The muscle that has really been honed and regrown is far from the kind of broiler that is fed protein powder in the gym.

This is why Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others are so painful, they are going through this process.

A few minutes later, everyone's expressions improved slightly. When they saw Qin Yuan looking at them, they all got up from the ground with their teeth gritted and stood in a neat queue.

"Very good, you can go back to rest now. Captains of each team, go to my room to pick up the Chinese herbal medicine bag. It can help you recover quickly."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the distance. Zang Chong and the others also followed.

"I rub it, it's finally over. I'm really afraid that the instructor will let us continue the training, but we can't stand it anymore." Song Kaifei sat on the ground, breathing very fast.

"Cough, brothers, are you hungry, do you want to go out and find something to eat?" Wang Yanbing touched his increasingly dry stomach and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Yanbing, are you an animal, haven't you already eaten dinner?" He Chenguang rolled his eyes.

"It's been two hours, plus the training is so tiring, and now I'm too hungry, I'm about to rebel directly!" Wang Yanbing stubbornly said.

"Listening to what Yanbing said, I seem to be really hungry..." Li Erniu also rubbed his stomach and said with a naive smile.

"Listen, I said I'm not the only one hungry, how about it? Let's go out and find something to eat, the instructor won't care about us." Wang Yanbing continued to encourage everyone.

They are all veteran special forces, not the kind of rookies who have just come in, so they don't need to stay in the training base all the time, they can go out at will, of course, they must not leave the military area.

"Who of you feels hungry, you can solve it yourself, as long as you don't come back too late and delay tomorrow's training." After Chen Shanming finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the dormitory.

"What are you still doing, Erniu, let's go, let's go and kill these guys!" Wang Yanbing couldn't wait to pull Li Erniu and walked outside the training base.

He Chenguang, Song Kaifei, and Xu Tianlong looked at each other, patted the dirt on their bodies, and quickly followed. They crossed their shoulders, left the base with a smile, and burrowed into the woods.


Early the next morning, Qin Yuan stood on the playground, watching everyone finish the 300-lap warm-up, and then brought them to the land in the corner of the base.

At this time, there are wooden stakes as thick as one person standing here. These were arranged yesterday, and there is a faint layer of dew on them.

"What is the instructor asking us to do? Is it walking a wooden stake?" Lao Pao said in a low voice, his face full of doubts.

"How could it be so simple? This should be a boxing pile. I watched those martial arts masters on TV use this thing to train their boxing skills." Qiangzi guessed.

"In that case, this training is related to fighting? But why didn't the instructor take the shot directly, he had to use a stiff wooden stake, the actual effect of this thing is not too big." Xiao Zhuang said strangely.

Qin Yuan's eyes swept over everyone, and said loudly: "Next, your task is to train boxing, the method is very simple, use your fists to break it for me, the time is two hours, if there is one person who does not Done, everyone has to do five thousand push-ups!"

"What? Break it with a fist? What a joke, these wooden stakes are so thick, even if you smash your fist, it's impossible to break it?" The ostrich widened his eyes, his face full of bitterness.

"That's right, these woods don't look like much, but they are actually very hard. No matter how strong we are, we can't break them with our fists!" Qiangzi couldn't help but said.

"I think, let's just do 5,000 push-ups, maybe we won't be exhausted."

"Isn't the instructor talking about training boxing skills? I thought it was to teach various skills, but I didn't expect that we would use brute force to break the stakes. How does this improve our fighting ability!"

"I think that the instructor must have his reasons for doing this. Maybe it's really useful."

"Yes, there is a saying in traditional martial arts, which is called returning to the basics. You said that if we can smash such a thick wooden stake, who will be our opponents when we encounter enemies in the future?"


Listening to everyone's discussion, Qin Yuan didn't say anything, just stepped forward, picked up an extra wooden stake on the ground, and then smashed it gently on the ground with both hands, and the wooden stake in his hand was stable. inserted in the soil.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others suddenly widened their eyes, staring at Qin Yuan without blinking, with a touch of excitement in their eyes.

Qin Yuan took a deep breath, then slammed his right fist, smashing it **** the stake in front of him.

"Bang, click..."

As the fist fell, the wooden stake in front of him snapped into two pieces, and the top half hit the ground heavily.


Silence, deathly silence.

Long Xiaoyun and others showed a flush of excitement on their faces. They knew that Qin Yuan was very powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful.

It was a wooden stake as thick as one person. Even if it was chopped with a knife, it would take a lot of effort to break it. Then Qin Yuan just threw a punch lightly and directly broke it into two pieces. What kind of perverted power is this to be able to achieve this level!

"You only have two hours. In view of your performance just now, if you don't complete the training, you will be punished by doing 10,000 push-ups." After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he lay directly under the umbrella, squinting his eyes and dozing off repeatedly. generally.

The special forces took a deep breath and repeatedly felt that this training was not so difficult to complete.

Just based on Qin Yuan's light and indifferent attitude just now, if they can't do it in two hours, then it's better to leave directly and no longer need to participate in training.

Everyone ran forward, and then each stood in front of a stake, and their eyes became more and more determined.

These wooden stakes were completely soaked by morning dew, and their toughness became stronger. It would undoubtedly be extremely difficult to break them with a fist.


Leng Feng roared angrily and smashed his right fist on the stake in front of him.

With a bang, Leng Feng's face twisted instantly, and then he retracted his right hand like a lightning bolt, holding it while breathing and blowing, looking very painful.

"Hahaha, Leng Feng, do you think you are an instructor, and you still want to break the stake with one punch? Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter!" Shi Sanba burst into laughter, a state of mind watching the excitement.

"Hmph, if you have the ability, you can break the stake, otherwise you won't be bbw." Leng Feng mocked unceremoniously, everyone is familiar with each other, and there is no concern about hurting each other.

The smile on Shi Sanba's face froze, and then he glanced at the stake in front of him with a wry smile. He really wasn't sure that it would take only two hours to break it with his fist, but compared to 10,000 push-ups, his I'd rather suffer more.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and train!"

Long Xiaoyun shouted loudly, then swung her right fist and slammed it heavily on it, the stake only shook slightly, but a piercing pain came from her right hand, as if the bones were broken.

Gritting his teeth, Long Xiaoyun continued to swing his left fist and smashed it. After slightly easing his right hand, he immediately waved it out.

As for Qin Yuan, just because he was not given any preferential treatment because of his status as a woman during the training process, Long Xiaoyun had some good feelings for him.

What the male soldiers can do, she can also do Long Xiaoyun, and what the male soldiers can't do, she can still do it. With this unyielding energy, she has always been the captain of the Wolf Warrior Squadron. .

On the training ground, the banging sound of fists hitting the stakes, and the unbearable howls came out one after another. Everyone's faces were full of painful expressions, but they still insisted on gritting their teeth. Think about giving up.

"Savage, if it were you, how long would it take to complete it?" Zhang Shuai asked curiously.

"It will take about ten minutes." Zang Chong said in a rough voice, strength has always been his forte, and he was confident that he could break a wooden stake as thick as one person within ten minutes.

"Animals are animals. If it was me, it would take at least half an hour." Zhang Shuai sighed.

"Shouldn't the most powerful one be the company commander? He only used one punch, and he didn't seem to use all his strength before he broke the stake." Su Xiaoyu looked at Qin Yuan on the reclining chair behind him with his eyes closed and rested. Lowered his voice.

"Hey, the company commander is a pervert. How can you compare yourself to him? Isn't it boring to ask for yourself?" Fang Tian whispered.

"Cough cough!" A cough came from behind, and the four of them were so frightened that they almost fell to the ground, but when they turned their heads and saw that Qin Yuan hadn't opened his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved away. The topic began to chat about other things, so as not to get burned again.


After more than an hour, the fists of the special forces were already bloody, and they didn't even feel it, but they continued to grit their teeth and persist.

Lei Zhan's face was full of blue veins, obviously suffering from great pain. The wooden stake in front of him was covered with a layer of blood, and there was a large crack on it.

Taking a deep breath, Lei Jie paused for a moment, glanced at the team members around him, and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The wooden stakes in front of the old fox, Hades, and Harley also showed signs of breaking, and they hit very hard, obviously putting their fists in one place.

They don't have the terrifying and perverted power of Qin Yuan, so they can only work hard and grind a little bit. Although the process is extremely painful, everyone has a feeling of satisfaction in their hearts.

In the end, after two hours, everyone managed to break their stakes, and he was relieved.

"Hygienist, my hands are no longer conscious, won't they be abolished?" The ostrich came to the hygienist with a hoarse voice.

The hygienist was about to stretch out his hand to check on him, when an extremely strong pain immediately came from his hands, causing him to sweat coldly on his forehead.

"It should be fine, even if the bone is broken, it can be taken back." The hygienist endured the pain.

"That's good, that's good." Ostrich breathed a sigh of relief, and then a wry smile appeared on his face: "When will this day be good, the training in the future will definitely be more and more difficult, I don't know if I can still Can't hold on."

"If you can't persist, you have to persevere. Our Lone Wolf Group B can't be without any member." Geng Jihui stepped forward and said firmly.

"We've been through it for so long, and it's a pity that we can't make it now."

"The captain is right, we must endure it, and then cast the name of Lone Wolf Group B, and even spread it to the whole world." Qiangzi gritted his teeth and said with a trace of reverence in his eyes.

Qin Yuan stood up from the reclining chair, then stretched comfortably.

"Zang Chong, go and get the alcohol."


Zang Chong responded, then turned around and walked towards the equipment room. Su Xiaoyu and the others followed.

Soon, the four of them came over with a few barrels of alcohol and smashed them heavily in front of the special forces. At the same time, they also held dozens of containers similar to plastic wine glasses, but the size was much larger, enough to cover their hands. Soak in.

"Sure enough, it's alcohol..." Yuanbao was crying, only to feel that his hands seemed to sting even more.

"The instructor is really caring. He can disinfect us and sharpen our will. It's like killing two birds with one stone." The old fox said with a wry smile.

"Cough, everyone has it. In order to prevent your wounds from being infected, I have prepared alcohol to kill poison. Don't fight or rob, everyone has a share."

"Oh, by the way, I'll remember it later, don't make a sound, or there will be two thousand push-ups on the Can you hear me clearly?" Qin Yuan's eyes swept over everyone.

"I heard clearly." The voices of everyone seemed a little weak. If they hadn't been able to beat Qin Yuan, they would have swarmed him and beat him.

Soon, Zang Chong and the four put down a large glass of alcohol in front of everyone. Everyone looks at me, I look at you, but no one dares to take the lead.

In the previous training, their hands had already become **** and covered with wounds. If they were directly soaked in alcohol, they would indeed be able to detoxify well, but the sour taste is simply unbearable. .

"What are you still doing, do you want me to help you?" Qin Yuan yelled.

Long Xiaoyun took a deep breath, lowered his head and bit the collar of his clothes, then stretched out his **** hands and dropped them tremblingly towards the alcohol glass.


As soon as the wound came into contact with alcohol, Long Xiaoyun's body trembled uncontrollably, his mouth bit his neckline tightly, and a muffled groan came from his nose.

"Hehe, you are not even a woman."

Qin Yuan's eyes fell on Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others, their faces full of ridicule.

The faces of everyone changed a few times, and their hearts sank their **** hands directly into the alcohol. In an instant, a muffled roar sounded out.

Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction. Those who can be cruel to themselves will definitely become the enemy's nightmare on the battlefield.

"Xiaoyu, do you dare to soak the wound in alcohol just like that?" Zhang Shuai looked at Su Xiaoyu and asked, his face full of admiration.

"Why don't you dare, or you can open a hole in my right hand, and I will show you a live performance!" Su Xiaoyu stalked his neck, pulled out the dagger from his waist and handed it over.


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