Chapter 356 Minefield

To complete a 100-meter rapid fire in 20 seconds, if it was in the past, the special forces must have thought it was a fantasy. After all, the best record in the entire military region was only nearly 30 seconds.

However, after receiving Qin Yuan's extreme training in all aspects, everyone's strength has been greatly improved. At this time, their eyes are very excited. The higher the task requirements, the more challenging it will be.

"Everyone, don't have any burden. It doesn't matter if you can't finish it the first time. We have two hours to take it slow." Geng Jihui comforted his team members.


Xiao Zhuang, Lao Pao and others nodded.

"Start!" Zhang Shuai pressed the timer and shouted loudly.

When the special forces heard the order, they rushed forward, so fast that they almost formed an afterimage.

The first target appeared, everyone pulled the trigger quickly, without the slightest delay in their bodies, they continued to run forward, and everyone hit the bullseye accurately.

After three or five meters, a target will pop up, and almost as soon as it appears, it will be accurately hit, and there will be gunshots one after another on the training ground.

"Tsk tsk, these guys have really become a lot more powerful. It is estimated that if we have a confrontation soon, we will not have such a great chance of winning." Su Xiaoyu said with some emotion.

"Heh, please don't put me and you together. Give them another year of training, and they will definitely not be my opponents!" Zang Chong said in a rough voice. With his strength, apart from Qin Yuan, even if he faced The first soldier king in the military region, he also has most of the confidence to win.

"Their progress is indeed great, but this time, no one should be able to complete the 100-meter rapid fire within 20 seconds." Fang Tian touched his chin and said leisurely, keeping his eyes on the special forces in front of him.

"Yes, after reaching this level, it will be very difficult to improve even one second. If you want to complete the task in twenty seconds, you still need to work hard to train." Zhang Shuai looked at the beating timer in his hand, and his tone seemed very grasp.

Sure enough, after everyone completed the 100-meter rapid fire, the best result was only 24 seconds, and the worst was 27 seconds.

"What you have to do is to try your best to make yourself hit the target accurately even when you are moving at high speed." Qin Yuan closed his eyes and fell asleep after saying this.

The eyes of Long Xiaoyun, Lei Zhan and the others lit up, and they felt like they were in a state of empowerment. In the past, when they were training, when they saw the target appear, they would always stop for half a shot, and then aim and shoot after they stabilized a bit. Very time consuming.

After receiving Qin Yuan's suggestion, everyone seemed more confident. After Zhang Shuai gave the order, they rushed forward like a cheetah.


Two hours later, everyone completed the 100-meter shooting training in 20 seconds, and even one or two people reached 18 seconds. If such a result spreads, it will definitely cause a shock to the entire military region.

Qin Yuan lazily got up from the reclining chair, looked at everyone sweating profusely, and said with a smile, "It's been two hours of training, are you tired?"

"I am the most kind-hearted person, everyone, lie down and hold your belly."

Everyone, look at me, I see you are all black question marks, but you still quickly execute the order, lying on the ground and raising your legs at a forty-five degree angle.

"How about it, isn't it very comfortable to lie down and rest?" Qin Yuan smiled with a smile on his face.

Although the special forces did not dare to show any dissatisfied expressions on their faces, they had already scolded them in their hearts, "Comfortable? Comfortable, your sister, I ******"

"Haha, Ostrich, you seem very unhappy, are you scolding me in your heart?" Qin Yuan's eyes fell on Ostrich, his face full of dangerous light.

"How is that possible!" The ostrich said righteously: "You are my most respected instructor. Even if I scold myself, I will not scold you."

Qin Yuan rolled his eyes, ignoring the guy with his mouth full of trains.

"Instructor, how long are we going to train?" Long Xiaoyun couldn't help but said, the two hours of training just now had consumed a lot of physical strength and felt exhausted for a long time.

"Don't worry, you only have ten minutes, isn't it easy?" Qin Yuan said, and glanced at Fang Tian behind him.

The latter understood immediately, moved directly to a table, put on a timer, and set a ten-minute countdown in front of them.

"Fuck, it's really only ten minutes of training, I just thought the instructor was fooling us!" Little Bee's face was full of joy.

"I can't believe it. When the instructor in front of us was training us, didn't the time unit all start in an hour. This time the sun hit the west side and came out." Yan Wang's eyes looked a little unbelievable.

"Zhuo, keep your voice down, in case the instructor hears you, really change the time for the abdominal training to one hour, and see if I don't hammer you to death!" Harley said anxiously.

As if he didn't hear everyone's voice, Qin Yuan continued to open the mouth with a smile: "However, during the training, I want to play a small game with you."

"I will ask you about the content of the disciplinary regulations one by one. As long as one person does not answer, everyone will have to add ten minutes to training time. ."

"Ah? Disciplinary regulations? Who said that the instructors wouldn't be asking these questions before. If you give me a rough shot, I promise not to kill you!"

"It's over, since the last memory training, I haven't touched the discipline regulations again. God bless, you must ask me what I remember!"

"Brothers, we seem to have fallen into the pit dug by the instructor again. If we don't answer all of this, wouldn't we have to carry our stomachs until late at night!"

Qin Yuan coughed lightly, and everyone's whispered discussions suddenly stopped.

"Ostrich, let's start with you. What is Article 7 of Chapter 1 of the Disciplinary Regulations?" Qin Yuan stood in front of Ostrich with a smile on his face.

"Um, Chapter 1, Article 7 of the Disciplinary Regulations, rewards, commendations, and punishments are the main means of maintaining discipline. To observe and maintain... and maintain..." Ostrich racked his brains thinking, his face twisted into a ball, But no matter how he recalled it, he couldn't remember what happened next.

"Teacher... Instructor, I really can't remember. There are tens of thousands of words in the discipline regulations. I only recited them when I was in the recruit company. Now I have forgotten about it..." The ostrich looked pitiful. With Qin Yuan.

"Hehe, it's okay, don't make this mistake next time, Fang Tian, ​​add ten minutes!"

"Okay!" Under the sad eyes of the special forces, Fang Tian directly added another ten minutes to the timer.

Qin Yuan ignored the ostrich and continued to walk towards the next person.

"Ostrich, what are you doing, I can't remember the few words of the discipline regulations. It's alright, everyone is implicated by you, and you need to train for another ten minutes." Frightened, he didn't have any confidence in answering Qin Yuan's question, he was just diverting his attention in advance.

"Haha, the brain capacity of ostriches is naturally small, so it's normal for them to pack less stuff."

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and recall the disciplinary regulations. The instructor will ask us questions in a while. We can't spend any more time, or our body will really be abolished." Geng Jihui said solemnly.

Abdominal training is for the muscles of the abdomen and thighs. In a standard posture, normal people can last for five minutes at most. Even if they have received professional training, their best results were less than an hour before.

Qin Yuan slowly paced in front of Long Xiaoyun, looked down at her condescendingly, and said slowly, "What is Article 99 in Chapter 4?"

Long Xiaoyun pursed his lips lightly, calmed down some rapid breathing, and then said clearly: "Chapter 4, Article 99 of the Disciplinary Regulations, the commendation items are based on the type of work or task..."

Soon, Long Xiaoyun answered Qin Yuan's question clearly, staring at him with his eyes open without blinking.

"Well, not bad!" Qin Yuan behaved extremely plainly and continued to walk to the next person.

"Damn it, Xueba is Xueba, but we people are much more powerful!" Wang Yanbing couldn't help but sighed, "If this can be married back home as a daughter-in-law, the children born will definitely have a high IQ."

"Zhuo, can you keep your voice down, if she hears this, she will definitely not forgive you!" Song Kaifei was shocked and wished to cover Wang Yanbing's mouth so as not to harm Chi Yu.

"Cut, what's the matter." Wang Yanbing pouted, and just as he was about to continue speaking, he saw that the players next to him were staring at him with a threatening look, so he could only give up.

Soon, Qin Yuan asked the discipline regulations one by one. To his surprise, most people could answer them. Obviously, after the last memory training, they were still somewhat prepared.

In the end, the time for the abdominal end training was determined to be more than two hours. After the completion, everyone's abdomen and thighs seemed to be frozen, almost no feeling, and it was extremely difficult to get up from the ground.

"Give you twenty minutes to eat and recover, and then gather at the training ground on time!" Qin Yuan yelled.


Without any hesitation, everyone supported each other and walked towards the cafeteria.

Chewing the delicious food, Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said, "Although the instructor was cruel to us during training, he was absolutely unambiguous in terms of food. Every time it was a nutritious meal, it was better than every meal we had before. Dozens of times!"

"Sufficient physical fitness is the basis for continued training. The instructors must understand this. Besides, we are not new recruits. We have already experienced the time to sharpen our will with steamed bread, pickles, and even earthworms and mice. Now the important task is to do it as soon as possible. Improve your strength." He Chenguang explained, this is what they all understand.

The kind of training that does not give food or drink only appears when the special forces are selected, and the purpose is to screen out those who can't endure hardship.

"Hey, you said, what training method will the instructor come up with in the afternoon?" Li Erniu asked curiously.

"No matter how he plays tricks, as long as he doesn't die, he will practice to death. It's just skin and flesh. I don't believe anyone can't survive. Isn't this more comfortable than losing his head on the battlefield in the future?" Xu Tianlong's face was full of indifference. , taking a big mouthful of the food in front of him.

Soon, all the special forces had recovered most of their physical strength after lunch, and then came to the training ground and stood neatly in front of Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and took them directly to a barren forest. There were basically no people here. He led Zang Chong and four people to set up a large number of mines.

"Next, your task is to cross the minefield. There are many anti-infantry mines and anti-tank mines. How many are you need to explore on your own? My requirement is that within an hour, each The team must clear a clean path out!"

"Land Lei? Instructor, is that a real guy?" Ostrich asked curiously.

"It's true, of course. As special forces, don't you feel ashamed that you use fake stuff during training?" Qin Yuan's voice seemed a little cold.

Hearing Qin Yuan's answer, there was no panic on everyone's faces. They were already used to training with live ammunition, not to mention how many similar situations they had encountered during the mission.

This training, the difficulty is nothing more than the lack of special tools and a limited time. Although it is a bit difficult to do, it is not completely uncertain.

"These mines are of trigger type, induction type, trip type and electric shock type, etc. Your tools are only your own hands and military daggers. The area of ​​the minefield is about ten acres. Let me explain in advance that this time The training is very likely to encounter danger, and whoever thinks that he can't complete it can quit early."

Qin Yuan's eyes swept over everyone.

"Report the instructor, the Wolf Warrior Squadron promises to complete the mission!" Long Xiaoyun raised his chest and said loudly.

"Report the instructor, the red blood cell special forces promise to complete the task!"

"Report the instructor..."

"Very well, it seems that no one wants to quit, so what are you doing, Zang Chong, start the timer!"


Everyone shouted at the same time and then ran from the five routes towards the deserted forest.

"Company commander, is this a little too dangerous? The density of this minefield is one meter. In case they accidentally make a mistake during the disassembly process..." Fang Tian's face showed a touch of worry.

"Don't worry, they are not new recruits anymore. Before they came here, they had no idea how many times they had undergone live-fire training, and they would be fine."

Qin Yuan's voice was extremely flat, "Besides, even if something happened, it would be their own fault. Ordinary special forces training has death indicators, let alone here."

"Okay." Fang Tian nodded, there was still a hint of worry in his eyes.

Soon, everyone from the Thunder Commando came to the minefield with a solemn look on their faces.

"Everyone, pay attention, this kind of flat ground is likely to be equipped with anti-infantry mines and mines. Of course, in the real situation, there may also be anti-tank mines and mines, etc., but for this training, those things will definitely not be arranged. of."

(End of this chapter)

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