Chapter 364 Tank Driving

When everyone climbed to the top of the mountain, they were too tired to straighten their waists, and big drops of sweat dripped down the corners of their clothes, as if they had just been fished out of the lake.

"It's finally over, I swear, the next time the instructor asks me to do this kind of perverted training, I will directly turn against him!" Ostrich said out of breath.

"Haha, just like you, talking like a fart." The sanitation staff looked disdainful.

The ostrich was so used to it that he ignored him at all, just gasping for breath.

Qin Yuan brought Su Xiaoyu and three people up slowly, and then directly turned on the physical recovery halo, a yellow halo that only he could see instantly enveloped everyone.

Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and the others only felt warm all over their bodies. The physical strength that had been consumed by the strenuous exercise just now was quickly recovering, and the pale complexion gradually revealed a red cloud.

More than ten minutes later, Qin Yuan put away the halo of physical recovery and shouted loudly at the crowd: "Everyone has it, gather!"

Swish swish!

All the special forces were jolted and immediately climbed up from the ground. Their movements were very capable, and the negative effects of the previous training had all dissipated.

"On the battlefield, crawling forward is a lot of tactical skills. Next, you need to crawl and return to the foot of the mountain from here. The time is one and a half hours. As long as one person does not finish it, your dinner today is a natural environmental protection package. "

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison, their faces didn't seem to change.

Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then strode down the mountain, and his figure quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hey, I ran up just now, but now I'm going to climb down. Are we going to jump up in the future?" Song Kaifei had a wry smile on his face. Before he even started training, he felt his hands were shaking.

"Everyone must pay attention, the mountain road is full of sharp stones, don't cut your hands, or you will definitely not be able to complete the training within the specified time." Gong Jian said to the red blood cell special team with some solemnity.

"The instructor is right, I don't want to eat any natural and environmentally friendly meal. Everyone must be careful not to be punished by the instructor." Wang Yanbing's face was full of resistance.

What Qin Yuan said about the natural environmental protection package, all the special forces understand that it is the ants and mice on the mountain, grasshoppers and earthworms, etc., and only these things in the wild can meet the nutrition required by the human body, but unless it is on the battlefield, it is not at all. Nobody likes to eat those things.

"Okay, let's hurry up and set off, it's getting late, and when we get back to the foot of the mountain, we have to go back to the training base with armed cross-country." Chen Shanming said, tightening his weight, then lying on the ground, facing towards The foot of the mountain crawls away.

He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing quickly followed.


An hour later, on the rugged mountain road, everyone was struggling to climb to the foot of the mountain. They were already tired and panting. The sweat dripped from their faces, almost blocking their sight. Their hands and elbows were on the ground. It has already become bloody.

The most important thing on the mountain road is the gravel, and the weight on everyone's body can easily wear their palms, but even so, they still insist on gritting their teeth and climbing down the mountain.

In the Lone Wolf Group B, the ostrich was sweating profusely crawling towards the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and with a hint of excitement in his eyes, he said, "Sanitary officer, when I was in the training base before, did Chief Ye say what to do? Exercise? Then can't we be comfortable for two days?"

"What does the exercise have to do with us? Now our main task is to accept the training of Instructor Qin Yuan, and strive to become a real special forces soldier as soon as possible." The sanitation officer said angrily.

"No, you are not tired of training every day. Besides, the instructor will definitely let us participate in this kind of large-scale exercise. After all, this is also a kind of actual combat training."

"Yes, even though I'm exhausted every day, I still feel bored. This kind of simple training is really boring. It's still comfortable to fight the enemy with real swords and real guns." Lao Pao's voice came from the side.

"I think it won't take long before we can complete the training. Although the Dragon Shou special team that appeared today is indeed very strong, I think the gap between our Lone Wolf Group B and them is already very small."

"Hey, as long as you follow the instructor, aren't the dragon heads and dragon heads all our stepping stones." The ostrich made a strange cry.

Several people talked and shifted their attention, not thinking about the fatigue on their bodies and the pain in their arms, and quickly climbed towards the foot of the mountain.

Soon, the special forces arrived at the foot of the mountain one after another and completed the task within the specified time.

At this time, it was already more than four in the afternoon. Qin Yuan did not turn on the halo of physical recovery, but left here in a military vehicle.

The cafeteria at the training base will close at 7:00. If they want to eat hot food, they have to go back before 7:00.

At this time, the location is about 70 kilometers away from the training base, and with a load of 100 kilograms, it is indeed a challenge to rush back in more than two hours.

"Damn it, the instructor just went back like this? Isn't he afraid that we will be lazy?" Harley stared at the military vehicle that had turned into a small black spot in front of him, his face full of disbelief.

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a dangerous aura locked on him from behind, and it felt like he was being stared at by a beast.

Harry's body tightened, and he didn't need to turn around, he knew that the captain must be looking at him "emotionally" at this time.

"Cough, captain, I finished laughing, don't take it seriously, we must carry out the tasks assigned by Instructor Qin Yuan seriously and perfectly." Harley turned his head and said solemnly.

Lei Zhan snorted coldly, ignored him, and lay on the ground, wanting to regain his strength as soon as possible.

Harley breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and when he was about to lie down, a smirking voice sounded beside him: "Hey, Harley, why don't you continue to owe?"

Turning his head, the King of Hell was staring at him with a smirk, with a pity in his eyes, as if he felt that Lei Zhan didn't punish Harley and let him watch one less good show.

"Fuck you, I'm not a fool." Harley glared at him angrily, then leaned on his backpack, closed his eyes and began to regain his strength.

In less than ten minutes, everyone got up from the ground. Although they have not fully recovered, time is precious and they can no longer stay here.

If they can't get back to the training base within the stipulated time, it's still a small matter if they can't have dinner, and if the instructor Qin Yuan is disappointed with them, that's a big deal.

Everyone knows clearly that whether they can become the real top special forces depends on Qin Yuan's teaching. This is an adventure that no one wants to give up.

In the end, the special forces rushed back to the training base before seven o'clock in the evening, and then hurriedly went to the cafeteria to eat.

After a day of high-intensity training, they are already hungry and desperately need food to replenish energy.

Qin Yuan also took this into consideration, and each meal included not only the potions he prepared with precious Chinese medicines, but also various nutritious delicacies, just to support the special forces to continue their high-intensity training.

After all, if you want a horse to run, you must let him eat grass and endure severe training. You must not lag behind in terms of energy and nutritional supplements.

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan brought everyone together on the playground, and then did a simple warm-up exercise for 200 laps.

Everyone had already gotten used to this kind of high-intensity training. After Qin Yuan's announcement, they used the group as a queue to run wildly on the playground.

About half an hour later, when everyone was running wildly on the playground, there was a sudden rumbling sound in the distance, like a heavy truck driving not far away, and the ground trembled slightly.

"This sound is not right. We are a secret training base here. How could there be a large vehicle passing by?" Yi Mi Wu's face was full of puzzlement.

Leng Feng first turned his head to look in Qin Yuan's direction, and after seeing that he didn't respond, he guessed: "I guess it's about building a training ground, the instructor should know."

"I'll be darling, what kind of moth the instructor is going to do to train us. Every day, I feel like I can't stand it anymore." Shi Sanba had a wry smile on his face.

"What nonsense, which of these things the instructors did is not for our own good? Don't be cheap and be good!" Long Xiaoyun glanced at Shi Sanba, his eyes full of dangerous light.

Shi Sanba said helplessly: "Of course I know that the instructor is for our own good, but isn't this a complaint?"

Team Shao, who had been silent for a while, suddenly interjected: "This sound is not right. It shouldn't be a large truck. It seems more like a tank."

"Tank?" A look of joy appeared on Yimiwu's face, "Did you hear it right, vice-captain, are you sure it's a tank? I haven't touched this thing for a long time, and my hands are really itchy."

There was also a trace of intention in the eyes of the rest of the people. When they were in the special forces team, they had to conduct tank driving training once a week. After all, as special forces, they had to be as versatile as possible on the battlefield, and they could use anything around them. arms.

It's just that they didn't expect that Qin Yuan could get so many tanks. Just by listening to the sound, they had already driven more than 20 tanks.

"Everyone will work harder. After completing the warm-up training, you can know the answer." Long Xiaoyun wiped the sweat from his face, and the speed increased a little bit, and the team members behind him also followed excitedly. .

After more than half an hour, everyone stood in front of Qin Yuan panting, trying to straighten their chests.

"Very good, I'll give you ten minutes to rest, and then gather at the shooting range." Qin Yuan said, and strode away, Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai and the others followed.

At this time, the shooting range had been remodeled, and dozens of tanks were parked inside, just to ensure the training of each of the special forces.

Less than ten minutes later, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and others had already arrived at the shooting range. When they saw the tanks parked side by side in front of them, they received a huge visual impact.

They have also been trained in tank driving skills before, but each special team only has two or three vehicles at most. How can there be dozens of vehicles like this?

"Teacher... Instructor, where did you get so many tanks? This is almost a tuan-level lineup." Long Xiaoyun couldn't help but ask, his big flashing eyes full of curiosity.

Qin Yuan shrugged, he naturally knew the weight of dozens of tanks, so he just mentioned it casually to Su Guoqiang, and he was already mentally prepared for two or three people to use one.

Unexpectedly, Su Guoqiang waved his hand and directly agreed to his application without any hesitation.

"Okay, your next training task is to fire tanks. Everyone must be able to fill their shells independently and hit the target accurately. Qin Yuan's voice clearly entered everyone's ears.

"Report!" Geng Jihui shouted loudly.


"The Lone Wolf Group B has not had any tank skills training."

Qin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, Lone Wolf Group B didn't seem to have any training courses in this area.

Sure enough, Chen Shanming and Lei Zhan also had a hint of hesitation on their faces, and neither of them had ever touched these contents.

Only the Wolf Warrior Squadron and the Jiaolong Special Team have had specialized training in this area in the past.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and said to Long Xiaoyun and Yang Rui: "Take your team members and start training immediately. Today's task is to hit the bullseye with ten consecutive shells."


Long Xiaoyun and Yang Rui answered loudly, and then walked forward with the team members. Although this training task was a bit difficult, they were still confident to complete it.

Qin Yuan faced Lei Zhan and others, "Let's learn from me first. If you control the tank, then train yourself. The task is the same as theirs. Do you have the confidence to complete it?"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Okay, come with me." After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked directly towards a tank. He has world-class driving Not to mention a tank, even if it is a space shuttle, he can easily handle it. manipulation.

In addition to the Lone Wolf Group B, the special forces such as the Red Blood Cell Special Forces and the Raiden Commando have a strong learning ability. He is confident that in less than half an hour, he can teach them to be familiar with any joysticks and buttons inside.

Soon, Qin Yuan told them all the basic skills they needed to use. After everyone got started a few times under his guidance, they quickly mastered them and could control them independently.

On the training ground, Qin Yuan heard the deafening cannon sound in his ear, strode to Zang Chong's side, took a bottle of drink from his hand, and drank it loudly. I really feel a little dry mouth.

"Company commander, they won't directly demolish the shooting range, right?" Zhang Shuai looked at the scene where the shells continued to explode in the distance ahead, with a wry smile on his face.

"Hey, company commander, we haven't been exposed to these things yet. You can teach us when you have time. The savage said you were biased just now. I scolded him for you."

"I said dead fish, when did I say that the company commander is biased, don't fart!"

(End of this chapter)

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