kilometers away from the variable diameter, and figures quickly landed on the ground along the ropes.

Qin Yuan sorted out the equipment on his body, and said solemnly: "This task may be very difficult. Maybe the other party has already set up a trap and is waiting for us to enter, so we must be highly vigilant."


Everyone in the Fire Phoenix Commando responded in unison, with a touch of excitement on their faces.

After determining the direction, everyone strode towards the destination, Qin Yuan directly released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and observed the possible accidents around him.

In a dense forest dozens of kilometers away, an unshaven, unusually burly man with a light machine gun in his hand said loudly, "Boss, is that hound really a 25th boy?"

Known as the boss, it is Salmon. He looks only in his thirties, and his appearance is very gentle, but there is a hideous scar on his right forehead, which adds a bit of fierceness.

"Hmph, is this still a guess, that guy has been missing for so long, and suddenly contacted that someone wanted a large batch of goods, it would be strange if there were no ghosts!" Salmon snorted coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Then why do we still come here? This is the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. If we get entangled, we won't be able to escape." The burly man said with a puzzled expression.

"Clean up the portal!" Salmon said coldly, he brought all his men this time, and since the place is changing paths, even if there is an accident, they can easily escape.

But what he didn't expect was that this time there was only one special team that could easily destroy Qin Yuan and others soon came to the trading place more than 1,000 meters away. She took cover and looked around carefully.

"Company commander, they chose a very good place. The terrain here is complicated and can hide many people. If you rush into the ambush of the other party, you will probably explain it here." Su Xiaoyu looked around with the binoculars. Full of worries.

Qin Yuan stared at the dense forest in front of him, seemingly observing the environment, but in fact, his consciousness connected with all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, looking for traces of the enemy inch by inch.

From the very beginning, he never planned to follow the plan given by Su Guoqiang. Those people were extremely cunning. Even if there was no doubt, they would definitely not trade honestly. Those in the wilderness were the most suitable for killing people and robbing goods.

Soon, a smile appeared on the corner of Qin Yuan's mouth. Through the scan of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he easily found the figure hidden in the dense forest ahead.

There are nearly a hundred of them, all with weapons in their hands, and the murderous look on their faces also tells him that these people are not rookies who have not experienced gunfights.

(End of this chapter)

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