Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 652: Everyone, don't learn

"That's right, everyone, don't learn, if you are discovered, you will definitely be punished."

Listening to the words of several people, Zheng Qian's face changed slightly, and when he was about to speed up, a shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Yuan's voice came over, "You, the time is extended to forty minutes."


Zheng Qian fart didn't dare to put one more, and he was doing push-ups quickly.

"Hey, you continue to be lazy, is it comfortable to be punished for ten minutes? Zhai Qing sneered unceremoniously.

"This guy deserves it. He dares to show so much in front of the instructor. Isn't it obvious that he has nothing to do." Cheng Cheng also smiled, his face full of schadenfreude.

"Brother, I won't dare to do this in the future, have you heard?" Li Man said bitterly, but his tone was full of ridicule.

Listening to these few words of damage, Zheng Qian's face was blackened, and he could not wait to plug his ears.

"Can you guys shut up, believe it or not, I'll call the instructor now and tell him you're talking during training!"

"Everyone, hurry up and train. Half an hour is not too long, not too short. It's good to save a little more physical strength." Zhang Qi looked at everyone with a serious face.

As for Zhang Qi's words, several people still agree. This guy has the most experience, which brings them a lot of convenience.

In the end, everyone completed the training, everyone was sweating profusely, their breathing became extremely short, and their arms were so sore that they could hardly exert any strength.

However, Zheng Qian still gritted his teeth and tried his best to do push-ups. Looking at the few comrades who could rest, he felt no regrets.

"If you work harder, you can rest in ten minutes." Cheng Cheng looked at Zheng Qiandao, not to mention how gloating his face was.

Zheng Qian didn't have the energy to pay attention to him at all, and continued to do push-ups with his head down. The sweat on his face had already completely wet the ground, and he was obviously tired.

At this moment, Su Xiaoyu walked over with a smile, looked at his trembling arms, and said casually, "Do you dare to be lazy in the future?"

"Report to Instructor Su, I will never dare again." Zheng Qian struggled to squeeze his voice out of his teeth.

"Very good, continue to persevere. After the meeting is over, I can let you rest for five minutes." Su Xiaoyu said, reaching out and patted his shoulder, but almost patted him on the ground.

But in the end, Zheng Qian still finished the punishment. Even though his face was extremely pale, he was still a little happy, because he found that his potential was so great that he could actually complete such a perverted training.

Five minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said, "Everyone has it, gather!"


The crowd responded and rushed over quickly, standing in a neat queue, waiting for the next training mission.

"Now go to the equipment each carrying a tire to gather here!"


Seeing the backs of everyone leaving, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but said, "Company commander, is it a little early? All those big tires weigh 70 to 80 kilograms."

"What's the matter, remember that when we were in the recruit company, we trained much harder than them. The instructors did this to train them, hehe."

Fang Tian came over with a wicked smile on his face.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, turned around and stared in the direction of the equipment room


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