Chapter 375 The One-Faced Wild Wolf

Qin Yuan laughed and stared at the ostrich with sullen eyes, as if he had seen through the thoughts in his heart.

The ostrich suddenly felt chills all over his body, his neck shrank, and he quickly put the thought behind him.

"Yeah, just based on the instructor's perverted strength, if you die, you will be the one who will be the last one." Ostrich muttered in his heart.

"Have you heard clearly?" Qin Yuan shouted to the crowd.

"Listen clearly!" The voices of the special forces seemed unusually loud.

"Okay, start now!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he bent down to pick up a few grenades, pulled out the insurance, and threw them at the place where the crowd was densest. The same goes for Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu behind him.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun's face was unusually solemn, and his breathing quickened a bit. After all, if he was not careful, he might be killed.

In the center of the crowd, He Chenguang, Xiaozhuang, Yan Wang and others quickly picked up the grenade that had fallen under their feet, and then threw it into the distance without the slightest delay.

Some of the others ran away directly, some hid directly in the gaps of the rocks, covering their ears with their hands to prevent their dizzy eyes from being bombed.

A few seconds later, bursts of violent explosions sounded immediately, dust and gravel swept out, a strong smell of gunpowder came out, and the air seemed extremely gloomy.

"Bah! He's a jerk, why does it shock me every time!" Wang Yanbing lay on the ground between the rocks and spat out a few mouthfuls.

"Yanbing, I think it's all your own problem. Who told you to open such a big mouth." Li Erniu next to him said very seriously, except for some dirt on his body, there was no other abnormality.

"Rookie people, the feast is coming." Qin Yuan smiled and picked up seven or eight grenades from the wooden box, and then slammed them on them.

Everyone cursed inwardly, but they still didn't dare to relax at all. They stared at Qin Yuan's hands without blinking, trying to catch the thrown grenade as soon as possible.

The purpose of this training is to improve their ability to respond to emergencies. Qin Yuan also occasionally puts the unplugged grenade in his hand for two or three seconds before slowly throwing it out.

At this time, everyone has no time to pick them up and throw them out. They can only use their fastest speed to find the safest place, and then hide their bodies.

After more than half an hour, the whole dozen boxes of grenades were exhausted. Long Xiaoyun and the others were blown up, as if they had just climbed out of the straw pile.

"Give you ten minutes, adjust your form, and continue training."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he went directly to the military vehicle, opened a bottle of Red Bull, and started drinking. After working in the sun for so long, he was really thirsty.

All the special forces breathed a sigh of relief, then sat down on the rock, gasping for breath.

In the training just now, their hearts have been tense, and together with frequent emergency actions, both physical and mental strength are consumed, and they are even more tiring than armed off-road 50 kilometers.

"Hey, the instructor's training is really getting more and more perverted. In comparison, it's still refreshing to go out to perform tasks." Yimiwu's face was full of emotion, and he missed the old days very much.

"Why do I think you're a cheap man? If the instructors start training for the special forces of the Quanlong Kingdom, the people in line will definitely be gone, and it won't even be our turn." Shi Sanba rolled his eyes. road.

"Old Shi is right, as long as you don't die, you will practice to death. If the training ends one day, you will cry without crying." Leng Feng glanced at Qin Yuan, his face full of reverence.

"Hey, what is Lao Shi? Is that what you can call it? Young people nowadays have no respect for seniors at all." Shi Sanba said with a stern face and pretended to be angry.

"Hey, Lao Shi, that's what I called, what can you do? Lao Shi, Lao Shi." Leng Feng made a face at him, very mocking.

"You!" Shi Sanba put his hands on the ground and wanted to get up, but his feet were weak, and he sat down again, and said bitterly: "You wait for me, I will teach you how to respect your predecessors in the future."

When the two were at the Wolf Warrior Squadron base, they often learned from each other, and bickering had become a habit.

"Okay, just the two of you. Hurry up and recover your strength. Next, we have to do the training of the instructor." Long Xiaoyun's voice seemed to have no emotion, but Leng Feng and the two knew that the captain usually looked like this. Not really reprimanding them.

Soon, ten minutes passed. Although the special forces had not fully recovered, they still quickly got up from the ground and stood in a neat queue under Qin Yuan's order.

"Next, what you need to do is fighting training." Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and shouted.

Fighting training? There was a wry smile on everyone's faces. The training they had experienced before was Qin Yuan himself, and then tortured them to the death. The key point was that they didn't have any ability to resist, and it was no different from asking for hardship.

Qin Yuan noticed their thoughts and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your opponent is not me, but they are all old friends."

old friend? A trace of doubt flashed in the hearts of everyone, and then they all turned their attention to Zang Chong and Zhang Shuai. Apart from Qin Yuan, they were the only ones at the scene.

"Hey, this is good. I have long wanted to learn from the Sharp Sword Recruit Company. Under the guidance of Instructor Qin Yuan, our strengths are no longer comparable. It's time for another confrontation." Lei Zhan's face Full of eagerness to try.

Everyone is a student of Instructor Qin. You are just lucky. You started training when you were new recruits. That's why you were able to torture them so badly before. Now it's time to wash away this humiliation.

Yes, humiliation, everyone has this idea more or less in their hearts. As senior special forces, they have experienced too much hard training and dangerous tasks, so they naturally have the spirit.

But in their previous confrontation, they were actually beaten on the floor by a group of recruits, and no one would believe it when they said it.

It is for this reason that Lei Zhan and other talents have been training so hard, hoping to find their way back one day.

"Cough, old friends are not referring to them." Qin Yuan coughed lightly, and was about to speak when a wolf roar suddenly came from a distance, and then, wild wolves emerged from the woods not far away. Formed in a neat queue, like an army, under the leadership of the wolf king, they slowly walked towards this side.

"Fuck, there are actually more than fifty wolves, and we won't be here today, right?" Harley's face changed slightly, and he leaned over to pick up a sharp stone from the ground.

"Isn't the instructor telling us to deal with these beasts?" The little bee's face was full of bitterness. According to common sense, the physical quality of human beings is simply not comparable to this kind of carnivorous animal.

"Definitely yes, look how cheap he laughs." King Yan glanced at Qin Yuan in front of him.

"Cough cough." Qin Yuan coughed twice, trying to control his expression, and shouted loudly to everyone: "Today, your opponents are these wild wolves, and everyone needs to end the battle within two minutes."

"Oh, by the way, you can't use any tools, you can only use your hands and feet, and you can't kill them. I've been looking for such a good sparring player for a long time."

"Wow, the instructor also pays attention to animal rights? Shouldn't we take human rights?" He Chenguang couldn't help slandering.

"That's right, the claws of these beasts are so sharp that they can kill a large piece of flesh and blood in one go, and they may even be infected with bacteria. If you want to subdue them alive, the difficulty will be directly raised by a level!"

"In two minutes, if you want to deal with an adult wild wolf, even a beast like a tiger and a lion can't do it, right?"

While everyone was discussing, the wild wolves in front suddenly stopped halfway, and the rest continued to move forward and spread out. There was a large gap around each one, as if they were isolated fighting rooms.

"Fuck, why do these wolves seem to be wise, is this the hands and feet of the instructor?"

At this time, there is a wild wolf in front of each special forces. They are like well-trained soldiers, standing neatly more than 20 meters away from the crowd, their sharp teeth are open fiercely, as if provocative. , but did not come directly.

"What are you still doing? No one is a wolf, the time is two minutes, and the timer starts! Qin Yuan said, and directly pressed the stopwatch in his hand.

Everyone's expressions changed immediately, suppressing the doubts in their hearts, and rushing straight ahead.

Since it was a task arranged by Qin Yuan, they unconditionally believed that even if they were told now that the instructor had the ability to control beasts, everyone would not have any doubts.

As if receiving an order, a row of wild wolves in front of them roared neatly, and then rushed towards the crowd, with fierce and cruel light flashing in their eyes.

"Company commander, how did you find these wild wolves? Why do they seem to be manipulated?" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of doubts. After so many years, it was the first time he encountered such a strange thing.

"What else can happen, it must be the company commander's handwriting." Fang Tian behaved very casually. In his opinion, Qin Yuan can do many magical things. Manipulating wolves is just trivial. Hunters can find out the temperament of beasts, and thus indirectly control them.

Qin Yuan didn't speak either. He looked at the special forces in front of him who were about to come into contact with the wolves. He couldn't tell them that he had used the peak-level animal control ability, right?

In the lone wolf group B, Xiao Zhuang was the first to rush forward, twisting his body, directly dodging the bite of the wolf in front, his face became more and more solemn.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Zhuang clenched his right fist violently and slammed it into the wolf's back.

With a loud noise, the wild wolf whimpered, and the entire back half of his body faintly collapsed, apparently suffering a lot of injuries.

However, this could not subdue the ferocious wolf in one fell swoop. With a wolf roar, Xiao Zhuang only felt a foul stench coming in front of him, and then, a huge wolf head fiercely bit his head.

Xiao Zhuang didn't care about anything else, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the wild wolf's open mouth. In an instant, he raised his fist and dropped it.

"Bang bang bang!"

After several sets of punches came down, the wild wolf on the ground had almost no ability to resist, and a whimpering sound came from its mouth.

"Okay, if you fight again, you'll be killed. Do you want to eat charcoal-roasted wild wolf?" Qin Yuan appeared behind him at some point and grabbed Xiao Zhuang's fist that was about to fall.

"Hey, it's not impossible." Xiaozhuang got up and said with a smile. They had not eaten for several hours in a row, and they were already hungry. If there was wolf meat to eat, it would definitely be a pleasure.

"Hehe, it's beautiful to think about." Qin Yuan rolled his eyes, then turned around and walked behind him, taking a break to continue training.

"Yes!" Xiao Zhuang glanced at the vast majority of his comrades who were still fighting with wild wolves. He didn't say anything. He just sat on the stone and calmed down his beating heart.

Although he only fought with the wolf for a short time, his spirit was highly tense and adrenaline was secreted. After all, this is a living wolf that can bite down a large piece of flesh and blood. He couldn't help but relax, so he felt very comfortable. of exhaustion.

Soon, all the special forces knocked the wolf to the ground, and obeyed Qin Yuan's order, but did not really kill them.

Qin Yuan activated his peak-level beast control ability, controlled dozens of wild wolves, limped out of the area, and cultivated on the side.

"Everyone has it, give you a one-minute rest, and then continue to start the wolf fighting training." As soon as the voice fell, the other half of the wild wolves in front got up one after another, roaring and walking slowly towards this side, the eyes flashing abnormally. ruthless.

"Fuck, there is still a wheel battle. No wonder the instructor has brought so many wild wolves. It turned out to be waiting for us here."

"Return one wave and replace it with the next wave. Recycling is in line with the spirit of environmental protection." Lei Zhan spit out a cold groove.

"What I want to know How long will this training last, I'm already hungry, I'm exhausted, don't turn myself into a wild wolf without eating in the end lunch."

As everyone murmured, a minute had passed, and the wild wolves in front of them roared in unison, then spread out their limbs, and dashed towards this side very quickly. His eyes were even more scarlet, as if he had been hungry for a long time.

"Everyone must be careful!" Long Xiaoyun shouted, clenching his right fist, swept the ear-piercing wind, fiercely greeted the huge wolf head in front of him.

boom! With a loud noise, the wild wolf's running figure suddenly froze, the huge body arched deeply, and a muffled roar came out of his mouth, as if he felt great pain.

But the next moment, the wild wolf stretched out his sharp claws without warning, and threw himself in front of Long Xiaoyun.

The copper-headed and iron-boned tofu waist is referring to the creature like a wolf. Long Xiaoyun had long expected that he could not really hurt it with a punch, so he had long expected that when the two sharp claws fell, his body The shape has already retreated a few steps.

(End of this chapter)

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