Chapter 504 Distilled Water

On the hot sand surface glowing with golden light, all the special forces were full of energy and strode forward, their faces full of anger.

"This bastard, the instructor, really looks down on us too much. He actually let the birds in the sky chase after him. If he hadn't really been able to beat him, I would have turned my face a long time ago!"

Harley gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of anger, but he didn't dare to stop in the slightest.

"Hehe, listening to you blowing every day, my ears are getting calluses. When the confrontation just now, who was shameless behind me?" The little bee gave him a sideways look, and her tone was very disdainful.

"This...can you blame me? The **** instructor is like a beast. It hurts for a long time when his fist falls on his body. I'm not afraid of the pain."

"Fuck you, it won't hurt for labor and management!" Little Bee stared.

The big cow next to him said with admiration: "The instructor is a pervert with strength. Our well-trained special forces in the thirties are not his opponents if they are tied together. As long as I can have one-tenth of my strength, I will do it. Satisfied."

"One-tenth? Then you can beat the invincibles in the military region." Yan Wang smiled and looked at Da Niu's blushing for a while, and he was indeed a big talker.

At this moment, Lei Zhan, who was at the front of the team, turned his head and reprimanded loudly: "What time is it, and there are still idle quarrels, hurry up and speed up, those birds are almost gone."

Several people looked up quickly, and sure enough, a dozen flying birds vibrated their wings and would soon disappear into the sky. At that time, it would be impossible to catch up again.

Everyone rushed forward frantically with all their strength. This was a training mission assigned to them by Qin Yuan. If they lost it, they would definitely be severely punished.

At the rear of the team, Qin Yuan and the others were driving military vehicles and fell slowly behind.

"Savage, do you think they can complete this training mission?" Su Xiaoyu's face was filled with doubts, looking at the backs of everyone struggling.

Zang Chong said casually, "If it's me, of course I can do it. As for them, how do I know?"

As if he hadn't heard the last sentence, Su Xiaoyu thoughtfully said: "According to the previous training, although their strength is already very strong, it is still unrealistic to want to catch up with Fei Niao. If you flap your wings, you can slide out all the way."

"Didn't the company commander say that in the desert, the speed of the birds will be affected and will be greatly reduced?" Zhang Shuai said, his eyes fell on Qin Yuan, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Qin Yuan nodded and explained casually: "This is a desert, the temperature is much higher than most other areas, and it will consume more physical strength, coupled with the reflection of sunlight on the sand surface, it is easy to be disturbed at high altitudes , those birds naturally don't fly too fast, so as not to lose their way."

The four Zhang Shuai nodded thoughtfully, Fang Tian suddenly thought of a question, and continued to ask: "But company commander, how can you be sure that the direction of those birds is the water source? Maybe they have already drunk enough water and are preparing to Get out of here."

"Hey, I know this. It all depends on luck. The big deal is to let them run for nothing. Anyway, it's training time, and they didn't give out when they were angry." Su Xiaoyu said with a wicked smile.

Zhang Shuai saw that Qin Yuan did not express any objection, and he obviously acquiesced. He couldn't help feeling more sympathetic to the five special teams.

In the end, half an hour later, at the critical point where the special forces almost collapsed, the group of birds in front finally circled and landed steadily more than 300 meters ahead.

"Finally, I can rest for a while..." Song Kaifei just finished speaking, he ignored the hot sand and smashed it down heavily, looking like he was unlovable.

The situation of the rest of the special forces was not much better at this time. There was no blood on their faces, and their mouths were panting heavily. Their expressions were extremely blurred, as if they would fall down at any time.

After all, people only have two legs. No matter how hard they train, they are not the opponents of those flying birds. If they run further, no one will be able to persist.

"Don't let me see this kind of bird in the future, otherwise I will catch one of them." Wang Yanbing's face was full of anger. He was tossed so badly just now. Since he can't get the instructor, he will use these things to vent his anger.

"Absolute punishment, very good sentence, absolutely have the opportunity to eat free meals." He Chenguang said with a smile.

Wang Yanbing's face froze, and he said suspiciously: "Don't bluff me, those things are everywhere, and they can't be protected."

"Hey, Yanbing, you can try it if you don't. The big deal is that we will see you often when we have time." Li Erniu's eyes also had a hint of sneering.

"Er Niu, you are not being honest!" Wang Yanbing said with a sullen face.

At the same time, he felt more and more aggrieved in his heart, what the hell, it's okay to be an instructor. Now he can't even touch a few small birds, it's too bullying.

At this moment, Qin Yuan came over, looked at the various special forces soldiers, frowned and shouted: "Get up for me!"

Although everyone was exhausted and exhausted, they jumped up straight from the sand like a conditioned reflex, and looked at Qin Yuan nervously, not knowing what to do.

"How much distance did you run, and you're already exhausted? It seems that your physical fitness still needs to be improved." Qin Yuan's voice seemed extremely flat, but in the ears of the special forces, there was a burst of bitterness.

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such shameless people. What's the distance? It's at least ten kilometers, and it's still in the desert, trying to catch up with the birds in the sky.

If it was another special team, under this intensity of training, it is estimated that they will faint before halfway through, let alone complete the task.

Qin Yuan seemed to have sensed the emotions of the special forces, and said with a smile: "It looks like you guys are a little unconvinced?"

"No no no!" The special forces waved their hands again and again, forcibly restraining their emotions, joking, who would dare to come forward at this time, isn't this obviously looking for a beating.

"Hehe, that's good." Qin Yuan glanced at it, and suddenly said loudly: "Everyone has it, turn back and walk together!"


Everyone was overjoyed, turned around quickly, and walked straight ahead, just walking, they can still do it now, as long as it's not running.

Soon, everyone walked out three hundred meters, which is where the flock of birds landed. There was a large dry grass with greenery, and there was a small muddy puddle in the middle.

"I'm going, there is actually water here, those guys are really lucky." Su Xiaoyu looked very surprised. Originally, he was not optimistic about this method of relying on luck.

"What kind of water source is this, there is only some mud left. It is estimated that it will disappear after being exposed to the sun for two days." Fang Tian looked a little disappointed.

"It's alright, this is a desert. If you find this, you'll be content. We can still extract clean water to drink." Zhang Shuai said with a smile.

Qin Yuan looked at the special forces and said, "All of them, rest in place for five minutes."

"Yes!" Everyone didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, walking just now was equivalent to resting. What they lacked most now was drinking water.

However, it seems that the previous training did not satisfy the instructor, so this time I did not get mineral water to drink.

"It's not too early, hurry up and arrange it, we will stay here for the night today."

"No problem!" Hearing the company commander's order, Zang Chong and the four started to set up tents and other things here without any delay.

Five minutes later, without Qin Yuan's reminder, the special forces lined up neatly and waited for the next training mission.

"All of them, 10,000 leapfrogs, completed in two hours, start now!"

"What!" All the special forces were shocked. Ten thousand leaps of frogs. What kind of concept is this? Let's not say whether it can be completed or not, I am afraid that the last two legs will be abolished!

"Why, it's difficult, do you want to give you some grace?" Qin Yuan looked at everyone with a smile, but there seemed to be a dangerous aura in his eyes.

"No!" Almost instinctively, the special forces shouted in unison, not daring to hesitate at all. Now that the training plan has been laid out, the **** instructor will definitely not take it back. I guess there is something waiting for them.

People who are familiar with all the routines will naturally not be easily fooled.

"Then what are you still doing? Do you want me to invite you!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.

Everyone scolded inwardly, but they did not dare to delay their actions at all, and immediately began to train according to Qin Yuan's request.

Zang Chong set up a tent with enthusiasm and watched this scene with a smile.

"Instructors' training tasks are getting more and more severe. I don't know how long they can last, hehe." Su Xiaoyu's face was full of schadenfreude smiles.

"I didn't know it before, but after this training, their legs will definitely be sore and sore. It is estimated that they have to crawl on the ground to walk." Fang Tian smiled, looking at the backs of the special forces with a touch of sympathy.

"I said, don't get too excited. Although the training tasks are getting heavier and heavier, as long as they can persist, their strength will definitely continue to improve. If this continues, they will be able to join forces with us in less than a month. Confrontation, then our life will definitely be difficult." Zhang Shuai's face showed a touch of helplessness.

Su Xiaoyu said nonchalantly, "We'll talk about the future. If it's a big deal, let them beat them up, but it's not a big deal."

"Unpromising guy." Zang Chong's face was full of disdain, "Although we entered the military region relatively late, in the company commander's place, we are their senior brothers."

"Now that your strength is about to be overwhelmed by the younger brother, you still look like you don't care. As expected, the mud can't support the wall."

"Hey, isn't it with you? With a big guy like you standing in the way, it's not so easy for them to defeat us." Su Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Go, I'll be the first to run!" Zang Chong said angrily.

Su Xiaoyu didn't care at all, just by the temper of a savage, he would definitely rush to the front.

Soon, a few people set up a temporary camp and began to prepare for today's dinner. It is now more than 6 o'clock in the afternoon, but the sun still does not mean to go down, and it is still hanging in the air.

Qin Yuan stood on the spot, watching all the special forces who were doing the leapfrog exercise. With him here, no one dared to be lazy.

Soon, an hour has passed, and everyone's physical strength has been consumed by most, but the training task has only been completed more than half, everyone is tired and sweaty, and their legs are a little weak.

"All attention, there is still one hour, if it is not completed within the stipulated time, there will be no need to eat tonight."

Hearing this sentence, all the special forces felt at the same time, if it is normal, it is not a big problem to be hungry at night. Drink more water and you can get through it. If you go out to find some bugs to eat, you can also survive. .

But now it seems to be impossible. This is a desert. Although the temperature during the day is high, at night, the temperature can be lowered to below zero. Without enough energy, it is difficult to survive until dawn.

Therefore, the special forces were almost exhausted, gritted their teeth and endured their exhaustion, and frantically jumped frogs, trying to complete this training task within the specified time.

Qin Yuan ignored them, came to the bonfire prepared by Zang Chong and the four, and took the broth handed over by Su Xiaoyu. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Company commander, these things are stewed together with dried meat and dehydrated vegetables. It tastes good. Try it. If it doesn't suit your taste, I'll make something else."

"In this condition, it's not bad to have something to eat. What else is there to choose from?" Qin Yuan shook his head, raised his neck and drank.

Zhang Shuai looked at each other, and consciously got up and walked in the direction of the special forces.

Of course, this is not to watch them train and prevent cheating, but to guard against wild beasts that may appear around. After all, this place used to be a puddle, which is likely to attract the gathering of wild beasts. Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others are already exhausted at this time. , once encountered, it must be very dangerous.

Time passed slowly, and finally, before the countdown ended, the special forces finally completed the task assigned by Qin Yuan.

At this time, almost everyone's legs were too tired to straighten, and they fell to the ground with great difficulty, breathing the hot air with big mouthfuls.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, and waited ten minutes later, when the special forces recovered a little, before announcing: "Today's training is temporarily over, but there is still one thing to do now, so hurry up and come here."

Everyone looked at each other and struggled to get up from the ground, followed behind Qin Yuan with trembling legs.

"Tonight, I will assign you a task, which is to use distillation to obtain water."

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and continued: "Although the puddles here are almost depleted, the sand still contains a lot of water. In this case, the water can be collected by distillation."

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