Chapter 377

"I'll wipe, what are you doing, Lao Pao, it's mine!" The ostrich turned his head to look, but Lao Pao shot before him.

"What's yours and mine, this is what the instructor left behind, whoever sees it has a share, hehe."

The old cannon laughed, dodging the ostrich's claws, and opened his mouth to bite the grilled fish.

"There's my saliva on it, don't you think it's disgusting?" The ostrich fluttered in the air, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and he said hurriedly.

"Hehe, do you think I'm blind?" Lao Pao rolled his eyes. During the training, he was right next to the ostrich, and he could see clearly, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

Under the grief-stricken eyes of the ostrich, Lao Pao took a ruthless bite on the grilled fish, and then chewed it in a big mouth, his face full of satisfaction.

They hadn't eaten for more than eight hours in a row. Even dry steamed buns were delicious, not to mention the delicious grilled fish.

After swallowing a mouthful of fish, Lao Pao did not continue to sip, and handed out the grilled fish very reluctantly.

The ostrich's face was filled with joy, and when he was about to reach out to take it, Xiao Zhuang, who was approaching at some point, made a lightning strike, grabbed the grilled fish before him again, and grabbed the grilled fish.

"Fuck, what are you doing." The ostrich almost collapsed.

"Hey, everyone who sees it has a share, don't worry." Saying that, Xiaozhuang also took a bite on the grilled fish, and then handed it to Qiangzi behind him.

In the end, after everyone in Lone Wolf Group B had all swallowed a mouthful of fish, the grilled fish was returned to the ostrich's hands, with exactly one mouthful left on it.

"Hmph, I remember you." The ostrich hummed, and couldn't wait to deal with the grilled fish in his hand, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Okay, everyone is almost resting, let's go quickly, this is a virgin forest, there will be many beasts at night, don't be careless."

After Geng Jihui finished speaking, he rushed forward first, and all the players behind him immediately followed. After the rest of the special teams breathed a little, they also started the last training of the day.

About an hour later, everyone was already tired and sweating profusely, and the weight on their bodies was like a hill, so they couldn't breathe.

"I said ostrich, are you a dog? How long have you been licking this fish bone, and you're still not willing to throw it away?" ostrich.

"Hehe, don't you understand this? This is called psychological suggestion. As long as there is something in your mouth, you will subconsciously think that you are eating, and your stomach will not be so uncomfortable." The ostrich rolled his eyes and his voice seemed a little vague. .

"Go to your psychological suggestion, are you a psychopath?" Xiao Zhuang pouted, and then ran a few steps away from the ostrich. He really had enough of the licking sound this guy made.

At this moment, Geng Jihui, who was running at the front, suddenly stopped, stretched out his right hand, and made a warning gesture, his face full of solemnity.

"What's the matter, captain?" Lao Pao put on a fighting posture, but his face was full of doubts, but the next moment, he seemed to see something, his breathing was stagnant, and his face could not help changing slightly.

"I wipe, what is this?" The ostrich followed the line of sight of the two, and in the dark woods, saw a pair of faint eyes, staring at them.

"Everyone, be careful, this guy is not small." The hygienist stared straight ahead, bent over and picked up a stone from the ground as a weapon. Most of their physical energy was consumed, and any misstep was fatal.

In the alert eyes of everyone, the beast hiding in the dark woods slowly walked out. With the help of the faint moonlight, they recognized at a glance that it was a grizzly bear more than two meters high.

"How can there be such a thing here?" Hadron couldn't help but said, his face was full of solemnity. This kind of huge grizzly bear is not comparable to humans in terms of strength and speed, even among beasts. It is also the existence of the king of beasts.

"Captain, what should we do, we don't have any practical weapons in our hands, and our physical strength is also greatly consumed. It is very likely not this guy's opponent. Otherwise, run away before it attacks." The ostrich said seriously, The skeleton of the fish has long been spit on the ground.

"Can't run, this kind of grizzly runs very fast, the last person will definitely be caught up, and when it falls, there is no doubt that he will die, we can only fight with it." Qiangzi said solemnly, his eyes did not blink. Blink staring at the huge grizzly bear.

"Let's spread out first. After a while, there may be other special teams coming. You can delay as long as you can." Geng Jihui said solemnly. So you fall behind, and it won't be long before you pass here.

"Yes!" Everyone nodded heavily, then clenched the temporary weapons such as stones and wooden sticks in their hands, spread out eagerly, and formed a combat formation.

At this moment, the grizzly bear in front suddenly let out a rough roar, shaking the leaves around it slightly, and then grabbed its limbs on the ground fiercely, the huge body was wrapped in huge energy, like lightning. Throwing at the crowd.

"Get out of the way!" Geng Jihui roared and rushed to the side. The ostriches around him also avoided them. If they were hit so directly, they would probably vomit blood and die.

After the grizzly pounced, it seemed to be even more irritable. The two thick front limbs kept grasping the ground, and two air currents spewed from its nostrils, and its eyes instantly turned red.


The grizzly bear let out a long roar in the sky, and then rushed towards the crowd again. This time, it seemed to have locked on the ostrich closest to him, staring at him with fierce eyes.

"Damn it, I'm going to die!" The ostrich screamed, turning around and running behind him. At this moment, he truly realized the difference between humans and beasts.

"Perhaps only a pervert like Instructor Qin can compete head-on against this grizzly bear... By the way, and the savage instructor Zang Chong, these two guys are humanoid beasts!"

As the ostrich thought, he spread his feet and ran forward.

The grizzly bear that was more than two meters tall seemed to recognize him, chasing after him.

Due to being hungry for too long, the physical strength was too intense, even if the ostrich exerted all the strength, the speed was not particularly fast. After only ten seconds, the gap between the two sides was only a few meters away, and the ostrich could almost smell the grizzly bear. The stench from Xuepen's big mouth made him cry incessantly in his heart.

"Ostrich, go up the tree to delay time!" The hygienist couldn't hold on when he saw the ostrich, and hurriedly shouted, his face full of anxiety.

Without any hesitation, the ostrich turned and ran towards the big tree in front of the left that needed to wrap its arms. Before falling into the grizzly bear's mouth, it used all of its strength to climb up, holding the tree trunk in both hands, saying what to say won't let go.

"Hurry up and think of a way, my life will be put into your hands." The ostrich looked at the grizzly bear who kept bombarding the tree below, his face was full of tears.

This silly bear didn't know what was going on, so he got on with him, as if he would never stop until he was eaten.

Geng Jihui and the others had anxious expressions on their faces, but they didn't dare to make any sound from their feet, and walked cautiously behind the grizzly, for fear of disturbing it.

"Bang bang bang!"

The grizzly bear seemed to know no pain, and its two thick front limbs kept slapping on the tree trunk, as if to slap it directly.

The ostrich on the tree shivered and hugged the trunk, looking pitiful. Every time the tree shook, it made his heart twitch uncontrollably.

"No, it can't be dragged any longer, that big tree won't last long!" The hygienist's face was full of anxiety, he bent down to pick up a sharp stone on the ground, and strode towards the grizzly bear, although they usually like to damage the bear. each other, but in fact the relationship is the best.

Almost instantly, the hygienist ran behind the grizzly bear, and at the moment when he did not react, his legs exerted force, and his entire body threw directly on its back.

Grabbing the sour-smelling hair with one hand, the hygienist clenched the sharp stone with the other hand, and then used all the strength of his entire body to slammed down towards the grizzly bear's back.

With a bang, the messy hair immediately showed traces of dark red blood, and the grizzly roared in pain, and the strength of the forelimbs that fell on the big tree was obviously much lighter.

After such a long period of training, the special forces have already greatly improved their strength. For example, regular training such as push-ups can easily do a thousand times, and it is not so difficult to break the fur of the beast with a stone. .

Without any stagnation, the hygienist continued to wave the stone in his hand and fell towards the grizzly bear, and a large bloodstain soon appeared in front of him.

The grizzly suffered from pain one after another, and immediately gave up the ostrich on the big tree, and wanted to smash the ants on its back into tens of thousands of pieces, but no matter how it shook its body, it couldn't do anything about it.

"Roar!" The grizzly roared again, then turned his body sideways and slammed into the big tree, trying to smash the ants on his back.

The hygienist had anticipated it for a long time. With his hands up, he stood directly on the back of the grizzly bear, and then suddenly raised his hands and smashed the stone in his hand towards the back of his head.

With a bang, the stone smashed by the hygienist with all his strength fell heavily on the back of the grizzly bear's head, and there was a faint sound of broken bones in the air.


The grizzly bear seemed to be severely injured, its body stiffened, and then slammed heavily on the ground, causing a burst of smoke and dust, and its limbs kept scraping the ground, as if it wanted to get up again.

"What are you still doing!" Geng Jihui yelled, hugged a log, and smashed it **** the grizzly bear's head. Xiaozhuang and the others quickly reacted and immediately followed.

Soon, the grizzly bear completely lost its vitality, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous." The ostrich slid down the tree trunk, and patted his chest in fear. His calf was a little weak. If it was a little later, the grizzly bear could really break the tree, and then he would Really fell into the bear's mouth.

"Hey, dead hygienist, I didn't expect you to be quite reliable at the critical moment. Well, I'll give you my treasured flight jacket, how about it!"

The ostrich patted the hygienist on the shoulder, the latter rolled his eyes, leaned against the tree trunk and gasped.

"Ostrich, this is a life-saving grace? It's not enough to send a flight jacket, at least we can meet each other, right?" Lao Pao teased.

"This...Aiya, I'm so shy, but if the hygienist wants to, I can't..." The ostrich shrieked and put on a shy look, making everyone stunned.

"Fuck, ostrich, when will you be good at this, no, you must avoid taking a shower in the future, so as not to be taken advantage of!" Xiao Zhuang said seriously.

"Ouch, stay away from me, it makes me nauseous, you must spit on your face!" Lao Pao warned.

"You guys can do it, hurry up and fill your stomach. We still have a long way to go. If we drag it on, we really won't be able to complete the task of the instructor."

While speaking, Geng Jihui smashed the stone in his hand into two halves, then picked up one piece, and began to peel the grizzly bear with the help of a sharp fracture.

Since many wounds had been smashed by the hygienist on it, Geng Jihui easily cut open a large piece, regardless of the strong **** smell, leaned over and tore off a large piece of fresh flesh, and then chewed it with great effort.

Xiao Zhuang, Lao Pao and the others also rushed up and ate grizzly bear meat raw. Although it was difficult to swallow, it was delicious compared to mice and grasshoppers.

"Ostrich, why are you eating so much? Just fill your stomach a little bit. After returning to the training base, there will be supper." Qiangzi looked curiously at the ostrich chewing.

"Cut, what time is it now? If there is another accident along the way, are you sure you can go back within the stipulated time? Why don't you just eat right now to save yourself from starvation in the middle of the night." It looks a little blurry.

"It makes sense!" Lao Pao's eyes lit up, he leaned over and took another bite, Xiao Zhuang and the others looked at each other and ate more After replenishing their strength, they were about to leave. , There was a slight movement behind everyone.

Geng Jihui was startled, and quickly turned around to look behind him. Xiaozhuang and others also picked up the stones and stared at the dark woods with great vigilance.

Soon, a few blurred figures appeared in the eyes of everyone. The ostrich squinted and sighed with relief, "Don't worry, it's the Thunder Commandos."

Qiangzi and the others immediately put down their weapons and greeted them with a smile.

"Comrade Lei Zhan, why did you come so late, did you encounter any accident on the way?" Geng Jihui asked curiously.

"Hey, don't mention it, we planned to find something to fill our stomachs first, and then rush to the training base. We searched for more than ten minutes, but we couldn't find even a single hair. In the end, we almost crashed into a pack of wild wolves." Lei Zhanyi Face sullen.

But when he came before and after Geng Jihui and others, he immediately smelled a **** smell and asked with a frown, "Why is the smell of blood so strong here? Are any of you injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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