Chapter 384 One-on-one Special Team

When everyone heard Yan Wang's voice, a wry smile appeared on their faces.

As the top special forces of the Southeast Military Region, they actually need to use this method for training.

It's like two people meeting a grizzly in the wild, as long as you can run past your mate, then you're safe.

"Okay, everyone's physical fitness should have recovered by more than half, so don't waste any more time, we only have less than an hour, let's act quickly."

After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he walked towards the dense forest ahead, and Yan Wang and others immediately followed.

Seeing the figures of the five special teams leaving, Su Xiaoyu asked curiously, "Company commander, what do we need to do?"

Qin Yuan's words just now made the four of them feel a sudden rush in their hearts, so they wanted to do something very diligently.

"You three, each of you needs to catch a special team, otherwise you can train with them." Qin Yuan picked up a clean branch with a fatty fish stuck in it, and casually put it on the fire and roasted it.

Zang Chong looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

After this period of training, the strength of the five special teams, including the Wolf Warrior Squadron and the Thunder Commando, has undergone earth-shaking changes. There is still hope to defeat them.

"Don't be so nervous, there's still an hour to start, come and eat more, or you may not be able to eat in the future." Qin Yuan looked at them with a smile.

If they can't complete the task, Zang Chong and the four will have to fight with Lei Zhan, and Long Xiaoyun and the others will train together. Naturally, there will be no preferential treatment from instructors, and they will no longer be able to eat delicious barbecue.

"The company commander sees what you said, we can't be nervous anymore, just relying on that group of rookies, even if we train for another month, they are not our opponents!" Su Xiaoyu raised his chest hard, as if full of confidence.

"Don't worry, there will be this day. Their graduation assessment is to fight against you one-on-one. At the very least, they must be tied before they can leave here."

"One-on-one? Isn't this a joke? I can easily handle them with just one hand!" Zang Chong said in a rough voice, his burly body like a hill seemed full of oppression.

Qin Yuan smiled and didn't speak, and began to taste the grilled seafood carefully.


An hour later, Qin Yuan paced to the beach, carefully cleaned the oil stains on his hands, and then came to Zang Chong's side and said, "The time has come, you can take action."

After thinking about it, Qin Yuan stretched out his hand and said in the direction of six o'clock: "There is a team there." Then he pointed to the direction of eight o'clock and twelve o'clock.

"There is a special team there, but their positions are changing at any time. You need to rush over there as soon as possible, and then accurately lock them according to the clues."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he ignored the four and walked directly to the left front, where the Wolf Warrior Squadron was located.

"Let's not waste time, hurry up." Zhang Shuai said solemnly, his face looked a little dignified, after all, they had to face an entire special forces team that was advancing by leaps and bounds.

"Xiaoyu, this is your favorite, how about it? Are you sure you can complete the task?" The wild man's voice seemed a little teasing.

"Hmph, who looks down on me, do you want to make a bet with me to see who will complete the task first?" Su Xiaoyu said with a stubborn neck.

"Okay, what do you say as a bet?" Zang Chong's eyes lit up, feeling that he had succeeded in his trick.

Su Xiaoyu seemed to have noticed this too, and hummed softly: "What kind of gambling, small gambling hurts money, big gambling hurts health, young people have to stop, don't talk nonsense with you, I'm going to complete the task assigned by the instructor already."

After speaking, Su Xiaoyu stopped paying attention to Zang Chong, and hurriedly ran in the direction designated by Qin Yuan.

"Hmph, coward!" Zang Chong glared at Su Xiaoyu's back, then clenched his fists and strode to the right, as if he wanted to find a few rookies to vent his anger.

Zhang Shuai and Fang Tian looked at each other with smiles on their faces, and then walked in the direction pointed out by Qin Yuan, but they both had a dignified look in their hearts.

It didn't take long for Su Xiaoyu to be the first to discover the clues, and after running forward a few dozen meters, he soon found several figures hiding in the bushes.

After training with Qin Yuan for such a long time, he naturally still has some skills.

"Cough, I have seen you all, come out quickly, everyone's time is tight, don't waste any more."

Su Xiaoyu looked at the bushes, her voice was very relaxed, but her heart was already tense, "I'm going to die, I actually met the red blood cell special team, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and Xu Tianlong, these three guys are very good at fighting. , won't the car roll over today? No, I don't want to go back and rebuild, I have to knock them all down."

As if he knew that he had been discovered, there was a rustling sound from the bushes, and then Chen Shanming, Gong Jian, Li Erniu and others all came out, with leaves and other coverings on their bodies.

"Instructor Su, how did you discover us so quickly?" Song Kaifei asked curiously. He was confident that he had hidden it well, but he didn't expect to be discovered almost an hour later.

"Hey, you left too many tails. If you were on the battlefield, you would have been hit by artillery fire with precision, and you wouldn't know how to die!" Su Xiaoyu straightened his chest and reprimanded the younger generation. Indisputable look.

Chen Shanming and the others showed a sigh of surprise on their faces, and then put on a fighting stance abnormally solemnly, "The instructor is right, but we won't be caught without our hands, please advise!"

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and the others also had serious expressions on their faces, their breathing became extremely condensed, and they were obviously ready to use all their strength. Anyway, Instructor Su was so powerful, there was no need to worry about any unexpected situations.

Su Xiaoyu's face didn't change, but his heart was full of bitterness. Originally, he wanted to bluff them like this, so as not to miss the fight, but now it's better, it seems to have inspired their fighting spirit by accident.

However, he didn't have any intention of backing down, took a light breath, and assumed a combat stance.

He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing, and Xu Tianlong glanced at each other, then nodded heavily, suddenly exerting force under their feet, wrapped in a cloud of smoke, and attacked Su Xiaoyu from the three imaginations.

Song Kaifei and the others in the rear could pause for a moment, turn into a second offensive, and kill them in the front.

Su Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and didn't mean to fight them hard. At the moment when the opponent's offensive was about to fall, his entire body was like a weightless feather, and he took two steps back.

He Chenguang and the others rushed into the air and were about to continue the offensive when an afterimage suddenly appeared in front of him, and in the next second, a huge force instantly swept across the body along the chest.

Before Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang could react, their entire bodies flew out uncontrollably in an instant, smashing heavily on Li Erniu and the others behind.

To Su Xiaoyu's surprise, Xu Tianlong twisted his body to the right in a strange way, avoiding the attacking attack.

After standing still, Su Xiaoyu touched his chin and said with a smile, "As expected from a family of martial arts, his reaction speed is really fast."

Xu Tianlong's face looked a little ugly. He really didn't expect that Su Xiaoyu, who was usually smiling and looked ordinary among several instructors, actually had such a terrifying speed and explosiveness, which was almost beyond the scope of human beings.

In the back, Gong Jian and others helped He Chenguang up and asked worriedly, "How are you guys doing, can you still take action?"

Wang Yanbing covered his stinging chest and grinned, "It's okay, Instructor Su should stop, or at least a few ribs will be broken now."

"Okay, everyone, hurry up, we can't let Tianlong resist the pressure alone. We have so many people, how can we let Instructor Su serve it easily, at least take a bite."

After Chen Shanming finished speaking, he strode forward and stood side by side with Xu Tianlong, and He Chenguang and others followed immediately.

"Don't waste any more time, let's go together!"

After Su Xiaoyu finished speaking, a few members of the red blood cell team quickly followed, as if they wanted to use crowd tactics to drown him.

However, after only a few seconds, everyone was lying on the ground, some covering their stomachs, some covering their chests, some with bruised noses and swollen faces, groaning in pain.

"Hehe, you still have a long way to go, hurry up and rest for a while, and then meet at the beach." After Su Xiaoyu finished pretending to be forced, he turned and left very smartly.

When he came to a place where the red blood cell special team couldn't see, Su Xiaoyu's face distorted instantly, and the grinning martial artist's own left abdomen, scolded: "Zhuo, these guys are really black, if I hadn't experienced it long ago. The anti-strike training, just this one, has already been rolling on the ground."

In the battle just now, he was accidentally punched by Wang Yanbing. If it wasn't for the burden of the instructor, he would have cried out in pain.

"Hey, it's not possible for these guys to train for a while, and it's not possible to solve them so easily." Su Xiaoyu murmured and walked towards the beach.

In the other direction, Qin Yuan easily found a few members of the Wolf Warrior Squadron hiding on the dense tree trunks.

They seemed to still have luck in their hearts, they all held their breaths and looked at Qin Yuan through the leaves, expecting him to leave quickly.

"Cough, it's been so long, there shouldn't be anyone here, right?"

Qin Yuan stood under the big tree, looking around, and slowly unfastened his belt in his hands, as if he was about to release water.

Long Xiaoyun's neck on the tree turned red with a swipe, and he closed his eyes quickly, but fortunately, there was a collar covering it, and several teammates around him did not notice her abnormality.

Looking at Qin Yuan's posture, Leng Feng and the others felt like they were eating raw flies. Although everyone was a big man, there was no need to be afraid of these, but they felt a little nervous in their hearts. They all held their breaths and looked away.

However, for some reason, after waiting for ten seconds. The expected sound of water did not sound, Long Xiaoyun seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly he no longer had any scruples in his heart, and quickly opened his eyes and looked under the tree.

This look made her a little dumbfounded. At this time, there was no one under the tree, and Qin Yuan was nowhere to be seen, but there was no sound of footsteps leaving just now.

In an instant, Long Xiaoyun widened his eyes and shouted loudly to his teammates: "Everyone be careful, instructor Qin has already..."

"Call me what to do?"

Before she could finish speaking, a very familiar voice came out behind her, and it seemed to have a faint smile.

Leng Feng Shao Dui and others changed their expressions, and quickly turned their heads to look behind them. Qin Yuan had appeared behind them at some point in time, and was looking at them with a very strange look.

"Ah!! Instructor, are you a human or a ghost, why did you come over without making any sound?" Shi Sanba looked panicked. He was still very confident in his hearing, but he didn't hear anything strange just now. The sound, why doesn't this make him think in strange directions.

Qin Yuan rolled his eyes at him, and then suddenly stretched out his fist and smashed hard at Shi Sanba's face, but he didn't use all his speed to give him time to react.

Shi Sanba's expression changed, without any resistance, he turned over and jumped to the ground. Long Xiaoyun and the others did not hesitate and jumped under the tree one after another.

Qin Yuan originally wanted to force them down and play with them, so he didn't stop them.

"Captain, what should we do, shall we fight or run?" Leng Feng looked at Long Xiaoyun nervously, and was a little tangled for a while.

"Isn't this nonsense, hurry up and run, even if we tie a piece together, that's not the one-handed opponent of the instructor, so stay and prepare to be abused?" The one-meter-five voice seemed very anxious, wishing to give birth to a pair of legs.

"Hehe, can you outrun the instructor if you run? We're still looking for fun. Now that we've been found, prepare to be punished." Team Shao's voice seemed a little relaxed, and he didn't seem to be too worried at all.

Long Xiaoyun glanced at Qin Yuan on the tree, and didn't know what to think, a flash of embarrassment flashed in his eyes, and he snorted softly: "There is no precedent for our Wolf Warrior Squadron to surrender without a fight, UU reading www.uukanshu. Even if the opponent is an invincible instructor, he must do his best to bite a piece of meat from him!"

"Yes!" The crowd stopped talking, and the fighting intent slowly gathered in their eyes.

"Haha, have you discussed it? Then don't waste time, let's do it!" Qin Yuan jumped straight from the nearly ten-meter-high tree, his legs hardly bent, and looked at the pupils of the Shao team. Tightening, this has to be such a powerful force to be able to withstand the huge impact.

Taking a deep breath, Leng Feng took a step forward and rushed towards Qin Yuan first, followed by Team Shao, Shi Sanba, and 1.5 meters. Long Xiaoyun, who was not good at fighting, was at the back, without the slightest flinch on his face.

Looking at the rushing crowd, Qin Yuan stood there with a faint smile on his face. When Leng Feng was about to approach the near future, he kicked his right foot like lightning.

Leng Feng didn't have time to react at all, he only felt an afterimage in front of him, followed by a pain in his chest, and his entire body flew out uncontrollably.

Facing the sudden situation, the members of the Shao team in the back had no time to react, and were directly knocked out.

(End of this chapter)

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