Chapter 382

Lei Zhan took a deep breath to relieve the exhaustion caused by swimming for a long time, and said solemnly: "Everyone work harder, we are running out of time."


Everyone glanced at the pirates who were still out of reach in the distance, smiled bitterly, and swam forward with their heads down.

At this moment, the old fox suddenly found that Harley was not following, and his heart tightened, and he quickly turned his head to look.

I saw Harley's face was pale, his brows were deeply wrinkled, his right leg seemed to be frozen, and he looked extremely twisted.

"Harley, what's wrong with you?" The old fox swam over quickly, his face full of worry.

"Fuck, what's going on, Harley, you can't hold on anymore, I can tell you, even if you die, you have to return to the island to die, otherwise we won't be able to take your body back for burial." The King of Hell also discovered the abnormality. Although he said that he was frustrated, his eyes were full of worry.

"Fuck you, even if you die, the labor and management can still live, okay." Harley couldn't help scolding, what kind of comrades in arms, just curse him to die if he has nothing to do.

"Then what's the matter with you?" The Daniel next to him also swam back and asked curiously.

"I just have leg cramps, just rest for a while." Harley said helplessly.

Lei Zhan turned his head and glanced at him, then swam to Harley with his hands and feet, let him lean on the old fox's shoulder, then picked up his cramped right leg and began to massage it carefully.

"You guys don't have to wait here, hurry up to the island, or our Thunder Commando will likely be wiped out." Lei Zhan massaged Harley's cramped right leg and shouted to Yan Wang and others.

"Captain, I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you involved." Harry lowered his head in shame.

"What are you talking about, we are comrades-in-arms. If you are not involved, you can quickly recover, and let's complete the task assigned by the instructor together." Little Bee said with her fist clenched.

Lei Zhan gave a few people a blank look: "Now is not the time to be brave, you hurry to the island, we will arrive later, it is not a life and death, what are you doing!"

The Kings of Hell looked at each other, and they quickly reacted. Suddenly, there was no longer any hesitation, and they all turned around and swam towards the island.


After dozens of minutes, the special forces returned one after another. Even the three people behind Lei Zhan tried their best to return to the island within the specified time.

"Very well, it seems that you are not special, I thought there would be some accident this time."

Qin Yuan looked at Zhong Ren Dao, and there seemed to be a hint of regret in his tone.

"Give you 20 minutes of rest time. If you want to eat, you can do it yourself. As for the fresh water, there is a fresh water pool about 300 meters away from the woods in front of you."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he ignored the crowd and walked directly to the grill that was set up by Zang Chong.

"Gudu, the instructor's place is delicious. Grilled fish, grilled crabs, grilled oysters, grilled... No way, woohoo, my saliva is drooling!" Song Kai looked at Qin Yuan, who was sitting around the four of them. Grill, drooling out of desperation.

"Okay, hurry up and find something to eat. Fortunately, this is the seaside and there are countless fish and seafood." After Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, he walked directly to a shallow beach on the sea, Leng Feng, 1.5 meters. The others followed quickly.

When he arrived at the shallow water beach, Shi Sanba immediately walked over excitedly. The water here was as deep as his knees. The water surface was very clear, and he could clearly see the fishes swimming happily.

However, when he went into the water to catch a few fish, he realized that he was really not the material.

"Shi Sanba, come up quickly, you've chased the fish away, how can you catch them!" Yi Mi 5 was a little exasperated, they only had 20 minutes in total, and they were already hungry and exhausted. Time wasting.

"Captain, this fish is swimming too fast. With my speed, I can't catch it. Are we going to starve?"

Team Shao glanced at him helplessly, "Catching fish requires skills and tools, so it's definitely not enough to catch fish like this."

Having said this, Team Shao glanced at Leng Feng and Yim5 behind him, "Go to the woods and find some sharp and tough twigs, you can use them as tools for catching fish."


Leng Feng and the two responded, and then ran directly towards the woods behind them.

"You guys remember to hurry up, we don't have much time." Shi Sanba said to the two with a smile.

"Hehe, I know there's not enough time, so why don't you come to help?" Leng Feng glanced at him and said angrily.

"That's not good, Shao team must have other tasks for me, mine is on standby here!"

Team Shao glanced at him, pondered for a moment and then said to him: "Shi Sanba, you can find some branches and dry leaves and weeds, we can light a fire and grill the fish a little, this is much better than eating raw. "

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Shi Sanba plunged headlong into the woods.

After about three or four minutes, everyone rushed back with excitement on their faces.

"Everyone moves quickly, sharpen these thin branches, and then they can be used as fishing tools." Shao team said to everyone.

Leng Feng and others also knew that the time was short, and with the dagger, they quickly completed the production of the tool.

Shi Sanba was the first to get up, holding a sharpened branch, and strode towards the shoal, where a lot of sea fish gathered again.

Stepping forward cautiously, Shi Sanba's eyes narrowed and he stabbed forward with quick eyes and hands.

With a puff, the sharp branch stabbed a fat big fish straight.

"Fuck, Shi Sanba, your skills are still good, have you practiced it before?" Leng Feng raised his brows and walked towards the shoal, not to be outdone.

Long Xiaoyun glanced at the team members, then said, "Shi Sanba, Leng Feng, the three of you catch a few more fish as soon as possible, Team Shao, one meter five, the two of you will solve the problem of the fire source as soon as possible!"


Several people responded, and then immediately began to carry out the tasks assigned to them.

Long Xiaoyun took out the dagger from his waist, began to scrape the scales and cut his abdomen, and then cut it into thin slices of sashimi, so that it would cook faster when it was grilled.

On the other side, Team Shao took 1.5 meters and began to prepare to make a fire.

"Team Shao, how are you going to make a fire?" Yim5 asked strangely.

"Drilling wood caught fire? You don't know it, do you?"

"Fuck, drill wood to make fire? You actually know how to use this method?" One meter five's eyes were full of surprise.

Team Shao stopped talking, and quickly used the dagger in his hand to make a simple tool for drilling wood to make fire.

Soon, he prepared everything, and then put the dry weeds on a tree trunk that had been dug out of the hole, and finally used all his strength to quickly turn the small wooden stick in his hand.

Yi Mi Wu Yi watched this scene without blinking, breathing cautiously, for fear that he would affect the movements of Team Shao's hands.

Soon, a trace of green smoke slowly emerged from the dry weeds, and a spark was faintly visible in it.

"Actually did it, Team Shao, it's really awesome!" Yi Mi Wu's face was full of amazement.

It didn't take long for the spark to get bigger and bigger, and eventually it turned into a flame. One meter five quickly put the dry branches next to it.

On the other side, Long Xiaoyun saw that the fire had been lit here, and then glanced at the five plump big fish that had been dealt with, and immediately said to Shi Sanba who were at the side of the shoal: "Okay, time is running out, Come quickly."

After speaking, he directly picked up the five big fish and walked in the direction of Team Shao. After finding a few fish to thread them in, he happily put them on the fire and roasted them.

"Captain's swordsmanship is unusual. After baking for a while, you can smell a tempting fragrance." Shi Sanba complimented with a smile.

As if he didn't hear it, Long Xiaoyun carefully grilled the fish in his hand. Although the grilled fish was not particularly delicious, it was much better than eating raw.

The other special teams looked at the direction of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, and suddenly felt that the things in their hands were not fragrant. Although they were able to catch enough food, they really didn't think of using the method of drilling wood to make fire.

Soon, twenty minutes passed, and after all the special forces had eaten the food in their hands, they gathered on the beach.

Qin Yuan put down the delicious seafood in his hand, picked up a tissue, wiped the oil stains on his mouth, and walked towards the crowd.

"The time is half past one in the afternoon. Next, you need to practice marksmanship."

"The training task is to hit fish in the sea with a gun 50 meters away from the sea. My requirement is that the gun cannot be empty, and every shot must be hit. Of course, you have an hour to adapt, start now! "

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he walked towards the barbecue stall again. He hadn't eaten fresh seafood for a long time, and he wasn't full yet.

Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others scattered with their team members, looking for the best training ground.

"Company commander, are you full? If you haven't eaten, I'll grab a little more. There's nothing else here, so the seafood is the most." Zang Chong said with a smile.

"No, there's enough here. It's noon, so I have to leave some appetite for the evening." Qin Yuan said reconciliation, and stuffed an octopus into his mouth.

The barbecue skills of Su Xiaoyu and the others have almost become perfect, thanks to the training during this period of time.

On the other side, in the Lone Wolf Group B team, the ostrich stared at the sea with some worry, and lifted the rifle in his hand several times, but could not lock the target.

"No, it's too difficult, let's not talk about how difficult it is to hit the fish inside through the sea water, just after the shot is fired, the fish will run around, and it's impossible to hit all of them! "

Xiaozhuang didn't speak, his eyes were always on the sea, and after a while, he suddenly pulled the trigger. With the sound of a gunshot, a fish under the sea exploded directly. After the fish around were frightened, they immediately fled wildly.

Bang bang bang!

Xiaozhuang pulled the trigger with his fingers one after another, and quickly emptied the magazine, but a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Only 24 shots were hit, and there is still a long way to go before the task assigned by the instructor!"

"This is not bad. If it was me, it would only look like twenty shots at most." The bitter smile on Qiangzi's face became more intense, and he aimed several times in a row, but he didn't make up his mind to shoot.

"Don't worry, there's still an hour left. Our marksmanship already has a great foundation. It's just the first time to do this kind of training, and it's just a little uncomfortable. You should be able to do it if you are familiar with it."

After the hygienist finished speaking, he walked in the other direction and started today's marksmanship training.

Time passed slowly, Qin Yuan looked at the four people who were cleaning up the barbecue grill, thought about it, and strode towards the method of training everyone.

"All of them, gather!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, everyone stopped their mouths and rushed towards this side quickly.

"The time has come, Wolf Warrior Squadron, let's start with you!"


Long Xiaoyun straightened his body, clenched the weapon in his hand, strode towards the shoal, and finally stopped fifty meters away.

"It's time to start!" Qin Yuan reminded.

Without any hesitation, Long Xiaoyun raised the muzzle abruptly, then pulled the trigger bang bang bang, with a burst of gunshots, all the bullets in the entire magazine were shot out.

Through proficient eyesight, Qin Yuan could clearly see that every bullet fired by Long Xiaoyun hit the target.

"Fine, next one."

Leng Feng came over. Seeing that Qin Yuan had no intention of moving his feet, he couldn't help but said, "Instructor, should we change places? After the fish here are frightened, it will take a long time for the fish to gather again."

Qin Yuan smiled lightly, "Don't be so troublesome." Then he suddenly activated the peak-level animal control skill, and controlled the fish and shrimp around him to swim over. Considering that Leng Feng was a sniper of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, his marksmanship must be the best. Therefore, the fish and shrimp he controlled were smaller than the previous ones.

Leng Feng looked at the fish and shrimp in the shoal in front of him that quickly reconvened, his face was full of incredible expressions. When they were training before, they needed to constantly change positions. I didn't expect it to be so easy now.

Even though he knew that this was a trick created by the instructor, Leng Feng didn't show any surprised expression on his face, as if he was used to it.

Bang bang bang!

Raising the Leng Feng suddenly pulled the trigger, and soon completed the training assessment, and the result was still full marks.


It didn't take long for everyone to complete the assessment, and no one failed. Qin Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

"Looking at your faces, you are obviously not very tired now, so you don't need to rest. It just so happens that the tide is not small, and everyone has it. Go to the sea to do push-ups, so let's do 2,000 first."

"Two thousand push-ups are still in the sea. Hey, I knew that this island training must not be so easy."

"No, didn't you realize that the instructor didn't set a time, do you want to remind him?"

"Shhhhh! You're going to die, remind me, isn't it better to take it easy?"

Qin Yuan raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth, and shouted to everyone: "The task time is...forty minutes, if it is not completed within the specified time, you are not allowed to sleep tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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