Zhai Qing, who was in a coma, screamed and woke up suddenly, but his face still looked very pale.

It seemed that he was still a little confused. After a long while, Zhai Qing's eyes returned to focus, and he suddenly realized what had just happened, and his mood instantly became very uneasy.

"I won't betray you either. If you can't overcome this, you won't be able to become a special soldier, or even a good soldier, because you probably won't be able to perform your mission normally." Qin Yuan looked at Zhai Qing quietly.

As soon as these words came out, Zhai Qing's face instantly became paler, but just a moment later, he gritted his teeth and said, "Instructor, I can do it."

"Very good, then continue to start training. Four hundred, none of them can be missing."

"Yes!" Zhai Qing responded, stood up and jumped to the horizontal bar again, and his heart continued to roll over.

Qin Yuan looked at Su Xiaoyu and said, "This time, pay more attention. If Zhai Qing shows signs of coma again, use cold water to help him wake up."

"No problem." Su Xiaoyu nodded, picked up the iron bucket and stood not far in front of Zhai Qing and waited.

With the passage of time, all the recruits had completed 400 rolls, sweating profusely, and at the same time, their stomachs were tumbling frantically.

"If you want to vomit, you can spit it out directly, as long as you remember to clean up after training." Zhang Shuai reminded with a smile.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't hold on anymore, they all bent down and vomited frantically, almost spitting out their stomach bile.

At this time, Zhai Qing still had dozens of unfinished rolls. He was lying on the horizontal bar, his face was terrifyingly pale, and his eyes didn't have the slightest focus, as if he had passed out of a coma.

Qin Yuan looked up at him and reminded loudly, "I'll give you the last five minutes. If you haven't completed the task, then leave here."

As soon as these words came out, Zhai Qing on the horizontal bar suddenly opened his cloudy eyes, and then he gritted his teeth, and continued to roll frantically.

A flash of admiration flashed in Su Xiaoyu's eyes below, and then Hu scooped up a ladle of cold water and poured it directly on Zhai Qing's face, making him awake again.

"Zhai Qing, you must hold on, you can!" Zhang Qi shouted loudly.

"Yes, isn't it just a little dizzy? It's no big deal. We must persevere. Let's become special forces together!" Su Zhan encouraged loudly.

"Come on, you can definitely do it, I believe in you!"

The rest of them all started to encourage them. They had already participated in so much hard training. Although they often bickered with each other, they had already formed a strong friendship in war. Of course, they didn't want to see Zhai Qing be eliminated.

Seemingly feeling the encouragement of his comrades-in-arms, Zhai Qing rolled faster and faster on the horizontal bar, and the pain on his face eased a little.

In the end~www.readwn.com~ Zhai Qing finally completed the training task on time. Even though he was exhausted, he still had a bright smile on his face, and he completed the challenge to himself.

"Good job!" Zhang Qi couldn't help shouting loudly, his face full of sincere joy.

The rest of the people also immediately greeted him and carefully lifted him down.

"Now, everyone rest for ten minutes, and then continue training!" Qin Yuan shouted to everyone.


After the rest, the recruits were ordered by Qin Yuan


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