Chapter 355 Underwater Shooting

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan asked Zang Chong to put a few boxes of ping pong **** on the military vehicle, and then each carried 50 kilograms of weight and started armed off-road.

On the rugged mountain road, the red blood cell special team was running wildly behind the military vehicle. Li Erniu in the team couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Chenguang, what do you think the instructor is doing with so many table tennis balls?"

"It's definitely not for us to play." Wang Yanbing interjected, with a hint of curiosity on his face.

"You won't know until you get there. Now this route is obviously heading towards that big river. Maybe it's for us to train marksmanship in the water." He Chenguang guessed that he really couldn't guess this kind of table tennis. What else does it do.

"It seems that it's still there!" Li Erniu thought for a while, then said with a smile: "It's still Chenguang, you are smart, I can't think of this.

After more than two hours, the military vehicle driven by Qin Yuan in front finally slowed down. Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others who followed behind couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They had been running wild for so long, and they were already exhausted and out of breath. He was so **** that he almost fainted.

Soon, Qin Yuan parked the car in front of the wide river, and everyone had a relieved expression on their faces. They lay on the ground desperately, gasping for breath. Their clothes were completely soaked in sweat. Wet, his face was even more pale.

"I come to an extreme physical training every day. I'm so used to it. I don't even feel tired and paralyzed. I feel uneasy, rub!" Hades couldn't help but scolded.

"It's okay, I can clearly feel that my physical fitness has improved a lot compared to when I first came here." Harley panted.

"Okay, don't say a few words, hurry up to recover your strength, the next training will definitely be difficult to deal with." The old fox lay on the ground, his voice a little hoarse.

It didn't take long for Qin Yuan to gather all the special forces and pointed to the river behind him: "The next training subject is underwater shooting. As the name suggests, it is to train marksmanship underwater."

"I believe you all know that the refraction of light by water is different from that in air. There is an included angle between the two, which can be known by calculation, which increases the difficulty of shooting behind us."

"But on the battlefield, it is very likely to encounter tasks that require underwater shooting. At this time, after training in advance, adapting and mastering, you can greatly improve your mission success rate."

Qin Yuan looked at the dignified people and said loudly, "Now, grab your equipment and go into the water!"


Everyone roared in unison, but there was a hint of hesitation on the ostrich's face, and whispered: "Instructor, the water quality here is very poor, people are inside, it is difficult to open your eyes, let alone shoot, don't you think? Ready for goggles?"

When special forces are conducting underwater training, unless they are swimming indoors, they will prepare goggles, which is why the ostrich came up with it.

"Haha, do I still want to give you a set of diving equipment?" Qin Yuan's mouth showed a hint of mockery.

The ostrich didn't seem to react, and was a little surprised: "Is it really possible?"

Xiaozhuang, the hygienist can't wait to cover his face with his hands, this ostrich really doesn't have a good brain.

Without warning, Qin Yuan kicked the ostrich directly into the river.

"Hmph, can it be that on the battlefield, just because you don't have goggles, you can watch the mission target away from you? What are special forces? Special forces are special forces that overcome all difficulties and complete the tasks assigned by their superiors!"

Qin Yuan glared angrily: "What are you still doing, bring your own equipment and go into the water!"

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others were all shaking, and they didn't dare to hesitate, grabbed their weapons, and stepped directly into the river, their heads soon submerged in the river.

The river is extremely wide and the water is extremely turbulent. It is extremely difficult for normal people to stabilize their bodies, let alone shoot accurately.

"Five minutes later, I will throw a ping-pong ball on the water. Each of you has only one shot to hit the ping-pong ball on the water, and then you can breathe." Qin Yuan said loudly, his voice clear through the river. into everyone's ears.

There was a hint of hesitation on Zhang Shuai's face, and he whispered: "Company commander, isn't this mission too difficult? Holding your breath underwater for five minutes is already very difficult. The lack of oxygen will cause their confusion. At that time, if you want to accurately hit the table tennis ball that flows rapidly along the river, the difficulty can be imagined."

Qin Yuan waved at him: "Don't worry, the performance of these guys may exceed your expectations!"

Seeing the company commander say this, Zhang Shuai stopped talking and looked at the special forces under the water with some worry.

Soon, five minutes passed, and Qin Yuan nodded to Zang Chong who had been prepared for a long time. The latter, without any hesitation, picked up a box of table tennis **** and threw them into the river.

The eyes of everyone who had been suffocated to the point of suffocation under the water could not help but light up, raised the muzzle to eliminate the interference of the ripples on the water surface, and pulled the trigger one after another.

With dozens of gunshots, all the table tennis **** were accurately hit and flew out.

After completing the shooting mission, the special forces immediately got out of the water and breathed in the fresh air.

"Damn it, if I play for a while, I feel like I'm really going to burp!" Lao Pao's face was full of joy.

"Don't worry, since the instructor dares us to train like this, it means we can do it." Although Xiao Zhuang was almost suffocated, his face did not change in the slightest.

"I also feel it. Although the task assigned by the instructor, although it seems impossible to complete, it just uses up all our physical strength every time, as if it was calculated accurately." Hadron also said.

"Otherwise, how can we train a new company of sharp knives? As long as we train hard, we will become as strong as them sooner or later." Geng Jihui clenched his fists, his face full of fighting intent.

A minute later, Qin Yuan shouted loudly, "Continue training!"

Without any hesitation, everyone submerged their heads in the water again, trying their best to calm down and reduce the consumption of oxygen.

Five minutes later, Zang Chong threw ping-pong **** on the water again, and a gunshot sounded, hitting every ping-pong ball with precision.

This training went on until twelve o'clock noon. Everyone felt dizzy, like drinking a big bottle of white wine. There was no way. They had been training underwater for too long, and their bodies were a little deprived of oxygen.

However, this is also beneficial. Everyone feels that they hold their breath underwater for a longer time, and their marksmanship has also improved. Even if the will is blurred, they can quickly calculate the position of the target, and then they will be sure to hit when they close.

Qin Yuan gave them twenty minutes to rest and find food, just like herding sheep.

Next, it wasn't until five o'clock in the afternoon that Qin Yuan finished today's training and sent everyone back to the training base with armed cross-country.


At noon the next day, Qin Yuan stood on the podium, and the special forces below sat upright on the stool like students. The table in front of him was not a textbook, but a pistol and a nine-five rifle.

"This afternoon, your training task is to disassemble and assemble weapons blindfolded. Compared with you have done so much training before, I don't need to say more about the rules."

"My task is to disassemble and assemble the two guns in 30 seconds with everyone blindfolded."

"What? Thirty seconds? How is this possible!" Hades widened his eyes and couldn't help but say: "Instructor, in the entire Dragon Kingdom, the records of blindfolded dismantling of armed weapons are also fifty seconds, thirty seconds. How can it be done?"

"That's right, if it's a pistol or a rifle alone, it might be possible to do it in thirty seconds, but now if the two are added together, even the first soldier in the military region will never be able to do it!" Harley and echoed.

"Is it really impossible?"

Qin Yuan's voice was very indifferent. In the eyes of the special forces, he slowly picked up the black ribbon on the table in front of his eyes and tied it to his eyes, and then said to his side: "Zhang Shuai, time!"


Without any hesitation, Zhang Shuai pressed the timer directly. With a ticking sound, Qin Yuan's hand quickly fluttered. The gunstock screw, upper cover, trigger, spring, etc., were quickly disassembled. The whole process went smoothly. Soon afterimages almost appeared.

Long Xiaoyun, Chen Shanming and the others were stunned to see this scene, their jaws almost dropped.

"Instructor, are you really still human? Who can be so fast? It's like watching a fast-moving movie." Wang Yanbing's voice seemed a little absent-minded, obviously shocked by Qin Yuan's actions.

In the eyes of everyone, Qin Yuan quickly disassembled the two weapons, and then quickly assembled them in a dazzling movement. Soon, the two weapons appeared completely in front of everyone.

Zhang Shuai next to him immediately pressed the timer in his hand, looked at the numbers on it, and said loudly, "Fifteen seconds!" He put the timer screen in front of everyone's eyes.

There was no shocked expression on his face, and the same goes for Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu, and Fang Tian who were beside him. The company commander was almost omnipotent when they arrived.

Qin Yuan casually placed the ribbon on the table, looked at the sluggish special forces, and said loudly, "What are you still doing!"

Everyone reacted immediately and quickly picked up the ribbon on the table to cover their eyes. As the timer ticked, they began to disassemble and assemble the weapon with some excitement.

Soon, everyone completed the assembly. Qin Yuan glanced at Zhang Shuai, who immediately said loudly, "The latest completion time is fifty-eight seconds!"

"Haha, fifty-eight seconds, this is your score!" Qin Yuan's voice seemed a little cold.

"You are a whole. What is the best result? I have no interest. Only when you enter all of them for 30 seconds will you be considered qualified."

Qin Yuan paused and continued: "Before disassembling the weapon, you should have its outline and mechanism in your mind, and then use the most precise force to disassemble it."

"When you can remember the positions of all the parts, you must use the fastest speed and precise force to assemble them back. This step is almost subconscious. When the steps appear in your mind, you will already have them in your hands. Start making moves."

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others were shocked when they heard it. They never thought that there were so many ways to disassemble and assemble weapons.

"Did you hear clearly?" Qin Yuan yelled.

"Listen clearly!" There was a firmness in everyone's eyes.

"Then what are you doing, Zhang Shuai, start the timer!"



More than two hours later, through the method taught by Qin Yuan, everyone completed the disassembly and assembly of the two weapons within thirty seconds. Although their hands were pumping, they were very excited. The refreshing feeling of improvement filled everyone's mind, and everyone looked at Qin Yuan with more respect.

"I only learned today that there are so many ways to disassemble and assemble. If I had known this method, I would be the record holder of the military region!" The ostrich's face was full of pity.

"Haha, I can't rank you, a guy who barely passed. Xiaozhuang's score is 27 seconds, which is much better than you!"

"Hehe, Xiaozhuang will definitely not care about such a showy thing. We have such a good relationship, he will definitely let it go to me!" The ostrich said, turning his head and smiling in the direction of Xiaozhuang, the latter one He looked up and pretended not to see him.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and said loudly, "My **** is numb after sitting for so long. I am the most considerate. I have all of them. Go to the playground to run 300 laps, complete it within an hour, and then gather at the training ground!"


After Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others shouted loudly, they lined up and quickly ran towards the playground.

"Zang Chong, Fang Tian, ​​go to the training ground and arrange for them to have a 100-meter rapid-fire training in an hour!" Qin Yuan turned his head and said to the four of them.

"Okay!" The four ran directly to the training ground.

An hour later, the special forces came to the training ground out of breath. Although they had run for dozens of kilometers, they were fortunately not carrying any weight on their bodies. In addition, everyone's physical fitness had already been greatly improved, so their physical strength was not completely exhausted.

Qin Yuan glanced at them, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com did not mean to let everyone rest, and said loudly: "The rule of 100-meter rapid fire, I think you know better than me, I only have one request, complete it within 20 seconds!"

Lei Zhan whispered, "Instructor, what if we didn't hit the target?"

"Hehe, what do you think?" Qin Yuan looked at him faintly.

Lei Zhan shivered all over, he quickly stood up straight, and shouted loudly, "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

"Hehe, don't zoom in. The best 100-meter rapid-fire record in the military region is only 30 seconds. You only have two hours of training time. If you can't finish it, then go for an extreme cross-country run and run until tomorrow morning."

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but go off-roading for one night, wouldn't the body be useless!

"What are you still doing, bring your equipment and start training immediately!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.

The special forces did not dare to hesitate, and quickly received their weapons from the side, looking extremely solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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