Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 502: We're not really tired


Everyone roared in unison, daring not to delay at all, and immediately began to implement the training plan according to Qin Yuan's requirements.

Just kidding, in this case, if there is no water to drink, let alone continue training, it is hard to say whether it can last until the evening, and no one dares to be lazy.

Thinking of this, all the special forces put their hands on the sand, pouted their buttocks and legs, and stood upright, but their faces didn't look good.

"Everyone, hurry up and finish the training task within the specified time!"

After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he immediately took action, supported his body with his arms, and ran forward quickly.

The rest of the crowd immediately followed. Although they had not conducted similar training before, with their absolute mastery of the body, there was no problem in sticking to ten kilometers in this way.

Seeing the people leaving, Su Xiaoyu had a worried look on his face, looked down at his palm, and said to Qin Yuan, "Company commander, the sand here is very hot, the one that can cook eggs directly. See, if they finish ten kilometers, will their hands burn?"

Fang Tian also nodded and said, "This is different from other places. They only have a thin layer of gloves on their hands. A little carelessness may really cause an accident."

Although Zhang Shuai and Zang Chong didn't open their mouths, it was obvious from their faces that they had similar concerns.

Qin Yuan chuckled and said casually: "Don't worry, their strength may have exceeded your expectations. It's not worth worrying about this trivial matter."

"It's you, if you continue to be so lazy, at most one month, the strength of the five special teams may surpass you, and they will be suppressed by then. Let's see if you still have time to think about this."

The faces of Zhang Shuai and the others were obviously stagnant, and the sympathy in their eyes disappeared instantly, and some even disliked that the training tasks assigned by Qin Yuan were too soft.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up, go around and pay attention to the situation. If you find traces of beasts, try not to take action first, unless you launch an attack." Qin Yuan looked at the four people and said.

"No problem!" The four of Su Xiaoyu nodded, turned and strode towards the military vehicle they were driving.

On the hot sand surface, all the special forces put their hands on it and "walked" forward with great difficulty.

"Hey! It's too hot. This bastard, the instructor, tortures us every day. When I'm better than him in the future, I must let him kneel in the corner and sing conquest!"

The little bee roared, his face full of anger, but the movements of his hands did not dare to stagnate in the slightest.

"Haha, just by you, it is estimated that even if you practice for another hundred years, you will not be the match for the instructor!" Harley mocked mercilessly.

"Bastard, I'm not a teammate anymore. I'm resisting the power. It's fine if you don't help. You're still mocking me. Come on, are you an undercover agent sent to us by the instructor!"

Little Bee stared at Harley with unkind eyes, as if he would shoot without hesitation as long as he nodded.

"Sha ¥!" Harley spit out a mouthful of national quintessence lightly.

"You!" Little Bee's eyes widened, feeling that she had been insulted, and when she was about to defend her dignity, she was suddenly kicked on the butt.

"Instructor, I was wrong, I will never speak during training again, let me go, it's really wrong!"

Little Bee thought it was the instructor who found him to be lazy here, so frightened that his soul almost came out, but there was an uncontrollable laughter behind him.

"Hahaha, Chow Chow scared you, little bee, why didn't you find out before, how dare you be so small?"

"You!" The little bee turned back and stared at the funny Yuanbao angrily, so angry that she couldn't say anything.

"You guys, shut up!"

Lei Zhan couldn't take it anymore, the blue veins on his forehead jumped a few times, "From now on, focus on training for me. If anyone talks again, just get out of here!"

The little bees shrank their necks, and under the suppression of the captain's strong momentum, they didn't even dare to let a fart, and quickly began to train seriously.

"These guys are so old, and they usually fight like a child, and I don't know when they will be able to get serious, hey."

The old fox came to Lei Zhan's side, and his tone was like a helpless old father watching his child's mischief.

"Okay, let's follow quickly." After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he took a deep breath, used his arms, and walked forward quickly, and the old fox quickly followed.

Qin Yuan was driving a military vehicle and fell behind him not far or near. He didn't say a word during the whole process. Anyway, the punishment was already laid out. As long as the training task was not completed on time, there would be no water to drink today. .

Time passed slowly, and after about half an hour, the movements of the special forces were obviously a lot slower, and there were expressions of pain on their faces.

Running 10 kilometers in an hour, under normal circumstances, this is simply a very easy thing, but now, they do it by hand, and the difficulty has increased.

Everyone's arms trembled visibly, as if they would fall down at any time.

Coupled with the scorching of the sand, everyone's palms have been slightly scalded, and they have been able to persist until now, completely relying on amazing willpower.

"There are still two hundred meters, hurry up." Qin Yuan reminded everyone.

Everyone's heart was full, gritted their teeth, and regardless of their exhausted body, they tried their last strength and ran towards the end like crazy.

This training, the punishment can be described as extremely harsh. In the desert, once they fall into a situation of lack of water, the Jedi can’t bear it for too long. In addition, their training volume is so large that they really don’t touch the water. continue to persevere.

In the end, all the special forces completed the training tasks assigned by Qin Yuan before the end of the time. Everyone's palms were obviously scalded, they looked red, their physical strength was almost exhausted, and their faces were extremely pale.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, and said to Zang Chong who had come to his side: "Give each of them a bottle of mineral water."

"it is good!"

Several people acted quickly and quickly distributed the drinking water.

Wolf Warrior Squadron, Shi Sanba held the bottle and poured more than half of it down. He looked at the hot, red and unbearable palms. When he was about to pour the rest of the water down to dissipate heat, he was caught by Shao next to him. The team stopped.

"Are you stupid? The scald in this case can't let the wound get wet, otherwise it will be infected!"

After listening to Team Shao's words, Shi Sanba immediately reacted and said with an apologetic smile: "I forgot about this by accident, hehe, I will definitely not in the future."

Team Shao rolled his eyes at him, withdrew his right hand and continued to take a sip of mineral water. This training, whether it was physical exhaustion or physical trauma, was enormous.

Qin Yuan was on the military vehicle and didn't speak. After ten minutes, when everyone's physical fitness had recovered, he got up and jumped on the sand, and walked to the front of everyone.

"Do you feel tired after training for so long?" Qin Yuan's tone contained a hint of temptation.

All the special forces tensed up, and subconsciously felt that something was wrong. If Qin Yuan scolded them as soon as he opened his mouth, it would really make them feel at ease.

"Report to the instructor, we are not tired!" Lei Zhan said bluntly.

"No, you are very tired!" Qin Yuan couldn't help but said, and continued: "Now, everyone will attack me. As long as they can knock me down, they can get a full hour of training time."

If they had just entered the training base, the special forces would definitely agree regardless. They have thirty experienced special forces.

But with the improvement of strength, Qin Yuan's strength is like a giant mountain slowly lifting its veil, making them feel more and more breathless.

Now the **** instructor actually let them do it, isn't this obviously treating them as sandbags?

"Instructor, we're really not tired." Harley was about to cry, which was so unreasonable.

"No, you guys are very tired and need to rest. Now, take action against me. If you win, you can rest for an hour. Otherwise, just do 10,000 push-ups on the spot and finish it within half an hour!" Qin Yuan's face seemed very serious.

All special forces: "I y@i#@&*!"

However, they all knew that this catastrophe could not be avoided. After looking at each other for a while, they gritted their teeth and rushed towards Qin Yuan at the same time.

A minute later, Zang Chong and the four looked at all the special soldiers who had been abused and fell to the ground and wailed with sympathy on their faces.

"You said, why did the company commander do such a thing? Do you think they are too lazy and want to beat them?" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of curiosity.

"Can't you, don't they finish every training session on time, without a single delay." Zang Chong frowned.

"Hehe, I think even the company commander and the idle bones are a little itchy, so I just found a reason to move around." Fang Tian's tone was very determined.

"Ah, this." The sympathy in Zhang Shuai's eyes became stronger and stronger. If this is the case, then they are too unlucky, it is simply a disaster.

"Shh, be quiet, it's a good thing to have them block the fire for us." Su Xiaoyu shrank his neck and looked away, not wanting to attract Qin Yuan's attention.

Zang Chong pouted, "There are only four of us, so it's not enough for the company commander to play around with. They are only a few dozen people attractive. Besides, there is a reason for coaching and training."

"That's right." Fang Tian nodded and began to appreciate Qin Yuan's violent aesthetics with confidence.

On the sandy surface in front of him, only Lei Zhan was left standing alone. Looking at the bruise on his right face, it was obvious that he had been knocked down once, but he got up again.


Lei Zhan let out a loud roar, with a bit of crazy fighting intent in his eyes, and then, like crazy, clenched his fists and slammed it on Qin Yuan's head.

Qin Yuan stood on the spot without raising his eyelids. When his fist was about to land on him, his right arm fluttered and blocked the aggressive blow.

Lei Zhan seemed to have expected this scene for a long time, and there was hardly any stagnation. He suddenly raised his knees and slammed it towards Qin Yuan's abdomen.

However, almost at the same time, Lei Zhan only felt a phantom flashing in front of his eyes, followed by a pain in his face, an unmatched force swept in, wrapping his body and smashing heavily on the hot sand. .

Qin Yuan clapped his hands casually: "rest in place for half an hour."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the special forces were full of surprises. It seemed that they felt that the pain in their bodies was not so strong.

"Tsk tsk, hit the stick first, and then give the sweet jujube, the company commander's method is high." Su Xiaoyu's face was full of admiration.

"This... don't you feel a little familiar?" Zhang Shuai's expression seemed a little strange for no reason.

Several people's faces were stunned for a while, and then after a while, they finally realized that something was wrong. Didn't the company commander use this method to deal with them in the past!

"You guys, what are you whispering about there?" Qin Yuan came over and asked strangely.

"No, no!" Several people waved their hands again and again, and Su Xiaoyu asked very cleverly: "Company commander, do you have any tasks to assign? Don't be polite, we are not afraid of being tired!"

"That's right." Fang Tian and the three of them nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Qin Yuan glanced at a few people with a half-smile, then pointed to the distance and said, "Continue to be vigilant at the periphery, remember not to be careless."

"Okay!" Several people got up quickly, and immediately ran out towards the surroundings.

Half an hour Without Qin Yuan's reminder, the special forces stood up consciously and waited for the next order.

Just as Qin Yuan was about to speak, a bird chirping suddenly came from above his head, and when he looked up, he found that it was a dozen or so gray-haired unknown birds.

Everyone also looked up, but they didn't think there was anything worth noting. Since there are various snakes, insects and beasts living in the desert, it is not normal for some birds.

However, Qin Yuan's next sentence made them a little dumbfounded: "Everyone has it. Now run forward immediately, chase those birds, and see where they will settle."

"Company commander, those are flying birds. How can we catch up to the sky with our two legs? Besides, it doesn't seem to be of any use." The ostrich couldn't help but said.

Qin Yuan's face turned serious, and he said solemnly, "I am teaching you how to survive in the desert. For various reasons, the birds in the desert do not fly fast, and ordinary people may not be able to catch up, but with your strength, Still more than wrong.”

"Furthermore, these birds fly high, and their eyesight is several times that of humans. They can clearly see any movement in the desert. If you keep up with them, there is a high possibility of finding water sources."

Everyone heard the words, and their faces suddenly showed a happy expression. Here, the most lack is the water source. If you can find fresh water that you can drink, you can definitely drink until you are full.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and act!" Qin Yuan shouted to everyone.


The five special teams did not delay in the slightest, turned around and ran forward quickly, and looked up to the sky from time to time to ensure that they would not be lost.

Qin Yuan gave Zang Chong a wink at the four of them, then drove a military vehicle and immediately followed.


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