Listening to Qin Yuan's explanation, Li Jiang's face showed a hint of clarity, "So that's the case. Is there any scientific explanation for this oasis formed overnight?"

"I don't know." Qin Yuan said bluntly.

"No...I don't know? You're playing with me!" Li Jiang's face darkened obviously. Wasn't he still serious about popular science for children just now? Why can't he explain the actual problem in front of him.

Qin Yuan spread his hands: "Because I haven't read the explanation of this phenomenon in the book?"

Li Jiang pouted, and then he seemed to have discovered something, and said excitedly: "Does that mean that we are the first to discover this situation, and will our name appear in the scientific community in the future?"

"do not know."


It didn't take long for Qin Yuan to make all the skewers, and Li Jiang only gave him ten no matter how he begged.

"By the way, Lao Qin, are you here for training?" Li Jiang said.

Qin Yuan nodded, "Their strength has fallen into a bottleneck, and they need a hearty extreme training. Both the terrain and the environment here are very suitable."

Li Jiang's eyes lit up, and he licked his face and said, "Can you train us by the way? Don't worry, as long as you agree, we will be your rookies. You can beat and scold us, and we will never talk back!"

Hearing this, the special forces around him couldn't help but hehe, what does it mean not to talk back, obviously they didn't dare to talk back, just like them, who dared to jump in front of the God of Special Warfare.

Qin Yuan didn't expect Li Jiang to say this, and after thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "It's not impossible, but you have to join five special teams until we leave the desert, otherwise it's meaningless to leave after a day or two of training. "

Li Jiang smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "That's a pity, we entered the desert this time, in addition to training, we also took a mission, and we will leave here in a day at most."

Qin Yuan didn't say anything more. After eating the skewers in his hand, he shouted to the special forces in unison, "All of them, gather!"

"Yes!" Everyone immediately acted, and a neat queue was formed in a moment.

"It's time to do some exercise if you eat and drink well. Listen, 3,000 push-ups will be done within an hour, start now!"


Without any hesitation, the special forces immediately dispersed, lying on the sand, and quickly did push-ups.

"Three...three thousand? Finish it within an hour?" Li Jiang felt that he must have heard wrong. What is the concept of 3000 push-ups, it would be exhausting, and it should be finished within an hour. How could this be done? get.

However, the next moment, Li Jiang was dumbfounded. Between Thor, Chen Shanming, and the others, their push-ups almost flew up, and they even formed an afterimage, which made him stunned for a while.

Until then, he finally understood why his well-known Wild Lion special team persisted in the hands of the Wolf Warrior Squadron for less than an hour, so he was simply a group of non-human beings.

When they were training, they would do hundreds of push-ups if they did more than one hour, and they were still half-dead from exhaustion. The difference between the two was directly reflected.

At the same time, Li Jiang was also a little fortunate. Fortunately, Qin Yuan did not agree to his idea of ​​joining the training.


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