Listening to Su Xiaoyu's slightly sarcastic explanation, the excitement on the faces of the recruits dissipated a lot, and their emotions were in vain.

"Now, bring your equipment and go on an armed off-road. The distance is 20 kilometers, and it will be completed within two hours." Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and said.

"Two... Twenty kilometers, did I hear it right?" Su Zhan's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"If it's normal, it's not impossible to grit your teeth for 20 kilometers, but now we have more equipment. This thing is at least 30 kilograms. The instructor clearly wants to be similar to us!" Zheng Qian couldn't help it. opened his mouth.

Even Li Man, who was physically strong, was showing embarrassment at this time, and one could imagine how difficult this training mission was for them.

"Give you ten seconds, if you don't take action, you will be eliminated." Qin Yuan said indifferently.

Hearing what the instructor said, all the recruits suddenly became tense. They didn't dare to delay any longer. They tightened their equipment and rushed forward.

"These guys, they start to be lazy without being forced. It's just too unconscious." Su Xiaoyu hummed.

"You were no better than them before." Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Ha, ha ha, is that right, why did I forget, instructor, did you remember it wrong?"

"Okay, don't be skinny, Zhang Shuai, you go ahead and drive to guide them. Zang Chong, the three of you follow behind, armed with weapons. If anyone is lazy and falls behind, just shoot."

"Okay!" The four immediately became excited and chased the recruits in their military vehicles.

Qin Yuan also jumped into a military vehicle and fell far behind.


About an hour later, on the rugged mountain road, the recruits rushed forward panting, their clothes were completely wet with sweat, their faces were even paler, and their footsteps became more and more staggered, apparently exhausted to the extreme.

But they didn't dare to stop. There was no way. The three people behind Su Xiaoyu stared at them with guns. If anyone dared to be lazy, the dust from the bullets would be splashed under their feet.

The feeling of being swept by high-speed bullets on the feet, anyone who has experienced it will be frightened. That thing is live ammunition. If you fall behind by a beat, you may walk with a lame in your life.

"No, I can't hold on anymore, who knows how long I can rest." Cheng Cheng stuck out his tongue, his face was full of pain, the sweat on his forehead fell one by one, and his face became paler.

"At most, half of it has passed. Let's persevere. Since the instructor has set up a training task of this level, it means that with our strength, it can definitely be completed." Zhang Qi encouraged the crowd loudly.

"But I'm really dying of exhaustion, my heart is about to jump out." Zhai Qing hunched his body, and every time he took a step, it seemed very difficult.

"If you can't hold on, you have to bless. Do you want to give up halfway through? As long as you can complete all the training, we are the special forces, the most powerful special forces!" Li Man said at the end, and roared out directly, even though his whole body was tired. She trembled, but her eyes were full of fighting intent.

"That's right, isn't it just physical training? Everyone must persevere to the end and let the instructors see that we are not rookies!" Zhang Qi shouted and ran forward again.


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