"There are about 300 terrorists here. They have heavy firepower such as mortars and tanks. They usually move around the square. This is a picture she drew."

Xia Nan said, and spread out a very simple map on the table in front of Qin Yuan.

"This is where the terrorists hit. This is where the prisoners were kept. There are about 20 people. Among them, Deng Mei should be here, and there are about 30 or 40 people guarding it."

Lei Zhan behind him said solemnly, "How many ways are there to enter this prison camp?"

"Only the square is the road." Xia Nan looked at Qin Yuan and said.

Qin Yuan was silent for a moment, and said to Lei Zhan, "Tell me about the situation on the ship, and then prepare to fight."


"The other party has more than 300 people and a lot of heavy weapons. Are you sure?" Xia Nan asked nervously.

"Our first task is to rescue the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, and everything else will be put to the back." Qin Yuan looked at her with no expression on his face.

Xia Nan's face seemed a little lost, and after a while, he pleaded, "So, can you save one more person?"

"I'm sorry, your assistant is dead."

"What... What? How do you know, when did it happen?" Xia Nan's face instantly became extremely pale, and his eyes were extremely dull, as if he didn't want to believe Qin Yuan's words.

"Just before we came here, your assistant was killed by the Zaka organization." Qin Yuan couldn't help sighing, and then left the room.

The moment the door was closed, a hoarse cry broke out inside.

In the building next to Bassem Town Square, an old man dressed in all black with a white beard around his chin slowly walked into the room and walked straight to a man tied to the bed, who was the one who bought a large amount of yellow William of Pie.

There was an obvious wound on his left abdomen, with blood dripping from it, and it looked extremely ferocious.

"I... I don't know anything." William shook his head with a look of horror in his eyes when he saw someone coming over.

It was Zaka who came, and he didn't say much, but sat directly next to William, gently lifted the blood-stained clothes on his body, and completely exposed the wound.

"No, no, please, I really don't know anything, please." William looked even more frightened, his lips trembling uncontrollably.

"Is there really nothing to tell me? Your wound is not well handled, I'm here to help you!"

After Zhaka finished speaking, he took out a small pair of scissors from the surgical tray next to him, and cut it along the wound on William's abdomen expressionlessly.

"Ah!! I really don't know, please let me go!"

William let out a scream and trembled uncontrollably, but was tied to the bed with ropes, his face full of pain.

"Think back, where is the thing I want." Zhaka's hand became stronger and stronger, William couldn't bear it any longer, and said hoarsely in pain: "Aluka Desert, Aluka Desert!"


"Instructor, a signal jammer is used here, and we can't contact the Dao ship." Lei Zhan came to Qin Yuan to report.

"Well, nothing, ready to start action." Qin Yuan's face did not change.

"The battle plan is very simple. I will sneak into the prison camp alone to ensure the safety of Comrade Deng Mei. You will attack immediately after ten minutes. Remember to focus on containment and do not advance rashly. The enemy has a lot of heavy weapons. We can't fight them hard!"

"After you launch an attack and attract their attention, I will take Deng Mei away to ensure her safety, and then we will start the general attack to completely kill this group of smashers."

Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and said that the Zaka organization dared to kidnap the citizens of Longguo, which has angered him. No matter how many people there are, none of them can escape today.

This is also a warning, telling everyone not to attack any Dragon Kingdom citizens, otherwise the Zaka organization will be their end.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison, their eyes full of fiery fighting intent.

"Okay, start the timer, ten minutes later, start the action immediately!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he took an assault rifle and directly touched the square in Bassem Town. With his peak-level stealth skills and danger perception, he believed that no one of this group of terrorists would be able to find his trace.


Seven minutes later, Zaka drove towards Aluka with dozens of heavily armed men.

"Execute that Dragon Country woman, and then notify the brothers on the mountain to attack the Dragon Country ship!" Zaka held the communicator and conveyed the order to his subordinates.

He has already obtained the news of the yellow cake, and he is confident that he will soon be able to create a weapon that can threaten the Dragon Kingdom, so the prisoners will be useless.

In the prison camp in Bassem Town, several fully armed terrorists rushed to the door and walked directly towards Deng Mei, dragging her to the door.

However, the man tugged a few times, but didn't move. He turned his head and saw that this woman from the Dragon Kingdom, who had always been very scared, didn't have any fearful expression on her face at this time, as if she was returning home.

The man immediately felt that something was wrong, he looked up sharply, his pupils dilated instantly, and he saw a dark muzzle facing his head in the darkness ahead.

Just as he was about to raise the muzzle, a silver light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and then a round object slammed heavily on the ground, and the air was filled with an extremely rich smell of blood.

The terrorist at the door immediately noticed that something was wrong, and just as he was about to shoot, a dagger flew over and precisely inserted between his eyebrows.

After the two terrorists were resolved, the man in the dark slowly walked out. It was Qin Yuan who lurked here with the help of peak-level hidden magical powers.

"Comrade Deng Mei, let's get out of here as soon as possible." Qin Yuan tore off the rope on her body with his hands.

Deng Mei nodded heavily and kicked the corpse on the ground fiercely. She no longer had too much fear, and only had joy in her heart.

Not long after the two left, there was a burst of gunshots in the distance, apparently Lei Zhan and others had already started.

"Ostrich, there is a powerful female sniper in the attic at 6 o'clock. Please pay attention and get rid of her as soon as possible." After Qin Yuan finished speaking with Deng Mei on his back, he strode towards the temporary stronghold. run.

Under the circumstance of using all his strength, Qin Yuan's speed was extremely fast even with a person on his back, and he ran out more than ten meters in a few strides.

"Don't worry, instructor, leave it to me!" The ostrich's voice seemed very calm, and there was no escape from the usual training.

Qin Yuan avoided the terrorists around him, and quickly carried Deng Mei to the temporary stronghold, and then told Qiangzi and the old guns who stayed here, pay attention to protect their safety and do not participate in the battle.


Gu Qiao and the two gave a salute, their faces full of solemnity.

Qin Yuan nodded, then turned around and ran in the direction he came from. Now that he has no worries, he can start the slaughter.

"Everyone pay attention, don't keep your hands anymore. Today, we will pull out this poisonous needle that dares to stab the Dragon Kingdom!"


Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others all breathing heavily, the weapons in their hands poured bullets frantically, and the terrorists from the Zaka group in front of them fell down in rows.

After Qin Yuan returned to the battlefield, he did not take action immediately, but ran towards the opponent's tank. This kind of thing is the big weapon that can decide the outcome.

Before he got close, Qin Yuan felt a sway on the ground, and there was a rumbling sound in his ears. It was obvious that the enemy had launched a tank.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yuan ran in the direction from which the voice came, and soon saw two tanks side by side, smashing through walls and driving towards this side.

"Report the instructor, the enemy snipers have all been killed." The voice of an ostrich came from the headset. Qin Yuan was not surprised by this result. After all, after training, the ostrich's marksmanship has been greatly improved, far from ordinary. Humans can be compared.

At this moment, one of the tanks had already driven more than ten meters in front. Taking advantage of the moment when it hit a wall and the dust filled it, Qin Yuan took a stride and jumped directly to the top of the tank, clutching tightly with both hands. hatch.


Qin Yuan used all his god-level strength, with blue veins on his face, and with a grim expression, he pulled up the metal rod of the tank door.

With a click, the metal rod could not withstand such an amazing force, and a gap appeared. Then, the gap became larger and larger, and the entire hatch was opened, revealing the four stunned heads inside.

Bang bang bang!

Qin Yuan pulled out the pistol from his waist like lightning, killed all four people inside, and jumped in directly.

Not wanting to throw out the corpse inside, Qin Yuan turned the muzzle while filling the cannonball, aiming at another tank that hadn't noticed the danger.

Soon, the ammunition was loaded, and the muzzle also pointed to the rear door of the tank on the left front. Qin Yuan pressed the launch button violently. With a muffled sound, a shell accurately hit the target and exploded a fiery red cloud.

Looking at the tank that was scrapped, Qin Yuan reloaded the ammunition again, then drove the tank towards the battlefield ahead.

At this time, on the battlefield, Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the terrorists fell into a state of Jiaozuo, even though their marksmanship and combat experience were much higher.

But the opponent has an absolute advantage in numbers, and the ammunition is incomparably abundant. There are almost no dead ends for a dozen heavy machine guns.

Qin Yuan in the rear was driving a tank, relying on the monitoring screen of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, without saying a word, he shot rounds of shells directly at the heavy machine gun position.

In the blink of an eye, most of the opponent's heavy weapons were damaged, and Lei Zhan and others took advantage of this opportunity to press directly forward.

Soon, Qin Yuan fired all the shells in the tank, and the enemy's heavy firepower was under precise strikes, and there was not much left, and finally all fell into the hands of Yan Wang and other strategic snipers.

"Instructor, the enemy has lost their will to fight and has run away a lot, do you want to catch up?" In the headset, Chen Shanming's voice was very excited. In the face of such a battlefield where numbers and weapons are suppressed, they have never been so comfortable as they are today. .

"Don't worry about these trash fish, just break up the Zaka organization and show the strength of our Dragon Kingdom. The purpose of warning has been achieved."

"Now, all rush to the temporary stronghold and arrange the next battle plan."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he took out a few hands and thunders from the pile of corpses on the ground, pulled out the insurance, and threw them directly into the tank behind him.

With a few explosions, the tank was drowned in fiery flames.

In the temporary stronghold, Qin Yuan saw that Xia Nan had recovered from the grief of his assistant's death, so he didn't say anything more, turned his head to the ostrich and said, "Will you fly a helicopter?"

"Instructor, aren't you kidding me? I'm a gold medal pilot, and I'm a well-known presence in Luhang. If you don't believe me, go ask, who doesn't know my name yet?"

The ostrich patted his chest, his face full of pride, and when he was not on a mission, he was this unreliable appearance.

"Okay, you are driving a helicopter, take Xia Nan and Comrade Deng Mei, and fly to the ship. Lone Wolf Group B will accompany them. You must ensure their safety." Qin Yuan looked at the ostrich and Lone Wolf Group B and said.

"Instructor rest assured, we will **** the two comrades back safely." Geng Jihui said solemnly.

Qin Yuan nodded and continued: "Long Xiaoyun, Yang Rui, you two find a few cars and go to the southeast, about 50 kilometers away in the Aluka Desert, where the yellow cake, the target of the Zaka organization, is there. "

"After you get there, directly kill the defending terrorists. UU read www.uukanshu.com and then evacuate immediately. Use their cargo plane to transport the yellow cake back to the ship."

Long Xiaoyun wondered: "But none of us can fly a cargo plane?"

"Stupid, don't they have drivers themselves?" Qin Yuan wanted to pat her on the head, but his reason forced him to endure it.

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Long Xiaoyun's eyes lit up, and he no longer had any hesitation.

"Instructor, what about us?" Lei Zhan couldn't help asking.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly: "Lightning Commando, Red Blood Cell Special Forces, you and I will take another helicopter. The mission is to capture Zaka and the rebel general alive."


Lei Zhan's eyes lit up instantly, grabbing Zaka and the rebel leader, isn't that better than being a bodyguard and a robber?

"But, Instructor, should we ask the chief for instructions? After all, whether it is the yellow cake or the capture of Zaka and the rebel leader alive, there are a lot of diplomatic issues involved."

Gong Jian couldn't help but said, he knew that it was not good for him to speak at this time, but he still said it through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry." Qin Yuan said sternly: "Now our satellite antenna can't contact the chief. Since this is the case, we will naturally do things that are beneficial to the Dragon Kingdom. Yellow cake, Zaka, etc. are all our spoils. This is our Deserved."

Although he said righteousness, Qin Yuan couldn't help laughing in his heart. He couldn't wait to see that he brought a few buckets of yellow cake, and perhaps Zaka and the rebel leader back to the southeast. After the military area, what will Su Guoqiang's face look like?

With a light cough, Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and said, "Do you all know your mission?"


The crowd roared in unison.

"Okay, let's get started!"


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