After the two put on the anti-G suits, they entered the training cabin directly.

After a while, Qin Yuan looked at the 15g displayed on the instrument and nodded with satisfaction.

This level of training, if it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to complete, even if it is a special flight force, few people can achieve it.

The reason why Lei Zhan and these laymen are successful is mainly because their physiques have been trained too much.

Soon, everyone completed the task, and their expressions seemed a little sluggish, and their footsteps seemed very vain, obviously not feeling well.

"It's around five o'clock in the afternoon, I'll give you twenty minutes to eat and rest, and then all gather at the training ground!" Qin Yuan shouted at the crowd.


After everyone finished eating, they hurriedly went to the dormitory to change into clean clothes. When they looked at the time, it was already too late, and they immediately ran towards the training ground.

"Everyone has it. I'll give you an hour to complete a thousand push-ups, a thousand sit-ups, a thousand burpees. If you can't do it, don't sleep tonight, and do intensive training overnight." Qin Yuan's voice seemed extremely indifferent, but Lei Zhan and the others felt extremely bitter in their hearts.

"Instructor, what if we can finish it within the specified time?" Ostrich asked cautiously.

"Good question." Qin Yuan's mouth curled into a smile, "Do you have any suggestion?"

"No, no, Instructor, treat me like a fart." The ostrich shrank his neck, and he was keenly aware of a dangerous aura.

"Then what are you doing, if you don't complete the task, I will punish you first."


Everyone roared in unison, and without any hesitation, they all moved around and began to carry out the tasks assigned by Qin Yuan.


Forty minutes later,


There were bursts of heavy breathing on the training ground, and everyone was extremely tired as they performed burpees, and the sweat on their faces was spilling on the ground as if they didn't want money.

"No way, I can't hold on anymore. The training is getting more and more difficult now. It's not as good as today's anti-dizziness training." Yuanbao breathed heavily, his face extremely pale.

"Come on, you were the one who vomited so badly before, and you said that you don't want to see Gu Gun again. How long has it been since then, and your face has changed?" Harley spit out unceremoniously.

"Fuck, Harley, you still remember the morning so clearly, so do you remember that you still owe me two hundred dollars? When will you pay me back?"

"Ah...hahaha, today's weather is so good, what are you doing with the money? It hurts my feelings." Harley said haha, trying to change the subject.

"You two can do it, the time will come soon. If everyone is punished by the instructor because of you, see if I go back and don't kill you!" The old fox couldn't help but scold.

"Okay." A look of joy appeared on Harley's face, and he hurriedly and earnestly practiced, trying to forget what had just happened.

In the end, even though the special forces were too tired to straighten their backs, they still completed the task Qin Yuan gave them.

"Very good, rest for ten minutes, and then continue training until ten o'clock in the evening, Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun, your captains will supervise each."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he ignored everyone's sad eyes and walked directly towards the dormitory. He believed that these people would not cheat in training.

"The direction of the instructor is the dormitory, right? He went to bed by himself, and let us train hard here. It's really inhumane." The ostrich's voice was full of resentment.

"Hehe, you can also go to bed, no one is stopping you." The sanitation staff used to sneer.

"Oh, you think I'm stupid." The ostrich pouted, ignoring the mockery of the health worker.

Lao Pao, who was resting on the ground next to him, couldn't help but get up and said, "Would you two fight? Whoever wins is a big deal, and you don't have to quarrel here every day."

"Yes, as a man, you have to speak with your fists." Xiao Zhuang smiled and said, looking ready to watch the excitement.

"No, no, as a good young man in the new era, I won't do something that loses face like fighting!" Ostrich laughed.

Geng Jihui snorted softly and said to the crowd, "There are only three minutes left in the rest time. If you are not tired, then continue to fight."

When the sanitation staff and others heard it, they quickly realized the seriousness of the matter and closed their eyes to rest. If they were unable to complete the training due to lack of physical fitness, it would really be over.

In the end, everyone's training continued until ten o'clock in the evening, and they were all exhausted and exhausted.

"It's finally over, my bed, wait for me!" Song Kaifei shouted and ran towards the dormitory with all his strength.

"Hey, aren't you going to the cafeteria for supper?" Xu Tianlong called out to him.

"Yes, I almost forgot." Song Kaifei hurriedly stopped, but because his body was so weak, he almost fell directly to the ground.

"Hahaha!" Wang Yanbing and the others leaned forward and backward with a smile, then supported each other and walked towards the cafeteria.


Early the next morning, everyone was awakened by the hurried wake-up whistle, and hurried to the training ground to gather.

"From now on, you will be training on the island for a week." Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said.

"Island? Didn't we train well here, why are we going to the sea?" Harley whispered a little strangely.

"Whatever we do, we will go wherever the instructor tells us to go. Can't you resist?" Hades pouted.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, then turned and walked in the direction of the playground, "Follow up."


Everyone roared in unison and followed him in unison.

After arriving at the playground, they soon saw two large transport helicopters parked on the runway.

"That's not right, how come there is only a helicopter and no driver? Does the instructor want us to drive over by ourselves?" Qiangzi muttered in a low voice.

"No, my brother is a pilot. What kind of pilot do you need? Can you just have me?" Ostrich's face was full of resentment, and he found that his sense of existence had been reduced to zero.

Gu Yan "Hahaha, I almost forgot that you are a pilot when I call you ostriches all day long." Xiaozhuang couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, the instructor has already passed, let's hurry up and follow." Lao Pao looked in Qin Yuan's direction.

Everyone stopped talking, and hurriedly ran in the direction of the transport helicopter.

"Deng Zhenhua, you go to drive that helicopter, and the target is a training ground by the sea, 425 kilometers away." Qin Yuan finished speaking to the ostrich, then looked at the crowd and said, "Helicopter driving is a skill that each of you must master. , if I have time in the future, I will take you to study."


Qin Yuan didn't say much, and walked directly to the cab, and the five special teams boarded two helicopters respectively.


More than two hours later, everyone landed at the training ground by the sea. Before they came, Qin Yuan had already said hello, so he didn't waste too much time. After parking the helicopter, he took a boat and headed towards an unoccupied place The island sails away.

Soon, Qin Yuan was driving a boat and moored on an unnamed island. Except for training camps, there were basically no people here, and there were no beasts on it. There was fresh water, which was very suitable for long-term training. Found it after a long search.

"Give you five minutes to adjust your state, and then start training immediately." Qin Yuan told everyone, after several hours of running around, everyone was exhausted. If you started training immediately, something unexpected might happen.


Everyone dared not take it lightly, and being able to ask the instructor to challenge the state in person is enough to show how difficult the next training will be.

Five minutes later, Qin Yuan took everyone to the boat again, then started the oars, and quickly sailed towards the deep sea.

"No, we're not training on the island, why are we still heading into the deep sea, and what does the instructor want to do to us?" Yimiwu said in a low voice, with a worried look on his face, there was nothing he could do, he was really caught up in Qin Yuan's endless training methods The torture is unbearable.

"Tsk tsk, deep-sea fish are the freshest, and you must eat some during training breaks." Shi Sanba didn't answer the 1.5-meter-5 words at all, and there was a hint of saliva on the corner of his mouth.

They haven't eaten since they got up, and now they're already hungry.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring a fishing rod. It would be much more difficult to catch fish." Leng Feng looked at the deep sea beneath the sea and began to think about how to catch some seafood.

It didn't take long for everyone to notice that the boat gradually stopped, and immediately got up, looking at the empty sea around them a little helplessly.

"This is about 30 kilometers away from the island. You need to swim back within two hours, or you will be punished. Can you hear me clearly?" Qin Yuan got up and looked at the crowd.

"What? Swimming 30 kilometers in two hours? The instructor is not kidding. This is not land. Swimming takes a lot of energy." Xu Hong asked worriedly.

"If this happens if you run out of energy in the middle, but there is no place to rest, you can only be drowned by sea water." Gu Shun couldn't help but look at Qin Yuan and said.

"Isn't the sense of direction the most important thing? We are not the navy and the army, and we have basically never performed similar tasks. It is easy to get lost on the vast sea. It's not working!"

Qin Yuan ignored the whispers of several people, and said bluntly: "Hurry down, don't force me to do something to you!"

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and the others looked at each other helplessly, and said to their team members, "All of them, get into the water!"


All the special forces jumped down helplessly one by one. There was no way. If they added a piece, they were not Qin Yuan's opponents. If this annoyed him, God knows what terrible things would happen.

Plop plop!

After everyone fell into the water, Qin Yuan directly turned the bow of the boat and swept away towards the island, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Everyone must plan their physical strength. This place is no better than on land. Once the physical strength is exhausted, it is very likely that life will be in danger." Chen Shanming finished speaking and swam forward.

He Chenguang and the others no longer hesitated and followed.

"Instructor, this is the deep sea, will there be sharks or killer whales or something?" Li Erniu seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help speaking, his voice seemed a little worried.

"Don't worry, it's still quite a distance from the real deep sea, and predators like sharks and killer whales generally don't come here." Gong Jian comforted.

Li Ernew suddenly felt relieved, followed behind the team, and swam in the direction of the island.

In the other direction, in the team of Lone Wolf Group B, the ostrich plunged into the sea water and seemed to be looking for something.

"Hehe, ostrich, aren't you a bird? When did you become a dog, and you even learned the dog planing style secretly."

"What do you mean?" The ostrich slammed its head out of the sea, shaking off the water stains on its hair, and his face was full of anger.

"Am I right?" The hygienist smiled and glanced at the ostrich's posture at this time. Xiao Zhuang and Lao Pao around him wanted to laugh, but they were afraid of being drawn in circles, so they could only endure hard.

"Hmph, how about the dog planer? It's enough to swim faster than you." The ostrich snorted coldly, using both hands and feet, and swam forward quickly.

"It's better than this, let's make a bet to see who will land first, and the loser will wash the other's stinky socks for a month, dare you?" The hygienist still There was a sly look in his eyes.

"Betting, betting, whoever is afraid, but two months is too short, add to three months!" Ostrich stalked his neck.

"No problem, everyone has heard it, it's the puppy who is cheating." The hygienist took a deep breath after speaking, then used both hands and feet, and swam forward quickly. The ostrich next to him was not to be outdone, and immediately followed. .

"These two guys, were they enemies in their last life, they would fight each other when they met." Xiao Zhuang shook his head, his tone seemed a little helpless.

"Okay, let's hurry up and follow, the instructor will only give us two hours." Geng Jihui said to everyone.

Lao Pao, Xiao Zhuang and the others stopped talking and swam forward.

After more than an hour, everyone was so tired that they couldn't breathe. At this time, it was already around twelve o'clock in the afternoon, but they hadn't eaten a bite of food, and their physical fitness had long been unable to hold on.

In the other direction, in the Thunder Commando, Little Bee's tired body was a little weak, and he lowered his head subconsciously and looked down at the sea.

However, just this one glance almost scared him into a mouthful of seawater.

"No, Captain, there are sharks below, run!"

Lei Zhan's expression changed, and he quickly looked down at the sea, but then he couldn't help crying and laughing: "Little Bee, you can see it carefully, what kind of shark is this, it's clearly a dolphin!"

"Sea... Dolphin?" Little Bee felt a little relieved when she heard Lei Zhan's words, and then looked down at the sea cautiously.

"Hey, little bee, if this is a real shark, we'd already be dead, and we still have time to chat here?"


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