Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 349: Peak-level animal control skills

Chapter 350 Peak-level animal control skills

After pondering for a moment, Qin Yuan said to the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando: "You go around from the left side and hide in the dense forest over there to prevent fish from slipping through the net."


Tan Xiaolin and the others had solemn expressions on their faces. After checking their equipment, they cautiously bypassed the group of armed men and rushed towards the designated location.

"Company commander, what about me?" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of eagerness to try.

Qin Yuan threw the sniper rifle beside him directly, "You can just be a sniper here, remember to be careful not to be discovered by the other party."

"Okay, I like nodding the most." Su Xiaoyu took the sniper rifle and started looking for the best shooting position.

Qin Yuan waited for more than ten minutes, and after confirming that the Fire Phoenix Commando had been ambushed, he directly activated the peak-level concealment skills and strode toward the dense forest ahead.

"Boss, will we be tricked? It's been so long, and there's not even a shadow of a ghost." In the jungle, a dark-faced subordinate couldn't help but said.

Salmon's face was also a little ugly, he gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Wait for another ten minutes, if no one comes, then withdraw!"

At this moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded in everyone's ears, and Salmon's face changed instantly, and he raised the AK47 in his hand and was about to sweep it to the left.

However, the next moment, a crisp gunshot suddenly sounded, and Salmon only felt a sharp pain in his right shoulder, and the weapon in his hand fell to the ground uncontrollably.


The men next to him noticed the shadow appearing in front of him, and raising the muzzle was a round of strafing.

However, the figure was like a ghost, and disappeared before everyone shot, and all the bullets hit the open space.

A subordinate next to him was about to help the rolling salmon on the ground, clutching his shoulders, but as soon as he approached, a blood hole appeared in his head, and the sound of the sniper gun was heard after his body hit the ground heavily. come over.

"There are snipers, hurry up and hide!"

These people have extremely rich combat experience, and immediately found that a sniper was shooting at them, and subconsciously wanted to hide.

However, when the attention of these people was attracted by the sniper rifle, Qin Yuan suddenly appeared again, holding two hand Rays whose fuses had been unplugged, and threw them directly towards the dense place.

With two bangs, more than a dozen enemy militants were blasted out instantly, and the air was filled with a smell of burnt flesh.

"Why are you still standing there, kill this **** for me!" Salmon covered his shoulders in pain and cursed loudly.

Dozens of subordinates all around reacted instantly, raised the muzzle and shot towards Qin Yuan, almost forming an airtight bullet net.

But Qin Yuan seemed to be able to accurately see the trajectory of each bullet, easily avoiding all attacks, raising the assault rifle in his hand from time to time, and reaping the lives of several militants.

Su Xiaoyu in the distance is also very comfortable nodding people's heads one by one. If it is another time, the sniper must shoot to another place to prevent the enemy from capturing the position and bombing it.

But now, with Qin Yuan attracting firepower ahead, no one has time to deal with him.

"Hey, the company commander is very powerful. He can charge under the rain of bullets. If it were me, I would have been shot into a sieve." Su Xiaoyu sniped one person again and couldn't help but smacked his tongue.

In the dense forest, Salmon leaned back against a big tree, and his breathing seemed to be a little rapid.

"Is this guy really human? He's so perverted. No, he can't stay here any longer, or he will definitely die here today."

Thinking of this, Salmon shouted to the only 40 or so men left by his side: "Give it to me, he is only one person, no matter how powerful he is, he can't stop our dozens of brothers, as long as he can kill him, After the meeting, I will give each of you a box of gold!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and the faces of those men who were beaten by Qin Yuan who dared not show their faces showed greed.

"Come on, everyone, I don't believe that man can kill dozens of us instantly with just one gun!"

"Yes, that person is not three heads and six arms. He took our rockets out and banged him to death."

"Come on, just as I was about to kill him, there was a box of gold to take. This is a wealth that we haven't been able to accumulate in a few years!"

Salmon looked at the subordinates who rushed out one by one with a trace of reluctance on his face. It took him a long time to gather, and this time he was completely folded inside.

"Hmph, Long Guo, I'll be back!"

As soon as the salmon gritted his teeth, he turned around and ran behind his shoulders, quickly disappearing into the jungle.

In the dense forest a few hundred meters away, Tan Xiaolin and other members of the Fire Phoenix Commando had been in ambush here for a long time. Hearing the gunshots coming from the front, his face seemed a little anxious.

"There's nothing wrong with Lu Xue, the instructor. There are only two of them, but the other party has no less than a hundred. As the saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands!" Tian Guo couldn't help but said, obviously very They were worried about Qin Yuan's safety.

"Don't worry, since the instructor arranged for us to ambush here, we must be sure to face those militants. We have to trust him." He Lu Xue comforted Tian Guo, and at the same time comforted himself.

"The instructor is so powerful, it's definitely going to be alright. You forgot that when you were training before, he could knock over us all with one hand?" Ye Cun said firmly, as if he had no worries at all, but his eyes kept glancing at each other. The direction from which the gunshots came from.

"Attention, someone is coming this way at eight o'clock!" Tan Xiaolin's voice came from the headset, and everyone's expressions instantly changed, and they all looked over there.

In the dense forest, a figure rushed towards this side in a somewhat embarrassed manner. His shoulder seemed to be injured, and he kept covering it with his left hand.

"The target is determined. It is the leader of the illegal organization, Salmon. Be careful not to shoot. We will take him back." He Lu Xue said in a low voice.


"The target is carrying a weapon, don't startle the snake, kill the enemy, prepare an anesthesia needle, and when the target is close, directly subdue it."


Ye Cunxin carefully picked up the calming gun that had been prepared by her side. The range of this weapon was only 50 meters. She needed the opponent to get close to it before she could shoot.

A few dozen meters away, Salmon strode towards here, as if some terrifying monster was chasing him behind him, and the expression on his face seemed very nervous.

After he took advantage of his breathing to identify the position here, his expression suddenly loosened. As long as he ran more than 100 meters, he would completely leave the range of the Dragon Kingdom, and he would be completely safe.

After continuing to run forward for more than ten meters, Salmon suddenly stopped in alertness. He has been on this route a few times, so he is familiar with the things here, but today, there seems to be something wrong here, except for the sound of gunshots in the distance. Besides, it seems a little too quiet.

The moment Salmon stopped, there was a piercing cracking sound in his ear, and he felt a tingling pain in his right arm when he was close to him.

Looking down, the salmon only saw a thin needle tube, and the liquid inside had all been injected into the body.

In the nearby jungle, the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando came out and came to Salmon's side. After confirming that he had lost consciousness, they took off all the weapons on his body and tied them with shackles.

"Captain, since we've caught the salmon, can we go to support the instructors?" Qubi Azhuo's voice was full of urgency, and he turned his head to look in the direction where the gunfire was still rushing in the distance.

"Well, pistachios, mosquito coils, the two of you are watching salmon here, and the rest will follow me to support the instructor." After talking to Lu Xue, he took the lead and ran forward.

The girls immediately followed behind, leaving only Tian Guo and Ouyang Qian to stay where they were.

By the time the Fire Phoenix Commando team arrived, the sound of gunfire was already sparse. Some militants seemed to be scared of being beaten. They desperately wanted to escape, but they just hit their guns.

After Qin Yuan cleaned up the enemies in front of him, he walked straight ahead and informed Su Xiaoyu with his headset.

In the monitoring screen of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, when the remaining enemy militants were fleeing, they were directly cleaned up by the Fire Phoenix Commando, without causing any splash.

"Instructor, are you okay?" Tan Xiaolin couldn't help but said after seeing Qin Yuan's figure, her face full of worry.

"I'm fine." Qin Yuan chuckled, then said to He Lu Xue, "I deliberately let go of the salmon just now, did you catch him?"

Although Qin Yuan already knew that the salmon had been caught by the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando, he still had to ask to avoid suspicion.

"The salmon has been anesthetized by us, and the pistachios and mosquito coils have been notified to come this way." He Lu Xue reported earnestly.

"Okay, the mission this time was completed smoothly, clean the battlefield, and then you can go back."


More than two hours later, Qin Yuan and the others returned to the military area. As soon as they got off the helicopter, they saw Su Guoqiang and several officers waiting here.

"Xiao Qin, are you not injured?" Su Guoqiang's voice was full of concern. Although he had already reported the mission situation on the radio, he still had to see it with his own eyes to be relieved.

"Don't worry, sir, we are all fine." Qin Yuan replied with a smile, and everyone in the Fire Phoenix Commando behind him stood up and accepted the inspection of the officers and the officers.

"Okay, it's not too early, hurry back and rest, the military region is discussing to issue rewards to you, we will not treat any hero badly!"

"These are all things we should be doing."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he directly handed the salmon to the special personnel, and then took everyone out of the military area office.

At the same time, the sound of the system sounded in his mind, Qin Yuan listened carefully for a moment, and there was a look of interest on his face.

The reward given by the system this time is the peak-level beast control ability, which can control beasts within a range of 500 meters. If it is in the wild, it is definitely an extremely practical skill.

When he returned to the training base, the sky was completely dark. Qin Yuan took a hot shower and fell asleep on the bed.

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan continued the training mission.

On the playground, Zang Chong looked at Su Xiaoyu and couldn't help but ask, "What mission did you guys perform yesterday, isn't it exciting?"

"Hey, of course it's exciting. The opponent has more than 100 militants, all of whom are murderous and experienced a hundred battles. The instructor and I, each with one gun, seven in and seven out, killed them to the point of throwing away their armor and armor. Hug head and mouse!"

The spittle that Su Xiaoyu said flew across the sky, as if it were real.

"Just you? Haha, do you think I'll believe it?" Zang Chong rolled his eyes, what Su Xiaoyu said might be true, but the protagonist definitely didn't have him.

"Hmph, if you don't believe me, pull it down, anyway, I have dealt with no less than twenty gangsters with my own hands!" Su Xiaoyu snorted softly, turned her head and ignored him.

After finishing the morning exercise, Qin Yuan brought five special teams to an open space, and then began to do push-ups.

"Do push-ups for an hour first, then move on to the next workout."

Geng Jihui, Yang Rui and others did not change their faces. After such a long period of training, they were already very familiar with this subject. Although they still felt tired, they were able to persevere.

Qin Yuan looked at everyone doing push-ups and said angrily, "Are you really on vacation? Speed ​​up, the old ladies on the street are better than you!"

Lei Zhan and the others couldn't help but look at each other, wondering in their hearts, weren't we all at this speed before?

But wondering if they were bored, they still accelerated the speed of their hands, and it didn't take long for them to feel that their stamina was exhausted and their breathing became rapid.

"The training tasks are really getting more and more difficult now. Who is doing push-ups at such a fast speed!" Ostrich's face was full of depression, and he felt that after half an hour, he couldn't hold on.

Qiangzi put his hands on the ground, his arms trembled slightly, a drop of sweat dripped from his forehead, and his voice was a little hoarse: "The instructor didn't even let us eat breakfast. I really don’t know if I can hold on to it.”

"Where do you guys get so much strength? Shut up and keep your strength. If we persist for less than an hour, then we will be miserable." Xiao Zhuang couldn't help but said, his face also appeared to be miserable. Abnormal pale, breathing very fast, clenching his teeth and doing push-ups quickly, not daring to be sloppy.

Qin Yuan came to the crowd slowly, holding a fragrant chicken leg in his hand, chewing in his mouth.

"It's so fragrant, it's delicious, how about it, do you want to eat it?" Qin Yuan deliberately put the chicken leg in front of the ostrich.


The belly of the ostrich screamed in disappointment, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "I want to eat, can I?"

"Hehe, think beautifully!"

Qin Yuan put the chicken leg in his mouth and took a bite, leaving the delicious juice down the corner of his mouth.

"Hurry up, or do push-ups for another half an hour!"


The ostrich feebly responded.

(End of this chapter)

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