"I'm so tired. I still have half the task. I really don't know if I can persevere."

"This is a broken playground. The road is too hard. Stepping on it will make your feet hurt."

"Let's persevere. It's already here. It's a pity to be eliminated. I haven't even touched the gun!"

"Touching a gun? It's better to be a little later. I heard from those veterans that touching a gun is the most painful thing. There are many unimaginable training tasks that can give you a complete breakdown."

"It's true or false, isn't it just shooting, so torturous?"

"Hey, you'll know then."

During the discussion, Zhang Shuai's shout suddenly came from behind, "Shut up for me, keep your physical strength, if anyone doesn't finish the training on time, just get out!"

Hearing this sentence, the recruits immediately shut their mouths and strode forward.

Not far behind, Fang Tian looked at their backs and said casually, "There are still nine people left, and I don't know how many people will remain until the end."

"Let's not say anything else, I think that Zhang Qi will definitely be able to persevere. This guy seems to know a lot of things, and his physical fitness is quite good." Zhang Shuai said with a smile.

Su Xiaoyu pouted, "This guy is just like you. There are people in the family who came from the military region, so of course they know more than others."

Zang Chong's gaze fell on Li Man, "This guy is the most likely to persist to the end, he dares to fight and fight, every time he trains, he rushes to the front, and he is very angry with me. !"

"This guy is really good, he looks like Savage No. 2, hehe." Fang Tian couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, you go to prepare the arsenal, prepare a batch of equipment, and prepare for the next training." Qin Yuan looked at the four people and said.

"no problem!"

The four responded with a sound, and strode towards the direction of the arsenal.

In the end, after the time was over, the recruits completed the warm-up training with great difficulty. The sweat on everyone's body flowed down as if they didn't need money, and the clothes that were originally dry were directly wet.

"I can't do it anymore, I feel like my heart is about to jump out." Zhai Qing lay directly on the concrete floor, his chest heaving violently, and his face looked extremely pale.

The rest of the people were not in much better condition than him. They were all tired and lying on the ground, and they never wanted to make any extra moves.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, and waited ten minutes before shouting loudly to the crowd: "Everyone has it, gather!"

After hearing the order, even though the recruits had not recovered, they still climbed up from the ground with difficulty and wiped the sweat from their faces.

At this time, Su Xiaoyu and the others had already brought all the equipment and put them on the ground.

Qin Yuan pointed to the backpack full of ammunition supplies and weapons, and said to everyone: "This will be your weapon in the future. Now, follow the sign above to get it."


The recruits looked at the weapons on the ground with some excitement~www.readwn.com~ for a while, it seemed that they were not so tired.

That's a real gun. One of the reasons why they entered the military area was to touch a real guy. I didn't expect this wish to come true so quickly, and I couldn't help but feel excited.

After queuing up to receive the weapons, Su Zhan couldn't help taking out the magazine, but when he looked inside, he found that there was not even a single bullet.

"Instructor, this is an empty gun, not even a bullet."

"Hehe, if you want live ammunition, at least you have to stick to the next training stage."


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