Qin Yuan pointed to the large row of horizontal bars next to him, and said loudly, "In half an hour, everyone will have to turn over 400 times, so start training now!"


All the recruits responded, daring not to delay in the slightest, they quickly grabbed the horizontal bar and climbed up, and then started this training.

"Company commander, do you want to prepare some trash cans over here?" Su Xiaoyu looked at the quick-moving recruits, thinking of something, and a wicked smile appeared on his face.

"You don't like them so much?" Qin Yuan glanced at Su Xiaoyu with a half-smiling smile.

"This is so unfair to me. It's not a question that I'm not optimistic about. The key point is that as long as a normal person turns a few hundred laps on it, he will definitely feel dizzy. Isn't it normal to spit out all the things in the stomach?" Su Xiaoyu said aggrievedly, feeling that the company commander had really wronged himself.

"Hey, what Xiaoyu said is right, but the company commander must know that, otherwise he wouldn't have arranged this training right after dinner. It's just double the pain." Fang Tian laughed.

"No, don't wrong me, I just follow the normal procedure for training." Qin Yuan said with a serious face.

Zhang Shuai looked a little speechless. When he was about to speak, there was a thud behind him. He turned his head and saw that Zhai Qing fell off the horizontal bar.

"What's going on? It's only been two minutes, can't you hold on anymore?" Su Xiaoyu frowned and stepped forward, but found that Zhai Qing didn't respond at all, and the game sat on the ground in confusion.

Qin Yuan's expression changed, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

Zhang Shuai strode forward, grabbed his shoulders, and then held his head, watching his eyes carefully.

At this time, Zhai Qing's eyes seemed to have no focus at all. Sitting on the ground, the color on his face was extremely painful, and an unconscious humming sound came from his mouth.

"This... this guy won't be stunned, right?" Su Xiaoyu said in a bit of astonishment.

"No, it's only been less than two minutes, so you can faint like this?" Fang Tian looked a little unbelievable.

"Xiaoyu's judgment is right, this guy just passed out." Qin Yuan said from the back.

"Then this guy is really a little fake. After only a few laps, he turned into this ghost. If he participates in helicopter flight training in the future, I'm afraid he will directly destroy the plane."

"Company commander, this kind of situation should be born, you can't be a special forces soldier, or you will be a time bomber if you keep it beside you, and you may not know when it will explode." Zhang Shuai said seriously.

Qin Yuan shook his head slightly, "As long as you have enough willpower, nothing is insurmountable. Go and prepare a few buckets of cold water."

"No problem!" Zang Chong and Su Xiaoyu responded, and quickly ran towards the faucet.

On the horizontal bar ~www.readwn.com~ the recruits who were training also noticed the situation here, and there was a trace of worry on their faces, and they had already persisted here. If they were eliminated due to some problems, it would undoubtedly be very painful. matter.

Soon, Zang Chong and the two returned to this side, holding the Four Great Pain Cold Water in their hands.

"Company commander, what do you do next?" Su Xiaoyu looked at Qin Yuan and asked.

"Wake him up."

"Understood!" Su Xiaoyu responded, picked up a large ladle of cold water and poured it on his face.

"Ah!" I was stimulated by the cold water.


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