Zhao Meng was dizzy and dizzy from the sun, when will this be a head!

"Brother Qin, the temperature here is so wrong, I suspect it's more than 40 degrees."

It was true, but none of them were ordered to leave, and they were all baked in the sun for over an hour.

Ryerson stood in the front with a high attitude, "Our training here is very humane and allows you to get enough rest. Is one hour enough? If not enough, another hour."

Good guy, here's another hour, everyone will have heatstroke, such a high temperature, long-term in the sun, isn't this life-threatening?

The instructor next to him said "kindly", "Sir, the temperature today has reached 43°C. I'm worried that this will cause problems. It's better to let them cool down first and then do other training tasks."

Everyone was instantly excited when they heard that they could cool down, but when the instructor brought them to the so-called cooling place, everyone was dumbfounded.

What is the situation? What catches their eyes is a long row of stinky ditch. Under the insults of those instructors, they can only jump down this dirty stinky ditch. The smell in the ditch can be imagined.

They soaked in this stinky ditch for more than ten minutes, and several instructors came over with a cart of logs, and they started to squat up and down with the logs in a unit of four.

Qin Yuan's usual training is already demonic enough, but he didn't expect it to be more exaggerated. This is all about rubbing people's willpower on the ground.

The four of them started to lift logs in a group. Because there were too many people, the water in the stinky ditch would rush up if they moved, and the smell was even more disgusting.

"You bastards! Is it a man? The speed is so slow that the grandma at the door is faster than you?"

In the constant abuse, accompanied by the sound of gunshots, bullets were shot against the scalp at any time, and they were a little uncomfortable with bullets at first, because they rarely came into contact with live ammunition during training.

Now everyone is getting used to it. The demolition grenade blew up in the ditch next to it, the stinky water surged, and several animal corpses surfaced.

In this stinky ditch, they lifted logs for more than half an hour, and only came up under the command of the instructor.

However, this is just an appetizer for the afternoon training. They need to work in groups of four in the high temperature of more than 40 degrees, holding logs and starting to run.

Qin Yuan took the lead and maintained the leading position all the time, but Zhao Meng, who was behind, couldn't hold on any longer. Love doesn't mean to be the first in everything. anyone is bad.

He and Zhao Meng changed positions and came to the end, and then asked them to lean the log against him. Basically, the weight of the log was on him. This log was at least 40 kilograms.

"Brother Qin, this can't be done. You will consume too much energy later. What should you do?"

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm very relaxed now, I don't feel at all, you keep the speed, absolutely can't let those Americans surpass us, I just want them to see that we are the first."

Dalong turned his head and saw that the Americans had been left behind by them, so far they were the first in the team.


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