Kuka hid in the grass behind and did not dare to move. This situation is not good. There are so many of them, and if you look closely, the weapons in their hands are different.

At this time, he was very nervous and wanted to move to the back quietly, but as soon as he moved, he moved with him. The quality of the grass here is very high, but the weather is dry and it is easy to make noise.

He could only lie there and pray for these people to leave quickly, but things backfired. After a long period of time, some people even went into the water to swim, and they didn't plan to leave at all.

At this time, a soldier from a small Mao country suddenly noticed how there were footprints on the shore. It seemed that they should have been left fresh, because the line was deeper when they were young, and the footprints slowly disappeared along the quagmire outside.

He immediately reported the situation to the others. In time, a few people became nervous and began to search around. Kuka did not dare to move. In this case, he might be able to escape by chance. Shoot around the grass.

Seeing the bullets coming, Kuka had no choice but to jump up and run outside, but how did he get past these people by himself?

A soldier from the small country of Mao had a grim expression on his face, and he had already pointed his gun at him. As long as he pulled the trigger slightly, the person in front of him could immediately go to see the King of Hell.

At this moment, the captain of the United States smiled knowingly, and directly reached out to stop him, "Sir, what's the matter? Are we going to let him go?"

"Don't let him go, don't you think this person is familiar? This guy is the dog who has been following the dragon country and caught him alive."

Everyone instantly understood what he meant, and a few people rushed up, struggling to eat.

An American soldier stepped forward and stepped on his shoulder, "Damn, you can run like this, but I can run such a long distance!"

Kuka grimaced in pain. The other party didn't care about him at all. He was like a chicken. He picked him up and pushed him over. When he was brought to the American captain, he ordered him to be tied up. This People are of great use.

Although Kuka didn't know what they were going to do and didn't kill himself, this made him curious, but the food of these few people was really good, eating canned food, he didn't know why the gap between the two sides was so big .

Originally, he always wanted to find an opportunity to escape, but there were too many people on the other side. When it was dark, he was always tied up, and there was no chance at all.

I was hungry all night, and the next morning they pushed them to the front again. Under such torture, Kuka stumbled a little at noon. At this moment, the sound of a car came from the front, and everyone was instantly alert. These are those instructors.

Everyone hid behind a bush, staring closely at the instructor on the opposite side. They were patrolling, and there were two dead bodies of soldiers on the vehicles they were patrolling.

Kuka originally wanted to take this opportunity to simply run out, but looking at the other party, the probability of this was too low. If he rushed out, he would also die with them, but there might be a chance to escape here.

After a while, I heard the sound of gunfire coming from the front. According to this elimination, they are almost at the end, and the US side also encountered A country, and the A side only eliminated two soldiers, and the remaining people are relatively complete.

Now that the team they assembled before has been completed, as long as they are combined together, they can look at the Dragon Kingdom. Relatively speaking, the Dragon Kingdom is their real enemy.

After some analysis, everyone quickly made a decision, and the people from country A saw Kuka and felt that bringing this guy was a complete burden, so it would be better to eliminate him now.

The captain of the United States has his own plan. "As far as I know those people from Longguo, they have so-called kindness, so this person is our biggest trump card. Although we have a lot of people now, we must be careful about that guy."

"What does this mean? Are you even afraid of him?"

Hearing being questioned by the people of country a, the captain of the United States stepped forward a little angry, "a group of idiots, you have never fought with them, so you don't know that guy is too strong, do you know what weapon he has in his hand? ? Like us."

The captain of country A was a little unconvinced after being yelled at like this. Although the US side is also very strong, their country a is not a vegetarian.

The two sides had differences in an instant, because in their opinion, there was no need to be so embarrassed. Since they already had such a large advantage in numbers, they simply attacked quickly.

Besides, country A is actually more afraid of the United States, because this guy is too fierce, and Ryerson has a very clear request. In the end, there are only seven people, and the number of them here has far exceeded.

In this case, it is guaranteed that they will suddenly turn their guns on themselves, so in a sense, they have not even achieved basic cooperation, and they are still in the stage of mutual doubt.

Seeing that the quarrel between the two sides is getting worse and worse, the people of Xiaomao Kingdom started a fight in the middle. They felt that now is not the time to quarrel, no matter what the final stage of the matter will develop, but their common enemy is indeed the Dragon Kingdom. After the country is resolved.

At this time, a movement came from afar, and everyone quickly became alert. If it was an instructor, it would be more troublesome. There are more of them now, and they are all concentrated here, and they will definitely be caught.

When he turned his head, he found that it was a few people from Yuan Kingdom. At last, there were only three people left. These three people were very vigilant and maintained a triangular formation.

"Okay, stop arguing, see? Isn't this a knockout that's delivered to the door? We'll knock out the others first and then we'll see later."

The captain of country A snorted coldly, and now there is no other way but to do as he said, at least not to quarrel in this situation. Just when they were about to attack, the soldiers on the opposite side found them.

The two sides fought for a while, and gunshots rang out in this area. Qin Yuan also heard the gunshots in another area. He took Dalong, and they rushed to the place quickly. They were hiding from the gunfire before. , mainly because he was worried that there would be patrols by instructors, but the method he chose these days was safer.

Qin Yuan didn't want to kill people, and didn't want to put his own people in danger, so he kept hiding in another way, mainly because he wanted to delay it until the end.

But now the time is getting longer and longer, and Kuka has never been whereabouts, and the list of reports is getting fewer and fewer, they must seize the opportunity.

At this time, maybe they can rush over to take advantage of the fisherman's power. I have to say that the remaining three people in Yuan country really persisted in this desperate environment. They even desperately resisted. Country A has launched several charges. There is no way to go forward.

But slowly, as one member of the original country was eliminated, their previous formation was completely chaotic. Now there are only two people left, and they can't hold on for long, and there are not many bullets left on their bodies.

An older member of Yuanguo frowned, "I really didn't expect that we have only come this far, and the results of this time will soon be known. Their abilities are too strong, and we are simply not able to match them. "

"Damn, what to do with this? There is definitely a shady scene, why are their weapons so much more advanced than ours!"

As soon as the soldier's voice fell, a bullet directly pierced through his head.

The old soldier next to him was full of sadness, watching his teammates fall one by one next to him, he hurried forward, he wanted to bandage his teammates, but his head was pierced, and there was nothing to do at all. .

At this time, he heard a burst of gunshots coming from the periphery, and turned his head only to find that the United States had turned the gun and started to attack the back. Although he didn't know who the other party was, he heard the gunshots. Said that their weapons should be the same on both sides.

The people who came over were Qin Yuan and the others. The captain of Mi Guo immediately ordered everyone to point their guns there, and Qin Yuan was not to be outdone.

"Brothers, I asked you to endure a little bit along the way and don't attack others. Now facing these guys, I don't need to say more."

"Brother Qin, don't worry, this **** has been targeting us for as long as I can remember, and now let him know how many eyes Ma Wang has!"

The two sides fought in an instant. Although the U.S. side was a mixture of the Three Kingdoms, and their numbers were relatively large, Qin Yuan's attack was very fierce and the attack was very accurate.

At the back, they didn't even dare to show their heads. The captain of the United States silently thought about countermeasures. This guy had fewer people than them, but the attack was so violent that they couldn't resist it at all.

On the other side, Ryerson was watching their performance on the monitor, and Abus next to him was also nervous. He scolded silently in his heart, these wastes are useless at all.

When such a good weapon was given to them, they were beaten like this. Only the four of them were beaten, and so many of them didn't even have the energy to fight back.

Ryerson looked at the remaining people on the field. In addition to the soldier from Yuanguo, there were three other soldiers moving towards this side. Everyone wanted to pick up the leak.

He was a little curious, "Which camp do you think these three soldiers will join in the end?"

"Sir, do you think it's important? No matter where you add it, I've clearly seen victory."

Raelson looked at the secretary with a little surprise. This guy has always said that the United States is the absolute winner, because the results of previous years are like this, so he is curious what the answer is now?

"You tell me what you think."

"I think it should still be the United States. Although it seems that their situation is not optimistic and they have been losing ground, they are very sufficient in terms of ammunition."

The secretary also emphasized that there were ten boxes of ammunition in the car that was robbed at the time. Besides, there were so many of them that they had been colluding together for the past two days, and the ammunition and food they had stolen were enough for them. Splurge.

The three people who will arrive later should not be fools. Seeing this situation, they will definitely join the United States. No matter what the result is, the United States should be the final winner.

Raelson showed a mysterious smile. He felt that the situation was not like this. Qin Yuan, who was on the opposite side, had already burst into a victorious posture, and he was ready to meet him.

Soldiers kept falling down at the scene. This was a normal thing for him. With training, there were sacrifices. Those who came out of them were considered world-class powerhouses. 's test.

Just after the two sides fought hard, and the United States fell two people one after another, their captain was a little panicked, and the situation was not optimistic.

At this time, he saw Kuka tied with a rope behind him, and pushed Kuka directly, "Stop the one on the opposite side, let's see who this is?"

Qin Yuan took a closer look and it turned out to be Kuka. These guys are really despicable. No wonder he never found the missing Kuka. It turned out to be here. At this time, Kuka was already very weak, and he barely stood up.

"Brother Qin, don't worry about it, I will shoot and kill these **** and you will win~www.readwn.com~ The captain of the United States stepped forward and punched Kuka in the face, "Damn, I didn't let say something. "

Dalong was even more angry when he saw this scene. These despicable guys used this method, and Mi Ge couldn't control so much. First of all, in order to win, they had no other way. I didn't say Longguo's side before. Is morality the most important thing? Instead, he wanted to see what choices the person on the other side would make.

Just when Dalong was struggling with how to rescue Kuka, Qin Yuan suddenly stood up and fired a few shots in the direction Kuka was standing. Fortunately, the captain of the United States dodged in time, but the people next to him were not so lucky. Now, the soldier next to him was punched through his shoulder and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

Seeing this, the people from Xiao Mao Guo also felt a little puzzled. Why was this different from what they had imagined before? Why did he suddenly shoot?

"I tell you, I don't care about morality. I only care about my people. What do you mean by bringing a foreigner here?"

Dalong was also confused by Qin Yuan's words. What's the situation? Do you really care about Kuka? Although he is a foreigner, he has long been regarded as a brother during this period of time.

Just when Dalong was puzzled, Chen Feng came over and pressed him, telling him not to move, "You stupid boy, you don't think this is Brother Qin's countermeasure, do you think it is possible to fight hard with Brother Qin's marksmanship? ?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that, yes, now it is necessary to show that it doesn't matter in order to save Kuka in a real sense, otherwise there is no way.

The captain of the United States kicked Kuka next to him angrily, and was about to shoot him. At this time, Qin Yuan rolled and pierced his palm directly.


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