Chapter 376: Deep Lurk

After standing firm, Long Xiaoyun subconsciously wanted to grab the stone on the ground as a weapon, but she quickly thought of Qin Yuan's order and had no choice but to give up.

With a hoot, the wild wolf missed the blow, its limbs slammed hard, and pounced again, the momentum was even faster than last time, and before it came to the front, a disgusting stench rushed to the face.

Long Xiaoyun held his breath, kicked his feet on the ground and suddenly exerted force, his whole body jumped out like an arrow, and his Qingli face was full of murderous aura.

The moment the two were about to touch, Long Xiaoyun put his hands on the ground, his whole body curled up, and slid under the wolf like a loach, and then threw his right fist like lightning, hitting his soft abdomen fiercely. .

The wild wolf whimpered, and his limbs went soft and rolled directly to the ground. He hit several rocks in a row before stopping, and he has temporarily lost the ability to stand up.

Long Xiaoyun crawled up from the ground a little embarrassed, looked at his finger that was rubbed with blood by the rocks, put it in his mouth to **** the blood at will, and then ignored it.

Glancing around, seeing that although the team members could not solve their opponents for a while, they seemed to be able to handle it with ease, so Long Xiaoyun felt relieved and stood in place and began to rest.


For the next two hours, the special forces had been fighting with the wild wolves all the time. They were all exhausted and exhausted, but they had to grit their teeth and hold on. After all, they didn't want to rest in the wolf's stomach.

When Qin Yuan announced that he could rest for ten minutes, the tense strings in everyone's hearts suddenly relaxed, and a tide of exhaustion rushed in, causing them to slump directly to the ground.

Some people even almost fell asleep, but at the last moment they slapped themselves a few times, because Qin Yuan also said that if anyone can't stand to pass out, they will immediately get rid of their rookie status.

This is also the first time they deeply identify with the identity of the rookie.

Ten minutes later, it was three o'clock in the afternoon. The special forces had not eaten for seven consecutive hours. The continuous high-intensity training made them almost unable to hold on.

"The next training is actually very simple. You don't need to do high-intensity exercise, you don't need all kinds of extreme challenges, you just need to lie on the ground motionless."

When Qin Yuan said that he remained motionless, his tone deliberately increased a bit.

"But, Instructor, when can we eat?" Song Kaifei asked weakly, how humble and humble his tone should be.

When Qin Yuan let the group of wild wolves go before, everyone swallowed their saliva in unison, looking very reluctant. After all, they had been together for more than two hours and had formed a deep friendship, and they were really reluctant to let them go.

Qin Yuan glanced at him and didn't speak. Didn't he wait so long for this training just to wait until you were hungry? Only in this way can training be more interesting.

"Everyone has it, the distance between the left and right arms, the distance between the front and rear arms, get down!"


Although there were some doubts in their hearts, everyone did not dare to hesitate, and quickly dispersed according to Qin Yuan's order, and then lay on the rugged and sharp rocks.

Then Qin Yuan ignored them and strode towards the military vehicle in the distance.

"Hey? This is the case, is lying on the ground just training?" Harley's face was full of doubts.

"Impossible, these stones are indeed a little embarrassing. If they are recruits, they can indeed play like this, but the extreme pervert of the instructor will definitely not make us so easy!" Hades couldn't help but said.

"If that's all, I'm probably going to fall asleep in a while, hahaha!" The little bee lowered her voice and couldn't help laughing.

"Think with your pig brains, since we fell into the hands of the instructors, when has our training been easy? Now we must be preparing the props to torture us, hurry up and take advantage of this to recover our strength, or you will cry later. Yes." Lei Zhan reprimanded a few words in a low voice, then closed his eyes, calming his still beating heart bloating.

Soon, Qin Yuan and Zang Chong each held a wooden box and walked towards the crowd.

After opening the box, everyone saw that it was full of thumb-length bullets, and the doubts in their hearts became more intense. Generally, when the bullets were used, they were standing on the muzzle of the gun when training marksmanship.

However, now, they have no weapons at all, and the number of these bullets is too large, there are five boxes, no matter how you look at it, it is not easy.

"It's all laid down!" After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he grabbed a large amount of bullets, walked to the nearest Long Xiaoyun, and squatted down.

Then, under Long Xiaoyun's strange gaze, Qin Yuan picked up a bullet and gently placed it on top of her head, then the second, the third, the hundredth, the first...

After a few minutes, Long Xiaoyun was covered with bullets all over her body, which made her heart tighten, and she didn't dare to shake the slightest while lying on the ground.

"You can hear it clearly. Now start stealth training. This skill is often used in the battlefield behind enemy lines, and it even determines whether you can complete the tasks assigned by your superiors."

"There is no time limit for this training. When I am satisfied, when will it end. As long as anyone dares to drop a bullet on the way, I will do a thousand push-ups!"

What the hell! A thousand! Everyone exclaimed in unison, almost thinking that their ears were broken.

The ostrich stared at Su Xiaoyu who was putting bullets on him, not daring to let his body move at all, and shouted to Qin Yuan with a sullen voice: "But instructor, what if the wind blows off the ground? How can you control it?"

"Don't worry, I checked the weather forecast when I came. It's sunny and windy today." Qin Yuan said casually.

As soon as the voice fell, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the distance, and the surrounding trees swayed and scattered leaves.

"Instructor, do you have a score or not, can you take the weather forecast seriously? It said light rain, that is, be careful of rain, heavy rain means rain, and heavy rain means rain!" The ostrich was about to cry without tears.

"Okay, you talk a lot every day, hurry up and lie down, one drop is a thousand push-ups!" Su Xiaoyu put down the last bullet on the ostrich, and then walked towards the next person.

The ostrich suddenly no longer dared to move at all, and his breathing became ruthless. There was no way. There were hundreds of bullets on his body. If he accidentally moved his body, it would be at least ten thousand push-ups. Got it!

Soon, everyone was full of bullets. After Qin Yuan put it back in the box, he ignored them and carried a barbecue grill and various seasonings directly from the back of the military vehicle.

"Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu, the two of you are going to catch some pheasants, hares, etc. Fang Tian, ​​you go to the nearby river to catch some fish, remember to look for the plump ones."

"It's about to start at last, company commander, I've been hungry for a long time, my chest is on my back, hahaha!" Zang Chong took Su Xiaoyu and ran towards the woods.

Fang Tian also responded, picked up a few daggers, and then carried two large iron buckets that had been prepared long ago, and ran towards the river. This is a virgin forest, and it is easy to find some game. .

"Handsome guy, you go get some wood, remember to keep it dry, otherwise it will be full of smoke, and the roasted things will taste bad." Qin Yuan said to Zhang Shuai next to him.

"Okay!" Zhang Shuai responded, took out the machete from the trunk of the car, and walked towards a forest that seemed to be somewhat withered in the distance. It is very simple to find the dead trees here.

Qin Yuan started arranging the barbecue grill and seasonings, and just waiting for the ingredients and the charcoal fire to arrive, he started cooking in the wild.

Not far away, all the special forces scolded in their hearts. They were training hard here despite starvation. As a result, this **** instructor actually wanted to hold a field party here.

If it wasn't for Qin Yuan's defeat, they would definitely rise up, overthrow the tyranny, and most importantly, grab the grill sweeper! !

Soon, the four of them rushed back. Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu were each carrying a few hares, pheasants, and a few piebald snakes.

Fang Tian was carrying two large iron buckets, one of which contained a few plump fish, and the other was an empty bucket containing clear river water. Zhang Shuai walked over with a tree trunk as thick as one person.

After disemboweling the game and simply cleaning it up with clear river water, Su Xiaoyu took out a large bucket of mineral water and cleaned it up carefully before putting on an iron rack and grilling it on a charcoal fire.

With the smearing of various sauces, a seductive meat fragrance spread out, as if it had spirituality, and penetrated into the noses of Long Xiaoyun, Lei Zhan and others.

At this time, they had been hungry for more than eight hours in a row, and their bodies had already protested, all of them were holding on, but now they smelled the smell of meat, plus the soreness and numbness brought by maintaining a posture for a long time, all the No one was calm anymore, and they were madly exporting to Qin Yuan in their hearts.

But they didn't dare to move in the slightest, and they couldn't even scold their mothers in a low voice. There was no way. If they shook their bodies because of complaining and let the bullets fall from their bodies, it would be a thousand push-ups. No one is confident. can resist the consequences.

About ten minutes later, Qin Yuan picked up a fragrant grilled fish, nibbled it, and walked towards the crowd.

"Don't come here!!"

Everyone shouted in unison in their hearts. They are too familiar with this routine. First, starve the rookie for a while, and then tempt the rookie with all kinds of food. Those who are not mentally strong will really choose to quit.

Although they won't be tempted, this kind of taste is really uncomfortable!

At this time, everyone was already hungry and their chests were on their backs. Even a big white steamed bun could be eaten deliciously. How could they be tempted by grilled fish.

"Well, not bad, Xiaoyu, your craftsmanship is getting better and better. It is estimated that you can go directly to a restaurant to be a chef in the future." Qin Yuan's mouth was full of oil, and everyone's teeth were itchy.

"Ostrich, how is it, can you hold on? Are you hungry? Let me tell you, I am the most kind-hearted person. As long as you nod your head, this grilled fish will be yours, how about it?"

Qin Yuan said, and brought the grilled fish that he had eaten in his hand to the mouth of the ostrich.

The ostrich is like a dead person, and his body is motionless, but Qin Yuan can clearly hear that this guy's breathing has sped up a bit, and his heartbeat has become more intense.

At this time, the ostrich was scolding the mother in his heart. After eight hours of starvation, he suddenly smelled the tempting grilled fish near his mouth. He tried his best to endure it, but the subconscious reaction of his body was beyond his control, that is, drooling. .

But now he didn't dare to move at all, for fear that the bullets on his body would fall on the ground, so he put his head very straight, but the corners of his mouth were as if the Yellow River had burst its banks, exuding a large piece of crystal... .

Qin Yuan's eyes widened, and he suddenly retracted his right hand, so that the grilled fish was not "contaminated".

He got up and glanced at the large pool of water in front of the ostrich. Qin Yuan felt that hesitant in his heart. He looked at the grilled fish in his hand, but couldn't stop his mouth. He took out a grilled fish from the rack, and threw the previous one randomly on the wooden box.

"Hey hey hey!" The ostrich's heart is so comfortable, it makes you greedy for me, I'm so disgusting to you, see if you dare to come over.

But immediately, his face became bitter, there was no way, the feeling of his head lying in the saliva was too uncomfortable, but fortunately it was his own, and he didn't dislike it.

Qin Yuan held all kinds of fields in his hands, wandered around the special forces, and crouched down from time to time to "mouse" him. He was surprised just now. This time, he didn't make the same mistake again, which made some people with bad intentions. Lao Pao and the others cursed inwardly.


Time passed slowly, and after about three hours, the sky was already dark, and the roars of various beasts began to be heard from the surrounding virgin forest.

What makes Qin Yuan very satisfied is that after such a long time, everyone endured the hunger of the body, lay still on the stone, and still kept the bullet standing on their body from falling. Their will seems to be extremely tough. It won't take long to complete the training and become the top special forces soldier.

"Everyone has it, training is over!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of and then dragged their sore body to climb up from the ground with extreme difficulty.

Without Qin Yuan's order, Long Xiaoyun and others consciously picked up the bullets on the ground and put them in the wooden box.

Looking at the grilled fish on top of the box, the ostrich couldn't help swallowing a large mouthful of saliva. He looked at Qin Yuan with tears in his eyes, and he almost knelt down to call his father.

As if he hadn't seen it, Qin Yuan shouted to the crowd: "The time is eight o'clock in the afternoon, you have four hours to rush back to the military area, the cafeteria will close after twelve o'clock, can you have supper? , it's up to you."

After speaking, Qin Yuan ignored everyone's resentful eyes, and took Zang Chong and the four to carry all the equipment to the car.

When moving to the box with the grilled fish, Qin Yuan's mouth evoked a faint smile, and then as if he had not seen it, he turned around and left, and started the military vehicle and drove quickly towards the training base.

The ostrich has been paying attention to this side. After seeing Qin Yuan really leaving, he rushed to the wooden box. When he was about to catch the grilled fish, a hand suddenly stuck out behind him and grabbed the grilled fish before him. in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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