Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 367: Standing military posture

Chapter 368

"Okay." Without any hesitation, Zhang Shuai reached out and took the dagger.

"I wipe, do you really want to do it?" Su Xiaoyu suddenly withdrew his right hand and said angrily.

"Coward!" Zang Chong pouted, his face full of disdain.

"Come here if you have the skills!" Su Xiaoyu said, handing over the dagger in his hand.

"I'm not stupid, why are you asking for trouble." The expression on Zang Chong's face became even more disdainful.


Qin Yuan ignored these guys and slowly walked towards Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and others.

At this time, all the special forces had blue veins on their faces, their teeth clenched, and they endured the pain like electric shock.

Five minutes later, Qin Yuan nodded and said loudly, "It's alright."

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and pulled their almost numb hands out of the alcohol like lightning.

"The captains of each team are out."

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, and Long Xiaoyun immediately took a few steps forward and came to Qin Yuan. They endured the severe pain in their hands and gave a salute.

"This is a healing medicine. Just smear a little on each hand, and it will heal quickly. Don't use too much. Keep the rest for yourself. If there is any accident in future training, just take it out and use it."

Qin Yuan stretched out his hand and took out five small medicine jars from his pocket. It was the proficiency-level golden sore medicine, which could quickly restore the injury.

"Instructor, is this thing useful?" Lei Zhan stretched out his scarred hand to take the medicine jar, with a hint of doubt on his face.

Qin Yuan chuckled, but did not answer his question, but left a sentence to continue training after ten minutes, and then strode away.

Long Xiaoyun and Geng Jihui went back with a hint of suspicion in their hearts. They had never heard of any medicine that could work so quickly, but there were precedents for those miraculous Chinese herbal medicine packs. some expectations.

"Captain, what is this thing? Why does it smell so bad?" The hygienist took the medicine jar from Geng Jihui's hand with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Whatever he is, since it was given by the instructor, it will definitely not harm us!" The ostrich picked up the medicine jar and sprinkled some on his hand without saying a word.

"How about the ostrich, how do you feel?" Xiao Zhuang looked at the ostrich's hands and asked.

"It doesn't feel anything, it's just crisp and numb, like the feeling of feathers passing through." The ostrich felt it for a while, and said truthfully.

"Are you sure you don't feel your heart beating fast, your forehead is sweating, and you have difficulty breathing?" Lao Pao also came up with a look of doubt on his face.

"Fuck you, you're talking about symptoms of poisoning, don't you curse me?" The ostrich rolled his eyes angrily.

"Fuck, look, the wound on the ostrich's hand has actually scabbed over, what kind of medicine is this, and the effect is so good?"

Coming from a family of traditional Chinese medicine, he has never seen such a miraculous medicinal powder, and even Western medicine, which is known for its quick curative effect, cannot reach this level.

"Everyone, don't be stunned, hurry up and take the medicine. The instructor only gave us 20 minutes of rest time." Geng Jihui said to the team members, he is a practical school, since this medicine powder is really useful, it must be hurry up Time heals.

Xiao Zhuang, Lao Pao, and the sanitation staff gathered around and carefully smeared the wound with medicinal powder.

"Hey, that's not right, since the instructor has such a good medicine, why did we soak in alcohol before? Isn't this unnecessary?" The ostrich found Huadian and asked strangely.

"What else could it be, deliberately make us suffer." Qiangzi said casually.

"Fuck, the instructor is really perverted, is he just like this?" The ostrich shrank his neck, and he didn't look in Qin Yuan's direction.

Soon, twenty minutes passed. After everyone smeared the wound, there was still a lot of medicine powder in the small jar. Several captains put the medicine jar on themselves according to Qin Yuan's order.

"Next, your task is very simple. This is what every recruit will do, and that is to stand in a military posture." Qin Yuan stood in front of everyone, his voice seemed a little casual.

"The time is ten o'clock in the morning. You have to stand until two o'clock in the afternoon. You can't do anything during this time, otherwise you will do 5,000 push-ups in a row."

"Standing in a military posture? Isn't this a very simple thing? Let alone four hours, even if it doubles, I can stand upright in eight hours!" King Yama said with confidence, when he was in the recruit company, he Just being very familiar with this kind of training, let alone becoming a special forces soldier, is as simple as drinking water.

"That's right, in just four hours, who does the instructor look down on?" Daniel said in a rough voice.

"What's wrong with me, can you two keep your voice down? If the instructor prolongs the time, I will not finish with you!" Harley was about to cry, these two are stupid, shouldn't the training task be simpler, they have to die practice!

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the special forces, Qin Yuan's eyes flashed a playful smile.

At this moment, Zang Chong and the four walked over each pushing a small cart. The cart was filled with bottles of mineral water, more than a hundred bottles.

"That's not right, didn't the instructor let us stand in the military position? Why did we get so much mineral water? Could it be that we can drink water when we are tired?" Shi Sanba's face was full of doubts.

"How is that possible? When did you see the instructor being so considerate?" Yi Mi 5 pouted, "I must have come up with some way to torture us again. I knew how this training could be so simple!"

"Everyone has it, everyone take three bottles of mineral water and drink it!" Qin Yuan shouted to everyone.

"Fuck, three bottles of mineral water, the instructor is trying to kill us!"

"No, I said that the training in the military posture only lasted for four hours, so it's waiting for us here? If you drink three bottles of mineral water, you won't be able to blow your bladder!"

"How did the instructor come up with these strange training methods? I'm really convinced."

Listening to the mourning of the crowd, Qin Yuan's face showed a cold look: "As a special forces soldier, most of the tasks performed on the battlefield are behind enemy lines, and many times they have to ambush in one place for a long time. Could it be this time? , are you going to reveal your position because of your inner urgency!"

"Hurry up and drink it, I don't want to say it again!" Qin Yuan's voice became colder.

"Lightning Commando, drink!" Lei Zhan shouted, strode to the mineral water, picked up a bottle and poured it, quickly drank a whole bottle, and then continued to pick up the next bottle.

The other special teams no longer hesitated, and picked up the mineral water one after another and poured it up.

Soon, everyone drank three bottles of mineral water, and their stomachs were so bloated that they almost spit out water.

"Hygienist, I regret it a little bit." The ostrich covered his mouth with one hand, his voice a little vague.

"Regret what?" The hygienist's voice was also a little vague, trying not to let himself vomit.

"Sorry for not going to the bathroom just now!" Ostrich wanted to cry without tears. Before he started training, he felt panicked. How to survive the next four hours was simply torment.

"Cough cough, stay away from me later." The hygienist said very firmly.

"Hey, I just like to stand by your side. If you have the ability, you will kick me away?" The ostrich laughed and took a few steps towards the sanitation staff.

At this moment, Qin Yuan's voice came out: "Everyone has it, start the military posture training!"


Everyone roared in unison, and then stood in a neat queue, their postures were abnormally standard, so that no one could pick out a single fault.

"Don't speak, don't make any noise, don't move your body, otherwise, everyone will be punished!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at the increasingly poisonous sun, and swayed towards the reclining chair under the umbrella.

Time passed slowly, the sun quietly rose to the center at some point, and the scorching sunlight shone on the special forces, causing their body temperature to rise rapidly.

If only the temperature was high, it would be fine. The key was that the three bottles of mineral water almost blew them all up, but they could only endure it.

"Company commander, this won't cause them any problems. I seem to have seen the news about this before, but it's miserable." Su Xiaoyu came up and said worriedly.

"As a special forces soldier, if you can't overcome this difficulty, you might as well return to the regular army, so as not to implicate your comrades on the battlefield in the future." Qin Yuan didn't even open his eyes, his tone seemed very casual.

When Su Xiaoyu heard it, it seemed like the same thing, so he stopped talking, squatted beside him, and played in the mud a little bored.

They have all been out of assignments for several days, and lice have grown on their idle bodies.

"Company commander, didn't that dragon head special team a few days ago say that there will be some missions? Why hasn't this started yet? I've been staying here all day, and my bones are a little itchy." Zang Chong said in a rough voice. , with a look of doubt on his face.

"I heard that there seems to be some problems with the new equipment in the Kyoto Military Region. It needs to be adjusted for a few days. It is estimated that it will start soon." Qin Yuan told them the news from Su Guoqiang.

With his current strength and identity, Su Guoqiang will tell him some important things in the military region, such as exercises, special operations missions, etc.

After all, Qin Yuan's current strength is the strongest in the entire military region, and even in the entire Dragon Kingdom. In addition, the elite special teams in the military region are all from his hands, and no one will despise him.

"Really? That's great, I can finally play a real game, hahaha!" Zhang Shuai couldn't help but shout out, he had long felt bored.

"It's a real knife and a real gun. During the exercise, all blank ammunition is used. If you can't kill anyone, it's better to go out and perform tasks!" Fang Tian couldn't help but said.

"That's true, the recent days have indeed been a little too peaceful." Su Xiaoyu also agreed.

"You guys are really busy, do you want to train with them?" Qin Yuan opened his eyes and glanced at the four of them.

"Hey, that, I remember that the cart doesn't seem to be in place. I'll go over and take a look." After Zhang Shuai finished speaking, he ran out in a hurry.

"Cough, the comrade in the cafeteria seemed to want me to help, but he almost forgot, the company commander, let me go first!" Su Xiaoyutou left here without looking back.

Zang Chong and Fang Tian looked at each other for a while, racking their brains to find a reason to slip away.

Qin Yuan rolled his eyes and said to the two of them, "It seems that the automatic shuttle for badminton ordered by the military region is coming. You can call those two guys over to have a look. If they come, just bring them to the shooting range."

"Badminton automatic server? Company commander, why are we buying this kind of thing? Do we want to play badminton together?" Zang Chong asked strangely.

"Stupid, since it is pulled to the shooting range, it must have something to do with training marksmanship. Let's hurry up and don't delay the training of the company commander."

After Fang Tian finished speaking, he pulled Zang Chong, who seemed to want to ask again, and left.


Soon, the time came to 1:49 in the afternoon, and all the special forces stood under the scorching sun, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

They were not exhausted from the nearly four-hour military posture, but that a certain part of their body was almost bursting open, and even their legs were a little numb.

Qin Yuan glanced at the time and said with a smile, "There are still the last ten minutes."

At the same time, everyone felt a sense of spiritual shock. In the last ten minutes, as long as they can survive, they can completely release the pressure. That refreshing feeling will definitely be very comfortable.

In the end, everyone persisted for four hours. When Qin Yuan announced the end of the training, they hunched over their crotch and trotted towards the bathroom.

It's not that they don't want to rush over to release the pressure, but they really don't dare. God knows what will happen if they run with big strides.


After solving the physiological problems, and then going to the cafeteria to eat, everyone came to the training ground again to gather. Qin Yuan did not say a word, and let them be responsible for 80 kilograms and run 200 laps on the playground.

For this kind of high-intensity weight training everyone has already adapted to it, and they would rather run two hundred more laps than continue the morning training.

After warming up, Qin Yuan took them to the shooting range. At this time, the place was no longer used as before. There were pieces of machines inside, and there were baskets of badminton next to the machines.

"Thor, what kind of training equipment are these? Why haven't I seen it before?" The old fox looked at the rows of machines in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"It's called an automatic shuttle for badminton. It's a badminton training device." Lei Zhan answered truthfully.

"Could it be that the instructor was so kind and thought it was useless to torture us all day long, so he rewarded us with a badminton game?" Little Bee showed a look of joy on her face.

"Hey, I can. I think when I was studying, I was called the Feather Prince by all the girls in the school." Harley wiped his hair and made a handsome pose of me.

"Hehe, you think too much, the instructor is so perverted, how could he let us play, maybe there are some traps waiting for us!" Yan Wang pouted, looking at the two of them with mocking eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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