"Obviously, the open field in front of us is equipped with anti-infantry mines and mines. There are three common triggering methods, namely pressing hair, tripping hair and loosening hair."

Having said this, Lei Zhan turned his head and shouted behind him: "Ye Wang!"


"Just start with you, and then take turns to dismantle, and try to clear a clean road within the time specified by the instructor."

"no problem!"

Hades patted his chest, carefully crossed the crowd, and walked towards the front.

After taking a few steps, the King of Hell's footsteps stopped, and he bent down very carefully to touch the grass on the ground, and soon found a very thin translucent silk thread.

"My dear, the first one is tripping mines. The instructor really trusts us. If this is accidentally said, the Thunder Commando will be completely removed today."

The King of Hell smacked his tongue a little. Although this kind of trip-type land and mine is extremely convenient to clean up, its lethality is amazing. As long as the fuse is accidentally triggered, it will cause a series of explosions.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up!" Harley couldn't help but said, "Just a little more ink, the day lily will be cold!"

Hades rolled his eyes at him, then carefully followed the thin line to find a few hidden mines, and then removed them all without risk.

"Okay, Hades is back, Harley, come on!"


Without any hesitation, Harley walked straight ahead. When passing by the King of Hell, the latter made a look of distrust: "Can you do it, don't send us all up."

"Go, go, Crowmouth!"

Harley kicked his ass, took a deep breath, and moved forward with extreme caution.

The rest of the special forces were basically the same. Everyone took turns dismantling the mines and mines, slowly but steadily moving forward, and finally all completed their training.

Qin Yuan stood in front of everyone, raised his watch and put it in front of him, his voice was a little cold: "One hour and twenty minutes, this is your achievement? If it is on the battlefield, if you delay 20 minutes, you will sacrifice your life. How many comrades' lives have been lost!"

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others bowed their heads in shame. They did seem to be too careful in the previous minefield training. According to the standard of special forces, the time they spent was completely passable or even excellent, but in front of Qin Yuan, this The grades are nothing short of a disgrace.

"Continue training, this time the mountains in the area will start immediately!" Qin Yuan pointed to the mountains in front and shouted.


Everyone took a sigh of relief and strode forward.

Soon, the sky was getting dark. In this case, it was basically courting death for this kind of training without night vision equipment. Qin Yuan also returned to the training base with all the special forces. Fortunately, the five special forces could all be within an hour. Completed the training mission.

After everyone finished their dinner, Qin Yuan directly let them go back to rest, and everyone had an incredible look on their faces.

"I'll wipe, it's only seven o'clock now, when did the instructor get so good and let us rest so early?" Yi Mi Wu opened his mouth wide.

"Hehe, definitely not so kind, remember to keep one eye open during training tonight, maybe there will be a surprise attack at night!" Shi Sanba gave a picture of someone coming over.

"That's right, everyone rests as soon as possible after returning, the instructor will definitely move in the middle of the night." Shao team said solemnly.

After everyone finished speaking, they hurried to the dormitory. After washing a little, they went to sleep with their heads down, but they didn't sleep too hard to prevent Qin Yuan's sudden attack.


At 3:30 in the morning, when people were most asleep, several figures suddenly appeared outside the dormitory building.

Qin Yuan stood downstairs in the dormitory, then took out a whistle and blew it loudly.

A shrill sound resounded through the night sky, and the dormitory building suddenly became agitated. He used the fastest time to get up and clean up the house, and then quickly went downstairs to gather.

"Something's wrong, didn't the instructor like to use tear gas to wake us up, why did you use a whistle this time?" Lao Pao said strangely.

"Isn't it obvious? We have been prepared for tear gas for a long time. After several failed attacks, naturally it will not be used, and it is estimated that it will not be used in the future." Ostrich explained with a smile.

"Hehe, careful soldiers don't tire of cheating, maybe they will continue to use them next time. At that time, they are tricked, so don't ask someone to cry!" The hygienist said mockingly.

"Hey, no, dead hygienist, why are you always having trouble with me? Who said I would cry, stop slandering people!"

"Haha, because you're stupid!"



After arriving downstairs in the dormitory, all the chatter disappeared, and stood neatly in front of Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, and walked directly to the training ground a few hundred meters away. Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Long Xiaoyun and others followed in confusion.

After arriving outside the training ground, Qin Yuan stood still, turned to look at everyone and said loudly: "See if there is no field in front of you, it's called Cross Fire Line, it's full of glass, iron nails, stones and iron wire. In an hour, you will all stay inside, crawling through again and again!"

After listening to Qin Yuan's words, everyone shivered involuntarily, this is even more difficult than the sea of ​​​​fire!

"What are you still doing, hurry up and train!"


The special forces no longer hesitated, gritted their teeth and drilled directly out of the line of fire surrounded by barbed wire, crawling forward with extreme difficulty.

"Too slow, too slow, speed up!"

Qin Yuan grabbed the light machine gun in Su Xiaoyu's hand, pulled the trigger directly, and a burst of bullets hit the ground almost against everyone's feet.

"Damn it, it's a live ammunition, brothers, work harder!" Song Kaifei felt the hot air, he immediately endured the stinging pain from his body, and tried his best to crawl forward.

"Zang Chong, give them some extra food!"


Zang Chong came directly in front of the heavy machine gun. One after another, flames shot out from the muzzle, and the fiery bullets swept the top of everyone's head frantically.

Everyone couldn't help but shivered. The **** of death was so close to them that even in the face of vicious militants, they felt that they were not as frightened as they are today.

"Everyone, please don't look up!" Lei Zhan shouted loudly, his arms had been cut by sharp stones, oozing red blood, but he continued to climb forward as if there was no pain at all.

All the special forces gritted their teeth, ignoring the stinging pain in their bodies, lowered their bodies and moved forward step by step.

Time passed slowly, and a disappearing time finally passed. Everyone just felt that it was more difficult than a century, and their spirits had always been highly tense, for fear that a bullet that did not have a long eye would open their heads.

"Very good, go to the alcohol pool to clean the wound, then go back to sleep, remember to get up at six o'clock in the morning to practice early."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he took Zang Chong and the four to leave directly.

All the special forces, look at me, I look at you, a wry smile suddenly appeared on your face, "Why does this feel like a dream, the instructor called us up in the middle of the night, and then left here to train for an hour and finished?"

"Hey, if these craters weren't there, I really thought I was dreaming!"

"Okay, go and sterilize the wound quickly. There are still a lot of traditional Chinese medicines left by the instructor. Everyone should drink it when they go back, so that the wound can be healed quickly."

After Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, he walked directly to the alcohol room with the members of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and the other special teams also followed.


Early the next morning, Qin Yuan stood in front of the special forces and nodded silently in his heart. Although the last assault training made them extremely embarrassed, after recovering from the potion prepared by world-class Chinese medicine, they could hardly see anything. traces of injury.

"Bring your equipment and start a 50-kilometer armed off-road!"


After such a long period of training, the 50-kilometer heavy-duty cross-country has almost really become just a warm-up. They are confident that they will complete the task within an hour and a half.

Looking at the retreating backs of all the special forces, Qin Yuan was about to drive to keep up when a military vehicle suddenly approached in the distance, looking very anxious.

After the visitor got out of the car, Qin Yuan said in surprise: "Sir, why do you remember this place? Is there something wrong?"

The person who came was Ye Jianting, his immediate superior.

"Xiao Qin, there is an urgent task, get in the car first, we will talk on the way."

With a deep worry on Ye Jianting's face, he got out of the car and opened the door for Qin Yuan, as if he had no time to delay.

Being able to let the commander of the military region come to him personally, the importance of this mission can be imagined, Qin Yuan did not hesitate, Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai nodded and sat directly in the back seat, the car sent out to the training base immediately Drive outside.

"Tsk tsk, the company commander still has a platoon, and the commander of the military region is actually invited. When will we be able to reach this level!" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of envy.

"More than that, I heard that the military commander wanted to give the company commander a star several times, but he was suppressed by the superiors. After all, the company commander is too young."

"Hehe, what's wrong with being young, I'll bet that with the strength of the company commander, it won't take long to get a star, and it's the kind that will convince everyone!" Zang Chong raised his neck, as if proud.

"That's natural." Zhang Shuai nodded. He has a grandfather of a military commander. He is more aware of this matter. Even if Qin Yuan is really too young, the credits are placed there. If If you don't get promoted, it's easy to cause unnecessary things.

"Okay, let's follow quickly. I don't know when the company commander will be back. Let's follow the training plan he prepared before."

After Fang Tian finished speaking, he walked directly to the cab of the military vehicle, and Zang Chong and the others followed immediately.


On a helicopter flying towards the city, Qin Yuan looked at the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando with some surprise in the cabin. They all had a very surprised expression. If it wasn't for the presence of Chief Ye Jianting, they might have gone up to say hello earlier. .

"Xiao Qin, this task is very urgent. According to the request of the brother unit in the city, President Wen, and the approval of the military district office, we will call you urgently." Ye Jianting said solemnly.

"Don't worry, sir, I promise to complete the mission!" Qin Yuan's eyes were very firm, giving people a very down-to-earth feeling. The girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando, who were still a little nervous about this mission, suddenly calmed down.

Ye Jianting nodded with admiration, "This time it was a hijacking incident, but the rule of man is a bit special. He is the president of a biological company."

"The number of robbers is not large, only five people. The location is in the luxury villa area of ​​the city. Now the place has been emptied, and there are no unrelated people present."

After hearing this, Qin Yuan showed a hint of curiosity on his face, "Sir, President Wen's subordinates also have strong special forces, no less than the special forces of the military region. Why do they have to go to great lengths to invite us over?"

"Hey, the robbers this time are extremely difficult to deal with. They are suspected to have retired from the special forces of a certain country. They are proficient in various reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance techniques. Now they are hiding in the villa, and they don't show their faces at all. any news."

Ye Jianting sighed and continued: "In the previous cooperation, President Wen knew your strength, so he asked us for help. The biological company established by the kidnapped person has a lot of influence in this city and even the entire Dragon Kingdom. , I am a senior biologist, so the officer agreed to President Wen's request without hesitation."

Qin Yuan nodded and said softly, "Don't worry, sir, make sure to complete the task!"

Soon, the helicopter landed in the villa area, and Qin Yuan followed Ye Jianting~www.readwn.com~ and rushed to the scene of the incident with the Fire Phoenix Commando.

Along the way, a security belt has been pulled around, and all personnel have been dredged out to avoid accidental injury.

After arriving at the temporary command room, everyone saw President Wen at a glance. The latter frowned, but did not notice their presence, and was obviously still worried.

"Old Wen, how is the situation?"

Mr. Wen seemed to be awakened by a startle, and turned his head to look here. When he saw Qin Yuan, his eyes suddenly burst into a bright light.

"Hahaha, you are finally here, Comrade Xiao Qin, this time you really want to help my brother." President Wen ignored Ye Jianting and patted Qin Yuan's shoulder enthusiastically.

"Mr. Wen, rest assured and promise to complete the task!" Qin Yuan chuckled and gave him a positive answer.

"Okay! When this mission is over, don't rush back to the military area. Let's have a good meal. Also, if there is anything wrong with Su Guoqiang, you must tell my brother, it's a big deal. Come here, brother, and I'll give you a position as the captain of the special martial arts team."

"Hey, talking about the task, where did you go? You dug up the corner before I left? Believe it or not, I will take Xiao Qin and go directly?" relationship is really good.

President Wen straightened his face, looked at Qin Yuan and said solemnly, "This time the gangsters are extremely cunning. Before the encirclement net was not completely covered, they tried to escape from the mountain behind the villa, and they almost succeeded."




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