At this time, Qin Yuan's real strength broke out. He had been hiding it just now, and it is not necessary now.

He rushed in directly and quickly, also to save people in advance. It was still relatively dangerous there. He rolled to avoid the attack, and then accurately hit a soldier's heart.

Chen Feng and the others were covering the U.S. side from behind. Seeing that the situation was not right, that guy actually left the people from the other two countries and ran into the woods with his only remaining two people.

Xiaomaoguo's people are also stunned. This guy runs faster than a rabbit. They promised to fight together, but they didn't have time to think, because the position they are standing in is not enough to run. If it is exposed, it is better not to run.

What can they do, they can only desperately block in front of them, which gives the few Americans a chance, and finally watch them run into the woods.

The captain of Xiao Mao Guo was angry and cursed secretly, "Damn, these **** are running very fast, so they left us here."

"What about the captain? Panasonic has already fallen. There are only four of us, and it seems that country A can't hold it anymore."

"What you are fighting for now is your life and death, what else can you do? Keep going."

At this time, the three soldiers who had just rushed over also came to the side. They were observing the current situation, and they were also very tangled. Now it seems that it is not good for Xiaomao Kingdom. Yuan is a complete crushing blow.

These three soldiers were the last to form an alliance, and they also wanted to hold on to the end. A moustache on the left observed the situation, "Brothers, I see the current situation, Long Guo has a relatively large advantage, it is better to rush up. , maybe you can pick up something cheap."

"Didn't you find out who is on the other side? Why is the United States not there, only Xiaomao and a country, I think something is wrong, the United States must have been behind, if we rush out now and move to the Long Kingdom, we will be in danger already."

It seems that even if Qin Yuan tries hard to make changes, they are so impressed with the United States that they feel that their strong team can't afford to provoke them.

After the analysis of the people next to him, Moustache also felt that what he said was reasonable. If it develops according to this situation, it is really too dangerous. They will definitely be targeted in the future. place.

The captain of Xiaomao country could only fight while retreating. Qin Yuan's marksmanship was extremely fast, and he had completely dealt with the two people from country A on the opposite side. Grabbing his head, he shot without hesitation.

Dalong and the others also rushed up and quickly fired their rifles. At this time, the captain of country a completely fell to the ground. He had been shot in the chest. Zhao Meng saw that he had pointed the muzzle at Dalong, and finally took it directly. A shot was fired at his head.

Several people were solved in an instant, and now only the captain of Xiao Maoguo is left. This guy is completely out of bullets. He is struggling to support him on the opposite side. He stares at Qin Yuan coldly.

Then he threw down the gun in his hand, "I know you are powerful, so do you dare to compete with me?"

He knew that the chances of surviving were very low, and there was a gun on the other side. Of course, he also wanted to get one for himself before it was temporary, and maybe he could get away with hurting Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan just looked at him with disdain, "Just like you, you are not qualified to let me do anything to you."

"Bastard! Do you look down on me like that?"

"I'm sorry, it's not that I look down, it's disdain."

Seeing Qin Yuan's mockery of Xiao Mao Guo's captain, he was even more angry, "I'll show you today what is called Bushido."

This guy took out a long knife from his waist, and then rushed over, Qin Yuan turned slightly to one side, directly dodging his attack, and then the second move, the third move Qin Yuan was very flexible, he once None of them were hit, because they fell heavily on the ground due to inertia.

This time and again made the captain of Xiao Mao Guo annoyed. He shouted and rushed up again. This time Qin Yuan's eyes narrowed, and a saber flew out, instantly piercing his throat.

The person on the opposite side spurted a lot of blood from the throat, and then fell heavily to the ground. Qin Yuan walked over and picked up the knife, grabbed the clothes on the ground, wiped the blood on it, and put it back.

"Hehe, it's the way of warriors. Back then, that little bit of fur from you was passed down from the old man's side."

The three people hiding in the grass were completely stunned. This was too exaggerated. The speed was so fast, and Qin Yuan also walked over to help Kuka on the ground at this time.

Just as he was about to explain to him that he didn't want to hurt him just now, just to protect him, Kuka said that he understood that he knew very well that if Qin Yuan really wanted to kill him, he would have done it just now, so it wouldn't take so long.

After this battle, looking at the surrounding chaos, the remaining number of people was shortened sharply. Except for the three Americans who ran into the jungle, Qin Yuan had five of them, and one Yuan soldier. There are also three people hidden.

This number has not yet reached the final standard. Now Qin Yuan just wants to deal with the three Americans first, and wait for the rest to come back.

"Now let's take advantage of the victory and get rid of those three garbage first."

After everyone cleaned up the ammunition, Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced meaningfully at the grass opposite, and then at the Yuan soldier on the ground. He could be said to have escaped death.

It can be said that the current situation is very clear. It depends on how this guy chooses. Qin Yuan asked everyone to form a fan shape and start to separate. method to track.

And there is a drone above them recording their every move, the office is no longer calm, everyone is cheering, the final result can be imagined, there are only three people in the United States, and they belong to A state of being pursued.

I didn't expect this year's championship to be so ups and downs. Before everyone thought that there was a high probability that the United States had reversed.

Ryerson clapped the table excitedly and stood up, "Hahaha, did you see it? That kid's beautiful blow just now, the strength of his wrist is too strong!"

Ryerson was still immersed in the attack just now. He felt that the people of Longguo might really know how to kung fu to some extent. This is the real deal.

Arbus has always had a gloomy face, which did not achieve the effect he imagined. He has been cursing the trash in his heart now. He has spent so much energy and risked so much to give them weapons and supplies.

He is not good at doing it himself at all. I don't know if this revenge can be repaid. Others have not noticed his expression. This year's rules seem to have really changed. For the first time, people from a country rushed to the end. .

Although the U.S. was considered a winner before, there were relatively few people left behind, and it has never been so complete. After all, there are also strong people in other countries, and it is already very remarkable to be able to rush to the final championship with one or two.

And Qin Yuan's side has reached the middle of the jungle. His speed is extremely fast, and he maintains the first position in front. He wants to eliminate the danger for the remaining brothers.

In this case, his hearing and vision have been fully opened, all the senses in his body are fully opened, and he heard a little noise coming from the direction of ten o'clock in front of him.

Without the slightest hesitation, he rushed forward like an arrow on the string. After a while, he heard a burst of gunfire and a person's screams. When Dalong and the others arrived, they only saw the body of an American soldier on the ground. .

Chen Feng also took a deep breath. The speed was simply too fast. They still didn't react at the back, and the people in front had already been dealt with.

Just when everyone was researching how they found out, there was another burst of gunfire. The second American soldier was still killed by Qin Yuan. Qin Yuan kept chasing him forward. He ran all the way for more than half an hour, and he didn't stop. It's strange to find other people, that guy can be so fast?

They solved it over there just now, and the rest took ten minutes at most. Ten minutes, he couldn't have escaped this jungle. Qin Yuan looked at it. The jungle was a cliff, and there were no traces. That guy Even if you want to go down from here, at least you have to use a rope, but there is nothing.

At this time, Dalong and the others also ran up, "Brother Qin, do you think this **** will climb down this cliff with his bare hands?"

This is absolutely impossible. Qin Yuan immediately denied it. If it was himself, he might still be able to do it. It is absolutely impossible for other people to have such a loose cliff on this side, let alone a long climb. A little too much movement may cause the stone to loosen and fall.

Chen Feng raised his opinion. Does he think people are still hiding in that jungle?

"It's absolutely impossible. My feeling can't be wrong. I've never made a mistake in judgment, and you are still behind me. If there are real people, I won't hear it wrong."

"Brother Qin, we all know this, but how did you discover them?"

"Listen to their breathing, of course."

what! Hearing that several people here are all surprised, listening to the sound of breathing, this is too ridiculous, if it is other people, everyone thinks it must be a lie, but it seems to make sense on Qin Yuan.

Everyone could only return to the jungle and continue to search, but half of the location was found. The bodies of the two American soldiers were always there, and there was no change. The jungle was very quiet and there was no other situation.

Where can this guy hide? Just as Qin Yuan was thinking, he only heard the sound of gunshots coming from the periphery. It seemed that the soldiers of the Yuan kingdom had started, but he didn't know if they could beat them with one dozen or three.

Qin Yuan and the others are still searching in the jungle, but they don't know that the person they are looking for is now fighting alongside the soldiers of Yuan Kingdom.

The situation outside is not three-on-one, but three-on-two. The captain of the United States is very cunning. Although it seemed that he escaped into the jungle just now, he regretted it the moment he entered. He was very aware of the strength of willingness, so Let the two soldiers keep running.

On the surface, he meant to run separately, but in fact he quietly circled back from the gully and hid in the grass next to him.

This guy is really despicable. He originally wanted to kill a carbine, but seeing Qin Yuan solve everyone, he didn't have any chance and could only stay until the end.

It doesn't matter whether he can win now, he just wants to live, so he chose to fight with the soldiers of Yuan Kingdom.

At the beginning, the soldiers of Yuan Kingdom were also very shocked when they saw him appear. They pointed their guns at him at that time, and the captain of the United States analyzed the current situation for him. As long as the three people on the opposite side were solved, their side The conditions are already met, and seven people can definitely enter.

The remaining Yuan soldiers really made sense to take a closer look. They temporarily formed an alliance with him. Both of them are relatively powerful, and they couldn't resist the opposite side for a while.

The corner of the US captain's mouth rose. He knew that the two people in the jungle were already fierce. He heard the gunshots just now. Anyway, the US is still the final winner. Although he is the only one, That also held up.

As the last soldier fell, the American captain stood up, his face smug, "Hahaha, it seems that it is over, now the victory will finally belong to us."

Just when he was in a trance, the person behind him had already raised a gun at him. He noticed that something was wrong, and when he turned his head, he saw the Yuan soldier staring at him coldly.

"Hey, bro, what are you doing? Put the gun down, it's not a funny joke."

"Hehe, do you think I'm joking with you? I'm not a fool. If you run out with two people, if a few of them don't solve those two people, wouldn't there be people left? There aren't enough places."

He heard a slight change in his face, "I can guarantee that the two of them are absolutely impossible to live. Look at the strength of that guy, don't do these stupid things now, we have already won."

But this Yuan soldier did not pay attention to him. He shot quickly and directly hit him in the chest, not only because of the promotion problem. Only Qin Yuan helped them in the Yuan Kingdom.

This is also his biggest guarantee. With the complete collapse of the captain of the United States, the office is no longer calm. Originally, the quota has been determined. I did not expect such a situation to occur. In order to prevent the situation from continuing to deteriorate, soon They quickly reported by drone.

It was the first time to announce that this competition was completely over and the champion had been born, so everyone was caught off guard. Qin Yuan was still wondering, why did he announce the end of the competition? When he came out to look at the corpse on the ground, he immediately understood


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