"Come on, these are the rewards for your victory." Qin Yuan said, and handed over all the roasted meats he had made just now.

"Thank you, instructor!" A look of joy flashed in Long Xiaoyun's eyes, he bent down to take it with both hands, and just took a sip, and his saliva seemed to flow out.

"This is what you deserve." Qin Yuan said with a smile, and then ignoring the resentful eyes of Li Jiang next to him, he continued to bake slowly.

Li Jiang seemed to realize that if he wasn't active again, he would definitely not get too much barbecue, so he hurriedly got close to Qin Yuan, and said in a mysterious tone:

"Old Qin, I have a secret here. How about exchanging twenty skewers with you?"

"Not interested!" Qin Yuan said casually, without even looking at him.

Li Jiang looked a little anxious, "This secret is related to this oasis in front of you, you really have no interest at all?"

Qin Yuan's movements paused slightly, "Five skewers."

"No, at least fifteen, you are definitely interested in this secret!"

"Ten roots, love to talk or not!"

"Okay, deal!" Li Jiang's face was full of excitement, making Qin Yuan feel as if he had fallen into his trap.

Seeing Qin Yuan's face, Li Jiang knew that he was a little regretful, and immediately said mysteriously: "Old Qin, you should know that we are here for extreme training, right?"

Qin Yuan nodded. This guy has already said this before, but what does this have to do with the oasis in front of him?

Li Jiang no longer sells his ties, his eyes fell on the clear lake in front of him, and he said quietly: "Just yesterday afternoon, this place was still a deserted desert, but when we passed by this morning, we found that this oasis has been formed here. The lake water and lush vegetation seemed to appear out of nowhere."

Qin Yuan's eyes narrowed, and he subconsciously looked at the small but very clear lake in the distance.

Not far away, Shi Sanba, whose attention was all here, heard this and couldn't help but said, "Captain Li, this is impossible, how could such a large oasis appear overnight? Could it be that you have misremembered the location? already?"

Li Jiang seemed to have long expected this kind of questioning, and immediately said with a straight chest: "I'm definitely not mistaken, because we have the habit of marking, and this is the place we passed before."

Hearing his determination, Shi Sanba suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations, and shrank his feet subconsciously. The sun, which was nearly forty degrees above his head, did not seem to bring any warmth.

Qin Yuan just thought about it for a while, then stopped caring, and continued to cook the meat seriously.

"No, Lao Qin, don't you think it's a little weird? We've lost a lot of energy, so we're sure it's not an illusion." Li Jiang's face was full of surprise.

"There are many strange things in the desert, such as stones that move by themselves, sand that chirps, strange gravel circles..."

"Stop, stop!" Li Jiang immediately stopped Qin Yuan from continuing, "Don't say it, I feel more and more panicked." He subconsciously tightened his neckline.

Qin Yuan laughed and said: "These are all scientifically explained, don't scare yourself."

"For example, the moving stones are due to the low temperature at night, and a thin layer of ice appears on the stone and sand surface. After the sun comes out, the ice layer melts, the stone loses its restraint, and is blown by the wind, which forms the moving stone."

"As for the chirping sand, that's because the air moves in the gaps in the sand, causing it to vibrate and sound, forming the phenomenon of chirping sand."


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