Chapter 385 100km Armed Off-Road

The expression of Long Xiaoyun in the back changed, and he suddenly flashed to the side, barely avoiding the collision of several people.

Qin Yuan didn't give her a chance to react. Before she could stand firm, her legs instantly exerted force, and her figure instantly disappeared in place. When she reappeared, she appeared in front of Long Xiaoyun less than ten centimeters away.

"What!" Long Xiaoyun hadn't reacted yet, and was already shrouded in shadows in front of her. Before she could react, a huge force came from her chest, and then her entire body flew out uncontrollably.

"Captain, are you alright?" Leng Feng next to him climbed up from the ground with great difficulty, his face full of worry.

Long Xiaoyun clutched his chest and reluctantly waved at him: "How are you all, can you continue to fight!"

Hearing the captain's words, everyone in the Wolf Warrior Squadron couldn't help but smile bitterly. What kind of battle was this, it was clearly a one-sided massacre, and in Qin Yuan's hands, they couldn't even last the second round.

"Why don't we just surrender, anyway, this is just a training session, I really don't want to be pressed to the ground and rubbed." Shi Sanba couldn't help but feel that they are not opponents of the instructor at all, resistance is meaningless, only Invite more violent beatings.

"Humph, surrender? Impossible, even if this is training, we have to treat it as a real battlefield. Do you have to surrender directly when you encounter an unmatched opponent in the future?" Team Shao glared at him.

Shi Sanba hurriedly waved his hand and said hurriedly: "I just mentioned it like this, don't take it to heart."

Not far away, Qin Yuan walked over slowly, and said in a flat tone: "You're babbling, you can't get up, if you can't get up, go back to the beach by yourself."

"Wolf Warrior Squadron, use all our strength, even if we die, we will bite off a piece of his body!" Long Xiaoyun shouted, disregarding the pain on his body, and strode towards Qin Yuan.

Beside Leng Feng, Shao Dui and the others with a death-like expression on their faces, they rushed towards Qin Yuan from different directions. At first glance, their momentum was extremely fierce. If they were facing others, they might hit them. They were caught off guard, but it was a pity that they were facing Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan still stood in the same place, did not move half an inch, and did not show a burly figure at all. At this time, it was like a mountain, quietly rooted on the ground.

"Bang bang" a few times, just as Leng Feng and others were about to approach, Qin Yuan threw out his fist like lightning. The fist that didn't seem to have a trace of weight contained an explosive power.

The bodies of several people fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string again. This time it was obviously more violent than the last time, and their faces became extremely pale. They tried to get up several times, but they all ended in failure.

Long Xiaoyun, who fell behind everyone, came to the front at this time, and slammed Qin Yuan's chest with his clenched fist. His delicate face was tensed, and he had obviously exhausted all his strength.

A strange smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face, he stood still, and had no intention of shooting, so he took the blow.

With a bang, Long Xiaoyun's fist fell heavily on his body, but Qin Yuan didn't seem to have any feeling, his face didn't change in the slightest, and his footsteps didn't move even a single bit.

"You..." Long Xiaoyun's face froze, and all the surprises in her heart dissipated. She knew that there was a gap between the two, but she didn't expect it to be so big, so big that she was directly ignored.

snort! The unyielding energy in Long Xiaoyun's heart came up, as if he had thought of something, an imperceptible blush appeared on his face, and then he suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Qin Yuan's brother heavily.

Qin Yuan's expression changed slightly. He really didn't expect that the normally serious captain of the Wolf Warrior Squadron would have such a "ruthless" side.

However, with Qin Yuan's strength at this time, even if he really got kicked, he wouldn't be hurt.

What's more, Long Xiaoyun obviously didn't use all his strength. It was more like a pranking behavior when facing Qin Yuan, a towering mountain like a cloud, and he tried his best to resist. She also knew that she could not cause any harm to the instructor at all. any harm.

In order to avoid trouble, Qin Yuan grabbed Long Xiaoyun's ankle at the moment when her right foot was about to kick on her body, and then slammed it out with force, and then fell heavily on the ground.

"Fuck, the instructor is really ruthless, he doesn't pity Xiangxiyu at all." Shi Sanba tutted.

"That's right, don't you think that you will not take action when you meet a few beautiful enemies on the battlefield?" Yi Mi Wu rolled his eyes and seemed to be very speechless to him.

"The key point is that this is not the battlefield. The captain is such a delicate and beautiful woman that the instructors can be ruthless. It seems that the masters are ruthless and ruthless. I have to study hard!"

"Shhh, the instructor is here, let's pretend to be dead, I don't want to be abused!"

Not far away, Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said indifferently: "Hurry up and gather at the beach. If you don't show up within five minutes, you will be fined 30 kilometers for off-roading."

After saying this, Qin Yuan ignored Long Xiaoyun and the others, turned and walked into the distance, and the figure soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Captain, are you alright? The instructors are so ruthless, yet they have such a heavy hand!" Yimiwu said indignantly, trying to gain the captain's favor by arousing sympathy.

"I'm fine, how are you guys, can you continue to move?" Long Xiaoyun climbed up from the ground with some difficulty, the severe pain somewhere in her body made her want to rub it, but now all the team members Here, she had no choice but to dismiss this idea.

"Hey, we big men are rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Even if we take a few more hits, nothing will happen." Shao team smiled, but suddenly discovered that Shi Sanba, Leng Feng, a Mi Wu and the others silently stayed away from him.

"Team Shao, my skin is thin, but I can't stand a few fists from the instructor." One meter five said with a bitter face.

"Okay, everyone is almost recovering, hurry back to the beach, the instructor only gave us five minutes."

After Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, he rushed forward first, and a few people from Team Shao quickly followed. As special forces, they have been traumatized too many times. Although Qin Yuan's fist is powerful, it did not damage the fundamentals. , gritted his teeth and survived.


It didn't take long for all the special teams to return to the beach. Qin Yuan and Zang Chong were waiting there for a long time.

"Thunder Commando, your first annihilation, punish armed off-roading for 100 kilometers, start now!"

Lei Zhan, the old fox, and the others had wry smiles all over their faces. What they encountered was Zang Chong. This guy was simply a human-shaped tyrannosaurus beast. Any effect, but he took the opportunity to bombard him.

But failure is failure. Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan and the others took a deep breath, put on all the equipment, and rushed forward.

"Red blood cell special team, 90 kilometers armed off-road, Jiaolong special team, 80 kilometers armed off-road... Warrior Wolf squadron, 60 kilometers armed off-road!"

After Qin Yuan announced all the results, the Wolf Warrior Squadron held on for the longest time. This was because Zang Chong hurried over after the four of them got the exact direction, for fear that it would be too late, the target had already left there, and then again A lot of time is wasted searching for traces.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Fang Tian couldn't help sighing: "Their growth rate is really fast, and they almost overturned just now."

What he encountered was the Red Blood Cell Special Forces. These people cooperated quite well, and coupled with the absolute advantage in numbers, if one took it lightly, now he is the one who is armed off-road on the beach under the scorching sun.

"Fang Tian is right, but this is a good thing. After they have completed their thorough training, we can leave and train them all day. Although it is indeed very easy, it is indeed a bit too idle and boring." Zhang Shuai also opened his mouth.

"I think it's good like this, hehe." Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Okay, Su Xiaoyu, Fang Tian, ​​you two go to prepare the ingredients, Zangchong go to prepare the dry wood, as for Zhang Shuai, you will set up the grill here, and I will watch the group of guys." Qin Yuan finished speaking , turned around and ran towards the front, Zang Chong and the four also got busy.

About two hours later, the rest of the special teams completed the punishment one after another, and only the Thunder Commando was still rushing forward.

At this time, everyone's already tired expressions were sluggish, their footsteps seemed very vain, and it seemed that they would fall down at any time.

"Everyone, hold on, there are still the last ten kilometers, you must hold on!" Lei Zhan's throat seemed to be burned by fire, and his voice was very hoarse.


Everyone cheered and shouted in a deep voice, with blue veins on their faces, a posture of all-out effort.

Not far away, Qin Yuan followed behind the team. This time, the full 100 kilometers of armed cross-country has exceeded their physical capacity. If they guess correctly, someone will soon faint from exhaustion.

Sure enough, after everyone staggered out for a few dozen meters, the little bee rolled his eyes and fell limply on the beach, his face pale and scary.

"Little Bee, what's wrong with you!" Harley, who was beside him, was the first to notice the abnormality. When he was about to step forward to check the situation, his eyes darkened, his consciousness blurred in an instant, and his whole body slammed directly on Little Bee's body.

"Captain, it just passed out two people, what should we do?" Hades gasped, his face was covered with beads of sweat that kept oozing out, and he was obviously very tired.

"You continue, don't worry about them!" A voice sounded in the ears of Lei Zhan and the others, and they turned their heads to see that it was Qin Yuan.


Everyone suddenly stopped worrying about anything, and with all their strength, gritted their teeth and continued to run forward.

Qin Yuan took out two bottles of mineral water, first carefully fed them a small sip, then took off their shirts, and quickly tapped a few acupoints with his fingers.

In a daze, the two of them opened their eyes, and when they saw that it was Qin Yuan in front of them, they were so frightened that they were about to get up from the ground, but they were extremely weak and fell down again as soon as they got up. .

Qin Yuan was like asking them if he was so scary, as if he saw a devil, and every one of them had such a big reaction.

"You can stop training, go back and have a good rest."

"Ah? No, no, instructor, we can continue to run, please give us a chance." Harley's face changed, thinking that Qin Yuan was going to drive them away, his face was full of horror, struggling to get off the ground climb up.

Qin Yuan helplessly stretched out his hand and pressed them to the ground honestly, "I mean, you can go to the gathering place to have a good rest, and then continue the next training, not to drive you away!"

Really? Thank you instructor! Harley and Bee sighed in relief at the same time, their faces filled with gratitude.

Qin Yuan didn't say anything more, got up and chased forward. The two of them's physical fitness has reached the limit. If they run again, it may have a counterproductive effect, and even damage the foundation of the body.

At the last kilometer of the run, Lei Zhan was the only one left in the Raiden Commando who was still gritting his teeth.

At this time, Lei Zhan's state looked very bad, his face was extremely pale, and his body had already been completely wet with sweat. Every time his feet stepped on the beach, he had to pull out a lot of energy.

"Your body has reached the limit, you can stop, otherwise your body can't bear it." Qin Yuan stood beside him, his voice not mixed with any emotion.

Lei Zhan acted as if he hadn't heard him, gritted his teeth, dragged his feet almost on the ground, and moved forward with all his strength, as if he had only the end in mind.

Qin Yuan nodded slowly, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes. Being able to break through his own limits is the standard for becoming a strong person. Obviously, as long as he continues to train, Lei Zhan's strength will definitely not be limited to these.

Ten minutes later, Lei Zhan's body finally fell heavily, but he completed the first 100 kilometers armed off-road, which was extremely rare in the entire Dragon Kingdom and even the world.

Going forward to help him up, Qin Yuan first fed him a few and then used world-class Chinese medicine to stimulate the acupuncture points to wake him up.

"Take a good rest and resume training in twenty minutes!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and left. The members of the Thunder Commando, who had been waiting for a long time behind him, quickly and carefully helped him up, and then walked down the tree.

Next, Qin Yuan has been conducting this kind of training for a whole day. The first team to be caught will be punished for 100 kilometers of armed off-road.

That night, when Qin Yuan and others were about to rest, there was an unusual movement on the sea in the distance.

"Company commander, what's the matter, what happened?" Su Xiaoyu asked strangely when he saw that something was wrong with Qin Yuan.

"Shh, stay here and wait for my signal!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he grabbed the assault rifle beside him, and like a ghost, he silently touched the seaside, and the figure quickly disappeared into the deep night.

(End of this chapter)

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