Lone Wolf B group guarded Deng Mei and Xia Nan to board one of the helicopters. The ostrich sat in the cab to start the engine and quickly evacuated towards the ship.

Qin Yuan took Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others to the place where Zaka and the rebel leader traded.

In the battle just now, Qin Yuan deliberately destroyed their communication system, so what happened here could not be passed on.

The Wolf Warrior Squadron and the Jiaolong Special Squadron found several intact cars in the city, and then quickly drove towards the yellow cake trading place according to the direction provided by Qin Yuan.

About half an hour later, Long Xiaoyun stepped on the brake with one foot, and several cars behind him also stopped. Yang Rui and others got out of the car immediately, vigilant about the surrounding situation.

"Captain Yang, according to the information obtained by the instructor, you can see the transport plane within five kilometers."

Yang Rui nodded, "Let's hurry over there. If they make a successful transaction and create weapons of mass destruction, there will be unimaginable consequences."

Yellow cake is a nuclear raw material, and the scope of contamination is very large. It must not be obtained by this group of deranged terrorists.

About ten minutes later, everyone came to the back of a rugged boulder, looked forward with their probes, and saw a transport plane at a glance. Danger sign of iron bucket.

Looking at the guards patrolling back and forth in front, Long Xiaoyun looked at Yang Rui and said, "Captain Yang, time is pressing, the enemy may move at any time, we must fight quickly."

"I will infiltrate with the Wolf Warrior Squadron. When I get close to the opponent, I will make a gesture. You need to solve these guards in an instant, and leave the rest to us."

These patrolling guards are extremely scattered and need to be shot at a distance, and then they will shoot at the same time to deal with the terrorists around the transport aircraft.

"Okay, no problem!" Yang Rui nodded heavily.

Long Xiaoyun didn't say anything more, and led Leng Feng and a few people to touch the front quietly.

It didn't take long for everyone in the Wolf Warrior Squadron to come to the front, and as long as they got up, they could see the enemy busy transporting in front of the cargo plane not far away.

"Get ready for battle!" Long Xiaoyun conveyed the order with battle gestures. Team Shao and Leng Feng's faces were dignified, and they clenched the assault rifles in their hands.


Long Xiaoyun's raised right hand clenched into a fist, Yang Rui and the others at the back had long been waiting for this signal, and immediately pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

With a dull gunshot, the guards patrolling around the cargo plane hadn't reacted, it was dark in front of him, and his consciousness instantly plunged into darkness.

In front of the cargo plane, the faces of the busy terrorists changed drastically, raising their assault rifles and rushing in the direction of the gunfire.

"f*ck, don't worry about those guys, get out of here quickly, if we lose something, the boss will not let us go." A burly black-faced man shouted loudly.

This person should be a small leader. The terrorists who were about to rush over stopped one after another. Just as they were about to turn around, a group of figures with live ammunition suddenly appeared in front of them, and the weapons in their hands were pouring wildly with fire.

The marksmanship of Long Xiaoyun and others is extremely superb, and they can hit every enemy even at a distance of nearly 100 meters.

Soon, a large piece of corpse fell down at the convenience of the front. There were several bullet holes in the fatal part of the body. It was absolutely dead and there was no chance to fight back.

The only remaining burly man fled into the cabin of the cargo plane the moment he realized that the situation was wrong.

Leng Feng's eyes instantly became extremely dignified. He threw away the assault rifle in his hand, jumped out of the ravine where he was hiding, and rushed forward with great strides. At this moment, the previous extreme off-roading played a role.

His figure was like lightning. It only took a few seconds to run to the cargo plane. At this time, the burly man was struggling to close the car door. When he saw Leng Feng appearing, his face showed a very astonished expression. .

The man was about to raise the weapon in his hand, but Leng Feng had already pulled out the dagger from his waist and threw it fiercely at him.

With a flash of silver light, the burly man clutched his neck in pain, and his body slowly fell to the ground, oozing blood all over the place.

Picking up the weapon on the ground, Leng Feng strode to the cab of the cargo plane, pointed the gun at the two pilots and shouted, "Don't move, or you will be killed!"

The two cabs quickly raised their hands, their faces full of panic.

"Leng Feng, how is the situation?" Long Xiaoyun arrived here with the rest of the Wolf Warrior Squadron with a very solemn expression.

"It's all under control!" Leng Feng gestured.

"Report Captain, the enemy is about to come here, and it will arrive in about two minutes." On the hillside in the distance, Shi Sanba was lying on the stone, holding a telescope in his hand, and he could clearly see that far away. There was a convoy of smoke and dust that was rapidly approaching here.

"Received, you hurry back, we are going to evacuate here."


Soon, Yang Rui and others rushed back, dragged all the yellow cakes onto the cargo plane, evacuated directly from here, and flew towards the ships at sea.

On the other side, the ostrich was driving the helicopter and had already returned to the ship. Xia Nan and Deng Mei were also received by special people.

"Captain Geng, what about Comrade Qin Yuan and the others? Why are you the only ones who came back? Also, why did you suddenly lose contact before, was there an emergency?"

On the deck, Gao Yun asked strangely. After losing contact with Qin Yuan and others not long ago, he thought it was an accident, and he almost used ship missiles to directly level Bassem Town.

Geng Jihui quickly told Gao Yun what happened before, and then smiled bitterly: "Do you have a place to store yellow cakes? Also, if we really capture Zaka and the rebel generals back, the commander will What's the reaction?"

Gao Yun's face was speechless, thinking that if you save people, you can save people. How could there be so many bizarre things, and the leader of the rebel army here is actually taken back, God knows what kind of impact it will have.

But he didn't say much, let alone pass the news back to the military region in advance, lest for some reason, Qin Yuan's plan could not be implemented smoothly.

After bringing the people back to the military region, that is, when the raw rice is cooked and cooked, the military region chief will not say anything, and even secretly discuss what can be exchanged from Yiweiya, after all, this is the living Zaka and He. The leader of the rebel army can play a huge role in Yiweia officials, and even turn the situation around in one fell swoop.

"You have been running around for so long, you must be very tired. The ship has prepared a place to rest, Xiao Zhang, you are leading the comrades of the special team." Gao Yun said to Geng Jihui and others.

Everyone did not refuse, anyway, there is nothing to do now, just take a rest, and when the instructor comes back, we will meet with Longguo together.

More than 200 kilometers away from Guluo, Qin Yuan drove a helicopter through a large desert, and finally landed in a very hidden place.

"It's about six kilometers away from the place where Zaka and the rebel leader traded. We need to get there as soon as possible." Qin Yuan said solemnly to everyone in the Lightning Commando and the Red Blood Cell Special Forces.


Everyone responded, then followed behind Qin Yuan, striding towards the destination.

When Lei Zhan and others were training under Qin Yuan, they were used to the task of carrying dozens of kilograms of weight and armed for tens of kilometers off-road. Now that the distance is only six kilometers, when they arrived, they were only gasping for breath. There is no excessive sweat.

"Ye Wang, He Chenguang, you go to occupy the commanding heights. After the battle starts, destroy all the cars here, so that they will not run away."


The two quietly retreated, looking for the commanding heights here. The rest of the team members looked a little dignified, waiting for Qin Yuan's order.

It didn't take long for the two to find the sniper position, and Qin Yuan no longer hesitated. He jumped out of the hiding place and rushed forward.

At this time, it was the time when Zaka noticed the abnormality and prepared to let his subordinates kill the rebel leader. However, the appearance of Qin Yuan and others disrupted their battle plan.

"Who are these people!" The rebel leader's face was gloomy, and he turned to leave here. Zaka didn't have time to worry about him, and shouted at his opponents: "Kill them for me!"

However, Qin Yuan and others were much faster than them. With a burst of gunfire, the terrorists who were running at the front fell to the ground one after another, and their bodies were almost smashed into sieves.

"Be careful not to hurt Zaka and the rebel leader."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he rushed forward with a few strides, raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger violently. Several enemies hiding behind the wall in front of him died instantly.

Lei Zhan and others also quickly followed. After intensive training, killing these terrorists is like chopping vegetables. It is as easy as possible. Unless they encounter a large-scale destructive weapon, God will block the gods and Buddhas. Block the Buddha.

"Who are you? Why do you know about this place?" Zaka looked at the corpses on the ground with a gloomy expression on his face.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, strode forward and slashed the knife directly on his neck. Zaka had no strength to fight back, his body softened, and he fell directly to the ground unconscious.

"Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing, you two are watching him here, and the rest, follow me up to deal with the rebel leader." Qin Yuan shouted behind him.


At this time, all the cars here were blown up by He Chenguang and Yan Wang with sniper rifles. Zhaka's men had been completely dispersed, desperate to escape, and then they were called by the two of them one by one.

The rebel leader was smarter and hid in a bungalow with his subordinates, blocking the doors and windows as if he wanted to stand guard and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Qin Yuan took out a smoke bomb and threw it towards the open space in front of him. After a while, a thick smoke blocked everyone's sight.

"Open fire, don't let them touch it, as long as we can hold on for ten minutes, the support will come." In the bungalow, the rebel leader shouted, the gun sticks out of the door, regardless of whether he sees anyone, and shoots directly. Shooting, the men next to him also opened fire outside with a look of panic.

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the top of everyone's head, like a huge hammer slamming on it, and the cement bricks fell one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a figure jumped down violently, raised the weapon in his hand and pulled the trigger one after another.

After a burst of gunshots, all the subordinates around the rebel leader fell to the ground, and the strong smell of blood came out.


The leader of the rebel army roared and was about to shoot recklessly when the figure rushed over like lightning. Before he could react, there was a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then his eyes darkened, and he lost his entire body. consciousness.

Qin Yuan glanced at the unconscious rebel leader in front of him, then kicked the door open. Lei Zhan and others who had been waiting here immediately entered, and left the rebel leader with a dead fish.


About an hour later, the helicopter of Qin Yuan and others landed on the ship, Gao Yun and others came over after hearing the news, with a look of worry on their faces: "Comrade Qin Yuan, how is the mission accomplished, is there anyone? Injuried?"

"Don't worry." Qin Yuan nodded at him, then pushed the rebel leader behind him.

"Look at this person and deal with it. I'll go to rest for a while." After that, Qin Yuan ignored the change in Gao Yun's face, and took Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others directly into the cabin. Zhang followed with a look of reverence as a guide.

After the mission ~www.readwn.com~, the ship ignored Weiya's retention and began to return to the Dragon Kingdom. There were no accidents along the way, and it arrived at the Southeast Military Region smoothly.

On the deck, Qin Yuan looked at the two people who were covered with black cloth and in handcuffs, with a strange expression on their faces: "Captain Gao, you are the top person in charge of this mission. The two guys should be left to you."

"Comrade Qin Yuan, you can let me go!" Gao Yun's face was full of a wry smile, "I can't compare with you, since you captured the person, you will naturally have to deal with it, I'll go first, There are still documents waiting for me to process."

After Gao Yun finished speaking, he entered the cabin without looking back, for fear that Qin Yuan would stop him.

Qin Yuan didn't say anything more, and led everyone off the deck, and then rushed towards the military area through a special transport helicopter.

On the apron of the military area, Su Guoqiang was already waiting here after receiving the news. After everyone got off the plane, they immediately greeted him.

"Xiao Qin, how is it, no one was injured, right?" Su Guoqiang's face was still full of worry even though he had learned the result of the mission by radio.

In the territory of other countries, weapons, equipment, intelligence, and even terrain are subject to many restrictions. Coupled with the rampant terrorists, the difficulty of this mission can be imagined.

"Don't worry, Commander, we're fine." Qin Yuan's face was full of smiles.

"Hahaha, well, I knew you could do it." Su Guoqiang patted Qin Yuan's shoulder heavily.

"The matter against the Dragon Kingdom by the Zaka organization this time has attracted widespread international attention, and some people even observed the progress of the gaffe through satellites."

"You have accomplished this mission brilliantly, and severely attacked the arrogance of some people."


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