"I believe that after this matter is over, if someone wants to take action against the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, they must weigh it in their hearts. Although this sentence will be punished far away, it is not just a talk."

A ruthless look flashed in Su Guoqiang's eyes.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly, then nodded to Lei Zhan behind him, who immediately understood, turned and walked towards the back of the team, and soon pulled two men wearing black hoods over.

"This is?" Su Guoqiang's face was full of doubts. It seems that this was not mentioned in the mission briefing?

"Ahem, Commander, this is our trophy."

"The spoils?"

The doubts in Su Guoqiang's heart became stronger and stronger, and at the same time, for some reason, a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Qin Yuan didn't continue to sell off, he stretched out his hand and took off the headgear of the two of them. It was Zaka and the leader of the rebel army.

Su Guoqiang's eyes widened instantly, and Gu Bo's unhappy mentality that he had cultivated for a long time disintegrated instantly. His face was full of stunned expressions. He had read the information on Yiweiya and naturally recognized Zhaka and the rebel leader. .

"Little...Xiao Qin, no, Uncle Qin, why did you tie these two guys?"

After the consternation, Su Guoqiang's face was filled with a wry smile: "Don't you know how much these two people are involved in? If one is not handled properly, it may cause a diplomatic dispute."

Qin Yuan said with a smile: "This is also an opportunity. Anyway, I have already brought it. What to do next, I will leave it to the commander."

Su Guoqiang pondered for a while, and seemed to have thought of something, and a strange expression flashed in his eyes, but this matter was too involved, and he was no longer the commander of the military region.

Thinking of this, Su Guoqiang coughed lightly and said with a straight face: "In view of the excellent completion of this mission, the military region has decided to award the Warrior Wolf Squadron, the Red Blood Cell Special Forces, the Lone Wolf Group B, the Thunder Commando, and the Jiaolong Special Forces collective second-class merit. "

"As for your kid..." Su Guoqiang glanced at Qin Yuan, "I was out of order, acted without authorization, concealed the military situation, the one-day vacation that had been planned was cancelled, and only the reward for personal second-class merit was left."

The smile on Qin Yuan's face did not diminish, and he led everyone to salute.

Qin Yuan really didn't plan for a vacation or something. Besides, as the chief instructor, if he wanted to rest, he didn't even need to ask the chief to apply. Punishment is just a joke.

"Okay, hurry back and have a rest, you need to find me directly." After Su Guoqiang finished speaking, he excitedly asked his subordinates to leave here with Zaka and the rebel leader.

"Instructor, we..." Lei Zhan leaned over, his face full of hesitation.

Through the perfect mind reading technique, Qin Yuan could see at a glance what he wanted to say, and waved his hand: "I'll give you half a day's rest, and gather at the training ground on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Wow, the instructor is mighty!"

Everyone's faces showed ecstasy. After going through the previous tasks, they really felt very tired and wanted to take a good rest. They didn't expect Qin Yuan to promise so directly.

"What are you doing standing here stupidly? Wait for me to go back?" Qin Yuan said with a smile.

As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately scattered around, not daring to stay by his side for even a second.

At this moment, the rewards of the system are also distributed.

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task of rescuing the Dragon Country compatriots and arresting Zaka and the rebel leader! 】

[Rewards: Swiftness aura (can increase the group's sensitivity by 50%), world-class language proficiency, peak-level blood bursting pills * 5 bottles (can increase all attributes by 200% within five minutes, and then enter the third hours of weakness)! 】

Qin Yuan took out the blood-exploding pill and played with it. It was a red pill only the size of a sesame seed.

"Maybe it's time to find someone to experiment with." Qin Yuan muttered, driving a military vehicle towards the training base.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Qin Yuan drove towards the medical room where Lin Ziyu was staying. Speaking of which, the two hadn't seen each other for a long time, they usually contacted by mobile phone, and he almost forgot the smell of her perfume.


Early the next morning, Qin Yuan walked out of the military medical single dormitory, and then carefully closed the door, fearing to disturb the sleeping beauty inside.

After returning to the training base, Qin Yuan casually found some food in the cafeteria, and then walked towards the training ground.

Long Xiaoyun, Lei Zhan and others have already stood in a neat queue and waited there.

Looking at the energetic people, Qin Yuan smiled and said, "It seems that you are all in good condition."

"It's just right, there's no training for two days. I think your body is almost rusted. You have all of them. You have a weight of 50 kilograms. You keep running with the military vehicle. Everyone can't stop until I don't order it to stop."


Everyone shouted in unison, and quickly ran to the pile of rocks, stuffing stones into their backpacks.

"It's not right, why did the instructor let us carry 50 kilograms today? Didn't we always carry 80 kilograms before?" Ostrich asked with a puzzled face.

"No, ostrich, you have a sword or a sword, and you can't lighten the burden. Otherwise, you can pack 80 kilograms yourself, and we will never stop us." Lao Pao rolled his eyes and seemed very speechless.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. It's always good to be careful. You must pay attention to maintaining your physical strength later." Xiao Zhuang's face was solemn.

"What's the use of this, the instructor wants to mess with us, we can only bear it silently, and we can't resist. I used to think that the instructor was powerful enough, but after going through the last task, I found out that he used to be Keep your hands." Qiangzi said with a bitter face.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. The instructors are all for our good. Otherwise, if the last task was all entrusted to us, it would not be completed so easily. Maybe there will be a few comrades left." Geng Jihui The voice seemed a little heavy.

Soon, everyone loaded up their weights, and then followed the military vehicle driven by Zhang Shuai, striding towards the mountain road outside the training base.

Two hours later, on the rugged mountain road, everyone was so tired that they could barely straighten their waists.

"I am, how far have we run, why didn't the instructor stop calling, is it really going to kill us?" Harley was out of breath, staggered under his feet, and almost fell directly to the ground, but fortunately He was pulled by Yama next to him.

"According to my calculations, we have run more than 70 kilometers, which has exceeded any previous training volume." Chen Yingtian's face was extremely pale, and he was almost forced to move forward.

"My God, more than 70 kilometers, I never thought that I would be so powerful." The little bee opened her mouth wide, panting violently, her whole body shook uncontrollably, as if she would faint at any time. .

"Everyone hold on, we are the strongest, the Raiden Commando, we must win!" Lei Zhan roared loudly, cheering for his teammates and himself.

"Yes! Thunder Commando, must win!"

Everyone shouted in unison in a hoarse voice, with blue veins on their faces, and used all the strength of their bodies to step forward.

On the military vehicle at the rear, Qin Yuan sighed softly. Originally, he thought that in this training, everyone could break through 100 kilometers, but now it seems that it is indeed too hasty.

"Zhang Shuai, slow down the speed of the car for ten yards and run another five kilometers, and it will be over." Qin Yuan pressed the headset and notified Zhang Shuai in the leading military vehicle ahead.

Gu Yan "Good!"

"Tsk tsk, company commander, the training is getting more and more strict now. It is estimated that it will not be long before we are no longer their opponents." Su Xiaoyu said with some emotion, he almost watched the rapid growth of this group of special forces.

"Don't worry, when you are not their opponents, just come back to the furnace and rebuild it, and keep you pressed against them to fight." Qin Yuan said casually.

Su Xiaoyu couldn't help recalling the hardships of the previous training, and wanted to say to Qin Yuan, don't bother so much, he just wants to be a salted fish.

However, Su Xiaoyu held back for fear that Qin Yuan would beat him.

About fifteen minutes later, the military vehicle driven by Zhang Shuai slowly stopped, and the special forces in the rear couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Their extreme exhaustion made them want to lie down and rest regardless.

But this practice was extremely harmful to the body. They forcibly supported their bodies that were close to the limit and walked back and forth for two minutes. Only then did they lie on the ground and didn't want to move even a single finger.

Qin Yuan asked Zang Chong and the four to guard here, and then strode forward, looking for the next training venue.

About 20 minutes later, Qin Yuan returned. After everyone rested, although they had not fully recovered, they were able to train normally.

"All of them, gather!"

Long Xiaoyun and others quickly got up from the ground and stood in a neat queue.

"follow me!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned his head and walked directly behind him. Although everyone had some doubts in their hearts, they still followed up. Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu were each holding a stack of dark green wood that was taller than others. The box followed suit.

Soon, Qin Yuan stopped. This is a chaotic stone forest, surrounded by all kinds of rugged rocks, and there is no problem in hiding someone in the stone crevices.

"What did the instructor bring us here? Is it to crawl on these rocks?" Li Erniu guessed.

"Haha, how could the instructor be so kind, if it is really training to crawl forward, there must be broken glass and triangular nails scattered on the ground." Wang Yanbing gritted his teeth.

"Anyway, it must be used to torture us. Since we can't resist, we can only bear it." He Chenguang's face was very calm, as if he had seen the essence.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, then strode forward with Zang Chong, opened the dark green box in front of him, and revealed the grenades inside.

"Do you all know each other?"

Qin Yuan picked up one at random, put it in his hand and played with it.


Everyone looked at more than 20 boxes of grenades, and suddenly felt a little scalp numb.

"Just know." Qin Yuan said, pulled the insurance directly, and threw it towards the crowd.


Everyone's faces changed greatly, and an exclamation came out of their mouths. Lei Zhan was the closest, and his eyes were quick and his hands were quick to grab the grenade, and then hurriedly threw it into the distance.

"Get down!"


With a loud bang, pieces of gravel splashed around and hit everyone, but the hesitation distance was too far, and there was not much lethality.

"Hehe, as expected of a special forces soldier, his reaction is fast." Qin Yuan slapped his hands with a smile on his face.

"I hope this time, you can still hide."

As Qin Yuan said that, he picked up five grenades directly. Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu, who were behind him, all grinned wickedly, and each took out a few grenades from the boxes in front of them.


After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he pulled out the fuse and threw it towards the crowd. The four people behind him also threw out grenades almost at the same time.

In an instant, nearly 30 grenades were smashed at everyone. At this time, no one wanted to pick them up and throw them away.

"Fuck, get out of the way!"

"Crazy, crazy, the instructor must be crazy, isn't this trying to kill people?"

"It's just bullshit!"

"My brain!"

If everyone was frightened by a rabbit, they would disperse in an instant to avoid the baptism of the grenade.

After a while, more than two dozen explosions came, and the ground under my feet trembled, and a thick dust enveloped the area, mixed with the pungent smell of gunpowder.

After a long while, everyone crawled out from where they were hiding~www.readwn.com~ Some hid in the crevices of the rocks, some hid behind the big trees, and some directly spread their feet and ran out dozens of meters, Keep away from blast area.

"Instructor, are you playing so hard? I almost thought I was here just now." Ostrich rubbed his ears, his calf trembled slightly, and a grenade exploded just two meters away from him. Open, fortunately there is a rock block, otherwise he would have been killed by the explosion.

"This is ruthless? What's more ruthless is still to come. When you are on the battlefield, you will easily encounter the bombing of grenades."

"At this time, your ability to react can determine your own life and death. Only by making a correct response at a critical moment can you save your own life." Qin Yuan's voice seemed extremely flat.

Lei Zhan and others couldn't help lowering their heads. They naturally knew this, but in the previous training, no one dared to think about it.

First, the cost is too high, and the cost of grenades is still very expensive. The budget of a special team cannot stand such a toss.

Another reason is that no one can take responsibility for mistakes. This is not an exercise. It is all live ammunition. If there is no response, life will be lost.

It's hard work to build a special force, and no one wants to break it in training.

But now, Qin Yuan dared to do this. Although everyone was a little worried, they were more excited. No one wanted to become stronger, let alone them as special forces.

"Very well, it seems that you have all figured it out, the training continues, don't keep thinking about dodging, the most important thing is to counterattack, use the enemy's means to kill the enemy!"

Hearing Qin Yuan's words, Ostrich couldn't help but look up at him, his face full of eagerness to try.


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