Chapter 362 Dragon Head Special Team

"What are you still doing, hurry up!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly when he saw that the special forces were very hesitant.


Everyone no longer dared to have any hesitation, and quickly dispersed, and then according to Qin Yuan's request, they did push-ups with their hands on the ground.

At the beginning, everyone's physical strength was sufficient. Even doing push-ups upside down did not seem to be particularly difficult, but as time passed, more and more people's bodies trembled slightly.

In the Thunder Commando, Harley's face was flushed, and he gritted his teeth and struggled to support his body. If he fell down, God knows how the instructor would punish him.

"Brothers, what should I do if I can't hold on anymore? The instructors are too cruel. My arms have endured the pain they shouldn't bear at this age." The little bee's voice was extremely bitter, and the sweat on her face had already wet her hair. .

"If you can't hold on, you have to hold on. The instructor gave us a thousand tasks, and it's over when you grit your teeth." The old fox's voice also seemed very labored. But he still forced himself to hold on.

"But, I'm afraid that this is just an appetizer, and the worst thing is that it's still to come!" Yuanbao smiled bitterly, feeling helpless.

"No matter what, everyone must persevere. This is an opportunity for us to increase our strength, and we must not give up." Lei Zhan encouraged his teammates loudly, and his expression seemed very determined.

More than 40 minutes later, the special forces finally completed the handstand push-up a thousand times.

Qin Yuan strode up, and then shouted to the special forces: "Get up for me, who told you to rest?"

"Zang Chong, send things down!"


Zang Chong quickly ran over with a box, and then distributed the needle and thread bags inside one by one.

"Hey, what is the instructor doing? Is it to train us to do needlework?" Ostrich's face was full of doubts, and he couldn't help pulling out a thin needle. Unable to hold things in your hands.

"I have a bad hunch, the instructor will not let us thread the needle and thread now, right?" Lao Pao stared at the sewing bag in his hand, and his heart became more and more certain.

"Ah? What's the use of doing things? Is it to let us perform frontline work for the enemy on the battlefield?" Qiangzi's face was full of puzzlement.

"Isn't it obvious? First, we squeeze our arms fiercely, and then do the delicate work of needlework. Obviously, we need to train the stability of our hands." Xiao Zhuang said with a wry smile.

"Hey, I originally thought it was a physical training exercise, but I didn't expect it to be a marksmanship training. The instructor is really brilliant!" The hygienist sighed softly.

At this moment, Qin Yuan's voice came over, just as they thought.

"You all have a sewing kit in hand now, give you a minute to thread ten needles with one thread, start now!"

The faces of the special forces changed, and they immediately resisted the fatigue of their arms and started to thread needles and needles in a hurry. Although the instructor did not say that there would be punishment for failing to complete the task, no one dared to relax.

This task trains the stability and mentality of their hand movements.

As a special forces soldier, no matter how superb the marksmanship is, how to penetrate Yang at a hundred paces, without a good mentality, everything is in vain, and it is easy to lose the first opportunity on the battlefield, which is really a loss of life.

"Bang bang bang!"

Qin Yuan fired more than a dozen shots without warning, and the harsh sound resounded. Several people were so frightened that they almost fell to the ground with their sewing kits.

"There's still half a minute, hurry up!" Qin Yuan reminded everyone loudly.

Everyone's movements accelerated in an instant, but they still couldn't pass through as easily as usual. They had just gone through a long training session, and their arms had almost no strength, so it was difficult for the thread to pass through the thin pinhole.

"Twenty seconds left!"

"Ten seconds!"

With the passage of time, the movements of everyone's hands became faster and faster, desperately suppressing the trembling of their arms, and finally they all threaded ten fine needles onto the thread after Qin Yuan shouted that the time was up.

"very good."

A smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, and then he said loudly, since he has rested, then continue training, do a thousand handstand push-ups, and then continue to thread needles, this time the number is twenty!


Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others wanted to step on Qin Yuan, and then reprimanded him loudly, "When did we have a rest? We're obviously tired to death!"

But this can only be YY in the heart, all the special forces gritted their teeth and continued to start training.


This training has been going on for more than three hours. All the special forces felt like their whole body was falling apart. They were so tired that they could barely straighten their waists, and there was no blood on their faces.

"Everyone is disbanded. After half an hour's rest, come here to gather!" Qin Yuan turned around and left, Zang Chong and Zhang Shuai followed.

"My God, it's finally over. I feel like if I keep practicing, my hands will be useless!" Shi Sanba's face was full of relief, and he lay directly on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Get up quickly, you're lying on the ground, do you want to lose your body?" Leng Feng pulled him up from the ground, but his own physical strength was almost exhausted, and he stumbled under his feet and almost fell directly to the ground.

"Everyone, go to the cafeteria to eat, then take a good rest and prepare for the next training." Long Xiaoyun said, moving his steps with difficulty, and walked towards the outside of the training ground.

Leng Feng, Shi Sanba, 1.5 meters and a few people supported each other and walked towards the cafeteria.

Half an hour later, all the special forces returned to the training ground full of energy, standing in a neat queue, staring at Qin Yuan with bright eyes.

"Very good, it seems that you are very energetic, then let's do an extreme physical training first." Qin Yuan's mouth twitched into a smile.

The faces of the special forces instantly collapsed. Before they started training, they already felt their whole body softened. Any training that was close to the limit was very harsh.

When Qin Yuan was about to continue speaking, there was a sudden sound of speeding cars in the distance. He turned his head and saw that three military vehicles were swept in thick smoke and dust, and they were driving towards this side.

Frowning slightly, Qin Yuan strode forward to greet him with a calm expression on his face.

"Fuck, who is this here? Seeing the instructor's meaning, it seems that he didn't know it beforehand."

"If that's the case, the people coming here are too wild. This training base is usually kept secret, so no one is allowed to enter!" Qiangzi raised his eyebrows and seemed to want to follow him.

"Hey, don't worry about it, what kind of temper is the instructor? People respect me one foot, and I respect him ten feet. If these people are really provocative, they will definitely not be able to eat and walk." Lao Pao laughed.

On the other side, the three military vehicles stopped neatly, the doors were opened, and the one who came down first looked at Qin Yuan with a startled expression.

"Sir, why are you here?" Qin Yuan saluted, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The person who came was Ye Jianting, the commander of the military region, his immediate superior.

"Little Qin, what's up, those **** aren't disobedient, right? If there is any difficulty, just bring it up and the military region will definitely satisfy you." Ye Jianting smiled and patted Qin Yuan's shoulder.

"It's okay, they are all honest." Qin Yuan said with a smile.

In the distance, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Long Xiaoyun and others all want to cry but have no tears, do we dare to be dishonest? The key is that they can't beat them. If they press them all down, they won't be enough for Qin Yuan to fight with both hands.

Qin Yuan's gaze crossed Ye Jianting and landed on six people with a chilling temperament. These people looked like special forces, but the clothes on their bodies were different from the traditional special military uniforms of the Dragon Kingdom, more like when he participated in the international special forces competition. The few beautiful country special forces I met.

"Sir, who are they?" Qin Yuan asked with some doubts.

With a touch of apology on Ye Jianting's face, he took Qin Yuan's shoulders to the side, and said helplessly: "They are the Dragon Head Special Team of the Kyoto Military Region, meaning the leader of the Dragon Country Special Team, and their overall strength is indeed worthy of this title."

"Dragon Head Special Team?" The doubts in Qin Yuan's eyes became more intense. He had never seen or heard of this special team in the previous National Military Region Competition and the exercise with the Beijing Military Region.

Ye Jianting also seemed to see Qin Yuan's thoughts, and explained with a smile: "They were dispatched last year to carry out a long-term mission, and they only returned to the Dragon Kingdom recently."

"So it is." Qin Yuan's face showed a trace of clarity, but he quickly thought of something, looked at Ye Jianting and asked, "Then what are they doing here?"

Ye Jianting smiled: "Hey, this isn't the last time you were in the military region's martial arts competition, you beat the special teams of other military regions and won the first place easily, especially when you beat Lao He in the face, they are on this trip. The purpose is to have a confrontation with you."

Having said this, Ye Jianting showed a wry smile on his face, and said helplessly: "We also know that you are training Lei Zhan and the **** here, but this matter involves two military regions, so we can't refuse it."

"Of course, if you don't want to make a move, you can say it directly. Even if Lao Su and I take advantage of the world, we will refuse this match."

Qin Yuan shook his head with a smile, "Why refuse? Fighting against the strong is what I want."

"That's good!" The stone hanging in Ye Jianting's heart was completely put down. He was worried that Qin Yuan would be unhappy. After all, Qin Yuan was training several special teams, but suddenly a few people jumped out to challenge him. Under normal circumstances, Even if you don't turn your face directly, it's good.

Thinking of this, Ye Jianting beckoned to the members of the Dragon Head Commando, and the six of them immediately came over and stared at Qin Yuan with a scrutiny.

"Captain Su, this is Qin Yuan, who led the team to win the first place in the World Special Forces Competition for our Dragon Kingdom a month ago."

"Xiao Qin, this is Su Ming, the captain of the Dragon Head Commando. The rest are sniper Zhang Hai, observer Mo Tao, commando Wang Xiangyang, heavy firepower Shi Yan, and correspondent Li Mo."

Ye Jianting introduced the members of the Dragon Head Commando to Qin Yuan one by one.

Qin Yuan just smiled and nodded, there was no extra expression on his face.

"Hello, Comrade Qin Yuan, I've heard of your name for a long time. I was fortunate to see it today, and it really lives up to its reputation." Su Ming stepped forward and extended his hand to signal. Although he said compliments, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Qin Yuan's image at this time and the rumored all-powerful, except for the name, almost did not match. He looked like an ordinary college student, and his temperament was also very gentle, without giving people that kind of fierce feeling.

"I want to come here, Chief Ye Jianting has already told you that I took the liberty to come here, the purpose is to have a discussion with you, and I hope not to refuse." Su Ming said very politely.

The heavy firepower behind Shi Yan was full of impatience, he raised his head and was about to say something, but after seeing Ye Jianting next to him, he swallowed hard and muttered softly, "I thought there were too many. It's amazing, isn't it just a little white face? That's when we were on a mission, otherwise how could we let him get the first place."

Although Shi Yan has lowered his voice, with his burly physique, even with his voice closed, his voice can clearly reach everyone's ears.

Ye Jianting still smiled, as if he hadn't heard it, but his eyes became sharper, as if there was some kind of dangerous aura brewing.

Su Ming who was in front of Qin Yuan didn't seem to hear it either, and his smile remained undiminished, waiting for his answer.


The smile on Qin Yuan's face became even gentler.

"it is good!"

Su Ming's eyes instantly burst into a smile: "We have six people, I heard that your subordinates are only recruits who have joined the army soon, so you can pick ten people, and let's have a fair confrontation!

Although Su Ming said it was fair, he obviously despised Qin Yuan's recruit company of sharp knives.

The smile on Qin Yuan's face did not change: "No, I am alone, and there is no need to choose the venue. Just here, I am in a hurry."


Su Ming raised his brows and said solemnly: "Comrade Qin Yuan, we came so far here, not for entertainment, if you don't want to fight, just say You don't need to resort to such small tricks. ."

In his opinion, Qin Yuan had no confidence in facing their challenge alone, so he used such a small means to maintain his reputation.

Qin Yuan thought about it for a while, but was too lazy to explain anything. He turned his head and shouted to Long Xiaoyun, "Captain Long, bring your team here."


Long Xiaoyun puffed out her chest with excitement on her face. She clearly heard the conversation just now. It was obvious that Qin Yuan was going to let the Wolf Warrior Squadron take action. She had always hoped to be able to fight side by side with Qin Yuan. .

However, before and after, Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Just stay behind me later, you don't have to shoot."


A string of question marks flashed through Long Xiaoyun's mind, but there was still nothing, so he nodded seriously.

For the first time, Su Ming's eyes showed a touch of anger. In his opinion, Qin Yuan's actions just now were simply insulting him.

(End of this chapter)

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