"Brother Qin, I don't think there should be any problems. It is estimated that this time we are firmly in the first place."

"Don't make things so simple, this is a crying island, you think it's really over like we usually train you to run to the finish line, I guess it's still a long time, you didn't see those American people Are you deliberately maintaining your physical strength?"

Qin Yuan can see it with just a glance, especially the big man in front, he is leading the rhythm of the whole team. There are a total of 12 Americans who came to participate in the game this time, so they were divided into several teams.

The big man in front has about the same physical fitness as Dalong. He has been deliberately slowing down the speed, mainly to let everyone maintain their physical fitness. The reason why this is not used here is because he put the weight of the log on himself.

On the other side, Abbas was paired with people from other countries, because they really couldn't do anything behind them. He was out of breath. According to his age, he had already reached the standard of being discharged from the army in their country. A veteran, he is more experienced, and this time he was also sent here.

Slowly he couldn't keep up, and the teammates behind him were a little impatient. After all, everyone formed a team temporarily. Seeing that the first team had surpassed them, the people who formed a pair with him were a little unhappy.

"You bastard, if you can't do it yourself, don't drag us down."

Despite being humiliated like this, what can Abbas do? It's not just two words that can make him hold on. This is the key to physical fitness.

Kuka has tried his best to move the log onto his shoulders. Of course, because of his height, he did not give much help. Abbas became more and more unbearable under the scorching of the sun. Suddenly his feet slipped and he directly fell to the ground.

The two members who formed a temporary team behind them instantly cast Biyi's eyes, these two guys are the drag bottles.

"Get up quickly, didn't you see that we are all at the end? If it's because of you that we haven't eaten yet tonight, I will never spare you."

Abbas gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, but his legs were weak, and he felt dizzy.

"Report to the instructor, I applied for a substitution, I don't want to be with these two wastes, it will only waste our time, and we will lose the entire competition."

The instructor in front just gave it a cold look, "It is doomed to choose you from the beginning. If you don't want them to form a pair with you, then you can disband on your own, but the rule is that after the rule is disbanded, the two of you need to carry it. That log."

what! The people around were all looking over here. The rules turned out to be like this, because everyone formed a team temporarily, and I didn't expect so many.

If this is the case, the team members are too crucial, and they will decide whether to win or lose. A countryman from A country overtakes them out of breath, and then points to the dragon country in front.

"Brothers, see it, it seems that next time we choose to be more clear, otherwise it will become a drag bottle like this, and the entire team will be dragged down."

"Captain, what do you mean, do you want us to choose the Dragon Kingdom?"

"I'm not sure yet, Longguo and Miguo have been secretly competing."


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