Chapter 380

Next, painful vomiting sounds were heard from time to time in the training ground, and everyone was tossed to death on the solid roll, and there was no need to limit physical training easily.

"Shut! No, if I keep training, I'll really die here." Wang Yanbing retched on the ground for a while, feeling like he was about to vomit out bile, and looked very sluggish.

"However, Yanbing, you can only do forty-three at most, so there is still a long way to go before the instructor's request?" Li Erniu squatted beside him and handed him a bottle of mineral water to rinse his mouth.

Wang Yanbing's face was full of bitterness, and he really wanted to pick him up and leave, but getting stronger was like a chain, tying him here.

"Zhuo, the labor and capital are sacrificed, isn't it just fifty, who is afraid of who!" Wang Yanbing took a deep breath, and then soaked his head directly in the cold bucket next to him, stimulating his confused head to wake up as soon as possible.

Although there is only a difference of seven, but training to this level, even if one adds one, it will become extremely difficult and requires great perseverance to overcome.

"Come on, Erniu, it's your turn." After a little sober, Wang Yanbing patted Li Erniu on the shoulder, who gritted his teeth and had a tragic expression on his death.

"Yan...Yanbing, this time add me to forty-five. No matter how much I shout, don't stop."

"No problem!" As soon as Wang Yanbing finished speaking, he began to exert force in his hands, and Gu Gun immediately started to run, and the speed became faster and faster.

In the end, within a minute, Wang Yanbing had rolled the bar forty-five times, and then stopped quickly.

At this time, Li Erniu closed his eyes tightly, grabbed the handle tightly with both hands, and beads of sweat dripped on his face, as if he had fainted, without any intention of coming down.

"My brain, I can't play too big, Erniu, wake up."

Wang Yanbing gave up a lot of energy to get Li Erniu off Gugu, and then slapped him on the cheek a few times, trying to wake him up.


As soon as Li Erniu opened his eyes, he turned to lie on the ground and vomited frantically, but after vomiting for a long time, nothing came out. Obviously, in the previous training, he had vomited everything in his stomach. This feeling is the most uncomfortable.

After soaking his head in cold water for a long time, Li Erniu recovered his strength this time, and then began to continue training. This method requires the cooperation of two people.

"Er Niu, remember, this time I'm going to do forty-six. Don't stop unless I fall directly." Wang Yanbing took a deep breath, as if stimulated.

"No, Yanbing, you usually compete with Chenguang, why are you still competing with me now?" Li Erniu's face was full of puzzlement. , In the end, the training was not completed, and the body was broken.

"What does it mean to compete with you? I'm working hard. It's been a long time. We should train hard!" Wang Yanbing refused to admit it.

"Okay, okay, anyway, you are the one who suffers, it has nothing to do with me, do what you like."

Li Erniu was also too lazy to say anything. After Wang Yanbing stabilized his body, he immediately started rolling.


After more than an hour, Qin Yuan came slowly, and all the special forces also knew that the assessment was coming, so they quickly lined up in a neat queue to wait in place, wanting to get back to their best state as soon as possible.

"Everyone has it, you can start, let me see what the results of your training have been for such a long time."


Everyone roared in unison, and then showed to Qin Yuan in pairs.

In the end, everyone managed to do fifty in one minute, and very few could make one or two more. Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Give you ten minutes to rest, and then go to the second floor to continue training."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat down on the stone steps to rest.

"No, when will this perverted training end? Even for pilots, the requirements can't be so high. Does the instructor really want us to fly fighter jets?" Harley couldn't help but said.

"Come on, do you know how valuable a fighter jet is, even in our military region, we don't have this condition." Yan Wang pouted and bluntly contradicted.

"Then why did the instructor train us to the standards of top pilots?" Little Bee looked puzzled.

"How do I know this? If I know the idea of ​​a pervert, then I'm a pervert myself."

"How come there is so much nonsense, Instructor Qin won't hurt us, let's train how we want, it's not really able to train dead people!" Lei Zhan had a blade of grass in his mouth at some point, his face full of expressions Indifferent attitude.

"Hey, captain, isn't it just complaining and venting, everyone knows that the instructor is for our good." Yuan Baohan said with a smile.

Lei Zhan ignored the team members, closed his eyes, leaned back, rested his head on his arms, and began to rest.


Ten minutes later, everyone followed Qin Yuan to the second floor, and they saw two silver metal shell-shaped instruments with a space that could accommodate one person.

"What's this thing? Never seen it before?" Lao Pao's face was full of doubts. He had been in the military area for so many years, yet there was still something he didn't know.

"This is an instrument for pilots' anti-stress training. It's a bit unbelievable that the instructor can get this kind of thing." The ostrich's voice sounded a little surprised.

"Ostrich, tell me carefully, what's the use of this thing? It looks like a big bullet casing, wouldn't it be boiled?" Qiangzi asked curiously.

"Hehe, illiteracy is terrible. Do you know how expensive this thing is? Even if you sell it, you won't be able to buy one."

The ostrich sneered without hesitation. Seeing that Qiangzi was a little anxious, he quickly smiled and said, "This is a special instrument for pilots' anti-stress training. When the plane is pulled up rapidly, the body will be under load and will be severely pressed. In the seat, even trying to move a finger at this time is very difficult."

"As for the dive, it is necessary to bear the auxiliary load, and the body is in a state of weightlessness. Under normal circumstances, the maximum overload that the pilot can bear will not exceed 8g, but there are some excellent people who can bear 9g!"

"It's so powerful, how many grams can you take at most for that ostrich?" Xiao Zhuang looked at him curiously.

"I...I..." The ostrich hesitated, and didn't speak for a long time.

"Hehe, the ostrich belongs to Lu Hang, so I can't get in touch with it at all. I guess I heard it from someone else's mouth."

"You! Dead hygienist, you can suffocate you if you don't speak!"

The ostrich said angrily, just as he was about to "teach" this annoying guy, Qin Yuan's roar suddenly came from the front.

"Listen to me, these training equipments were acquired with a lot of effort. Before dinner today, as long as there is one person who can't bear 15 g, then they all get out of the way. You are not worthy of letting me continue training! "

"Fuck, 15 g? Are the instructors kidding? Is that the limit for carbon-based creatures?"

"When the pilot is ejecting the rescue capsule, the instantaneous pressure can indeed reach 15 g, but that is only an instant thing. It is not a routine training, and naturally it will not cause too much damage to the body."

"I think the instructor dislikes us and deliberately wants to give up on us."

"As for what, if Instructor Qin really doesn't want to take us for training, he can leave directly. Even Commander Su won't say much."

"How come there are so many things? Since the instructor made this request, it means that we can do it by biting our teeth. Before coming here, who would have thought that you could carry a load of 80 kilograms and finish running within two hours? Fifty kilometers?"

"It seems like, with our current physical fitness, this anti-stress training doesn't seem to be so inexplicable."

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, "Does anyone want to be a role model?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and I feel a little worried. After all, they have never been exposed to this aspect before.

Lei Zhan gritted his teeth and was about to step forward when a female voice came from the team beside him: "I'm coming!"

Looking down the voice, it was Long Xiaoyun, the captain of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and her face was extremely determined.

"Yeah." Qin Yuan nodded, pointed to the load suit next to him, and after guiding her to put it on, he fixed her in the training cabin very slowly, so that others could see it clearly, and finally adjusted the value. After that, the start button was pressed.

In an instant, through the monitor connected to the camera, everyone could clearly see that Long Xiaoyun's face instantly became extremely pale, as if he was really sitting on a fighter jet and quickly climbed up, his face was numb. Stop twitching.

There was a flash in Qin Yuan's eyes, but the movements in his hands did not stop, increasing the overload index step by step.


When the value reached 11, Qin Yuan, who had been monitoring Long Xiaoyun's physical state through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, suddenly pressed the stop button.

"Is there anything wrong with the captain?" Shi Sanba looked worriedly at Long Xiaoyun's pale face in the picture.

"Fuck you, don't be rude, even if you have something to do, the captain will be fine." One meter five glared at him angrily.

Leng Feng in front of the team was also full of worry. Ever since he saw Long Xiaoyun, he had buried a secret in his heart. At the same time, he also believed that the careful captain should have seen it long ago.

But all along, Long Xiaoyun has not given any response, not even a single stare.

Especially after entering here for training, Leng Feng can clearly feel that although he is still a comrade-in-arms who help each other in peacetime, Long Xiaoyun seems to be more estranged from himself. a wall.

At this moment, Long Xiaoyun was helped out of the training cabin by Qin Yuan in a daze, his eyes did not have any focus, as if he had not recovered.

"Tsk tsk, even Captain Long persisted until he reached 11g, and then he turned into this ghost-like appearance, so wouldn't we just give it away?" Song Kaifei sighed a little.

"Haha, that's embarrassing, this doesn't seem to be your style?" Xu Tianlong's tone was somewhat mocking.

"Fuck you, who's counseling? Aren't I just complaining, when I'll be training, you'll line up behind me and let you see what a real powerhouse is."

"The more you talk, the more embarrassed you will be when you slap your face." He Chenguang said quietly next to him.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and didn't say anything more. He had already covered up the usage of the equipment in detail just now, and the rest depended on their own training.

"Five hours later, I will come to test the training results. If one person fails to complete it by then, they will all get out!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the cafeteria, followed by Zang Chong and the other four.

This time, because the training equipment is really in short supply, so he has given such a long time. However, this training method is not comparable to the solid rolling. Time is still tight.

"Company commander, where did you get this kind of equipment? I don't remember the military region, right?" Su Xiaoyu asked curiously. Under normal circumstances, only the flying unit will be equipped with these equipment.

"Nothing, this is borrowed by Commander Su from somewhere else. Do you want to return it tomorrow?" Qin Yuan explained The company commander still has face, this thing is not cheap, I guess Commander Su Bleeding a lot this time, haha. "Zhang Shuai couldn't help laughing. He grew up in the Military Command since he was a child, and he still knew these things very well.

Hearing Zhang Shuai's words, Qin Yuan couldn't help laughing. He knew that after Su Guoqiang came back from going out, his face was obviously a lot darker, and he was obviously hurt by being slaughtered.

"I don't know what will happen to Commander Su's face if I want to apply for a fighter envoy?"

He does have plans to train these guys to fly fighter jets. After all, anything can happen on the battlefield. He wants to create a new type of all-around all-terrain special forces.

After lunch, Qin Yuan instructed Zhang Shuai and the four to rest for a while, then left the training base and drove the military vehicle towards the military medical area.

As for the group of guys, he doesn't need him to watch anyway, let alone worry about damage to the equipment, just let them train themselves.

Four hours later, Qin Yuan returned to the training base slowly, with a scent like nothing on his body. Did he go to find Zang Chong and the others, but walked directly to the training building where Lei Zhan and others were.

"Hello, instructor!"

After seeing Qin Yuan's appearance, everyone stood up and saluted. Their faces didn't look very good-looking, and their eyes looked a little dazed. Obviously, they were a little bit overwhelmed by the anti-dizziness training.

"Thor, how is your Thunder Commando doing?"

"Report to the instructor, all members of the Thunder Commando can accept your assessment at any time."

"Okay." Qin Yuan nodded, indicating that they can start.

Lei Zhan and the old fox looked at each other, then left the team and strode towards the training cabin.

(End of this chapter)


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