"Brothers, get up quickly." Zhang Qi said, looking at the comrades who were still sleeping soundly, with a helpless look on his face.

"Huh? It's getting cold so soon, I feel like I just closed my eyes!"

Su Zhan opened his eyes in a daze, but did not respond for a while.

"That's not right, why didn't the instructor sneak up on us? We spent the night together for nothing?" Li Man's eyes widened, his face full of doubts.

"Hey, it's true and false, but the instructor has figured it out, and we'll have to suffer in the future." Cheng Cheng said, got up weakly and began to put on clothes.

"Every night in the future, we will have to take turns on duty and keep vigilance. I guess this is the purpose of the instructor." Zhang Qi said, got up and walked to the bathroom, trying to wake up as soon as possible.

A few minutes later, the recruits were all packed up and quickly assembled on the training ground.

Qin Yuan looked at the crowd, pointed to the playground not far away and said: "Now start the warm-up training, first run around the playground fifty laps.

All the recruits responded and ran neatly towards the playground.

On the playground, everyone completed this training with great difficulty. Everyone was exhausted. The sweat on their faces was dripping like money, and their chests were heaving violently.

But even so, their performance is obviously much better than when they first came.

"Brothers, the instructor is really good. After such a short training time, I feel that my physical fitness has improved a lot. A few days ago, I must have been tired and lying on the ground."

Zheng Qian smiled, his face full of joy.

"Isn't that right? Don't ask who the instructor is." Su Zhan raised his head.

"Why, don't you know?" Zhai Qing's face was full of curiosity. He wanted to find out Qin Yuan's identity more than once, but he didn't get it.

When Zhang Qi heard the words, they also cast their gazes over, and their faces were also curious.

Su Zhan's face was obviously stagnant, he stammered for a while, and then he stuck his neck and said, "Do I know what it has to do with you guys!"

"Hehe, if you don't know, you just don't know, what kind of calf are you pretending to be!" Li Man said with a look of disdain.

"Okay, hurry up and rest, we don't have much time, and no one will know what kind of training we will face later." Zhang Qi said, lying on the ground and squinting to cultivate.

Li Man and the others stopped talking, silently waiting for the next training.

About ten minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and said loudly, "Now, push up on the spot for half an hour!"


All the recruits roared ~www.readwn.com~ and moved quickly.

Compared with before, their movements are obviously a lot more neat, and they have done more than a dozen in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, brothers, I feel like I'm full of inexhaustible strength now, does that mean I've entered a certain realm?" Su Zhan said in a low voice, his face full of excitement.

"What kind of **** realm, isn't it just that you are practicing hard, but I have to remind you that the speed should be slowed down a bit. This time we are not counting training, it is specially timed. The more you do, the more tired you will be." Zheng Qian opened his mouth and said that his speed in doing push-ups was obviously a beat slower than others.

"Hehe, be careful with you, the instructor is not easy to fool. If he finds out your little trick, he will definitely not spare you." Zhai Qing said with a smile, his face full of disdain.


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