Chapter 378

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and only a faint moonlight remained, and he did not see the grizzly bear on the ground in the distance for a while.

"It's nothing, we've got a big guy, right there, go and fill your stomach, we'll go first." Geng Jihui pointed to the grizzly corpse in the distance, without stopping too much, and headed directly to the training base run in the direction.

"Fuck, what's that thing? It's so big, I really didn't notice it just now!" Harley widened his eyes, trotted over, and then let out an even stronger exclamation.

"They actually killed a grizzly bear!"

Lei Zhan and others also walked over, and they were also a little shocked. This is a grizzly bear weighing several hundred kilograms. If it was normal, they might be able to kill it, but now everyone is exhausted and has not eaten for several hours. , Lone Wolf Group B was able to kill such a big guy, and no one was injured.

"When everyone trains in the future, you must do your best, or you will be left behind by the other special teams." Lei Zhan looked at the crowd, his voice seemed a little dignified.

"Yes!" Yan Wang and others shouted in unison.

After a few people struggled with a few large pieces of raw meat, they immediately started chasing forward. This time, they seemed extremely serious.


In the end, none of the five special teams arrived at the military area within the stipulated time. They thought Qin Yuan would punish them, but they didn't even see a person.

"The instructor must have already slept. You don't have to worry about punishment, hahaha!" Song Kaifei's face was covered in sweat, but he smiled very happily.

"It should be like this. The human body has a limit. If we can endure hunger and fatigue, and run dozens of kilometers with a load, we have already completed the task." He Chenguang said as it should.

"Haha, did you forget something?" Xu Tianlong's face was full of helplessness.

"Yes, the instructor seems to have said that the cafeteria will close at twelve o'clock, so we have no food to eat!" Li Erniu's reaction this time was faster than He Chenguang and the others.

"I boiled it, so the instructor is waiting here. After it's over, I haven't eaten for more than ten hours, and I can't sleep even if I want to sleep!" Song Kaifei rubbed his shriveled stomach and wanted to cry without tears.

"Hey, you can go outside and find something to eat, but hurry up, look at the sky, I'm afraid there will be a heavy rain today." The ostrich's face was full of smirks, and he admired his foresight.

"Okay, let's go back to rest, tomorrow morning will have morning exercise at six o'clock." After Geng Jihui finished speaking, he strode towards the dormitory, and everyone from Lone Wolf Group B followed.

Lei Zhan glanced at Lone Wolf with some gratitude. If they hadn't met on the way, they might have to go outside to find something to fill their stomachs now.

In the end, the red blood cell team and the Jiaolong team rested for a while and walked towards the woods in the distance. The Wolf Warrior Squadron also seemed to have expected this scene. abdomen.

The next morning, everyone was woken up by the wake-up whistle. When they got up, they saw that it was pouring rain outside the window. They slept so hard at night that they didn't notice anything.

"It's over, today's training is definitely going to die, and the instructor will definitely not give up such a good weather." Yi Mi 5 cried.

"Hey, there's no way, who made us rookies, we can only suffer." Shi Sanba dressed neatly, as if he was used to it.

"Hurry up, don't let everyone be punished because of you alone." Shao team looked at one meter five.

"Understood." Yimiwu responded, and quickly began to put on clothes and organize the house.

About three minutes later, all the special forces went downstairs in unison, and at a glance, they saw four figures in raincoats standing in the rainstorm. Qin Yuan at the front was looking at them coldly.

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and gather!" After Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, he went straight into the pouring rain, and his clothes were instantly wet.

Everyone in the Wolf Warrior Squadron quickly followed, and the rest of the special teams did not dare to hesitate, they entered the rainwater one after another and stood in a neat queue in front of Qin Yuan.

"Today is a good day. You don't have to endure the hot sun, and you don't have to train with sweaty heads. Do you feel much refreshed?" Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and asked with a smile.


The crowd resisted the urge to punch him in the face and responded loudly.

"Very well, everyone has it, the goal, the training ground, a group of three, carrying a log to do squats, and everyone is not allowed to stop until I call the end, do you understand?"

"I understand!"

Everyone did not dare to hesitate, and strode towards the training ground.

The logs here are as thick as a person. After being soaked in the rain, they absorb water crazily, and their weight can reach more than 300 kilograms. It is conceivable how hard the training was, let alone standing under the pouring rain.

Soon, the special forces were in groups of three, carrying a log and doing squats in the heavy rain.

"It's too slow, speed up, with your speed, the enemies are all in front of you, and you haven't even taken out your guns!" Qin Yuan yelled at everyone.

Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others couldn't help laughing bitterly in their hearts, and they had to use all their strength to do squats frantically.

About half an hour later, the rainstorm still didn't mean to stop. Instead, it was getting bigger and bigger. Everyone's faces were extremely pale.

"Huhu, no, I can't hold on anymore. In the summer, I actually feel cold all over. Do you think there is something wrong with my body?" Harley was panting, his voice weak.

"I'm so tired so early, who doesn't want to rest, this kind of ghost weather, the instructor's training is actually harder than before!" Yuanbao gritted his teeth and tried his best to persevere.

"If I hadn't been able to beat the instructors, I would have kicked things up a long time ago, hum!" Daniel's forehead burst with blue veins, gritted his teeth and hated.

"Everyone hold on, it's been so long, you can't give up so easily." Lei Zhan was almost exhausted at this time, but he still shouted to cheer the team up.

"There are still the last ten minutes. If anyone can't hold on, they can say it in advance, so as not to hurt their teammates." Although Qin Yuan's voice was extremely flat, it still clearly entered everyone's ears in the rainstorm.

Everyone's heart couldn't help being shaken, as long as they persisted for another ten minutes, they could rest, their faces were full of joy, and there was a surge of strength in their bodies again and again.

Ten minutes later, the rainstorm gradually subsided, and everyone finally ended the training, but they were a little puzzled.

"Why do I feel that something is wrong? Just after our training, the rainstorm turned into a light rain. Is it because I think too much?" Wang Yanbing asked with some doubts.

"Yanbing, you must be thinking too much. No matter how good the instructor is, it is impossible to control the weather." Li Erniu grinned.

"That's right, the instructor is really good, but it's too mysterious to control the weather." Song Kaifei also agreed, if he wasn't afraid of being beaten, he would even want to see if Wang Yanbing had a fever and started talking nonsense.

"No, think about it from another angle, maybe the instructor can understand astronomical phenomena? This kind of thing is mentioned a lot in ancient books?" Xu Tianlong's face was mysterious, as if he had discovered some kind of magical thing.

"You can pull it down, how can there be such a mysterious thing? Even a weather station can't accurately predict the weather. There is also a dragon king begging for rain in the ancient books, why don't you try it?" Song Kaifei mocked unceremoniously. .

"It's not easy. When the instructor asks us to continue training, we'll see if there will be a heavy rain." Gong Jian was also aroused by interest, and looked at the crowd and suggested.

"This is good, do you want to make a bet, if you lose, wash the other party's smelly socks for a month!" Song Kaifei looked at Xu Tianlong, his face full of provocation.

"Hehe, gambling is against discipline, I won't participate." Xu Tianlong smiled and said, not using it at all.

"Hmph, coward." Song Kaifei sneered and cried out in his heart what a pity.

Not far away, Qin Yuan listened to the discussion of several people, and a strange smile appeared on his face. He really does not have the ability to predict the weather, but the god-level intelligent poisonous bee can scan the thickness of the clouds and the degree of accumulation, probably forecast weather.

Two minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and shouted, "Everyone has it, gather!"


Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and the others got up from the ground almost like a conditioned reflex, and stood in a neat line in front of Qin Yuan.

"One hour of push-ups in place, start now!"


Without the slightest hesitation, everyone lay down on the muddy ground and did push-ups.

"How is it? It's still Xiaoyu, your guess is wrong!" Song Kaifei said in a low voice, his face was full of regret, he still wasn't skilled enough, or he would have been able to make Xu Tianlong bet with him just now.

However, as soon as the words fell, there was a violent explosion in the sky, and then the original small raindrops poured down frantically, and it turned into a heavy rain in the blink of an eye.

"Lying... trough, it's really raining. Could it be that the instructor is the reincarnation of the Dragon King and can control the weather?" Song Kaifei's face was sluggish, and his movements subconsciously slowed down.

"What are you doing, speed up!" Qin Yuan's scolding came violently.

Song Kaifei froze all over, and quickly did push-ups, daring not to show any dissatisfaction on his face.

"What is the origin of the instructor? He can actually break through the mystery." He Chenguang said in a low voice, his face was full of curiosity. At this moment, Qin Yuan's image in their hearts became even more mysterious.

An hour later, everyone finally finished the push-up training, and they were all exhausted and out of breath. This kind of rainy day training was different from usual and required more effort.

"Follow me." Qin Yuan did not give everyone time to rest, and walked straight ahead.

The special forces quickly followed, not daring to have the slightest dissatisfaction.

"No, this direction seems to be a shooting range. Does the instructor want to take us to train marksmanship?"

"Training marksmanship in this ghost weather, you have water in your head, and the bullets are so floating!"

"Hey, if it were other instructors, this kind of weather would naturally not be training marksmanship, but now it's Instructor Qin Yuan, what crazy things haven't you done?"

"In this way, it seems to make some sense, but how do you shoot in heavy rain? It's much more difficult than underwater. When the bullet is fired, it's impossible to predict the direction."

"Why do you think so much? The instructor asked us to train like this. There must be his reasons. It's okay if we don't follow."


Soon, Qin Yuan brought everyone to the shooting range. At this time, Zhang Shuai and Su Xiaoyu were busy there, and when they saw them coming, they immediately greeted them.

"Captain, everything is done."

"Okay!" Qin Yuan nodded towards the two of them. In this rainy weather, even with his peak-level eyesight, he couldn't see the points on the target 1,000 meters away.

That's why he asked the two to temporarily set up cameras and monitors here to observe the results. Of course, the equipment is waterproof.

"It's half past eight in the morning. Are you hungry?" Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and asked with a smile.


They didn't eat almost all day yesterday. They only ate some worms and raw meat at night, and now they are so hungry.

"Okay, from now on, you have an hour to get used to training."

"After an hour, everyone will be 500 meters away, quickly fire a bullet from a clip, and all of them will hit the bull's-eye. As long as one person does not finish, everyone's breakfast and lunch will be cancelled!"

"Ah? Instructor, isn't this too difficult?" Chen Shanming couldn't help but said.

If it is normal, let alone 500 meters, even if it is 1000 meters, they can hit the bullseye with their eyes closed, but now it is raining heavily. In this case, it is almost geometrically difficult to hit the bullseye. , not even possible at all.

"That's it, is it too difficult?" Qin Yuan's face was full of ridicule, he reached out and picked up an assault rifle. When he was about to shoot, he suddenly thought of something, and turned around and handed the gun to Su Xiaoyu.

"Little fish, come here."


Su Xiaoyu reached out and took the assault rifle, then took two steps forward, raising the muzzle to aim at a target five hundred meters away.

After a while, Su Xiaoyu pulled the trigger violently, and in just two seconds, all the bullets were fired.

Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and others stretched their necks and looked at the monitor beside Qin Yuan.

After just one glance, they showed extremely shocked expressions on their faces. All the bullets fired by Su Xiaoyu hit the bullseye, and none of them missed the target.

"Do you still think it's difficult?" Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, his voice seemed extremely calm.

The special forces wanted to say it was difficult, but their survival instinct commanded them to shout in unison, "It's not difficult!"

"Very good, in this case, let's shorten the time to half an hour, Zang Chong, start the timer!"

"Okay!" Zang Chong heard the words, pressed the stopwatch in his hand directly, and placed it on the table. The ticking sound penetrated the rain curtain and was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

The faces of the special forces were full of depression. If they knew this was the result, they would definitely not question it. Now, they shot themselves in the foot.

(End of this chapter)

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