Chapter 363 Understatement

"Alright, let's show you what the real special forces are." Su Ming took a deep look at Qin Yuan, and then shouted to the team behind him, "Get ready to fight!"


The Longshou Special Team roared in unison, and a chilling air swept out, and Long Xiaoyun's heart tensed, as if it was completely enveloped by the chill.

Qin Yuan showed a look of interest in his eyes, and then took a step forward, the king-level aura burst out, and instantly completely swallowed the chilling Qi.

The expressions of everyone in the Longshou Special Team changed drastically. In their eyes, Qin Yuan no longer had the lazy expression he had just now. The whole person was like a wild beast, and their scalps were numb.

Until this time, Su Ming didn't know why Qin Yuan wanted to fight against the six of them by himself just now. It was not cowardice and evasion, but self-confidence. He really had this strength.

In an instant, Su Ming dispelled the idea of ​​shooting alone, his eyes were full of flaming flames of war. For a top-level special forces soldier, the appearance of a strong man would not overwhelm him, but would become a beacon to guide him forward.

"Dragon Head Special Team, kill!"

Su Ming roared, and rushed towards Qin Yuan first, his right fist swept with astonishing momentum, and slammed into his head fiercely. Several players behind him also put away their contempt, and looked solemnly from other directions. kill.

Seeing the figures of several people rushing towards lightning, Qin Yuan couldn't help but nodded and dared to be called the dragon head. This group of special forces did have two strikes. At least at this time, the Thunder Commando, the Wolf Squadron, the Red Blood Cell Special Forces and others were still not. their opponents.

However, if it was Zang Chong and Zhang Shuai, although it might take a little more effort, they would definitely be able to defeat him.

At this time, Su Ming, who was rushing in the front, had come to the front, and Qin Yuan could even clearly feel a strong wind hitting him. It is conceivable that the fist in front of him contained much energy, even if it was a fist. An old sow weighing more than 200 catties could be killed directly.

When Su Ming's fist was about to land on his body, Qin Yuan squeezed his right fist and greeted it lightly.

There was a loud bang, and the two fists collided fiercely. Qin Yuan didn't move, and his face didn't change.

Su Ming's face suddenly showed a very painful expression, the blue veins on his face suddenly burst out, and his right fist was bent strangely, obviously he had been severely injured.

"Hehe, that's all?" Qin Yuan chuckled, and then raised his right foot like lightning. Before Su Ming could react, he kicked him on the chest. The latter's body seemed to be hit by a train. Just flew out.

"Fuck, the instructor is still as fierce as ever. The one named Su Ming is not weak at all. At least if I were to face him, I would definitely be lying on the ground in embarrassment now." Lao Pao couldn't help but speak. Dao, in the Lone Wolf group B, his fighting ability is already very good, but now it is not enough to watch.

"team leader!"

The expressions of several members of the Longshou Special Team changed drastically. They could never have imagined that such a strong captain would not survive a single move in Qin Yuan's hands.

Several people glanced at each other, with a firm expression on their faces at the same time, their feet exerted force, attacking Qin Yuan from several directions.

The corner of Qin Yuan's mouth evoked a mocking smile, and then he exerted force violently, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Shi Yan's face changed drastically. He didn't expect Qin Yuan's speed to be so fast that it was almost invisible to the naked eye in a short distance.

With a bang, Qin Yuan stretched out an uppercut and hit Shi Yan's chin fiercely. The latter's eyes went black, and his whole body flew straight into the air.

Qin Yuan exerted force under his feet, jumped directly into the air, and then threw out his fists and smashed his abdomen fiercely. The latter hunched his body in pain and slammed heavily on the concrete floor, his mouth was already filled with bitter water, almost Immediately passed out.

Qin Yuan didn't use all his strength in these two strokes, otherwise there would be a corpse lying on the ground now.

It was only at this moment that the other four people reacted and looked at this scene in disbelief. They knew that Qin Yuan was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful that they almost played them in the palm of their hands.

"Hahaha, the instructor is too ruthless, this Dragon Shou special team won't be beaten down, right?" Ostrich covered his mouth and snickered, with a face that was not too big of a deal to watch the fun.

"Hehe, you still have a smile on your face? They are indeed not as good as the instructors, but if they are singled out, there is no one in our Lone Wolf Group B who are their opponents!" The hygienist mocked, his eyesight has always been good, naturally Come to see how powerful this Dragon Head Commando is.

"The hygienist is right. I have always heard that the Kyoto Military Region has a secret special team that performs special tasks all year round. I didn't expect it to be true." Xiaozhuang said with some emotion.

Don't look at the fact that the Longshou Special Team is vulnerable in front of Qin Yuan, but they all understand how perverted Qin Yuan is, and normal people are not his opponents at all.

That Shi Yan was able to take two strokes abruptly without fainting directly already showed his strength.

On the other hand, Qin Yuan quickly dealt with the remaining four, with a smile on his face, and he didn't even breathe a little more, obviously very relaxed.

Ye Jianting looked at this scene with a smile, and his eyes showed unfathomable pleasure. When Qin Yuan did not appear before, the special forces of the Southeast Military Region had always been at the bottom of the entire Dragon Kingdom. be bullied.

However, now, not only the Tianfu Military Region's ace special team, the Sirius Commando was defeated by Qin Yuan, but now in the Kyoto Military Region, the Longshou Special Forces, secretly known as the leader of the Longguo Special Forces, was also easily defeated by him. How could it be? To prevent Ye Jianting from surging, now he can't wait to take out the communicator and tell Su Guoqiang the good news.

"Ahem, Comrade Qin Yuan, we lost." Su Ming grabbed his chest and climbed up from the ground. Until now, he still felt a burning sensation in his chest, as if he was really hit by a train.

"It's because I shot too hard, are you all alright?" Qin Yuan's face showed a touch of apology.

"Oh, it's because we're not good at learning, so you're laughing at it." Su Ming's face flushed. Originally, he thought that even if his Dragon Head Special Team was not the strongest special team in the world, it would be enough to enter the top five.

However, just now, Qin Yuan defeated the six of them in an understatement. He was full of confidence before he came here, and now he can't wait to get into the floor.

"It doesn't matter if you all, you should go to the medical room. Xiao Qin, you are serious. You are not serious or serious. This is a comrade from the Kyoto Military Region. It's really hurtful." Ye Jianting heard that he reprimanded Qin Yuan. , the smile on his face did not stop at all.

Su Ming shook his head bitterly, "There is no need to go to the medical room, we are going back now, and there are still tasks to be performed tomorrow."

Having said this, Su Ming looked at Qin Yuan seriously and said, "Comrade Qin Yuan, I really admire your fighting ability, but as a special forces soldier, you must be proficient in all special skills, which is also necessary for us to perform tasks."

"Soon, the Kyoto Military Region will hold a joint show, and our Longshou Special Team will also participate. I hope to compete with you again."

After Su Ming finished speaking, he took a deep look at Qin Yuan, then led the team into the military vehicle and drove away quickly.

Qin Yuan and Ye Jianting stood side by side and looked back after watching the people of the Dragon Head Commando completely disappear.

"Sir, what is the exercise he said?" Qin Yuan looked at Ye Jianting and asked with some doubts, he hadn't heard any rumors before.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, the Kyoto Military Region proposed a confrontation exercise not long ago, because they seem to have developed a new combat system that requires field drills, so Lao Su agreed, and it's okay to be idle anyway. , it's time for training."

"Xiao Qin, you've been training all the time, and we don't want to disturb you. Originally, this exercise was only for the Fire Phoenix Commando and the Sharp Sword Recruit Company." Ye Jianting said casually.

Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced at Long Xiaoyun and the others, and said with a smile, "Since it's an exercise, let them participate as well. It's not a big improvement in training all day long."

"Of course." Ye Jianting nodded without any hesitation.

"Then I won't bother you. If you need anything during training, just ask it directly, and Lao Su and I will do our best to satisfy you."

After Ye Jianting finished speaking, he drove straight away from the training base.

When the military vehicle completely disappeared from sight, Qin Yuan turned around and walked behind him. Long Xiaoyun and the others quickly followed.

"Cough, it's been a long rest, everyone has a lot, and the weight is 100 kilograms. Let's start armed off-road!"


The eyes of Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Yang Rui and others were full of living people, and Qin Yuan's understatement of defeating the Dragon Shou Special Team just now was directly imprinted in their minds.

They were very eager for their own strength to reach this level, and they never complained about Qin Yuan's rigorous training.

More than an hour later, on the rugged mountain road, Qin Yuan stood on the speeding military vehicle, kept pulling the trigger in his hand, and the soil on the ground splashed everywhere.

"Speed ​​up, the old ladies on the street are quicker than you, faster!"

At this time, the special forces were too tired to get up and out of breath. The weight on their bodies was hundreds of kilograms. If they were normal people, they would have been crushed and could not get up, but they ran wild on their backs for more than an hour. To be able to persist until now, it is completely gnashing of teeth.

Qin Yuan also found that the physical energy of the special forces was rapidly depleted, but the aura of physical recovery was not activated. If they recovered their physical strength during training, they would not have the purpose of sharpening their will.

"There are still 20 kilometers, the last 20 kilometers, after the training, you can rest for 20 minutes." Qin Yuan shouted loudly.

There were expressions of surprise on everyone's faces at the same time, as if their bodies had been re-injected with energy, and their feet became more and more brisk.

More than half an hour later, Qin Yuan stopped the military vehicle at the foot of a high mountain, and the special forces behind them stopped one after another, with a relieved expression on their faces, and smashed their weight on the ground with great difficulty.

"Fuck, it's finally over, I feel like I'm about to faint from exhaustion." The ostrich lay on the ground, his face pale.

"Haha, that's your weakness, it's time to make up for it." The hygienist sat on the ground, even though he was not too tired, he didn't forget to mock the ostrich.

The ostrich was too lazy to pay attention to him, lying on the ground gasping for breath.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Yuan shouted loudly, "Everyone has it, stand up!"

Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others stood up like a conditioned reflex and stood in a neat queue.

"See if there is a mountain on your body, it's about three kilometers long. I'll give you an hour to climb to the top of the mountain. If it's not done, stay here and camp today."


The special forces did not dare to hesitate, they put the weight on their backs with great difficulty, and then strode towards the top of the mountain.

"Haha, savages, have you noticed? These guys are much more honest today than before." After the figures of the special forces disappeared, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing.

"It is estimated that they were shocked by the company commander. It seems that the Longshou special team is indeed very famous." Fang Tian said with a smile.

"The Longshou Special Team is really powerful. If I fight Su Ming alone, even if I can win, it will definitely not be easy." Zang Chong said in a rough voice, if it wasn't for the conditions, he really wanted to fight Su Ming. Go over a few tricks.

"Okay, let's follow too, so that those guys don't get lazy." Qin Yuan finished speaking and strode up the mountain. Zhang Shuai, Su Xiaoyu, and Fang Tian quickly followed, while Zang Chong stayed here to watch. in a military vehicle.

On the rugged mountain road, everyone carried hundreds of kilograms of weight on their backs and climbed up the mountain with extraordinary strength.

Although this mountain is only more than 3,000 meters, it is less than 5 kilometers when converted. It sounds very short, but if you really want to climb to the top of the mountain, the physical strength is definitely no less than 50 kilometers off-road.

"No way, I can't hold on I ran for so long just now, and I just rested for less than 20 minutes, and my physical strength has not recovered at all." Pale as paper, the clothes on his body have long been completely soaked.

Lei Zhan took a deep breath, then grabbed Little Bee by the shoulders and led him towards the top of the mountain: "Hold on, we're halfway up the mountain now, just grit your teeth and go."

Xiaobee's eyes were full of shame: "Captain, leave me alone, we are far behind other special teams, I can't implicate you because of myself!"

"What are you talking about!" Yan Wang reached out and wiped the sweat from his face, then opened Little Bee's backpack, picked up two stones from it and put them in his backpack.

"The Thunder Commando is a whole, and no one has ever fallen behind. The same is true of your little bee. Just hold on, and you will soon reach the top of the mountain."

The old fox, Harley, Daniel, and Yuanbao also took down two stones and put them in their backpacks.

The little bee felt a lot of weight lightened on her body, and the tip of her nose suddenly became sore, but she forcibly held back her tears, and strode towards the top of the mountain with her teeth clenched.

(End of this chapter)

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